- distract和attract是反义词吗
- 雅思听力如何挺高,不要给我推荐王陆语料库,本人水土不服、有成功心得告诉我,谢谢 高分回馈
- 汉译英(谢绝机译)
- 雅思听力满分技巧分享
- distract的形容词形式
- 雅思听力第四第三部分比第一第二部分难在哪里
- 婴儿应该几岁开始学习第二门语言才能跟母语没区别
- attractive是什么意思
- distraction的动词形容词副词
- attraive是什么意思
Dazed or distracted with romantic sentiment.
He listened with distraction.
Hearing this Hoover said,Sir,once,a man was driven to distraction by a barking dog
For, of all exercise, that of dancing, he termed a voluntary and regular fit of distraction.
People with anxiety disorders will also have sweaty palms, and be easily distracted.
雅思听力如何挺高,不要给我推荐王陆语料库,本人水土不服、有成功心得告诉我,谢谢 高分回馈
看只有英文字幕的美剧(可以把字幕遮掉),提高到一定程度后去看crash course,是John Green的,语速非常快,然后试着边听边做笔记,会有帮助的
ⅡEasy to adapt and to accept the different thought that the idea, the culture and so on. Any language with the culture which its locates as well as seeps to the culture in the thought that the idea, the tradition, the custom is inalienable. The study foreign language inevitably must contact foreign the culture, the thought that the idea and so on; Moreover, understood that foreign the culture, the thought that the idea are helpful to the foreign language study. At the same time, if this nationality and the foreign nationality has the big difference in the culture, this nationality’s culture possibly affects the foreign language learner to use the foreign language typically. For instance the Chinese meets asked frequently “ has eaten meal? “, in fact this is the way which greets, whether each other not real care opposite party did eat meal.
If translates these words the foreign language and uses for with the foreigner to greet, others possibly do not understand. China traditional culture and English-speaking country’s culture should say that has the very big difference, the Chinese culture, particularly China’s language, to the English study’s negative influence is very big. Along with age enlargement, are more to this nationality’s language culture absorption, is possibly bigger to the foreign language study’s influence. From this angle, the child studies the foreign language to have certain superiority, because this national person’s language, culture also not on their body ingrained, therefore are relatively few to their foreign language study’s negative influence some. Certainly, we did not advocate that the child accepts the foreign thought that the culture comprehensively, the teacher also wants to pay attention in the teaching guides the student to understand foreign correctly the thought that the culture and so on.
ⅢEasy to raise the effective study strategy as well as the good study habits. Grasps and uses the effective study strategy is the foreign language learner achieves the biggest study effect the ratio to prepare the condition in the shortest time. The present age foreign language teaching very much takes seriously to the student carries on the study strategy the raise, many teaching materials seep the study strategy’s training to the classroom instruction. Because many kinds of historical and the reality reason, now many middle-school students and the adults have formed the bad foreign language study strategy and the study habits. Once these customs form are very difficult to change. The raise study strategy and the study habits need to work since childhood.
②The psychological burden is light.
As a result of the East and West culture’s difference, English and Chinese difference, regarding the Chinese, English is one brand-new language, study English with studies other knowledge (for instance mathematics, history) to have the big difference. Some people thought that the study foreign language is to a great extent we “ the risk “, namely affronts is wrong and is dangerous. Such shy, timid, anxious and so on psychological burdens have the tremendous influence to the foreign language study. Compares with the adult, because the child shy, timid, anxious and so on psychological factors bring the side effect is small; They dare the aperture, participates in each kind of activity positively. This is advantageous to the creation relaxed happy learning environment.
③The emotion factor is simple. More and more research indicated that the emotion factor is creates the foreign language study difference the important attribute. The emotion factor mainly refers to the manner and the motive. Learner’s manner mainly includes three aspects; To the goal language mass organization as well as take the goal language as the native language person’s manner; To studies the goal language the manner; To language and language study general manner. We believed that besides the above three big aspects, the foreign language learner’s manner also includes to the school and teacher’s manner, to the learning environment manner, to other learners (schoolmate) the manner, to studies material manner and so on. Moreover these aspect’s manner is more concrete, is close actual, is more direct to the foreign language study’s influence. Generally, the child thought is pure, the manner is positive, the above we say these manner, will say to the child will not have the question. The child studies generally depending on the intuition and the experience, the spirited study way and draws close to their life study content to be very easy to arouse their study enthusiasm, the initiation academic motivation.
Generally speaking, compares with the adult, child’s psychological feature is more advantageous to the foreign language study. But also has the disadvantageous factor. Mainly displays in three aspects:
①Child psychology plastic, but the automatic control ability is bad. Their easy cultivate interest, also easy to lose the interest.
If comes across the setback or the defeat, or meets the arid tasteless course content or the teaching form, they lose the interest very easily to the foreign language study.
②The child can invest positively in the foreign language study, but they focus the attention the time to be limited. They very easy to receive the extraneous factor the influence, but distractive.
③The child is inferior to the adult in the power of thought that they are not good at grasping the language the system and the rule, also lacks the independent study ability. Lacks the plan, the arrangement to own study. Is strong to teacher’s dependence.
