
出境 合规 个人 信息 应对


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-04-15 20:10:07 浏览28 评论0



On 7 July 2022, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) issued the “Measures for Cross-border Data Transfer Security Assessment” (the “Security Assessment Measures”), effective from 1 September 2022. The Security Assessment Measures specify the circumstances under which a cross-border data transfer security assessment (the “Security Assessment”) shall be declared, and proposes specific requirements for the Security Assessment.

2022年11月4日,国家互联网信息办公室发布《关于实施个人信息保护认证的公告》,自2022年11月4日起施行。《公告》明确了个人信息保护认证的实施细则,其中规定认证的依据为GB/T 35273《信息安全技术 个人信息安全规范》,对于开展跨境处理活动的个人信息处理者,还应当符合TC260-PG-20222A《个人信息跨境处理活动安全认证规范》的要求。

On 4 November 2022, the CAC issued the “Announcement on the Implementation of Personal Information Protection Certification” (the “Announcement”), effective from 4 November 2022. The Announcement specifies the implementation rules for personal information protection certification, which requires personal information processors to comply with GB/T 35273 “Information Security Technology Personal Information Security Specification”. Processors engaged in cross-border processing activities shall also comply with the requirements of TC260-PG-20222A “Security Certification Specification for Personal Information Cross-border Processing Activities” (the “Certification Specification”).


On 24 February 2023, the CAC issued “Measures for Standard Contracts for Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information” (the “Measures for Standard Contract”) and the “Personal Information Cross-border Transfer Standard Contract” (the “Standard Contract”), effective from 1 June 2023.



With that, the three compliance paths for cross-border transfer of personal information have been defined. Starting with the new regulation “Measures for Standard Contracts for Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information” and relevant applicable requirements, and leveraging our service experience of personal information protection management, KPMG prepared this publication to provide insights and recommendations about how companies can adequately address cross-border data transfer compliance requirements and how companies should effectively implement personal information protection management and impact assessment, for companies’ considerations and references.


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