


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-03-31 05:01:04 浏览38 评论0










In 2020 we started the second phase of competitions to address the issues of tomorrow.

In line with our style we propose 9+2 themes – eleven critical topics to work on. Rather than a program, a research ecosystem composed of various competitions running in parallel and exploring the same theme from different perspectives.

Our exploration journey will continue with theme five: VIRTUAL.


同时也邀请您关注 NON ARCHITECTURE 正在举办的设计竞赛,欢迎您的参与!




the unmistakably human nest – the human magpie


Friedrich Münkel 【德国】




Limasse Five的《创始E》:你漫步在退化扩张的迷失迷宫中,曾经的人类城市。无边界的维度。不人道的规模。当你走在自己的道路上,不知道为什么,也不知道在哪里,你在不间断的恐惧中跟随无法到达一个地方,陷入无尽的深渊。被隐形对手骚扰到难以呼吸。在你的恐惧和希望之间摇摆,开始质疑你自己的理智,你什么都不想,只是想打破这些维度。

“NaissanceE” by Limasse Five: You meander through the lost labyrinth of the degenerate proliferation, that once human, urban. Apeirophobic dimensions. Inhuman scale. As you walk your path, not knowing why or where, you follow the unreachable in constant fear of falling into endless depth. Being persecuted by an invisible opponent, breathing down your neck. Questioning your own sanity in sway between your frights and hopes, you wish nothing but to break out of these dimensions.


To me this game is a metaphor for contemporary society. Unspoken frights during apparent peace manifest in self-doubt, anxiety about the future and our build environment. There is real-life places which embody scenes of NaissanceE. Forgotten corners of our creation not meant for anybody.


The ”unmistakably human nest” is located somewhere at the edge of NaissanceEs’ endlessness, but could also find a place hidden in these corners of our cities. It is the antithesis of the game and embodies a dream of security, simplicity and peace. I imagine a player collecting unmistakably human objects to build his/her own nest like a human magpie in love with itself. Giving sense to the otherwise terrifying odyssey.


Find and build your own nest.

——Friedrich Münkel


Hyper-Learning and Unlearning: Compression: Excursions on Media Ecologies


Xinyue Zhang 【中国】【巴特莱特建筑学院】

Yue Hua【中国】【巴特莱特建筑学院】

Anqi Wang【中国】【巴特莱特建筑学院】

Jindi Jia【中国】【巴特莱特建筑学院】





The pervasive impact of digital technologies in all aspects of society requires us to rethink notions of knowledge and learning. The current pandemic and the forced shift to online teaching are just the latest example of an ongoing trend of digitizing learning, through online classrooms, MOOCs, video, and interactive tutorials…


Digital technologies are not only affecting how we learn, but also what we need to learn, and what is doing the learning. With constant and instant access to information, traditional ways of learning focused on reproducing information are no longer valid. Furthermore, technology is increasingly learning about us, tailoring information to our personal needs based on prior behavior.


The project reflects on the impact of media ecologies on the blurring of digital and material learning environments, questioning the role of educational institutions and infrastructures. By including machine learning, the project speculates on the role of platforms, mixed reality applications, gamification, and questions what skills we must (un)learn as humans navigating Compressed City. Our project explores the blurring of digital and material learning environments in a media-saturated environment: hyper-learning & unlearning.

——Xinyue Zhang、Yue Hua、Anqi Wang、Jindi Jia



Manifold Pinball City


Cheng-Yuan, Shih【中国台湾】【OTTODD 工作室】

Zichun, Yang【中国】【OTTODD 工作室】

Yuting Pu【中国】【OTTODD 工作室】





Pinball --- an arcade game in which the ball is rolled and launched into a specially designed cabinet. Players control flippers to hit ball to Collect points by hitting various lights, bumpers, ramps and other targets according to its design.

随着他们在街机上的成功,弹球游戏最终进入了带有主题的视频游戏中。以最经典的一款——《3D Pinball for Windows》为例。玩家作为太空舰队的一员,完成任务以提高等级。闪烁的色彩、灯光和电子音乐将玩家带入虚拟游戏世界。

With their success in arcades, pinball games eventually made their way into video games with themes. Take the most classic one - 3D Pinball for Windows as instance. Player as a member of a space fleet that completes missions to increase rank. Flashing colours, lighting and electrical music draw players into a virtual game world.


