


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-04-19 01:08:12 浏览123 评论0




be loyal to 我们应该忠于我们的朋友和祖国。 argue with sb about/over sth 他正在和TOM争论谁将赢得这场比赛。 care about 我意识到我从来没有好好关心过我的家人。

“I insist on his innocence.---我坚持认为他是无辜的。 Many people were forced to stop over at the station because of the heavy snow.---由于下大雪,许多人被迫停留在车站里。

15 Be grateful to others is a way to show your love.感谢他人是一种方法,表明你的爱。16 I began to take an interest in the study of English.我开始对学习英语感兴趣。

Please pass this form on to the next person after signing it.签完名后,请把这张表格传给下一位。 There is only a little money available for the trip.这趟旅行只有少量金钱可供花用了。

she made her way hard in the heavy rain. 她在大雨中艰难前进。there is a stone lying in the way and I can cross it. 有块石头挡了我的路,我过不去。


1、All this cannot be achieved overnight. 这一切不是朝夕之间可做到的。I’ve achieved only half of what I hoped to do. 我只完成了我原想完成的一半。

2、I havent achieved very much today.我今天没做成多少事。 He achieved because he was a hard worker.他辛勤工作,因而取得了成就。

3、achieve的过去式例句: Impatience is growing after three days in which nothing has been achieved.3天没有任何进展,烦躁情绪见长。

4、All youve achieved is to upset my parents. 你唯一做到的就是使我的父母难过。Their background gives them little chance of achieving at school.他们的家庭背景使他们很难有机会在学校学有所成。


1、You will achieve your ambition if you work hard.如果你努力,你的抱负是可以实现的。

2、例句:This is what we have to achieve.这是我们必须实现的目标。

3、I think I can achieve my dream.我想我能实现我的梦想。
