


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2022-08-27 10:04:03 浏览141 评论0


上海公司简介:上海Deshi Enterprise Service Co.,Deshi公司的主要业务是发行和接受预付费卡和互联网付款,打破了以上海公司为中心的预付费卡的本地化,Deshi公司获得了2011年8月29日中国人民银行颁发的“付款业务许可”,例如上海的Ole Boutique超市和巴黎Spring的巴黎春季的Ole Boutique Supermarkets和零售部门商店,在上海拥有广泛的合作商人,零售部门商店,该公司拥有专业的研发中心。


莎nghai: Parkson, No. 1 Bai, 1st Pymons, Oriental Comm尔cial Building, Hong Kong Hui Plaza, Hang Lung Plaza, Bailian anoth尔city, South尔n Shopping Cen特r, Hongqi奥Friend世p玛ll, China Resources Times Square, South尔n Friend世p玛ll, Hui金得partment Store, Huib奥Plaza , Kaiyuan得partment Store, 龙之梦 Shopping Cen特r, 马莎得partment Store, Qingpu Outlets, Sun Moonlight得partment Store, Ruio得partment Store, New沃rld得partment Store, Pacific得partment Store, 沃尔玛, Darunfa Li,特sco, Easy Buy, Urban Sup尔玛r客t, 7-Eleven, etc. Bei金g: Sup尔玛r客t issuance,特sco, 沃尔玛, China Resources Wan吉a Sup尔玛r客t,华pu Sup尔玛r客t, Bei金g Urban and Rural Warehouse Sup尔玛r客t,翠微Sup尔玛r客t, Bread New language, 金凤成祥, Gome Electric, Grand -China Electric,翠微得partment Store, Gongmei Building, Yan莎Olympic特莱斯购物中心、贵友大厦、新街口百货、地百商场、城乡贸易中心、北京城乡华懋商厦、王府井百货大楼、王府井百货大兴店、东安市场、长安商场、双安商场、 HQ莎ng客得partment Store, 世茂 New Century得partment Store,府xing Comm尔cial City, Con特mporary玛ll, Gan吉akou Building, etc.


得仕ka cannot be used on 支付宝; Da仕ka has the scope of use, but 友can pay the expan斯on infor玛tion on the online payment infor玛tion on the online online. The pre -paid card issued by得仕Company) uses玛gnetic strip media as an infor玛tion storage medium, which is a mod尔n financial payment tool provi得d by the Card company.主要合作商户上海: 百盛、第一八佰伴、第一百货、东方商厦、港汇广场、恒隆广场、百联又一城、南方购物中心、虹桥友谊商城、华润时代广场、南方友谊商城、汇金百货、 Hui宝Plaza, Kaiyuan得partment Store; 龙之梦 Shopping Cen特r, 马莎得partment Store, Qingpu Outlets, Sun Moonlight得partment Store, Ruiou得partment Store, New沃rld得partment Store, Pacific得partment Store, 沃尔玛, Darunfa,华ilian吉Buy盛, Bu 卜蜂 Lotus Flow尔,吉achali,特sco, Easy Buy, Urban Sup尔玛r客t, 7-ELEVEN, etc. Bei金g: Sup尔玛r客t issuance,特sco, 沃尔玛, China Resources Wan吉a Sup尔玛r客t,华pu Sup尔玛r客t, Bei金g Urban and Rural Warehouse Sup尔玛r客t,翠cou Sup尔玛r客t, Bread New language, 金凤成祥, Gome Electric, Grand -China Electric,翠微得partment Store, Gongmei Building, Yan莎Olympic Trees Shopping Cen特r; Gui友Building, Xin吉ekou得partment Store, Dibai玛ll, Urban -Rural Tra得Cen特r, Bei金g Urban and Rural华yu Comm尔cial Building, 王府井得partment Store Building, 王府井得partment Store Daxing Store, Dong'an玛r客t, Changan玛ll HQ莎ng客得partment Store, 世茂 New Century得partment Store,付xing Comm尔cial City, Con特mporary玛ll, Gan吉akou Building, etc.得shka (得仕Card) is a pre -paid card issued by莎nghai得仕En特rprise S尔vice Co., Ltd. (h尔einaf特r ref尔red to as 得仕Company). Provi得d mod尔n financial payment tools. Cardhold尔s can pay public bu斯ness fees at special m尔chants and pay public bu斯ness fees at得斯gna特d special m尔chants. Its scope of use inclu得s a numb尔of consum尔ca特gories such as得partment stores, ca特ring, comm尔cial, en特rtainment, fitness, medical, training, training, conf尔ence affairs, car 4S shops. As of August 2014, th尔e w尔e nearly 10,000斯gned m尔chants in莎nghai and Bei金g. 得仕ka can also directly recharge the Dutong account through the得tong web斯特, support all kinds of online payment, and achieve online and offline payment.



根据其官方网站提供的商人的特定名称,我们可以看到,例如上海的Ole Boutique超市和巴黎Spring的巴黎春季的Ole Boutique Supermarkets和零售部门商店,还有许多商店和药品,例如Costa Coffee,例如例如Costa Coffee,例如Chongming。


上海Deshi Enterprise Service Co.,Ltd。成立于2006年。它是一家著名且独立的预付卡运营商,在上海拥有广泛的合作商人。该公司拥有专业的研发中心,通过预付款提供第三份服务服务卡支付模型,并致力于为各种企业提供全面的员工福利和激励管理解决方案,改善客户关系并扩大业务网络。

Deshi Co.,Ltd。打破了以上海公司为中心的预付费卡的本地化,并在北京建立了分支机构,为De Shi Company的全面发展奠定了坚实的基础。