Just imagine city as a manifold and infinity pinball space ( We also referred the gravity flipping and spatial idea from another game Manifold Garden). Under the influence of gravity, pinball (which you can associated to people) are launched to hit the target to finish the mission.

——Cheng-Yuan, Shih、Zichun, Yang、Yuting Pu


Manifold Data


Corentin DUBREUIL【法国】

Charlène PINARD【法国】

Sara OBSER【法国】

Benoît VAULEON【法国】





We choose to represent the complexity and interconnection between the real and virtual world by anchoring a new level into the videogame Manifold Garden.


We reinterpreted the cube, an emblematic element of the game, to describe these two worlds using the notion of inside (real world) and outside (metaverse).


Inside the cube, the Möbius and trees, are the result of an accumulation of all the knowledge and resources of the humanity since its existence.


The external faces of the cube allow an exchange of data between the two worlds with the metaverse taking root in the real world.


The membrane, with its printed circuit pattern, is an unconscious and porous border surrounding an infinite city of data embodied by the towers. These ones are all interconnected.


As a result, the player can explore this Data architecture by travelling from one tower to another using staircases and enlightened portals.


The lights are a metaphor of all the emotional possibilities offered by the metaverse. On the contrary, the repetitive and networks connoted architecture are a way to show its possible dehumanisation.


At the end, this recreated level offers a journey with multiple issues leading to an emotional and sensitive experience.

——Corentin DUBREUIL、Charlène PINARD、Sara OBSER、Benoît VAULEON


Museum of Fantasy


Koko Li【中国台湾】





Surrealism challenges the design principle of ‘form follows function’.

超阈(Superliminal, 2020) 是一款使用视错觉的第一人称益智游戏,允许玩家缩放对象以建立“连接”以填补空白或达到不同的级别以便继续前进。也可以将物体放在按钮上以打开通往下一个房间的门。因此,玩家的目标是弄清楚如何“完成”架构。

Superliminal (2020) is a first-person puzzle game using optical illusions which allows the players to scale the objects to build ‘connections’ to fill up the gaps or and to reach to different levels in order move forward. As well as placing an object on a button to open the door to the next room. Therefore, the aim for the players is to figure out how to ‘complete’ the architecture.


The objects are things we are familiar with, such as chess, dices, famous paintings and sculptures, etc. These are how players can create ‘connections’ in the game space, such as stairs, ramps, and bridges. For instance, you can make a huge ramp by scaling up a painting.


Finally, my concept is to redesign the bizarre architecture of the finish scene in order to explore architecture in a new perspective. Rethinking how we can create architectural contexts with different materials as well as showing how videogame architecture unites dream and reality and transform it beyond our imagination.

——Koko Li


The Autonomous Narrative City of Dark Souls


Jialiang Huang【中国】【康奈尔大学】





The game Dark Souls is a fantasy setting RPG. Players started the game as their customized character, following the game map, and found themselves in a decaying kingdom. The game presents its obscured story by interaction with minimalistic elements.


My experience with the game's encounters, actions, and game narrative, is incarnated into architecture forms in this project. The project’s design uses typological studies to reinterpret the structure of Dark Souls and extract the person’s unique experience and understanding of the media and develop new spaces.


Through the analysis of the narrative structural attributes and rhythm, the connection of points, lines, and surfaces in each story chapter is restructured into an integrated space.


These spaces are not places where the old story would perform, but places where new stories would generate through people’s interaction.


I imagine it would be an autonomous urban structures where new social interaction will be encouraged to be performed. Thus, the systems are layout in a circular plan where the people have the freedom to navigate the narrative spaces without the hierarchical restrictions.


I hope to use the silent architectural narrative in Dark Souls as a tool of architectural design, giving people a free and autonomous space.

