
七年级下册期末考试试卷2022 七年级下册


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-02-12 14:05:35 浏览42 评论0










(答卷时间:60分钟; 满分:100分)


1.下图是隋朝重大历史事件的时间轴,图中的①②③代表相关的历史事件,按事件发生的先后顺序排列正确的是( )





2.隋朝大运河是我国古代一项著名的水利工程,下列对该工程的表述正确的是( )





A.②③ B.①④ C.②③④ D.①②③④

3.唐太宗是中国古代历史上最为贤明的皇帝之一,他的很多治国之道被后世所推崇,其中用人之道又更为重要,下列哪一个大臣不是唐太宗时期任用的( )

A. 魏征 B. 房玄龄 C.姚崇 D.杜如晦

4.小明对下图所示的工程和农具进行了研究。以下认识和思考正确的是( )





5. 郭沫若曾赋诗一首:“鉴真盲目航东海,一片精诚照太清。舍己为人传道艺,唐风洋溢奈良城。”诗中的“道艺”不可能包括( )

A.儒家思想 B.建筑艺术

C.佛学经典 D.活字印刷

6. 藩镇割据是唐朝末年形成的一大恶瘤。下列历史现象的产生与这一“恶瘤”密切相关的是( )

A安史之乱 B.黄巢起义

C.五代十国 D.宦官专权

7.北宋为防止知州权力过大而设置分权的官员是( )

A.宰相 B.通判 C.转运使 D.枢密使

8.下面是辽、西夏与北宋政权并立局面的示意图。其中正确的是( )

9.辽与北宋“和好年深,双方休养生息,人人安居,不乐战斗”。双方这一相对和平局面出现在下列哪一事件后( )

A.澶渊之盟 B.金灭北宋

C.岳飞抗金 D.签订《尼布楚条约》

10. 岳飞在其《满江红·怒发冲冠》中写道“壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血”。这里的“匈奴”指的是( )

A. 契丹统治者 B.突厥统治者

C. 女真统治者 D.党项统治者

11. “苏湖熟,天下足“的 谚语 说明南宋时(  )





12. 南宋时期,有一位阿拉伯商人运载一批货物到泉州销售,他抵达泉州后应到哪个机构办理手续( )

A.都护府 B.市舶司

C.宣政院 D.理藩院

13. -写道:一代天骄成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕.成吉思汗的功绩主要是(  )

A.灭亡西夏 B.统一蒙古

C.建立元朝 D.定都大都

14.“都省握天下之机,十省分天下之治”,这反映出元朝在行政区划方面的重大创新是(  )

A.实行分封制 B.实行郡县制

C.创立科举制 D.推行行省制度

15. 每个时代都会有其主流文学形式。宋元的主流文学形式是(  )

A.诗、词 B.诗、曲

C.词、曲 D.词、小说

16. 历史影视作品是历史史实的艺术加工,但必须尊重历史史实,下列情节与历史史实不相符合的是(  )

A. 科举考试时用纸答题

B. 唐朝时,远航的船上装有指南针

C. 宋朝时,人们过节放鞭炮

D. 元朝时,阅读活字印刷的书籍

17.明朝设立的对官吏和百姓进行监视、侦查的特务机构是(  )

①兵部 ②东厂 ③锦衣卫 ④刑部。

A.①② B.②③ C.①④ D.③④

18. “郑成功是我国历史上的民族英雄。”这一评价的史实依据是(  )





19. 想了解中国17世纪的手工业发展情况,首选的资料是(  )

A.《天工开物》 B.《农政全书》

C.《本草纲目》 D.《三国演义》

20. 钱文忠在讲述唐朝对外关系时说:“一个伟大僧人西行取经的传奇 故事 ,一条由信念、坚持和智慧浇铸而成的求知之路…”下列哪位著名小说家以该僧人取经的故事为素材创作了一部长篇神话小说?(  )

A.罗贯中 B.吴承恩 C.施耐庵 D.曹雪芹

21.明末农民战争中,成为起义军主力的是( )

