2022年12月,美国总统拜登签署了《2022化妆品监管现代化法案》(Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022,简称MoCRA)。MoCRA是自1938年以来对《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案》(FDCA,即21 CFR)的第一次重大修订。
第三步,确认产品成份,需要提交化妆品成份声明,可以按CAS / VCRP代码编号或通用,常用或化学名称输入成分。
01. Baby Products婴儿产品
a. Baby Shampoos 洗发露
b. Lotions, Oils, Powders, and Creams护肤类爽身粉,面霜,涂油,涂液
c. Other Baby Products其他婴儿用化妆类产品
02. Bath Preparations洗浴用品
a. Bath Oils, Tablets, and Salts浴盐,油,药
b. Bubble Bath泡沫剂
c. Bath Capsules洗浴胶
d. Other Bath Preparations其他洗浴用品
03. Eye Makeup Preparations眼部化妆品
a. Eyebrow Pencil眉笔
b. Eyeliner眼线膏
c. Eye Shadow眼影
d. Eye Lotion洗眼剂
e. Eye Makeup Remover眼部卸妆水
f. Mascara睫毛膏
g. Other Eye Makeup Preparations其他眼部化妆品
04. Fragrance Preparations芳香用品
a. Cologne and Toilet Waters古龙水和厕所芳香水
b. Perfumes香水
c. Powders (dusting and talcum, excluding aftershave talc)清香涂粉
d. Sachets香囊
e. Other Fragrance Preparations其他芳香用品
05. Hair Preparations (non-coloring)头发用品(不含染发剂)
a. Hair发油
b. Hair Spray (aerosol fixatives)发胶
c. Hair Straighteners直发油
d. Permanent Waves烫发油
e. Rinses (non-coloring)冲洗剂(不含清洗染发素)
f. Shampoos (non-coloring)洗发露(不含清洗染发素)
g. Tonics, Dressings, and Other Hair Grooming Aids护发素
h. Wave Sets塑形油
i. Other Hair Preparations其他头发用化妆品
06. Hair Coloring Preparations染发剂
a. Hair Dyes and Colors (all types requiring caution statements and patch tests)染料(需有相关使用警告和过敏测试)
b. Hair Tints染发剂
c. Hair Rinses (coloring)冲洗剂(清洗染发素)
d. Hair Shampoos (coloring)洗发露(清洗染发素)
e. Hair Color Sprays (aerosol)头发色喷
f. Hair Lighteners with Color亮色剂
g. Hair Bleaches漂白剂
h. Other Hair Coloring Preparations其他染发用品
07. Makeup Preparations (not eye)脸部化妆用品(不含眼部用品)
a. Blushers (all types)脸部图红剂
b. Face Powders脸霜
c. Foundations粉底
d. Leg and Body Paints皮肤涂料
e. Lipstick口红
f. Makeup Bases上装底液
g. Rouges胭脂
h. Makeup Fixatives定色剂
i. Other Makeup Preparations其他脸部化妆用品
08. Manicuring Preparations指甲化妆品
a. Basecoats and Undercoats底油(内层漆)
b. Cuticle Softeners角质软化剂
c. Nail Creams and Lotions指甲清洗液
d. Nail Extenders指甲填充剂
e. Nail Polish and Enamel指甲油
f. Nail Polish and Enamel Removers指甲油清除液
g. Other Manicuring Preparations其他指甲化妆品
09. Oral Hygiene Products口腔类化妆品
a. Dentifrices (aerosol, liquid, pastes, and powders)洁牙喷雾,牙膏,牙粉(对牙齿)
b. Mouthwashes and Breath Fresheners (liquids and sprays)漱口水或喷雾(对口腔)
c. Other Oral Hygiene Products其他口腔类化妆品
10. Personal Cleanliness个人清洁
a. Bath Soaps and Detergents皮肤肥皂和清洗液
b. Deodorants (underarm)体味除臭剂
c. Douches阴道冲洗液
d. Feminine Deodorants女性香体液
e. Other Personal Cleanliness Products其他个人清洁用品
11. Shaving Preparations修面用品
a. Aftershave Lotion剃须后清洗剂
b. Beard Softeners胡须软化剂
c. Men's Talcum男士滑油/皂/剂
d. Preshave Lotions (all types)剃须前清洗液
e. Shaving Cream (aerosol, brushless, and lather)剃须膏
f. Shaving Soap (cakes, sticks, etc.)剃须皂
g. Other Shaving Preparations其他修面用品
12. Skin Care Preparations (Creams, Lotions, Powders, and Sprays)护肤品
a. Cleansing (cold creams, cleansing lotions, liquids, and pads)洗面奶
b. Depilatories脱毛膏
c. Face and Neck (excluding shaving preparations)脸部嫩肤剂(不含剃须用)
d. Body and Hand (excluding shaving preparations)护手霜(不含剃须用)
e. Foot Powders and Sprays脚部护肤剂
f. Moisturizing补水剂
g. Night夜用嫩肤剂
h. Paste Masks (mud packs)面膜
i. Skin Fresheners皮肤促进吸收剂
j. Other Skin Care Preparations其他护肤用品
13. Suntan Preparations防晒品
a. Suntan Gels, Creams, and Liquids防晒霜
b. Indoor Tanning Preparations室内用护肤防晒剂
c. Other Suntan Preparations 其他防晒用品