——Jialiang Huang




Kelvin Tsang【澳大利亚】【NWMN】

Patrick Tran【澳大利亚】【FMD Architects】





Human progress can be summed up as architectural accretion.


Hades, a roguelike videogame, showcases how gameplay, mechanics and narrative can be interwoven to deliver a world-immersive experience that explores the themes of death, memory and cumulative knowledge.

《Hades》的生命-死亡-重复结构类似于人类文明如何通过不断的知识层级代代相传而取得进步。死亡通常是失败的代名词,而 Roguelike 游戏则鼓励玩家将频繁的死亡视为进步的标志。

The live-die-repeat structure of Hades is analogous to how human civilisations have progressed through a constant layering of knowledge passed on from one generation to the next. Whereas death is typically synonymous with failure, roguelike games encourage players to expect frequent deaths as progress markers.

《Roguelike Entropy》呈现了Hades世界的延伸,它将建筑知识和人类进步视为一个不稳定的异构集群,通过建立在先验知识和记忆之上的永久分层过程而不断进化。

Roguelike Entropy presents an extension of the Hades world that sees architectural knowledge, and human progress at large, as an unstable, heterogeneous cluster that is ever-evolving through a perpetual layering process that builds upon prior knowledge and memories.


By this definition, architecture is inextricably linked with history and environmental conditions, so a Tabula Rasa approach is impossible, especially in our climate of increasing ecological decline.


When applied in architectural practice and research, the video game-making process of world-building, the complex meshing of environmental design, storytelling and user experience could provide different curatorial perspectives in addressing the ecological crisis we face today. Architecture must not only present an aesthetic visual but respond to the environmental implications, historical fabric and user experience beyond the human form.

——Kelvin Tsang、Patrick Tran


Back me to the Earth


Xian Zhu【中国】【达姆施塔特大学】

Xi Luo【中国】【达姆施塔特大学】





A series of sustainable strategies couldn’t stop the continued deterioration of the environment. The planet is in a state of rapid disintegration. It seems that humanity will not survive this catastrophe.


Yet who could have predicted that the Mars migration project, long since abandoned and forgotten, would inadvertently achieve a technological singularity - an evolution entirely self-led by AI. In a city without humans, robots and flora became the dominant role. They have terraformed Mars, rebuilt the climate, activated magnetic field, and urbanised the cyber city.


It's all just as people originally envisioned. The only difference is that the AI has no intention of sharing its technology with humans, because the algorithm has proven that such behaviour is pointless. It is their turn to abandon humans this time.


Referenced videogame: Stray


The plot centres on a stray cat that accidentally falls into a walled city filled with robots, machines, and mutant bacteria. We have imagined a new Martian scenario in which the main character, Cat, has to lead the offspring through thick and thin with his drone companion to get to the launch tower. Their finalised Mission is bringing Martian technology back to Earth and trying to save the planet.

——Xian Zhu、Xi Luo


Little Town


Andrea Trenti【意大利】

Eleonora Santoro【意大利】





Can a horror-style platformer characterised by free interpretation have a building simulation DLC? Thinking of the journey in Little Nightmares as a growth path, the answer may be yes. As Six and Nomes re-emerge from the Mole, in an epilogue of redemption for the former and liberation for the latter, the need to rebuild is tangible. Restoring bonds and Home.


They’re going to create their own town and you’re gonna guide them. A new community that should be the opposite of the one they were used to live in. A place full of hope and amusement, dedicated to sustainable development, instead of being focused on mass over-production and greed.


Which path to choose? Galloping towards development or taking your time? Doesn’t really matter, the focus is the balance. Inhabitants, pollution and sustainability should keep their equilibrium. You’ll create the village from scraps of metal and wood, obtained from the Mole wreck, the past getting new life. Choose the type of houses, services and works better suited for your idea of growth. Be careful, the Mole is your warehouse for materials and is gradually falling apart.


Welcome to Little Town.

