
development unveils promote digital China

CBN丨China unveils plan to promote digital development

jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-03-21 01:14:02 浏览33 评论0


Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.


Coming up on today’s program.


China unveils blueprint for propelling digital development through 2035;

Li Yining, pioneer of China's economic reform, dies at 92.


The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council unveiled guidelines for digital development in the world's second-largest economy on Monday, unfolding the blueprint and timeline for construction of a "digital China" through strengthening 5G and computing.

Industry observers said "the development design from the top" is both comprehensive and timely, while giving a clear direction for the nation's digital transformation in the years to come - a grand mission that will be embedded into all walks of life in the country.

Building a "digital China" is an important engine for promoting Chinese-style modernization in the digital age, and it is a strong support for building new advantages in global competition. It is of great significance and will have a far-reaching impact on the construction of a socialist modern country and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, read the guidelines.

The guidelines set a specific timeline for China's digital construction through 2035. By 2025, the digital infrastructure will be efficiently connected through a broad range of sectors, and China will become a global leader in digital innovations.

By 2035, China will be at the global forefront in terms of digital development, and its digital progress in the economic, political, cultural, social and ecological fields will be more coordinated and sufficient.


The plan includes support for the in-depth integration of digital technology and the real economy and the application of digital technology in the agriculture, manufacturing, finance, education, medical services, transportation and energy sectors.

The document also envisions a digital country with effective digital government services, a thriving cyberspace culture, widely accessible digital public services, and ecological governance empowered by digital technology.

Major technology breakthroughs are highlighted in the document, which vows to strengthen the "key capabilities" of building a "digital China.” Moreover, the guidelines also call for building a credible and manageable digital security apparatus, to maintain network security through improving the system of network security laws, regulations and policies.














China's gross domestic product (GDP) was 121.02 trillion yuan in 2022, an increase of 3.0 percent over 2021 at constant prices, with multiple figures reaching historical highs, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) revealed on Tuesday. The annual GDP per capita reached 85,698 yuan, up 3.0 percent compared with the previous year. The NBS noted that China's consumer price and employment remained overall stable in 2022, as a total of 12.06 million new jobs were created in urban areas, and the consumer price index grew 2 percent last year. 2022年我国GDP超121万亿元:2月28日,国家统计局公布《2022年国民经济和社会发展统计公报》。数据显示,2022年,我国经济总量突破120万亿元,再上新台阶;城镇调查失业率总体回落,就业基本盘总体稳定;居民消费价格指数(CPI)月度涨幅始终低于3%,全年上涨2.0%;居民收入增长与经济增长基本同步,民生福祉持续增进。

Li Yining, renowned Chinese economist known for advocating for private investment in state-owned enterprises and overseeing the creation of China’s 1998 Securities Law, passed away at the age of 92 yesterday, his alma mater Peking University said. Li, a senior professor at Peking University and founding president of the university’s Guanghua School of Management, is credited with laying the theoretical foundation that led to major economic reforms, such as the establishment of the country’s stock markets. He proposed the economic theory of “disequilibrium,” which refers to the imbalance formed by an imperfect market and non-sensitive pricing system, and believed that ownership reform, where market entities can operate independently and are responsible for their own profits and losses, could drive economic development. His book, Chinese Economy in Disequilibrium, first published in 1990, has since been inducted into the list of “the most important 10 books that influence reforms of China’s economic system.” 著名经济学家厉以宁逝世:据北京大学新闻网消息,著名经济学家、杰出的教育家、北京大学哲学社会科学资深教授、光华管理学院名誉院长厉以宁先生因病医治无效,2023年2月27日19点31分在北京协和医院逝世,享年92岁。厉以宁是我国最早提出股份制改革理论的学者之一,参与推动我国国有企业产权制度改革,主持起草《证券法》和《证券投资基金法》,参与推动出台非公经济36条以及非公经济新36条,对我国经济改革发展产生了重要影响。1990年,厉以宁的专著《非均衡的中国经济》问世,被称为“影响中国经济体制改革最重要的十本书之一”。厉以宁认为,他的理论是一种经济学理论“非均衡”。“非均衡”是指在市场不完善、价格体系不灵敏条件下达到的均衡。


Property transactions in 16 major Chinese cities surged 32 percent month-on-month in February, according to the China Index Academy, bringing the year-on-year decline down to 7.6 percent. The turnover rate of the market in first-tier cities increased by 5 percent on a monthly basis, with Guangzhou and Shenzhen experiencing the most significant growth rate of 79 percent and 57 percent respectively, while Shanghai saw a 13-percent monthly drop. Meanwhile, second and third-tier cities saw a substantial increase of over 40 percent month-on-month, with Jinan experiencing a surge of 108 percent. The total inventory of apartments in Beijing, Fuzhou, Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Nanjin declined slightly with Shenzhen seeing a more substantial fall of 4.9 percent compared with January. 2月16城楼市成交环比大涨32%:中指研究院27日发布报告称,2月调查的16个中国主要城市楼市成交量环比大幅上涨31.9%,同比降幅缩小至7.6%。中指院指出,一线城市楼市成交量环比涨5%,广州、深圳环比涨幅明显,上海环比及同比均下降。二三线整体环比均涨超40%,仅温州、福州环比下降,其中济南涨幅明显,环比上涨108.16%。此外,监测的7个代表城市库存总量略有下降,深圳降幅较大,环比降幅4.89%。

