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综述:丹佛儿denver、丹Dan、丹妮Danny、罗丹Rodin、丹尼尔Daniel、丹茜Daisy、Dance 丹丝、Dane 戴恩(丹恩)。


When Dan cooks dinner he always goes the whole nine yards, with three courses and a choice of dessert. 







Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917). The French artist Auguste Rodin had a profound influence on 20th-century sculpture. His works are distinguished by their stunning strength and realism. Rodin refused to ignore the negative aspects of humanity, and his works confront distress and moral weakness as well as passion and beauty.
Francois-Auguste-Rene Rodin was born on Nov. 12, 1840, in Paris. At the age of 14 he entered the Petite Ecole, a school of decorative arts in Paris. He applied three times to study at the renowned Ecole des Beaux-Arts but was rejected each time. In 1858 he began to do decorative stonework in order to make his living. Four years later the death of his sister Marie so traumatized Rodin that he entered a sacred order.
The father superior of the order recognized Rodin’s talents and encouraged him to pursue his art. In 1864 Rodin met a seamstress named Rose Beuret. She became his life companion and was the model for many of his works. That year Rodin submitted his Man with a Broken Nose to the Paris Salon. It was rejected but later accepted under the title Portrait of a Roman. Rodin traveled in 1875 to Italy, where the works of Michelangelo made a strong impression on him. The trip inspired his sculpture The Age of Bronze, which was exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1877. It caused a scandal because the critics could not believe that Rodin had not used a casting of a live model in creating so realistic a work.
The controversy brought Rodin more fame than praise might have. In 1880 he was commissioned to create a bronze door for the future Museum of Decorative Arts. Although the work was unfinished at the time of his death, it provided the basis for some of Rodin’s most influential and powerful work. In 1884 he was commissioned to create a monument that became The Burghers of Calais. His statues St. John the Baptist Preaching, Eve, The Age of Bronze, and The Thinker are world famous. Rodin died on Nov. 17, 1917, and was buried at Meudon.
When Rodin was 76 years old he gave the French government the entire collection of his own works and other art objects he had acquired. They occupy the Hotel Biron in Paris as the Musee Rodin and are still placed as Rodin set them.


芭芭拉*史翠珊 Barbra Streisand
依莎多拉*邓肯Isadora Duncan
达芬奇da Vinci 米开朗琪罗Michelangelo
拉斐尔Raffaello 伦勃朗Rembrandt
凡高Van Gogh 塞尚Cezanne 杜尚Duchamp
罗丹Rodin 高更Gauguin 毕加索Picasso
斯托夫人 Harriet Beecher Stowe
马克吐温 Mark Twain 欧亨利O’Henry
海明威Hemingway 卡夫卡Kafka
夏洛特勃朗蒂Charlotte Bronte 泰戈尔Tagore
裴多菲Petefi 莫里哀Moliere 歌德Goethe
席勒Schiele 莎士比亚Shakespeare 易卜生Ibsen
列宾Repin 康定斯基Kandinsky 普希金Pushkin
屠格涅夫Turgenev 列夫托尔斯泰Leo Tolstoy
契诃夫Chekhov 高尔基Gorki 瓦西里耶夫Vasiliev
奥斯托洛夫斯基Ostrovsky 巴甫洛娃Pavlova
小泽征尔Seiji Ozawa 雪舟和尚(找不到)
川端康成Kawabata Yasunari
夏目漱石 Natsume Souseki 埃斯库罗斯Aeschylus
巴赫Bach 贝多芬Beethoven 门德尔松Mendelssohn
肖邦Chopin 莫扎特Mozate 李斯特Liszt
汤姆叔叔的小屋Uncle Tom’s Cabin 悭吝人A Miser
哈姆雷特Hamlet 奥赛罗Othello 李尔王King Lear
麦克白Macbeth 浮士德Faust
玩偶之家A Doll’s House
钦差大臣Inspector General
钢铁是怎样炼成的The Making of Steel
变形记The Metamorphosis
这里的黎明静悄悄The Dawns Here Are Quiet
牢不可破的联盟Patriotiskaya Pesn
月光With an Orchild
命运交响乐Symphonie Nr.5 C-moll op.67
欢乐颂Nursery Rhymes