——Andrea Trenti、Eleonora Santoro



‘Da-ka’ City: Gamification of Café-Hopping


JIA MIN + WONG【马来西亚】【RDC建筑事务所】

CHAER SHEAN + LEE【马来西亚】【KLO+工作室】

YI KAI + WONG【马来西亚】【ESCAPE工作室-皮尔逊学院】





‘Da-ka’ City is a Cafe-Hopping Trail that explores the recent cafe boom in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. These freshly-built cafes coincidentally share the overplayed aesthetic features: the exposed brickwall, cement floor, and Edison bulbs. Shaped by the easily-accessible Pinterest and Instagram images that result in cookie-cutter aesthetic style, reflecting the interlinkage between the built environment, digital algorithms and keywords inputs. Cafe-hoppers upload and share images to Instagram resulting in constant exposure to trendy cafes. How do we break this loop of creating the unified, faux aesthetic style that is spreading across Johor Bahru?

在《女神异闻录 5》中,建筑替身是根据现实生活中的城市创建的,为玩家提供身临其境的环境,让他们体验普通高中生的生活。我们发现构建的游戏领域与基于主题元素构建的咖啡馆内部有相似之处。为了探索打破视频游戏环境的构建领域如何转化为重新协商替代咖啡馆空间的方法,我们研究了故障、剪墙和其他越界技术:建议墙壁像纸一样薄,物体也不成比例 。

In‘Persona 5’, architectural doubles are created based on real-life city, for an immersive environment for player to experience the life of a normal high-schooler. We found resemblance of the constructed game realm to the constructed interiors of cafes that based on thematic elements. To explore how breaking the constructed realm of videogame environment could be translated into methods of renegotiating alternative cafe spaces, we studied glitching, wall-clipping and other going out-of bound techniques: where walls are proposed to be paper-thin and objects are disproportionate.


The spaces are later translated into a set of stamping patterns, where cafe-hoppers could collect stamps, to complete the cafe relay point card.



Rediscovery of the Existing Architecture


Shumeng Liu【中国】【弗吉尼亚理工大学】





In the world of videogames, there are no limits of reality, everything becomes possible, which enables us to rediscover the existing architecture from a whole new perspective.


My favorite videogame is Monument Valley, which is an indie puzzle game illustrating the journeys of the player character Princess Ida. The building is disassembled into different masses. The central mechanic from the game – the interactions like moving platforms – is applied into the building. This allows people to manipulate the character and interact with the environment to find out the hidden walkway to move through the building from one point to another.

——Shumeng Liu


Subnautica Bubble Visions


JP Maruszczak 【美国】【heron-mazy工作室】

Roger Connah【英国】【heron-mazy工作室】

Jose Manuel Vega Perez 【墨西哥】【heron-mazy工作室】


#水生#野生# 游戏模组 #故障#多型体



What are these rumours of post humanism and de-anthropocentrism? What are rumours today except operatives for adventure. We have always had to reconsider what “human” is; nature has become the feral landscape for re-wilding our actions, our mysteries. Lets start with the merging of a flooded Tokyo with the survival game Subnautica.


A panoramic mashup of Sloterdijk’s “archeology of the intimate” and Steryerl’s bubble vision. Here Yoyogi Stadium sits in Tokyo as the flooded city in the city a de-realized virtual mothership – this is adaptive re-fit like never before, a re-bloomed world of bubble drones as housing; not what human beings deserve but need. We see climate change as a surfer, where we ride the threats inside our bubble drones, new adaptable feral houses of man and family.


Our alarm can only be planned in movement; from the lost icon, the nautical mothership stadium, the bubble communities will heat-seek adventure and change, forming an emerging eco-system for all lifeforms. It is a navigable transcoded landscape of game mods which cuts across the actual/virtual divide and re-s the dynamics of the subnautica to situate architecture anywhere but here: elsewhere.

——JP Maruszczak、Roger Connah、Jose Manuel Vega Perez




Junlin Chen【中国】【重庆城市科技学院】

Antao Yang【中国】【 重庆城市科技学院】

Hongkai Chen【中国】【 重庆城市科技学院】

Weitong Bo【中国】【 重庆城市科技学院】





In video games, architecture is more than just a backdrop and plays a bigger role than imagined. Most of the time, players are influenced by the environment or buildings when making decisions.


