
brighter outlook housing China sees

CBN丨China sees brighter outlook on housing data

jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-04-21 09:51:04 浏览25 评论0


Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.


Coming up on today’s program.


China's home prices rise in March;

The largest-ever Canton Fair opens in Guangzhou.


Most major Chinese cities reported rising home prices last month, indicating a steady recovery of the country's property market, official data showed Saturday.

China's new home prices edged up 0.4 percent month-on-month in March, marking the fastest pace in nearly two years and the third consecutive monthly rise, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed.

Prices in annual terms showed the smallest drop since June 2022, down 0.8 percent in March after a 1.2 percent decline in February, the 11th month of declines on an annual basis.

Among 70 cities surveyed by the NBS, 64 saw an uptick in new home prices in monthly terms, the most cities since May 2019 and up from 55 in February. The increase in house prices was broad-based among all city tiers, all extending their month-on-month gains.

New home prices in four first-tier cities – Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou – went up 0.3 percent in March, compared with a 0.2-percent growth in February.

In 31 second-tier cities, prices of new homes gained 0.6 percent, picking up pace from the 0.4-percent increase a month earlier. New housing in 35 third-tier cities saw prices up 0.3 percent, the same growth rate with February.

Meanwhile, encouraging signs were also seen in the second-hand market as 57 cities witnessed higher resale prices, up from 40 in February. Prices went up 0.5 percent and 0.3 percent month on month in first and second-tier cities, respectively, while a 0.2-percent increase was registered in third-tier cities.


"The housing price index shows a trend of stabilization and recovery, fully indicating that overall real estate is out of last year's trough," said Yan Yuejin, an analyst at the Shanghai-based E-house China Research and Development Institution.

However, analysts say it is still too early to tell whether the nascent property recovery will be sustained because of the uncertainty over consumer confidence.









Moving on to regional highlights


The number of enterprises registered in the city of Beijing has surpassed 2 million, data released by Beijing's market regulation administration shows. The city newly registered 68,000 enterprises in the first three months of this year, marking a yearly increase of 21 percent, according to the administration. 北京注册企业数量突破200万户:北京市市场监管局16日消息,北京市注册企业总数已突破200万户大关,注册企业数量占全市市场主体总量的83%。今年1月至3月,新设企业达到6.8万户,同比增长21%,主体活力不断增强。

Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province on Sunday saw the departure of the first China-Europe Railway Express trains that carried domestically made commercial vehicles, with 55 containers bearing 165 commercial vehicles, and headed for Europe via the Manzhouli port, the China Railway Harbin Group said. The train is expected to arrive at its destination in just 15 days. According to the company, products carried on the train are worth about 33 million yuan, the highest freight value among all China-Europe Railway Expresses that ran from Heilongjiang this year. . 黑龙江开行首趟国产汽车中欧班列:中国铁路哈尔滨局集团有限公司表示,4月16日,一列满载55个集装箱165台商品汽车的货运列车,从哈尔滨国际集装箱中心站驶出,经满洲里口岸驶向欧洲。这趟专列是黑龙江省开行的首趟国产品牌商品汽车中欧班列,为中国品牌“走出去”开辟了一条新的国际物流通道。


The largest-ever China Import and Export Fair was opened offline in Guangzhou on Saturday, with the exhibition area and the number of exhibitors hitting a record high. The event, also known as the Canton Fair, welcomed 370,000 visitors on its opening day alone, according to the organizers. As the largest fair in its history, this year's fair has expanded its exhibition area from 1.18 million square meters to 1.5 million square meters, with nearly 70,000 booths available for exhibitors. About 35,000 enterprises from home and abroad are attending on-site, including more than 9,000 new participants, while a further 39,000 companies will take part online. The fair also has in place online services for product promotion and matching and business negotiations, enabling both Chinese and international businesses to land orders remotely. 本届广交会创两项历史记录:4月15日,第133届广交会正式线下开展,这也是史上最大规模的广交会,展览面积和参展企业数量均创历史新高。官方统计数据显示,开展首日,广交会全天进场人次37万。本届广交会共吸引了226个国家和地区的采购商和参展商,线下有将近3.5万家企业参展。据悉,本次广交会展览总面积从118万平方米增至150万平方米,展位数量从6万个增至近7万个;线下展企业从2.5万家增至34933家,新参展企业超过9000家,线上展企业达到39281家。本届广交会于4月15日至5月5日分三期举办,每期举办时间为5天。