罗丹有一句话表达了类似的意思,但是,这句话本身在英文世界毫无影响力,几乎零引用。Beauty is everywhere. it is not that she is lacking to our eye, but our eyes which fail to perceive her.
如果需要类似意思但更靠谱更学术的引用来提高文字格调,建议引用马赛尔·普鲁斯特的话:The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes。英语里常说的seeing with new eyes也出之于此。
  奥古斯特·罗丹(augeuste rodin1840~1917)法国著名雕塑家。十四岁随荷拉斯·勒考克(lecongde boisbaudran)学画,后又随巴耶学雕塑,并当过加里埃-贝勒斯(carrier-belleuse)的助手,去比利时布鲁塞尔创作装饰雕塑五年。1875年游意大利,深受米开朗基罗作品的启发,从而确立了现实主义的创作手法。他的《青铜时代》、《思想者》、《雨果》、《加莱义民》和《巴尔扎克》等作品都有新的创造,曾受到法国学院派的抨击。包含着186 件雕塑的《地狱之门》的设计,即因当时官方阻挠而未能按计划实现,只完成《思想者》、《吻》、《夏娃》等部分作品。善于用丰富多样的绘画性手法塑造出神态生动富有力量的艺术形象。生平作了许多速写,别具风格,并有《艺术论》传世。罗丹在欧洲雕塑史上的地位,正如诗人但丁在欧洲上的地位。罗丹和他的两个学生马约尔和布德尔,被誉为欧洲雕刻“三大支柱”。对于现代人来说,他是旧时期(古典主义时期)的最后一位雕刻家,又是新时期(现代主义时期)最初一位雕刻家。他的一只脚留在古典派的庭院内,另一只脚却已迈过现代派的门坎儿。可以说,罗丹用他在古典主义时期锻炼得成熟而有力的双手,用他不为传统束缚的创造精神,为新时代打开了现代雕塑的大门;当年轻的艺术家们蜂拥而入向前跑去时,他却已入衰迈之年,他走不动了。他的创作对欧洲近代雕塑的发展有较大影响。罗丹生于一个贫穷的基督教家庭。他的父亲是一名警务信使,母亲是穷苦的平民妇女。罗丹从小喜爱美术,其它功课却很糟糕。在姐姐玛丽的支持下,失望的父亲不得不同 奥古斯特·罗丹(augeuste rodin1840~1917)法国著名雕塑家。十四岁随荷拉斯·勒考克(lecongde boisbaudran)学画,后又随巴耶学雕塑,并当过加里埃-贝勒斯(carrier-belleuse)的助手,去比利时布鲁塞尔创作装饰雕塑五年。1875年游意大利,深受米开朗基罗作品的启发,从而确立了现实主义的创作手法。他的《青铜时代》、《思想者》、《雨果》、《加莱义民》和《巴尔扎克》等作品都有新的创造,曾受到法国学院派的抨击。包含着186 件雕塑的《地狱之门》的设计,即因当时官方阻挠而未能按计划实现,只完成《思想者》、《吻》、《夏娃》等部分作品。善于用丰富多样的绘画性手法塑造出神态生动富有力量的艺术形象。生平作了许多速写,别具风格,并有《艺术论》传世。

鲁迅、居里夫人、罗丹、詹天佑、周恩来、贝多芬每人的简介,字数不超多40 鲁迅、居

路德维希·凡·贝多芬伟大的德国作曲家、维也纳古典乐派代表人物之一,对世界音乐的发展有着举足轻重的作用,被世人尊称为 “乐圣”。

《思想者》 英文介绍 答完后30+分

Auguste Rodin’s sculpture “The Thinker“ is known around the world. Head in hand, the nude figure sits in intense contemplation, twisting awkwardly to rest his right arm on his left knee. Rodin said of his work, “What makes my Thinker think is that he thinks not only with his brain, with his knitted brow, his distended nostrils and compressed lips, but with every muscle of his arms, back and legs, with his clenched fist and gripping toes.“ The Thinker was originally conceived as the central figure for the monumental “Gates of Hell,“ a commission Rodin never completed. The piece gained its current title when it was exhibited in Paris in 1899.


The Thinker (French: Le Penseur) is a bronze and marble sculpture by Auguste Rodin held in the Musée Rodin in Paris. It depicts a man in sober meditation battling with a powerful internal struggle. It is often used to represent philosophy.Originally named The Poet, the piece was part of a commission by the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris to create a monumental portal to act as the door of the museum. Rodin based his theme on The Divine Comedy of Dante and entitled the portal The Gates of Hell. Each of the statues in the piece represented one of the main characters in the epic poem. The Thinker was originally meant to depict Dante in front of the Gates of Hell, pondering his great poem. (In the final sculpture, a miniature of the statue sits atop the gates, pondering the hellish fate of those beneath him.) The sculpture is nude, as Rodin wanted a heroic figure in the tradition of Michelangelo, to represent intellect as well as poetry.Rodin made a first small plaster version around 1880. The first large-scale bronze cast was finished in 1902, but not presented to the public until 1904. It became the property of the city of Paris – thanks to a subscription organized by Rodin admirers – and was put in front of the Panthéon in 1906. In 1922, it was moved to the H�0�0tel Biron, which was transformed into a Rodin Museum.More than any other Rodin sculpture, The Thinker moved into the popular imagination as an immediately recognizable icon of intellectual activity; consequently, it has been subject to endless satirical use. This started in Rodin’s lifetime. During the first season of the 1960s American sitcom The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, many episodes began and ended with the title character sitting on a park bench in the pose of the sculpture with a reproduction behind him.希望帮到你啦~