Players will come to a city that is experiencing war, nuclear cold, class oppression, play a game character named caller, inverted core, hidden control room, deserted streets, phone booths in water, symbolizing The phone ring of the trial, while surviving, discover the truth behind it.


The walled protection also watches over every citizen, while the truth in the heart of the city awaits to be heard. Hide your tracks and don't let them find you!

——Junlin Chen、Antao Yang、Hongkai Chen、Weitong Bo


I Am Not Just Eating!


Anindia Pradita【印度尼西亚】




我不只是吃!灵感来自传奇的《吃豆人》游戏。该游戏最初被称为 Pakkuman,这基于日本的拟声词“paku paku taberu”,指的是嘴巴连续张开和闭合的动作。

I Am Not Just Eating! is inspired by the legendary Pac-man game. The game was initially called Pakkuman, based on the Japanese onomatopoeia term “paku paku taberu”, referencing the mouth movement of opening and closing in succession.


The idea is to retouch this game by infusing today’s issue about environment. Instead of only eating “power pellets” continuously, while walking through and thoroughly Pac-Man can do much more. So every time Pac-Man passes by, it will spread the pellets and plant “greeneries” as a visualization of environment recovery.


The ghosts which play as enemies were designed with different color referring to different personalities of attacking. Now, “they” will be doing activities that are harmful to our environment to prevent Pac-Man accomplishes its goal to make a better environment.


It is interesting that we can socialize, educate, and make awareness of something good with two media at once (video game and architecture) and for all generations.

——Anindia Pradita


New London 1858


Eddy Choi 【韩国】【弘益大学】


#数字空间3D / 2D建筑#建筑重构#虚拟城市中的基础设施#蒸汽朋克和反乌托邦场景#另类历史(如果?)



London has frozen. is a new virtual city that reinterprets the video game Frostpunk (2018) from an architectural perspective. The historical background of this project is London in 1858 during the First Industrial Revolution. Set up a scenario of reconstructing frozen London after the Big Ice Age using steam engines, civilizations representing the First Industrial Revolution.

我提出了在冰雪覆盖的伦敦城市进行新的扩建和重建的想法。在建筑的屋顶和冰冷的石头上,这被认为是坚实的地面层,我提出了一种新的城市形式,强调代表伦敦第一次工业革命的蒸汽机和钢铁工业。形成城市的最基本设施,如住房、社区和工厂,都是参考Marc - Antoine Laugier的原始建筑小屋理论设计的,主要使用的材料是铁。

I approached the idea of a new extension and reconstruction on the ice-covered city of London. On top of the roof of the building and on the icy stone, which is recognized as a solid ground layer, I propose a new urban form, emphasizing the steam engine and steel industry representing London's First Industrial Revolution. The most basic facilities forming the city, such as housing, communities, and factories, were designed with reference to Marc - Antoine Laugier's theory of primitive architectural hut mainly used materials called iron.


The middle Hearth serves as the main power of the city to deliver steam to all buildings, and additional steam is delivered to various facilities through pipes to operate the city. A radial urban form was designed to evenly transfer the heat emitted from the center of the city (Hearth).

——Eddy Choi



Zelda Legendary Entity Experience Hall


Zinuo Chen【中国】【西南交通大学建筑学院】

Dian Rui【中国】【东京大学建筑与城市规划学院】

Guanyu Zhou【中国】【重庆大学建筑与城市规划学院】





This design is based on the game mechanism of Zelda · Wild Breath, expands and forms the architectural design mechanism, devotes to presenting the physical Zelda game space, and further enriches the player experience on the basis of restoring the game.

在设计过程中,主要采用空间转换和空间构图设计手法,提取游戏中的特征空间和元素,按照关卡逻辑将其转化为建筑空间,再利用空间构成设计游戏关卡和建筑造型 具有物理游戏的特殊功能。

In the design process, space translation and space composition design techniques are mainly used to extract the characteristic space and elements in the game and translate them into architectural space according to the level logic, and then use space composition to design the game level and architectural modeling with the special functions of physical games.


