
我的梦中国梦诗歌 诗歌


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2022-08-11 07:37:57 浏览65 评论0








虽然有点长,但是却非常美丽。配一些没有歌词的soft或light country music就可以了^^ (你应该没有时间限制吧??)

It was once upon a winter night
That my path did cross the
Angel’s flight
His raiment shone of fire within
He said my song had summoned him
A snow was falling silent, deep
Then the moon shone on a world asleep
The angel moved to still my fear
His eyes were swollen and filled with tears
He said this earth was once paradise
That man was filled with greed and vice
And that man had long since shunned his gift of reason
Then the angel turned and took my hand
And led me down across the lan
Where we were joined in the night and the heart of
A place called Eden
He said:
Come walk with me my loving son
And understand what man has done
To the bounty and to the gift that he was given
Come walk the garden path with me
And understand the mystery
That binds man ball and chain to his Armegedden

Then the angel smiled and said to me
That ours was a greater destiny
That life was like an only child
That we might cherish for a while
He said that God was love and that song was prayer
And that man had failed 10,000(ten thousand) years
In his fall from grace unto the depths of his creeds and isms
He said with all beneath the sun
That the soul of god and Man were one
And that a heart of stone was just a rightful prison

Now I felt within a deep dispair
His words were more than man could bear
He said that man must learn to pray
And that for the crime of one..
Mankind might pay
That we must search to the depth of the heart
where the truth is written
The angel said God’s love was blind
That to judge was death
And to forgive divine
And that with greed and with the finest gold
Had men forged the bars of the gates of Eden

Then the angel raised a flaming sword
He touched my tongue to seal my word
And as I felt as one consumed within
He asked if I might sing for him
And we spent the night in song and prayer
And I felt a loving presense there
and I was born in the night anew in the
light of reason
And though I know not how or when
As I reached to touch the angels hem
We did part in the night and the heart
of a place called Eden
So if upon some winters night
Your path should cross the angels flight
I pray you’ll find a song within
To shelter warm and comfort him
And when you look into his eyes
Even angels cry
And that we are as one
and as whole in the eyes of a God
That perhaps needs us.
And be thou blessed and born anew
And know that you shall witness too
To we who are wandering in the dark of the night
from a place called Eden