For the first time ever, most cross-border settlements in Guangdong, the province with the biggest economy in China, were made in Chinese yuan in the first quarter. During the period, the value of cross-border agreements settled in Chinese yuan in Guangdong rose 7.2 percent to 1.67 trillion yuan from the previous quarter, accounting for 51.6 percent of the total, according to the latest data by the People's Bank of China. The Chinese yuan has been the dominant cross-border settlement currency in the Greater Bay Area for three consecutive years, the central bank noted. 人民币首次成粤第一大跨境结算货币:据人民银行广州分行消息,今年一季度,人民币首次超越其他币种,成为广东省第一大结算货币。截至一季度末,广东省跨境人民币结算额达1.67万亿元,占本外币结算总额的51.6%,较去年末增长7.2个百分点。跨境人民币货物贸易结算额4501.23亿元,同比增长11.1%;直接投资结算额4137.11亿元,同比增长39.7%。2022年末,人民币已连续三年成为大湾区第一大跨境结算货币,占同期本外币跨境结算的44.4%。

More than 750 million yuan of research funds have been transited to Hong Kong from the Chinese mainland, Chief Secretary for Administration Eric Chan said at a meeting on Saturday, which have been deployed to universities and research institutions in Hong Kong to support the R&D projects. Chan added that the SAR government has been in close contact with responsible central departments, aiming to facilitate the cross-border flow of innovation elements. 内地超7.5亿元科研资金过境到港:香港特别行政区政府政务司司长陈国基4月15日透露,迄今有超7.5亿元人民币科研资金“过河”到港。“以资金跨境流动为例,至今已有超过7.5亿元人民币科研资金过境到香港的大学和科研机构,支持他们进行研发项目,(双方还)建立了19所粤港澳联合实验室以及2所实验室香港分支机构。”陈国基说,特区政府一直与中央紧密联系,推动制定更多政策措施,促进创新要素跨境流动,让香港更好融入国家发展大局,与内地优势互补,协同发展。他还透露,香港科学园深圳分园预计今年二季度启用。

Hong Kong on Sunday distributed the first installment of e-vouchers under the 2023 Consumption Voucher Scheme to 6.4 million city residents. E-vouchers worth HK$3,000 ($382) were disbursed to permanent residents and new arrivals. Another HK$2,000 is promised on July 16. Non-permanent residents in the city for work or study will receive a total of HK$2,500. Hong Kong Financial Secretary Paul Chan said yesterday this year’s voucher scheme is expected to inject HK$20 billion in the market, which could drive up 0.6 percentage point in total GDP growth. 香港第一期消费券昨起开领:香港特区政府4月16日派发了首期消费券,陈茂波16日表示,发放过程顺利,这次消费券为市场注入200亿港元,预期可提振经济0.6个百分点,对经济复苏非常重要。根据香港特区政府此前披露,16日向大约640万名符合资格的市民发放今年消费券计划第一期的消费券。香港永久居民及新来香港人士会获发3000港元消费券,余下2000元消费券于7月16日发放。通过不同入境计划在港居住及来港升学的合资格人士,符合条件将会获发半额(2500元)的消费券。


China will raise retail prices for gasoline and diesel by 550 yuan and 525 yuan per ton, respectively, effective midnight Monday, the National Development and Reform Commission said today, bringing the retail oil prices to a new high in 2023. Private car owners will have to pay an extra 21.5 yuan to fill up a 50-liter tank. 成品油价迎年内最大涨幅:4月17日下午,国家发展改革委发布消息,自4月17日晚24时起,国内汽、柴油零售限价分别上调550元/吨和525元/吨。折合升价,90号汽油上调0.43元/升,95号汽油上调0.46元/升,0号柴油上调0.45元/升。以油箱容量为50升的普通私家车计算,本次调价后,加满一箱92号汽油将多花21.5元。

Tesla China has launched a new round of recruitment, the official social media account of the US electric car maker shows, aiming to prepare for the opening of its latest Megapack manufacturing plant in Shanghai. Recruitment covers five fields ranging from product R&D, intelligent manufacturing, supply chain, industrial network R&D to environment protection and the workplace is in the Lin-Gang Special Area, according to the recruitment notice. 特斯拉上海储能工厂开始招聘:据特斯拉官博消息,近日刚刚签约落户上海临港的特斯拉储能超级工厂开始招聘,岗位涵盖产品研发、智能制造、供应链、工业互联网研发等领域,工作地点均为上海临港。据报道,此次特斯拉的部分招聘岗位已经在主流招聘网站上挂出,只有工程师,主管,经理等高阶岗位,其中储能机械工程师的月薪在3-5万之间。