On the macro level, this design is committed to creating new landmark buildings, hoping to have a certain impact on the cultural development of surrounding cities; At the same time, considering the growth of the building, it can continue to grow along the tower, providing the fun of game exploration for players; Combining the interaction between architectural space and VR reality, taking real scene enhancement as the core of the game, integrating virtual and reality, to create a unique game experience.

——Zinuo Chen、Dian Rui、Guanyu Zhou


Crazy Dave’s stronghold


Xuewei Zheng【中国】【杭州木量设计】

Haixiao Yan【中国】【杭州木量设计】





Under the background of the Plants vs. Zombies(2009), we constructed a scene dominated by Crazy Dave, a stronghold of an inventor who is greedy and loves plants, a town of solarpunk, and a new form of societal organization.


Crazy Dave's stronghold is a new-type town composed of seven social modules with different functions. In the siege of zombies, the town is divided into two different organizational forms: the inner and the outer.

外层由Lure模块(闻起来像大脑的房子可以引诱僵尸)、Base模块(游戏原型,分为两种可转换的种植模式)、Supply模块(卡车仓库、装备雷达进行联络)、Obstacle模块(保护 入口和出口和控制僵尸路线)组成。它的主要用途是消耗和抵御丧尸的入侵,防止丧尸进入内部。

The outer is composed of Lure module(the houses smells like brain can seduce zombies), Base module(the game prototype, divided into two convertible planting modes), Supply module(truck depot, equip radar to contact), and Obstacle module(protect the entrance and exit, control the zombie route). Its main purpose is to consume and resist the invasion of zombies and prevent zombies from entering the inner.


The inner is composed of Daily module(sanatorium), Scientific module(the tall and sleek tower, symbolizes technology and modernity, controls the operation of the whole town) and Experimental module(under construction). The mission of the inner is to study vertical planting technology. Once Dave completes the experiment, plants will break through the limitation of planting areas and finally solve the zombie crisis.


Is this also the future of humanity?

——Xuewei Zheng、Haixiao Yan




Growing Culture: How NFT Games Evolve


Fathiyya Nadia Subagja【印度尼西亚】【门洛帕克学校】





The world has gradually shifted to the world of virtual reality. Creating such a large dimension necessitates the inclusion of some fun. NFT, as a prized possession, can be used in online games. There is always satisfaction from the unique and distinct customers within the business. In this new era, never be afraid to express yourself.


This build explains the relationship between ease of use in game and the opulence of NFT artworks. The futuristic theme combined with fantasy inspires creativity throughout the world. One that has the potential to transform us all.

在这个虚拟游戏世界中,植物种子代表了人们可以随时发挥最佳自我的地方。这个项目的灵感来自NFT世界和FPS游戏《Apex Legend》,反映了孩子想象力和乐趣的真正之美。

In this virtual game world, the plant seeds represent an always available spot for people to expand their best selves. This project, inspired by the world of NFT and the FPS game Apex Legend, reflects the true beauty of a child's imagination and fun.

——Fathiyya Nadia Subagja


Find Another Self


Wenhao Huang【中国】【利物浦大学】





Mainly focused on translating virtual world into reality, this project is generated from the music rhythm game “Deemo” by Rayark Games, in which told a story of a young girl Alice who is trapped in and tries to leave her dream after a serious car accident. In her dream, Alice meets two strangers, Deemo and Miss Mask, who turn out to be her brother and the other side of her personality. However, she doesn’t figure out the truth until she is about to leave the dream and come back to the real world.


The project aims to represent the coexistence of the two personalities. Built according to the storyline of “Deemo”, the project consists of 3 areas. 4 buildings/sites reflecting the two personalities are placed in the positions corresponding to the game where Alice and Miss Mask may appear at the same time. Visitors are able to experience the differences between the two figures through the distinct atmospheres produced by the specific parts of the 4 buildings/sites. In accordance with the sceneries in the game, the project is designed in Gothic style, sitting next to the mountain mentioned in the theme song.

