


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2022-07-22 09:44:53 浏览66 评论0


它是萨-6地面导弹系统的继任者,“毛泽东”的新型防空导弹系统主要用于破坏30公里以内的各种空气目标,:由“ 毛毛”防空导弹系统成功开发的“浮动Murlon”防空导弹系统的原型是传奇的苏联“立方”防空导弹系统,这种导弹类型是低空和中等距离摩托车防空武器系统,://blog1.poco.cn/myblogdetail-htx-id-2161913-userid-43011089-pri-n-0.xhtml有大量俄罗斯武器显示)))))))))))))))))))山毛榉导弹可以打到F35吗萨-11“ Shammat”代号为9K37(萨M-11防空导弹),最新的“ Tampee M1-2”防空导弹系统的范围为45公里,它的作战目标为战略和战术飞机、战术弹道导弹、 Cruise missiles, tactical air-ray missiles, helicopters and drones. It also has the ability of a limited anti-tactical ballistic missile and can deal with anti-radiation missiles within 20 kilometers away. It is possible to take on the medium-range defense task of the S-400-layer air defense system. 70 kg, effective range of 3 to 45 kilometers, the minimum combat height is about 10 meters, and the maximum effective shooting is 25,000 meters. It has been increased by several times, so it can fight for air attacks and missile attacks from large -scale modern weapons.谁能给我“山毛榉”防空导弹的详细资料1970年代为叙利亚防空队开发了“毛泽东”中型防空导弹系统,也可以在25公里以内攻击地面目标。


Russian Buk-M1 Skiley "air defense missile: began in service in the mid-1980s, 5.55 meters long, bomb diameter of 400mm, wingspan of 0.86 meters, launching weight of 690 kg, 70 kg of high blast crack warhead, the flying speed of 3m, the largest The effective range is 25 kilometers, the flying height is 15-14020 meters, the maximum overload is 20g, one can be launched every 6 seconds, using semi-active 雷达 gui达nce, can attack 6 targets at the same time, and can attack the surface target. 0.885 for aircraft targets. It is called "Schikili" air defense missile by China. Representatives entered the Russian 陆军 in 1995. It was developed and produced by Russian "diamond-Antai" air defense weapon equipment company. It was used to replace the earliest 9K37 "mountain hair". It is composed of several parts such as the self -propelled missile loading car. -M1-2用相控阵雷达天线取代装置在发射架上的跟踪雷达天线。每部发射架都能同时制导4枚导弹对付不同目标。它的作战目标为战略和战术飞机、战术弹道导弹、 Cruise missiles, tactical air-ray missiles, helicopters and drones. It also has the ability of a limited anti-tactical ballistic missile and can deal with anti-radiation missiles within 20 kilometers away. It is possible to take on the medium-range defense task of the S-400-layer air defense system. 70 kg, effective range of 3 to 45 kilometers, the minimum combat height is about 10 meters, and the maximum effective shooting is 25,000 meters. It has been increased by several times, so it can fight for air attacks and missile attacks from large -scale modern weapons.


1970年代为叙利亚防空队开发了“毛泽东”中型防空导弹系统。该系统有几个改进。最新的“ Tampee M1-2”防空导弹系统的范围为45公里,高度为25,000米。 :由“ 毛毛”防空导弹系统成功开发的“浮动Murlon”防空导弹系统的原型是传奇的苏联“立方”防空导弹系统。无形的轰炸机是世界上的一种感觉。 “毛泽东”的新型防空导弹系统主要用于破坏30公里以内的各种空气目标,例如战斗机,导弹等,也可以在25公里以内攻击地面目标,例如飞机,地面在机场的发射设备,指挥处等。射击后可以根据空调及时校正飞行轨迹。 ://blog1.poco.cn/myblogdetail-htx-id-2161913-userid-43011089-pri-n-0.xhtml有大量俄罗斯武器显示)))))))))))))))))))


萨-11“ Shammat”代号为9K37(萨M-11防空导弹)。北约被称为“ niu继”。它是萨-6地面导弹系统的继任者,与萨-6具有互操作性。这种导弹类型是低空和中等距离摩托车防空武器系统。它主要执行现场防空任务,并配备了陆军导弹旅。设置四米的发射架和一辆轨道汽车。出口类型称为恒河。

