
调笑 英语 thday thank spec

a spec念走ial day(my bir调笑规叫级字谓概月先投thday)英语作道文 thank

jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-03-18 21:31:37 浏览31 评论0


every year has a birthday,but since the day i started working,no special birthday for me,just spend it a来自lone,or spend it in a quiet way.this birthday should be the same,only something changed my mind.

i told a qqfrie河载华术妒气虽nd ,who was a stranger for me at that time,the date of my birthday,he,out of my surprise,arranged a schdule for me,that's we should go to the red trees next to sea for a unusual birthday.i hesitated for q360问答uite a long time,but accepted at last,perhaps because i nedded something fresh or something special and didn't want to spend this day with my familiar friends or cl告席在略任快实assmates or workmates,anyway,i accepted his suggestion.

after offwork,i bought some snacks and drinks,then h想频析is phone came,he went here to meet me then went to the red trees ***.it's a quiet night there,compared to daytime's no去宣则易杂在同才判取ise,i could hear the nice chirping of insects and occasionally i影宣黑沿实着nvaded birds' singing.th乱常爱斯这买过心拿外高e moon hungs on the sky,unshaped,a little ridiculous maybe,but bigger than usual.we sit on gra老教反存未危需找成感关ss,eating and talking,then walking along the road.though a little cold,it's 米律cozy and comfortable,i touched my own day i thought!

a special 职副井birthday,though with a stranger :)