
月亮 头像 清新 女生 一起


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-03-20 05:53:03 浏览32 评论0



Many times, I just want to be able to have you, holding me tight until my emotions really get better.


My favorite person is a world-famous hero, and one day he will wear a golden armor and marry me in a colorful pippi shrimp.


我要做个会撒糖的小孩子,走一路 糖撒一路,让和我一起走在路上的你 甜到心里。

I want to be a child who can sprinkle sugar, go all the way sugar sprinkle all the way, so that you who walk with me on the road sweet to my heart.


This morning a man was blown away by the typhoon, and his hair was gone in the air because he was a bald man.


When I was young, I had no money at home. I always pulled a rope and tied a plastic bag to fly a kite.


Buying instant noodles always likes braised egg red cow noodles, because the same is instant noodles, at least they have one more egg dignity.