


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2022-05-21 10:55:36 浏览123 评论0



Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century,but-regardless of whether it is or isn’t——We won’t do much about it.


大多是习语,已有专家编入辞典……至于地不地道,也要具体看用在什么场合悉听尊便: As you wish言之过早: You can never tell.It’s too early to (do)not come close to (sth)早知今日,何必当初: It’s your own fault.I should have (done)If I had known (that...) , I would have (done)秀色可餐: be a feast to the eye (usually said of a very attractive woman, sometimes of beautiful scenery) 先苦后甜: 1.No sweet without sweat.2.Pleasure comes through toil3. first take pain, and then enjoy pleasure4.Business before pleasure. (先苦后甜/先办正事。)雕虫小技: insignificant skill; the trifling skill of a scribe; literary skill of no high order lesser talent无功而返: end in vainreturn with empty hands(我译的)先发制人: gain the initiative by striking the first blow; forestall the enemy take preemptive measures(采取先发制人的手段 )anticipate the enemy; get the drop on sb.; wipe sb.’s eye大动干戈: make a big fuss--The two nations went to war over a territorial dispute. (两国为了领土问题大动干戈。)如意算盘: wishful thinking count one’s chickens before they are hatched(蛋尚未孵先数雏;过早乐观;打如意算盘)[打如意算盘 indulge in wishful thinking打乱了他的如意算盘 upset his smug calculations]趾高气扬: high and mighty consequential(趾高气扬,目中无人 give oneself airs and look down one’s nose at everybody )走投无路: be driven from pillar to posthave no way out at bay(逼得走投无路 be driven (or pushed) to the wall穷困潦倒,走投无路 be down-and-out and have no place to turn)滔天大罪: [成语] a monstrous crime; a heinous crime; a towering crime 无价之宝: 1. Of inestimable value, extremely precious 2. priceless 3. invaluable 红颜知己: [成语] pretty young lady bosom friend female intimate晴天霹雳: a bolt from the blue a thunder from the clear sky(come as) a thunderbolt再接再厉: work harder and harder(他们百折不挠,再接再厉,终于达到了目的。 The goal has been finally attained through their dauntless and persistent efforts.)束手无策: be at one’s wits end over a barrelat the end of one’s ropeat the end of one’s tether以礼相待: treat sb. with courtesy


束手无策 [词典] be at a loss what to do; be at the end of one’s rope; can do nothing but nailbiting; can do nothing to help...; nail-biting; [例句]他束手无策地站着,活像丢魂失魄似的。He stood helplessly, like a lost soul.