The electric vehicle market will follow the same development pattern as the phone industry, and 2025 will likely be the watershed, Richard Yu, chief executive of Huawei’s Intelligent Automotive Solution Business Unit, said at a launching event yesterday. “No matter how successful a company is now, it may disappear in the future if it cannot seize the opportunities amid changes in the era of electric and intelligent connected vehicles,” Yu pointed out. 华为余承东称2025年将是智能车分水岭:4月16日,2023华为智能汽车解决方案新品发布会上,华为常务董事、智能汽车解决方案BU CEO余承东表示,智能电动汽车与十多年前的智能手机时代惊人地相似。他判断,智能电动汽车将重现功能手机到智能手机的变局。走向智能电动汽车时代,行业竞争的上半场是电动化,下半场是智能化。在时间点上,2025年将是智能电动汽车时代的一个分水岭。余承东强调,如果不能抓住智能电动网联汽车时代的变迁机会,尤其不能抓住自动化的机会,无论今天是多么强大的公司,将来有可能会消失。

Chery Automobile will start to install Chinese battery giant CATL’s newly developed sodium batteries in its vehicles and the two parties will also team up on developing other battery types, the two firms jointly announced yesterday. They will also develop a new battery brand called ENER-Q which will be used in models such as Chery’s iCAR 03, it said, as well as hook up on sodium batteries, lithium iron phosphate batteries and M3P batteries. 奇瑞将首载宁德时代钠离子电池:4月16日晚间,在奇瑞iCAR品牌之夜上,奇瑞与宁德时代共同宣布,双方联合打造全新电池品牌ENER-Q。据悉,新电池品牌覆盖纯电、插混、增程的动力类型,适配C端和B端的应用场景,涵盖钠离子、M3P、磷酸铁锂及三元锂等全材料体系电池系统。与此同时,双方还宣布,宁德时代钠离子电池也将首发落地奇瑞车型。


Kweichow Moutai is expecting net profit in the first quarter to soar 19 percent from the same period last year, and revenue to surge 18 percent, as the leading Chinese liquor maker maintains its dominance in the sector. The distiller is forecasting net profit of 20.5 billion yuan in the first three months and revenue of 39.2 billion yuan, according to its latest earnings report released yesterday. 贵州茅台一季度实现开门红:4月16日晚间,贵州茅台披露一季报。一季度归属于上市公司股东的净利润为205.2亿元左右,同比增长19%。期内实现营业总收入391.6亿元左右,同比增长18%;实现归属于上市公司股东的净利润205.2亿元左右,同比增长19%。营收和净利均超过年初15%的增长目标,且净利增幅再次超过营收增幅。


China's green bond issuance saw robust growth in March, according to financial information provider Wind. Last month, the country issued 100 green bonds worth more than 159.4 billion yuan, up 70.3 percent year on year and exceeding the combined value in the first two months of 2023. Meanwhile, trading in the secondary market continued to recover in March, with the total amount of green bond cash trading reached 256 billion yuan, a month-on-month growth of 26.3 percent. 3月绿色债券发行规模同比增长70%:据Wind数据统计,3月份我国绿色债券市场发行规模达1594.44亿元,超过今年前2个月发行规模之和。同时,二级市场交易也持续回暖,3月份绿色债券现券交易总额达2559.56亿元,环比增长26.25%。


Chinese stocks rose on Monday as China's March home price data and signs of corporate earnings recovery fuel optimism ahead of the release of first-quarter economy data. The benchmark Shanghai Composite rose 1.4 percent to a nine-month high and the Shenzhen Component gained 0.5 percent. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index also surged 1.7 percent, and the TECH index rallied 2.2 percent. 沪指创年内新高、港股拉升:周一A股大盘全天低开高走,沪指涨超1%创年内新高。截至收盘,沪指涨1.42%,深成指涨0.47%,创业板指涨0.26%。沪深两市今日成交额11209亿,其中,沪指成交金额创年内新高。北向资金全天净买入19.18亿元。港股早盘低开后拉升,恒指收涨1.68%,恒生科技指数收涨2.16%。

Biz Word of the Day


A green bond (also known as climate bond) is a fixed-income financial instruments (bond) which is used to fund projects that have positive environmental and/or climate benefits. This allows investors to target their environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) goals by investing in them. 绿色债券是指任何将所得资金专门用于资助符合规定条件的绿色项目或为这些项目进行再融资的债券工具。 相比于普通债券,绿色债券主要在四个方面具有特殊性:债券募集资金的用途、绿色项目的评估与选择程序、募集资金的跟踪管理以及要求出具相关年度报告等。

Executive Editor: Sonia YU

Editor: LI Yanxia

Host: Stephanie LI

Writer: Stephanie LI

Sound Editor: Stephanie LI

Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni

Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.

Presented by SFC

编委: 于晓娜






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