牙签万轴 形容藏书非常多,锦囊玉轴 ①玉轴装裱,轴组词有哪些词语宝藏杼杼轴,牙签玉轴 卷型古书的标签和卷轴,秉钧持轴 执政掌权,借指书籍,借指书籍,借指书籍。
Axis Group Lyric:
当轴处中 正处在车轴的中间。比喻官居要位。
群轻折轴 轻的东西积多了,也能压断车轴。比喻听任小的坏事发展下去,也能造成严重后果。
牙签万轴 形容藏书非常多。
秉钧持轴 执政掌权。
秉钧当轴 犹言秉钧持轴。执政掌权。
插架万轴 插架:将藏书安放在书架上。轴:古代书卷中的杆,借指书籍。形容藏书丰富。
锦囊玉轴 ①玉轴装裱,盛以锦囊。指对书画作品的珍爱宝藏。②借指名贵的书画作品。
居轴处中 指身居重要职位。
牙签锦轴 卷型古书的标签和卷轴。借指书籍。形容书籍之精美。同“牙签玉轴”。
牙签犀轴 卷型古书的标签和卷轴。借指书籍。形容书籍之精美。同“牙签玉轴”。
牙签玉轴 卷型古书的标签和卷轴。借指书籍。牙,象牙;玉,美玉。形容书籍之精美。
自出机轴 比喻作文章能创造出一种新的风格和体裁。同“自出机杼”。
檀杼杼轴、铨杼杼轴、朝杼杼轴、犀杼杼轴、成杼杼轴、胚杼杼轴、锦杼杼轴、坤杼杼轴、穗杼杼轴、裱杼杼轴、杼杼轴金、钧杼杼轴、杼杼轴带、蒴杼杼轴、文杼杼轴、堂杼杼轴、线杼杼轴、车杼杼轴、横杼杼轴、袖杼杼轴、诗杼杼轴、缃杼杼轴、軖杼杼轴、牙杼杼轴、陆杼杼轴、归杼杼轴、大杼杼轴、标杼杼轴、杼杼轴杼、雷杼杼轴、铁杼杼轴、图杼杼轴、玉杼杼轴、輁杼杼轴、衡杼杼轴、机杼杼轴、玳杼杼轴、簨杼杼轴、小杼杼轴、杼杼轴文、秉杼杼轴、泛杼杼轴、棘杼杼轴、杼杼轴车、签杼杼轴、连杼杼轴、晨杼杼轴、秋杼杼轴、主杼杼轴、杼杼轴轳、返杼杼轴、 Hand axis, axis axis, closing shaft, roller axis, ruling axis, shaft jurisdiction, axis, red axis, Yao axis, axis poem, axis number, axis shaft, gate shaft, axis shaft 、斜杼杼轴、一杼杼轴、昆杼杼轴、辘杼杼轴、枢杼杼轴、还杼杼轴、卷杼杼轴、压杼杼轴、立杼杼轴、杼杼杼轴、挂杼杼轴、杼杼轴承、转杼杼轴、地杼杼轴、画杼杼轴、杼杼轴线、杼杼轴子、杼杼轴心、杼杼轴头、 The axis, the axis, the axis, the axis, the axis, the axis, the axis, the remaining shaft, the horses, the axis, the gold axis, the axis, the shaft, the scroll, the finale, the finale, the finale, the finale, the finale, Connecting shaft, rotating shaft, shaft car, car shaft, axis symmetrical, symmetrical shaft, ball axis, car shaft grass, white jade shaft, axis, axis, coordinate shaft, dragon tooth axis, three -foot shafts, ballast axis trapped, bouncing Junxian, toothpick brocade, axis country, toothpick 10th axis, rolling bead bearing, famous book brocade, Bingxian holding Jun, jigsu jade shaft, roller bearings, shafts thousands of miles, group light folding, rolling bearings, sliding bearings bearing , Such as drip shafts, inserting racks, in the axis, in the axis.