

飞机在超过音速时,究竟是怎么产生音爆的?飞机音爆是什么 飞机音爆是怎么回事 音爆是什么

jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2022-08-11 02:02:08 浏览70 评论0


“声音爆炸”仅在飞机飞行速度时才会出现,超声速度锥凝结云凝结云是飞机突破声音障碍的现象,飞机的飞行速度不超过声音速度,声音爆炸云是飞行时出现的自然现象,声音障碍具有新的定义 - 当物体的运行速度接近声音速度时,飞机音爆是什么 飞机音爆是怎么回事 音爆是什么声音爆炸:当物体接近声音速度时,尽管低空飞行速度未达到或超过声音速度,许多人认为这是飞机进入声音速度的证明。



在理解声音的声音之前,我们需要了解声音障碍的概念。第二次世界大战,由于科学和技术水平的限制,飞机试图在跨音速上加速。在现代社会,现代社会,声音障碍具有新的定义 - 当物体的运行速度接近声音速度时,这种阻力会导致飞机衰减并产生强烈的冲击。音频屏障问题困扰了来自各个国家的飞行专家多年来,并给飞行带来了很多麻烦。



因此,确切地说,云的声音应称为凝结云。有三种类型的凝结云:低sub -soundsunds速度,不规则的冷凝云,Gaoyan速度锥凝云,超声速度锥凝结云凝结云是飞机突破声音障碍的现象。因此,凝结云可以理解为飞机短时在特定天气条件下形成的视觉表达。许多人都认为,只要声音的速度将会发生这种理解不正确。声音爆炸云仅出现在特定条件下(ropper或本地涡轮机,并且大气水蒸气的含量足够高,足以达到飞机附近的局部温度分布)。速度确实不达到或超过声音速度。


飞机音爆是什么 飞机音爆是怎么回事 音爆是什么



Simply put: because its supersonic speed or the speed of the sound. It is more complicated. Look slowly ... When we pass near the airport of the supersonic aircraft, we may hear the "嘣嘣" two loud noises, like The thunderbolt is clear, deafening. If you hear it for the first time, you will be surprised! I thought the plane fired in the air, or something wrong. In fact, this is the so -called "sound explosion" in supersonic flight (also known as "explosive sound"). So, what is going on with "sound explosion" and why does it only appear when the supersonic flight is fast?要想了解这一点,我们可以从一种常见的自然现象谈起: 在平静的水面上,如果投一块石头,水面上立刻会出现一圈一圈的水波向四周传播,波及整个水面,也就是We often say "one stone stirred thousands of waves." But if the water waves that are moving on the water on the water are not like this. For example, when a speedboat advances in the water at a high speed, we see that the water waves that are aroused are not passed on to the ground, but that it is circled, but it is Starting from the front of the boat, a wedge spread outward. At the same time, we can see that the forefront is dense, the waves are large, and the waves are small. We call this wave of wedge -shaped water waves. This wave follows the Clippers, and the scope of the spread is always within the wedge. Similarly, there is such a phenomenon for air. If the air is disturbed, the sound will spread outward in the form of waves like water. This is sound waves. The sound we usually hear is that the sound waves are introduced in the ear to stimulate the tympanic membrane. When the plane flights in the air, at the head or the protruding part, a wedge -shaped or cone -shaped wave appears like a speedboat in the water. This is the swarm. When they spread out to each other, they interfere and affect each other, and then bring together a front of the front turbulence and a back -ended excitement that is 包罗d. Although this wave can be compared with the above wedge -shaped water waves, it has a very different nature. The thickness of the waves is small, and the pressure, density, and temperature of the air after the waves suddenly rise, and the speed decreases immediately. When these two waves are as good as which space and objects, they will feel this strong change, reflect in the human ears, and make the ear drum membrane changes into the sudden air pressure. ring. This sound is called "sound explosion". "Sound explosion" only appears when the aircraft is flying speed. When the plane flights are flying at a certain height, the strong pressure changes caused by the ropper. Let us hear the "sound explosion". So, will a pilot with the plane also feel the same? In fact, the pilot will not hear this sound, because the pilot is sitting in the cockpit, the pressure, density, and temperature caused by the thrills cannot feel the pilots. Even if the cockpit is not sealed. Because the pilot is always behind the front of the front and the front of the rear ride, that is, he is under the condition of a temporary stable and stable equivalent. The strength of the "sound explosion" and the size of the impact on the ground have a direct relationship with the height of the aircraft. Because, the same as the water quilt, the farther the distance, the weaker the strength of the waves. When the aircraft fly at a low -altitude supersonic, not only can humans and animals on the ground hear the deafening loud noise, affecting people's lives and work, and it can be severely shattered and even damaged unique buildings, causing direct losses. As the height of the flight increases, this impact is getting weaker and weaker. When it exceeds a certain height, the ground will basically not be affected.