
家蚕 基因组 图谱 绘制 中国

《ISU NEWS》第3期 | 中国研究团队完成家蚕超级泛基因组图谱绘制

jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-03-11 01:40:03 浏览35 评论0



A Chinese Research Team Draws the First Super Pan-genome Map of the Silkworm.

中国家蚕基因组生物学国家重点实验室主任、国家蚕桑产业技术体系首席科学家代方银教授研究团队完成家蚕大规模种质资源基因组解析(“千蚕基因组”),绘就家蚕超级泛基因组。该研究在世界上率先实现家蚕基因库数字化,创建“数字家蚕”,对于深化功能基因组研究和推进家蚕模式化,开启家蚕设计育种,赋能“改造家蚕、多元利用”等,具有深远的影响。研究论文“High-resolution silkworm pan-genome provides genetic insights into artificial selection and ecological adaptation”于9月24日在国际名刊《Nature Communications》在线发表。





The research team, under the leadership of Professor DAI Fangyin, director of State Key Laboratory of Silkworm Genome Biology, and chief scientist of the National Sericulture Industry Technology System, has completed the genome analysis of silkworm germplasm resources on a large scale and drawn the world’s first super pan-genome map of the silkworm. This is the first research ever to digitize silkworm gene pool and create a “digital silkworm”, which is of great significance for facilitating functional genomic research, advancing the modeling of silkworms, promoting precise breeding, facilitating genetic design and breeding of silkworms, and thus enabling “transformation and diversified utilization of silkworms”. The research paper entitled High-resolution silkworm pan-genome provides genetic insights into artificial selection and ecological adaptation was published in the world-renowned journal Nature Communications on 24 September.


The silkworm (Bombyx mori) is an important economic insect and an emerging model organism. Previously, only a single reference genome and partial re-sequencing data were available for silkworm gene research, which limits the in-depth mining of genomic variation and valuable genes, especially for molecular breeding. Pan-genome is the sum of all genomic information in a species, which is of great significance for deepening functional genome research and germplasm innovation.

The team conducted short-read second-generation sequencing of 1,078 silkworms (including 205 local strains, 194 improved varieties, 632 genetic stocks, and 47 wild silkworms), and long-read third-generation sequencing of 545 representatives, generating 55.57 T of genomic data. Besides, the team drew a high-resolution pan-genome map after assembling 545 high-quality genomes of silkworms, annotating 100 genomes, and identifying 7,308 new genes.

This pan-genome dataset contains the most comprehensive information on the genomes of domestic and wild silkworm, and is the largest long-read pan-genome in the world for plants and animals to date. At the same time, in-depth studies on various genetic variation, population structure, artificial selection and ecological adaptations and economic traits of silkworm have been carried out, yielding fruitful results.

(Source: State Key Laboratory of Silkworm Genome Biology)



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