——Wenhao Huang


City of Machine Swallow


Yixing Xu【中国】【西安交通利物浦大学】


#数字空间三维建筑#虚拟城市的基础设施#虚拟世界中的社交互动#移动性和 3D 体验#蒸汽朋克



Based on the world view of Final Fantasy XIV, this design is to build a city for the Dwarves of Norvrandt, who have great passion for mechanical things. In Final Fantasy XIV, it can be noticed that the designers have a lot of thinking about the city architecture, and these rich and interesting maps and scenes, while being appreciated like visual novels, also become the social and entertainment plazas for players in use.


Just like the metaverse's functional interpretation of virtual reality: The metaverse provides a virtual social space for people. In fact, this concept has been widely implemented in many MMORPGs. Players need a comfortable place with possibilities of different functions to communicate with friends or strangers, and in interaction, subculture memes only belong to this scene will be spontaneously generated.


What I hope to express in the works is how to create such a space, where story and functions are both given to the place. People can freely and spontaneously coming here to date; or only stop and hang out, fortuitously find new things; or act like scholars digging in every corner of this virtual city to discover the buried story from every details of the scene.

——Yixing Xu


Portal City


Pokemon GO City


Michael Yeung 【中国·香港】

Leo Lee【中国·香港】

Ming Xu【中国·香港】




“Pokemon GO City” 代表了曾经轰动全球的 Pokemon GO 融入我们世界的世界。无数神奇宝贝居住在我们的城市等待被收集并成为训练家的朋友。

Pokemon GO City represents the world where the past global sensation Pokemon GO is integrated into our world. With countless pokemons residing in our city waiting to be collected and become trainers' friends.

必须在整个城市收集资源以加强自己的团队。作为Pokemon GO世界的标志性建筑,三支队伍控制的道馆是我们项目的重头戏,道馆可以让训练家捕捉稀有的传奇神奇宝贝,恢复资源,也是训练家对战的主要舞台。

Resources have to be collected throughout the city to streng then one's team. As icons of the Pokemon GO world, gyms controlled by the three team sare our main focus of the project, the gyms allow trainers to catch rare legendary pokemons,rejuvenate resources and also the main stage of battle between trainers.


The gyms also reside in cities' landmarks, synch constructs in the real world will be spectacles to behold. The interior of the gym is illustrated to show the grand scale and fantasy of pokemon battles in reality, fighting for ownership of the gym, representing the red/yellow/blue team and expand their forces.

——Michael Yeung、Leo Lee、Ming Xu


The Destiny “Hunters Raid”


PETROS STAVRAKIS【塞浦路斯】【双人工作室建筑师】






The Destiny 'Hunters Raid' is set in the future, where humanity is trying to protect itself from a galactic threat. The Guardians land on the planet Mars via satellite to protect the planet from the invasion of the Hunters.


The satellite will become the raiding point of the hunters since it hides a lot of equipment and power inside.


The astronauts will abandon the satellite and scatter over the vast surface of the planet to destroy the hunters before they discover the existence of the landed satellite.


The satellite is designed with titanium and secret weapons to withstand any attack. The design of the satellite was based on the armor of the guardians to remind it of its existence, even if in the end it is conquered by the hunters.


Inside the satellite, astronauts can be transported to the ''Stage'', where they will upgrade weapons and armor and collect new equipment from hunters.



The Hyrule Pavilion


Enrique Rivera【委内瑞拉/厄尔多瓜】【西蒙·玻利瓦尔大学】





The Legend of Zelda is a mythic saga in the history of video games, in which Link's journey is full of sacrifices and bravery on his quest to defeat the evil in the Hyrule Kingdom.


Breath of the Wild is an acclaimed title for its excellent gameplay, beautiful landscapes and architecture. Therefore, The Hyrule Pavilion reimagines this video game as a real-life building to honour the reincarnations of the Hero, the Princess and the sacrifice of the four Hyrule Warriors who gave their lives and souls to defeat Ganon.