Beijing is the only city in China with funds totaling more than 20 trillion yuan, based on the balance of deposits held at financial institutions in the Chinese cities, media reported. The capital is followed by Shanghai with 19.23 trillion yuan and Shenzhen with 12.34 trillion yuan. 全国10个“最有钱的城市”:据媒体27日报道,中国各大城市金融机构各项存款余额的梳理显示,截至2022年末,资金总量前十的城市分别是北京、上海、深圳、广州、杭州、成都、重庆、南京、苏州和天津,其中北京突破20万亿。数据显示,当前北上深三城金融机构各项存款余额均已超过10万亿元。

Shanghai’s government unveiled an action plan on Monday with various targets for Greater NeoBay, a local science and technology innovation park. The action plan proposes that by 2035, Greater NeoBay will develop a cluster of high-tech enterprises with market values of more than 1 trillion yuan each. It also aims for the park to deliver a number of original achievements in basic and applied basic research as well as breakthroughs in key core technologies. 上海定“大零号湾”万亿企业集群目标:2月27日,上海市发布《推进“大零号湾”科技创新策源功能区建设方案》,提出至2025年,“大零号湾”基本建成,高新技术企业达1000家以上,新增上市企业达20家以上,区域产值规模达千亿元级。至2035年,“大零号湾”将形成万亿市值的高技术企业集群,全面建成创新能力突出、科技力量雄厚、原创成果丰富、成功践行新发展理念的科技创新策源高地。


Hong Kong will officially go mask-free tomorrow, chief executive John Lee said on Tuesday, announcing full-on normalcy three years after the mandate came into effect. The city will now focus on reviving the economy and boosting development momentum, he added. 明起香港口罩令全面取消:香港特区行政长官李家超28日宣布,明天(3月1日)起,香港将全面取消口罩令,在室内、户外、公共交通工具均无需戴口罩。李家超在社交平台上发文:“随着明天口罩令正式取消,香港全面复常,经济和发展全面活起来、动起来、热起来!香港进入拼经济、拼发展时期,由治及兴,全面提速。”

Authorities in Hengqin unveiled its first supportive measures for Macao-funded enterprises in the cooperation zone on Tuesday. According to the package, eligible companies from Macao could enjoy subsidies for settlement, rents, renovation, R&D and exhibitions in Hengqin. The zone will subsidize 70 percent of their rental and renovation costs, capping at 2.52 million yuan for three years of rents and 1 million yuan of refurbishment. Macao catering brands in the zone could get a one-off reward of up to 2 million yuan if they made it into gourmet lists such as the latest "Michelin Guide”. Also, Macao enterprises with R&D expenditure in Hengqin exceeding 500,000 yuan annually could be granted a 10-percent subsidy with a cap of 5 million yuan. 横琴合作区首个专项惠澳政策:横琴粤澳深度合作区执行委员会今天召开新闻发布会,宣布合作区首个专项惠澳政策《横琴粤澳深度合作区关于支持澳资企业发展的扶持办法》正式印发,从租金补贴、装修补贴、品牌落地奖励、经营奖励、研发费补贴等多方面,对符合条件的澳资企业进行扶持。租金补贴标准按不超过租金评估价的70%且最高不超过70元/平方米/月,补贴面积不超过1000平方米,同一企业最多可连续补贴36个月;装修补贴按照装修费用的70%且最高不超过1000元/平方米的标准给予,最高不超过100万元。《扶持办法》还提出对商业品牌店落地给予扶持。对在合作区首次开店且实际经营满一年,“澳门特色老店”“必比登推介”餐厅及美团点评最新一期“黑珍珠餐厅指南”的澳门餐饮企业一次性给予30万元奖励,收录在最新一期“米其林指南”的澳门餐饮企业最高可获200万元一次性奖励等。澳资企业在合作区实际经营并开展研发活动,经核定企业年度研发费用超过50万元的,可享受研发费用10%的补贴,每年每家最高不超过500万元。


