

In/from my point of

jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-03-24 19:21:11 浏览49 评论0


都是正确的是注因看武干能传耐皇。但from my point of view用得比较多。

1、point of view 在较新的词典上是个独立的词条:

From my point of view, the president hasn't done enou来自gh to help poor people.

From the point of view of safety, the proposed measures are a significant improvement.


2、from my point of view 360问答在我看来; 依我之见; 从我的角度看;

[例句]Try to look at this from my point of view.


3、point 英[pɔɪnt] 美[pɔɪnt]

n. 点; 要点; 得分; 标既松否带陈液侵序则脚点;

vt. (意思上) 指向; 削尖; 加标点于; 指路;

vi. 指向; 表明;

[例句]We disagree with 帮every point Mr B先女约石日整伟lunkett make供无将脚师死s




1、point out 指出,指明

2、at this 巴point 这时候,此时此刻

3、point in 有意义;在…有作用

4、starting point 出发点;起始点

5、key point 关键点;要点

from my p压图饭掌玉oint of view的同义短至味额肉造赶歌时世语:

1、from my persp处老张树短革村推距ective (在我看来)

其中 perspect机使几汽析映破肉革ive绝对是地道的单词,而且在比较正式的场合用

2、from whe原久下待re I stand(在我看来)

3胶军距选行科目黑司统、in my opinion(我认为)

4、it seems to me that(我觉得)