
句法 论文写作 常见 错误 医学


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-04-25 11:37:06 浏览33 评论0


SCI医学论文写作中的常见句法错误。引言:在科学研究国际化的大背景下,医学研究者和医学生面对在高影响因子杂志上发表学术论文的压力。不少科研机构将在高影响因子杂志上发表文章的数量作为研究者晋升的重要标准,一些高等院校也将发表高因子SCI 论文作为研究生毕业的重要条件。由于绝大部分高影响因子杂志都是英语期刊,这意味着论文的撰写需采用英文,这对母语为非英语的中国作者来说无疑是一个巨大的挑战。





误例:In four cases in our study, elevated ALT levels were ob? served, indicating...

改为:In four cases in our study, we observed elevated ALT levels, indicating...


误例 :In this paper, further studies to explore the optimal physical parameters and practical application of A- tDCS in treat? ing chronic neuropathic pain are conducted in rats.

改为:In this paper, we conduct further studies to explore the optimal physical parameters and practical application of A- tDCS in treating chronic neuropathic pain in rats.

事实上,很多杂志都不忌讳甚至鼓励第一人称的适量使用。因为这样能减少句子的字数,使其更加简洁;并且能降低阅读难度,提高效率,如例2 中的误例,过长的主语加重了阅读的负担。状语位置错误中国人习惯直线式思维模式,汉语表达习惯按时间逻辑顺序依次展开,中式表达一般倾向于先过程后结果的描述,而西方思维模式则相反,习惯先描述结果后描述过程。因此在汉语中,时间、地点状语等通常位于句首,或句中,按照“直线式思维模式”顺畅自然地表达出来,而英语则习惯于置于句尾。


误例:Since its discovery in 1935, because of its anti-inflammation property, glucocorticoid is widely used in the treatment of various kinds of inflammation.


改为 :Since its discovery in 1935, glucocorticoid is widely used in the treatment of various kinds of inflammation, because of its anti-inflammatory property.


误例:The results of this study confirm that, either in the patients with whole vaginal cancer or squamous cell cancer, the OS and DFS rates are significantly different among different stages.

改为:The results of this study confirm that the OS and DFS rates are significantly different among different stages, either in the patients with whole vaginal cancer or squamous cell cancer.


误例:Definitive conventional radiotherapy, except for selective contact X-ray, endocavitary radiation, and highly selective preoperative chemoradiation, is rarely applied to treat low-lying rectal cancer patients who firmly refuse to undergo APR.

改为:Definitive conventional radiotherapy is rarely applied to treat low-lying rectal cancer patients who firmly refuse to undergo APR, except for selective contact X- ray, endocavitary radiation, and highly selective preoperative chemoradiation.



误例:Gain geometric transformation matrix G by the following formula.

改为:Geometric transformation matrix G was gained by the following formula.


误例:Predict the target genes of the differentially expressed microRNAs, and construct the gene-protein-pathway map.

改为:The target genes of the differentially expressed microR? NAs were predicted, and the gene-protein-pathway map was con? structed.




误例:On the other hand, Leu16 replaced by Arg in HD5 result? ed in weakened antiviral potency.

改为:On the other hand, the replacement of Leu16 by Arg in HD5 resulted in weakened antiviral potency.

不难看出,原句作者写这句话时脑海中对应汉语是“HD5 中Leu16 被Arg 替代引起抗病毒能力减弱”。用“HD5 中Leu16 被Arg 替代”这一话题作主语在汉语中无可厚非,但直译为英语却是病句。导致“抗病毒能力减弱”的其实是“代替”这一行为,因此英语中应将“replacement”这一名词性词语作为主语。

此外,英语的主语是句子的中心、整句话谈论的对象,与谓语之间逻辑关系密切。谓语动词的作用是陈述主语的主要情况,表示其动作或状态(张道真 2010)。而中国作者写作的句子中,存在谓语并非陈述主语的情况,导致逻辑关系错误。


误例:LXRβ deletion in male mice suffers from adult- onset motor neuron degeneration.

