
招聘 武汉 上海 STILL YOUNG


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-04-09 01:14:03 浏览31 评论0



STILL YOUNG以 「引领商业空间可续创新」为目标,专注服务全球500强企业以及趋势级本土品牌,提供兼具国际化与在地性的空间定制设计。创立至今十六年来,持续参与中国商业的创新进程,对生活方式和商业模式深度探索。

秉持“ 整体性”和 “系统化”的终端思维,构建商业设计的全生命周期,面向长远的发展型消费升级,为品牌空间注入适变且经久的商业赋能。




作为诸多商业领导品牌的最佳设计合作方, STILL YOUNG一贯奉行的工作与服务理念在于 Trust信任、Balance平衡、Sustainability可持续性,这三个关键词亦适用于其人才观。

依托强大而稳定的项目资源沉淀,架构起涵盖设计、工艺、平面、勘察、机电、水暖等精细化分工的极致团队, 完成年创逾1,000个项目。个体的能量连接为 循环加强的集合体,不断突破边界。




中国随经济、科技、文化的发展,蕴生无限可能性的商业创新实践场,而对于参与其中的轻资产设计行业, “人”无疑是最重要的资源。

STILL YOUNG邀约全球范围的新锐设计师及创意型工作室,加入其针对连锁品牌 “一店一设计”的LAB团队,将标准化的实操成果与实验性的原创设计相整合。在普遍内卷的大环境里,形成一种互补共益的良性机制,平衡设计与商业的关系,同时规避创意方案的落地性差以及独立工作室流动性大的弊端。


△M Stand武汉国广二店


着眼于整个行业的改变,STILL YOUNG的愿景是建立引领行业的 原创商业设计平台,以包容性和多元化的价值基础吸附新生代的创意精英人才,共建一个领先世界的中国设计生态圈。



- 参与分析并理解项目主题及定位,制定相关的创意和设计风格,配合项目组其他成员进行方案落地。

- 准确理解客户需求,提出与策略和创意相匹配的概念,并将创意概念发展成为具体的视觉表现。

- 负责项目从立项到落地等统筹协调工作。

- 具备商业空间的陈列装置及新方案策划落地。

- 有一定的商业设计研究,竞品分析能力。

- Participating in analyze and oversee all design projects, developing relevant creative and design styles, and cooperating with other team members to implement the program.

- Accurately transforming customer specifications, putting forward the concept that matches the strategy and creativity, and developing the concept into a specific visual performance.

- Responsible for the coordination of the project from conception to delivery.

- Having the ability to plan and implement display installations and new programs in commercial spaces.

- Having the ability of commercial design research and competitor analysis.

- 本科以上学历,留学生优先录取,环境设计、室内设计、建筑等相关专业。

- 对连锁餐饮、零售设计有独到见解,具备创新能力。

- 精通空间设计操作软件,PS、AI、InDesign、CAD、Sketchup等。

- 时尚、专业、热情、关注,并对流行趋势敏感,审美能力强。

- 具有较强的专业能力、责任心、沟通能力、组织协调能力。

- Bachelor degree or above, international students are preferred, majoring in environmental design, interior design, architecture and other related majors.

- Having unique insights into chain catering and retail industry, and the ability to think creatively and deliver impressive concepts.

- Proficienting in design softwares (e.g.PS, AI, InDesign, CAD, Sketchup, etc.)

- Fashionable, professional, enthusiastic, focused with strong aesthetic skills, staying up to date with industry trends.

- Strong sense of responsibility, communication skill, and coordination skill.

- 熟悉使用3DMAX、CR等效果图制作相关的软件。

- 1-3年的相关工作经验。

- 对效果图制作有自己的思考和感悟,接到工作任务时,能快速制定制作方案,理解制作要求

- 相关设计专业毕业,对工装有相关的经验优先考虑。

- Proficient in 3DMAX, CR and other rendering related software.

- 1-3 years of relevant work experience.

- Be able to quickly develop a production plan, understand the requirements, and have their own thinking and perception.

- Graduation of related design majors, with relevant experience in industrial decoration is preferred.


Jing'an District, Shanghai


Hanjiang District, Wuhan

- 根据不同的设计风格完成线上画册排版呈现工作。

- 按照客户给的订单要求完成线下围挡等其他海报的设计工作。

- 公司内部图片处理(包括不限于小红书、咸鱼所需要素材排版及精修等)。

- Be able to complete the online album layout and presentation work according to different design styles.

- Be able to complete the design work such as offline hoardings and posters based on customer requirements.

- Process company internal images, material layout and finishing (including Xiaohongshu, PoshmarkInc, etc.)

- 平面工作经验至少3年以上。

- 做事有责任心,有耐心,不拖延时间。

- 审美在线,理解能力强。

- At least 3 years graphic working experience.