Therefore, in the child foreign language teaching, must consider fully child’s psychological feature, according to the actual situation, draws up the corresponding plan of instruction, uses the corresponding teaching method
Section 1 称之为Survival(生存听力), very basic.要是连这一部分都听不懂,就没法在国外生活。这部分听力涉及的是国外生活的方方面面,如租房、旅行、咨询、看病等。由于原本就已经包罗万象。备考时,只要准备全面,熟悉各场景考查的重点方面,以及一些核心词汇,再在考前辅以机经词汇,就足以应付了。
Section 2 应该称之为Culture(文化听力),a little more depth.这一部分主要是向考生们介绍英国,澳大利亚等国的风土人情,如传统节日、特色旅游、电台节目、社交生活、校园生活等。但随着内容的扩充,难度也在扩大,S2在09出了很多的新题,这还不是最可怕的,因为新题虽多,还入窠臼,新题仍然脱不了一个大范围——英联邦国家的文化特色。最可怕的是在题型上足足比S1上了一个重量级,比如Paraphrasing的难度会增加,会出现更多的Distractive information和keyword postposition.所以在熟悉场景主要内容的基础上,考生们要更加注重依靠一些‘手段’,也就是解题必要的Skills.
Section 3 是Off Class(课下听力),the most predictable.S3最可爱的地方在场景易于预测,它的大部分场景都限定在了课前的Course Selection和课后的Tutorial & Off Class Discussion,而且新年也不会有大的突破,多年来如此……这样一来,熟悉场景的同学在短短的30读题完毕之后,就能预测出录音的大致内容。再加上题型难度上S3比起S2上升的不多,辅以熟练的解题‘手段’,考生们完全可以把S3的争分变为保分。
Section 4 是Lecture & Presentation(课上听力)。S4是雅思听力闯关的最后关口,题型难度上不但有雅思拿手的Paraphrasing, Indirect & Distractive Information, Keyword postposition,还会有更加让人匪夷所思的Paraphrasing of Noun Keywords(名词关键词的同意转换),如facility, construction, industry, business等词都可以进行转换,更加大了听力理解难度。所谓业精于勤荒于嬉,要想克服S4的必杀技,一定要勤练技巧,掌握手段。S4在场景上也处于不断扩充的过程中,这是近几年的常态,各种学术话题逐年递增,除了环境科学、生物科学、商科以外、天文学、考古学、历史学等话题范畴下的新题也是层出不穷。由于S4场景扩充的可能范围太广——自然科学+人文科学,预测势必难以为之,大家的策略应该是立足手段,挑战学术。
形容词: distractive,distracted,distracting。
美 /dɪˈstrækʃn/英 /dɪˈstrækʃn/
复数 distractions
I am mad with these distractions at work.
High school students are vulnerable to distractions.
draw someone’s attention away from something
disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed
雅思听力的难度是分级别的,从Section1到Section4, 难度逐级上升。而难度不同,考场任务也就不同。Section 1是保分,Section
2 & 3是争分,Section 4则是挑战。
Section 1称之为Survival(生存听力), very basic.
Section 2应该称之为Culture(文化听力),a little more depth.
information和keyword postposition.
Section 3 是谓Before & Off Class(课下听力),the most predictable.
S3最可爱的地方在场景易于预测,它的大部分场景都限定在了课前的Course Selection和课后的Tutorial & Off Class
Discussion, 而且新年也不会有大的突破,多年来如此.
Section 4 是谓Lecture & Presentation (课上听力), the Boss.
S4是雅思游戏闯关最后关口,因此肯定能见识到一些看家本领,题型难度上不但有雅思拿手的Paraphrasing, Indirect &
Distractive Information, Keyword postposition, 还会有更加让人匪夷所思的Paraphrasing of Noun
Keywords(名词关键词的同意转换),如facility, construction, industry,
过去半个多世纪来,不断有研究者从各个角度验证和质疑这个假说,至今也没有得出确定的结论,但总的来说,年龄越小,学习语言越容易;语言环境越好、接触的语言信息越丰富,学习语言越容易。你三岁时学习语言的能力,可能还赶不上一岁时的三分之一,七岁时的能力又赶不上三岁时的三分之一,十二岁时再创新低……依此类推。 所以,理想情况当然是从婴儿期就沉浸于多语环境,让处于高速学习期的大脑像海绵一样吸收语言信息,从而以最低的学习成本,成为双语者或多语者。 拿这位逆天实习生的例子来说,小学五年级也就是11岁才开始学习第二门外语,其实已经比较晚了,会经历相当艰苦的学习过程。但这位(不知是否真实存在的)小朋友有一个优势,他举家移民美国并进入当地小学,有良好的纯英语环境,长时间浸没在目标语言环境中肯定有助于快速学习这门语言。赴美三年之后,这孩子日常会话应该没问题了,能当辩论队队长我只能说他语言天赋确实比较强。
adj.迷人的; 有魅力的; 引人注目的; 招人喜爱的;
The creamy white flowers are attractive in the spring.
汉语翻译:vt. 转移, 分心, 使发狂。
词型变化:形容词:distractive;副词:distractingly;动词过去式:distracted;过去分词:distracted;现在分词:distracting;第三人称单数:distracts 。
puzzle, bewilder, confuse, embarrass, perplex, baffle, confound, distract
puzzle: 侧重使人难于理解、困惑、伤脑筋。
bewilder: 语气强烈,指因迷不解或惊愕而慌乱,不知所措,无法清醒地思考。
confuse: 语气较弱,指由于混淆、混乱而糊涂。
embarrass: 常指因处境或困难问题而感到窘迫、局促不安或焦急而不知所措。
perplex: 除困惑外,还含焦虑或缺乏把握之意,因而难于作出决定,无从下手处理。
baffle: 语气最强,多指遇见奇怪情景或复杂困难情况时所产生的惶恐困惑心理。
confound: 常指人惊慌失措和狼狈不堪。
distract: 主要用于注意力分散、思想矛盾或过分激动时产生的昏乱。
adj.迷人的; 有魅力的; 引人注目的; 招人喜爱的;
有吸引力的; 吸引人的; 有吸引力;
She’s a very attractive woman.
比较级:more attractive 最高级:most attractive 形近词: distractive retractive detractive