该方案基于一个放置大师剑的中心空间。这个区域被一个顶部有Sheikah符号的设备照亮,它在游客身上投下阴影,提醒他们Sheikah种族对Ganon的支持。四个结构墙包围并统一了这个空间。每一个都代表一个战士和他的种族:Urbossa (Gerudo), Mipha (Zora), Daruk (Goron)和Revali (Orni),他们被认为是王国的支柱。

The proposal is based on a central space where the Master Sword would be placed. This area is illuminated by an Oculus with the Sheikah Symbol on top, which cast a shadow over the visitors as a reminder of the support provided by the Sheikah race against Ganon. Four structural walls surround and unify this space. Each of them represents a warrior and its race: Urbossa (Gerudo), Mipha (Zora), Daruk (Goron) and Revali (Orni), which are considered the pillars of the realm.


The surroundings are dedicated to regional artifacts and the statues of the immortal heroes, as a symbol of protection and glory.

——Enrique Rivera


Memories Center for the Finch Family


Yuying Wang【中国】





The new game levels are inspired by the walking simulator type game, what remains of edith finch.The original game player found it by going through the hidden entrance to the cemetery. The idea for the design came from the Finch's death curse and the books about it.


The rooms of the old house are full of books, photos, and other things that are, in some ways, also ways to remember. In a way, the family death curse is also a never-ending cycle. Borges said that heaven, if there is one, must be like a library.


So, in the same way that the trees grow, I have created the Finch Centre of the afterlife with its circular paths of steps, shelves of books and arched window elements that represent the daily repeating of life.The presentation shows Christopher, Edith's son, reunites with his mother in a virtual afterlife.

——Yuying Wang


The Lava house – living in harmony with nature and environment


Richard Mathieu【德国】




我的熔岩屋项目通过使用气候友好型节能概念以及使用 《我的世界》 重新思考有机建筑,解决了当今社会的一些重大问题,例如气候变化和环境破坏。

My Lava house project addresses some of the significant issues of today’s society, such as climate change and environmental destruction, by realizing a climate-friendly, energy-saving concept and rethinking organic architecture using Minecraft.


Lava house melts with the mountain it’s built on through its layout and uses local materials, such as spruce wood of prudent forestry as well as slate and copper from the cave, for its construction. The concept’s central idea is to take advantage of the ravine-like cave’s opening, on which the house is built, to create a self-heating system.


Placing the single-story building onto the cave allows absorbing the warmth of the lava, which flows underground, to create natural underfloor heating.


The rocks, which reach into the house’s interior, store the warmth and create a pleasant temperature for its residents and for plants that generally couldn't grow in the boreal zone's cold climate.


Lava house creates a coexistence between architecture and nature, in which the human takes advantage of his environment without damaging it. It is a fundamental approach to pursue when trying to create architecture that helps solve today’s and tomorrow’s environmental issues.

——Richard Mathieu


Tower of Confusion – An Optical Illusion Game


Lima Bruno de Almeida Trindade·Renata【巴西】【里约热内卢的教皇天主教大学】




《Tower of Confusion》是一个被设计成与精彩游戏“FEZ”相结合的关卡,其中主角“Gomez”在2D和3D宇宙之间穿梭。因为这款游戏大部分时间都是围绕着塔导航展开,所以《tower of Confusion》的理念就像一个垂直迷宫关卡,基于两个主要前提:

Tower of Confusion is a level designed to be integrated into the amazing game "FEZ", where the main character "Gomez", navigates between the 2D and 3D universe. As the game for the most part, takes place in tower navigation, the idea of the Tower of Confusion, comes as a level that would be a kind of vertical maze, based on two main premises:



The first conceptual foundation is the kaleidoscope, where each plateau presents the automation of turning to both sides of the scenario, in a true optical game of illusions.


The second inspiration is the Tower of Babel, this emblematic architectural figure inspired by the Etemenanki (a ziggurat/temple built in the city of Babylon) and present in the Bible that is by itself a general confusion, since in Hebrew, the word BALAL means to confuse, to mix.


Each step has a different challenge, among them, a climbing step, a pipe puzzle, a minefield, a grassy landing with "Easter Eggs" from the classic Mario Bros game, and the final challenge, the "Boss" who is the greatest enemy of urbanism and cities, the dreaded Automobile that turns into a giant “Transformer” in this last stage before victory.

——Lima Bruno de Almeida Trindade·Renata



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