- Be responsible, patient and meet with deadline.

- Great comprehension and aesthetic skill.

- 精通CAD并可以独立完成整套施工图的绘制,包含平面图、立面图、节点图。

- 可针对风格各异的不同店型,具备图纸深化能力。

- 对工艺结构有一定的了解,有现场勘测及交底的经验加分。

- Proficient in CAD and be able to independently complete the whole set of construction drawings, including floor plans, elevation drawings, and node drawings.

- Have the ability to deepen drawings based on different styles and store types.

- Have a certain knowledge of the process structure, and prefer to have the experience of site survey and delivery.

- 室内设计、装饰设计等相关专业毕业,大专以上学历。

- 二年以上工作经验。

- 有丰富的工装经验,能够熟悉施工图的制图规范。

- 具有良好的团队写作能力、理解能力,善于思考。

- 学习能力强,热爱设计工作,有创新精神工作积极主动,虚心好学。

- College degree or above, majoring in interior design, decoration design and other related majors.

- At least 2 years working experience.

- Rich experience in industrial decoration, be familiar with the drafting specifications of construction drawings.

- Great team worker, good at thinking and comprehensive ability.

- Strong learning ability, be keen in design work, innovative spirit work proactively, and have an open-mind.

- 负责所分配的项目执行、客户服务等相关工作。

- 跟进项目实施过程,记录所有业务数据及时汇总并反馈项目实施进度。

- 负责对项目进程全程监督,促使项目合理运作,预警可能发生问题并有紧急预案。

- Be responsible for the assigned project implementation, customer service and other related work.

- Follow up the project implementation process, record all business data in a timely summary and feedback.

- Supervise on the whole project process, promote the project operation reasonably, be able to early warning possible problems and have a back-up plan.

- 职业形象好,专科以上学历,有建筑、设计、广告行业客户服务相关工作经验。

- 熟悉设计行业运作流程、逻辑清晰、思维敏捷、能够独立进行项目落地执行。

- 具有良好的判断能力,沟通应变能力,能够独立分析解决问题。

- Good and professional portrait, college degree or above, with relevant working experience in architecture, design, advertising industry and customer service.

- Familiar with the operation process in the design industry, logical and quick thinking, be able to independently execute and implement the whole project.

- Have good judgment ability, communication ability, be able to independently analyze and solve problems.

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍- 协助完成大型商业空间的暖通/电气专业设计工作。

- 独立承担小型商业空间的暖通/电气专业设计工作。

- 参与商业项目的前期、中期、竣工的勘查验收工作。

- 完成领导交办的其他设计工作任务。

- Assist in the completion of the HVAC/electricalprofessional design work (large commercial spaces).

- Independently undertake the HVAC/electricalprofessional design work (small commercial space).

- Participate in the preliminary, mid-term and completion of the survey and acceptance work of commercial projects.

- Complete other design work tasks assigned by supervisors. ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

‍‍- 暖通工程师:建筑环境与设备工程、供热通风与空调等相关专业大专及以上学历。

- 电气工程师:电气自动化、自动控制、机电一体化、建筑环境与设备工程等相 关专业大专及以上学历

- 有工作经验者优先,也欢迎优秀的应届毕业生。

- 责任心强,承压能力强。

- 熟练使用CAD和Office软件。

- 身体健康,能胜任短期出差。

- HVAC engineer: Building environment and equipment engineering, heating, ventilation and air conditioning and other related majors, college degree or above.

- Electrical engineer: Electrical automation, automatic control, mechatronics, building environment and equipment engineering and other related major, college degree or above.

- Working experience is preferred, excellent fresh graduates are also welcome.

- Strong sense of responsibility and strong pressure-bearing.

- Proficient in the use of CAD and Office software.

- Healthy and be capable of short-term business trips. ‍‍












[UDL招聘]洛杉矶Curtis Su Associates (CSA)室内设计事务所招聘





[UDL招聘]上海UDG · 零号工作室招聘



[UDL招聘]上海之外建筑ZZYY STUDIO招聘

[UDL招聘]上海Studio Nano招聘





[UDL招聘]上海宇合光年·Fun Connection Design
















[UDL招聘]上海DFA建筑事务所 招聘








[UDL招聘]苏州再造创意设计有限公司Redesign 招聘







[UDL招聘]杭州设计聚合(Design Hub)建筑事务所招聘


[UDL招聘]杭州say architects招聘









[UDL招聘]北京大观建筑DAGA Archtects招聘


[UDL招聘]北京STUDIO 715招聘

[UDL招聘]天津Touch Design事务所招聘

















[UDL招聘]重庆有样建筑设计公司/ RY + P招聘




[ UDL招聘]昆明大!建筑事务所招聘