改为:Male mice with LXRβ deletion suffer from adult-onset motor neuron degeneration.

误例中,谓语“suffers from”(患上……疾病)陈述的对象是 male mice,因此不应随意选用其他词或短语作主语,而应将 male mice 用作句子主语。

为了避免直译所造成的麻烦,在撰写论文之初,撰稿人应先查阅相关的英语文献,以形成一定的英语思维习惯,掌握英语的表达方式与方法, 并用这样的方法把自己所要传达的内容表述出来,更容易撰写出高质量的SCI学术论文。句子衔接与连贯问题英语重“形合”,语篇的衔接与连贯主要靠完整的句法形式和各种显性功能词来体现,如连接代词、连接副词、关系代词和关系副词等。而汉语重“意合”,衔接与连贯是靠叙事的事理逻辑和意境等隐性关系来实现(祝朝伟 2003)。受母语表达习惯的影响,中国作者写作的英文论文常缺少连贯和衔接,读者需要根据上下文推断逻辑关系。


误例:Rapid detection is the most prominent advantage of this method; the sample detection step can be finished within 15 min.

改为:Rapid detection is the most prominent advantage of this method, as the sample detection step can be finished within 15 min.



误例:In 1971, Folkman reported the theory of angiopoiesis, which states that if there is no blood vessel, tumor diameters will not exceed 2-3 mm. A great deal of research has been focused on anti-angiogenic therapies.

改为:In 1971, Folkman reported the theory of angiopoiesis, which states that if there is no blood vessel, tumor diameters will not exceed 2-3 mm. Since then, a great deal of research has been focused on anti-angiogenic therapies.

本例第一句提到“Folkman 报道了血管生成理论”,第二句话突然跳转到谈论“抗血管生成疗法的研究情况”。若在第二句前加上时间标记“Since then”(自本理论报道以来),则可使读者快速明白前后两句间的逻辑关系,且更符合英语“形合”的特点。

长句的不合理使用多个内容同时放在一个句子中表达因为英语具备句尾开放性,英语的句子一般较汉语长(陈宏薇 2004)。即便如此,一般知名度高的科研期刊并不欢迎包含很多复杂长句的稿件,因为科研论文的主要宗旨是清楚明白地传递科研信息,使读者快速高效获取科研资讯。因此,写作时要尽量避免用一个句子表达多层意思,或一次表述多件事物(魏尔清 2009)。


误例:MPM has multiple advantages: it eliminates the possibility of damaging the skin when compared with WCM, and it's a more simple technological flow compared with Hu Huaxin’s method; it is a technology that is safe and easy to perform; as indicated by the quality control test, accurate results can be obtained via different personnel after a short training period.

改为:MPM has multiple advantages. It eliminates the possibility of damaging the skin when compared with WCM. Also, it's a more simple technological flow compared with Hu Huaxin's method. Furthermore, it is a technology that is safe and easy to perform. Lastly, as indicated by the quality control test, accurate results can be obtained via different personnel after a short training period.

例12 中的误例十分冗长,给阅读带来了较重的负担。修改后的句子将原句拆分为了五个小句,并适当添加连接用语明确各句之间的逻辑关系,更加清楚、自然、易于阅读。一个内容嵌套在另一个内容中表达使读者更难理解的是在同一个句子中,一件事物中隐含着另一件事物(魏尔清 2009)。这需要读者花更多的时间来理清不同事物间的逻辑关系。


误例:A sample of 10 healthy women who were exclusively breastfeeding their babies (age 8~23 weeks old) was studied.

改为:A sample of 10 healthy women was studied. All subjects were exclusively breastfeeding their babies (age 8~23 weeks old).


误例:We began by performing needs analysis of some visiting scholars who returned from the Western countries in the affiliated hospitals of our university to identify their major needs.

改为 :We began by performing needs analysis. We interviewed some visiting scholars who work in the affiliated hospitals of our university and returned from the west to identify their major needs.

