
作文 做菜 中英文 语法 小学生

小学生作文《我学会了做菜》,中英文作文 原创 无语法错误

jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-03-09 03:05:02 浏览52 评论0







Learning to Cook

Today, I learned how to cook. I learned to make a simple and delicious dish, called scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

First, I bought several fresh tomatoes and eggs at the supermarket. When I got home, I cut the tomatoes into small pieces and beat the eggs into a bowl. Then, I put a pan on the fire and added a little oil. I put the tomatoes in the pan and fried them until they became soft. Finally, I poured the beaten eggs into the pan and quickly scrambled them until they were cooked through.

After frying, I took the pan off the fire and saw that the scrambled eggs with tomatoes had become bright in color and fragrant. I tasted it and found that it was very delicious. I was very happy because I learned to make this dish.

From now on, I will learn to cook more and more, to enrich my life.