Most foreign companies consider China an important investment destination, according to the survey by AmCham South China on Monday. More than 90 percent of the respondents selected China as one of their most important investment destinations, while 75 percent plan to reinvest in China this year. The survey shows that China can provide a high return on investment, or ROI, with 76 percent of the companies reporting a positive overall ROI in China and 49 percent considering their overall ROI in China to be higher than their global benefits. Guangzhou has been recognized as China's top preferred investment destination six years in a row, followed by Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Beijing, said the report. 报告指超七成外企计划今年在华再投资:2月27日,华南美国商会发布《2023年中国营商环境白皮书》及《2023年华南地区经济情况特别报告》。两份报告显示,过半受访美资企业持续看好中国市场,2022年实现在华盈利的受访美资企业高达九成;75%的受访企业计划今年在华再投资,并预留了183亿美元现金用于未来3-5年再投资,其中68%的美资企业将继续深耕中国市场。76%的受访企业表示在华总体投资回报率为正值;49%的受访企业认为相比全球总体投资回报率,其在华总体投资回报率更高。在营商环境方面,广州连续6年在本调查中被受访企业列为最受欢迎的投资城市,其次是深圳、上海、北京。

Chinese lithium battery material supplier Ganfeng Lithium Group said it would build a new power battery plant in eastern China's Suzhou, which will have an annual output value of 7 billion yuan and have an annual capacity of 5 gigawatts of power batteries and 10 GW of power battery systems, the company said late yesterday. 赣锋锂电70亿动力电池基地落户苏州:2月27日下午,赣锋锂电华东基地动力电池项目正式签约落户苏州工业园区苏相合作区。企业计划在合作区建设华东基地动力电池生产及区域总部,规划产能为5GWh新型锂电池及10GWh动力电池系统,达产后年产值约70亿元。

BYD’s older NEV models have been discounted between 15,000 and 20,000 yuan, while new one are 6,000 to 8,000 yuan cheaper in some Beijing and Shanghai showrooms, media reported Monday, after its rival Tesla's price cuts. Discounts were introduced by local dealers to clear inventory, according to a BYD sales staff yesterday, who pointed out that the carmaker has no intention of lowering its NEV prices. 比亚迪回应降价非官方行为:近期有报道称,比亚迪启动了“年内首次降价”,北京、上海、深圳等多地的比亚迪展厅王朝系列产品启动优惠方案,老款车型优惠幅度在万元上下,交车周期也进行了缩短。对此,比亚迪相关工作人员向媒体表示:“目前我们官方没有要降价这一说。像比亚迪汉是2021年的款,因为经销商要推新款,所以老款要去库存,部分车型可能会进行一些优惠,但不是全面的降价。”

Chinese internet giant Tencent has reportedly set up a development team to work on a ChatGPT-like chatbot. Tencent's product, to be called "HunyuanAide," will incorporate the company's AI training model named “Hunyuan,” media reported today. 腾讯或已成立类ChatGPT产品项目组:2月28日有报道称,腾讯针对类ChatGPT产品已成立“混元助手(HunyuanAide)”项目组,并将联合腾讯内部多方团队构建大参数语言模型,完善腾讯智能助手工具等。此前有消息称,腾讯产品侧已推出混元AI大模型,完整覆盖NLP(自然语言处理)、CV(计算机视觉)、多模态等基础模型和众多行业/领域模型。


As of the end of last month, 235,000 accounts belonging to permanent residents of Hong Kong and Macao had been opened with Chinese mainland banks since the People’s Bank of China launched a trial allowing them to open accounts with select mainland lenders via local banks in 2019, according to the latest official data. The account owners completed 15.7 million transactions worth 11.3 billion yuan as of the end of January, with mobile transaction making up more than 70 percent of the total. 港澳代理见证开户试点扩容:2月27日中国人民银行广州分行消息,近年来,香港、澳门居民代理见证开户业务试点不断扩容。截至目前,港澳地区代理见证开户分别惠及超过70%、85%的香港、澳门居民;截至2023年1月末,香港、澳门居民通过代理见证方式开立Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类个人银行结算账户23.5万户,累计交易1570.8万笔、金额112.9亿元,其中移动支付交易笔数占比七成以上。


Chinese stocks rebounded sharply today in the last session of February, as investors waited for economic data to confirm the recovery. The benchmark Shanghai Composite and the Shenzhen Component each gained 0.7 percent, while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index declined 0.8 percent and the TECH index dipped 1.6 percent. A股V型反弹港股再跌:周二A股午后探底回升,尾盘发力上演V形反转,2月飘红收官。截至收盘,沪指涨0.66%,深成指涨0.70%,创业板指涨0.80%,两市全天成交额7568亿元,北向资金净卖出13亿元。港股高开后冲高回落,恒指收跌0.79%,恒生科技指数跌1.62%。

Biz Word of the Day


Return on investment (ROI) is a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency or profitability of an investment or compare the efficiency of a number of different investments. ROI tries to directly measure the amount of return on a particular investment, relative to the investment’s cost. 投资回报率(ROI)是一种绩效评估,用于评估投资效率或比较许多不同投资的效率。 投资回报率试图直接衡量特定投资的回报量,相对于投资成本。 为了计算投资回报率,将投资的收益(或回报)除以投资成本。

Executive Editor: Sonia YU

Editor: LI Yanxia

Host: Stephanie LI

Writer: Stephanie LI

Sound Editor: Stephanie LI

Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni

Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.

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编委: 于晓娜






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