A.陈胜吴广起义军 B.张角起义军

C.黄巢起义军 D.李自成起义军

22. 1683年,清军进入台湾,之后在台湾设置机构,加强了台湾同祖国内地的联系。该机构是( )





23. 清朝政府为巩固和发展统一的多民族国家,采取的 措施 有( )

①设立西域都护 ②设立伊犁将军 ③设立驻藏大臣 ④平定准噶尔、回部贵族的叛乱

A.①②③ B.②③④

C.①②④ D.①③④

24. 清朝前期,已出现了比较成熟的手工业工场,主要集中在( )

A.纺织业 B.采矿业

C.运输业 D.餐饮业

25.“军机处一日日程:接折(阅读奏折)——见面(请皇帝旨)——述旨(拟皇帝旨意)——过朱(皇帝过目确定)——交发(下发旨意)。”这实质上反映了( )





26.下列人物与作品搭配正确的是( )














29. (16分) 阅读材料,完成下列要求。

材料一 隋唐对外交往比较活跃,与亚洲以至非洲、欧洲的一些国家,都有往来。……唐朝在世界上享有很高的声望,各国称中国人为“唐人”。

材料二 宋朝的海外贸易超过了前代,成为当时世界上从事海外贸易的重要国家。

材料三 清乾隆帝致英国国王乔治三世信函中的几句话:天朝物产丰盈,无所不有,远不藉(借助)外夷货物以通有无。 ——以上材料均选自人教版七下《中国历史》





30. 小明同学对我国古代民族关系进行了探究学习。他在探究学习中搜集整理图片如下,请你根据图片解决问题。

(1)以上是小明同学搜集到的资料,请问哪些图片与本次探究活动不相符?(填序号) (2分)


(3)请你谈谈我国历代中央政府对少数民族地区的管辖主要采取了哪几种方式?(列举两种) (2分)



31. 唐玄宗李隆基 (712-756) 唐代的中兴君主,睿宗的第三子。因谥号为至道大圣大明孝皇帝,故亦称为明皇。英武有才略,开元时期文治武功鼎盛,开创了唐朝的鼎盛之世。天宝后,宠爱杨杨玉环,封为贵妃,杨玉环父兄均骤贵,势倾天下。及安禄山反,玄宗出奔,至马嵬坡,六军不肯前行,谓杨国忠通于胡人,而有安禄山之反,玄宗乃令杀国忠。六军又不肯前行,谓杨国忠为贵妃堂兄,堂兄有罪,堂妹亦难免,贵妃亦被缢死于路祠。玄宗避难奔蜀,后肃宗即位于灵武,尊为太上皇。在位四十三年。玄宗喜爱歌舞音乐,曾于梨园教歌舞,所以后世尊其为伶人之祖师爷。死后庙号玄宗。

(1)材料中唐玄宗开创了什么治世? (2分)












28. (1)960年;陈桥驿( 2分) (2)加强中央集权。( 2分)(3)重文轻武的政策。( 2分)


29. (1)政策:对外开放(友好往来)。(2分)条件:国家统一;经济繁荣。(4分,每点2分)



后果:与世隔绝,看不到世界形势的变化,未能适时向西方学习先进的科技,(2分)使中国落伍了。( 2分)


30. (1)图1,图3。(2分)







论述:纵观各个朝代的统治者,如果统治者能够关注民生,发展经济,国家就能长治久安; 反之则国家很快就会被推翻。(4分)











(3)没掌握做材料解析题的 方法 、综合能力较差。如简答中国共产党的成立等问题,虽然能大体的理解其内容,但是不能概括全面。说明学生的综合能力较差,不能从整体上去分析、整理、概括。





对于认真审题答对习题的同学给予表扬。每个同学要善于发现自己审题过程中的问题及时 总结 及时采取有效的措施改正。

2、加强材料题的思路分析,多角度地思考问题,进行前伸后延。进行有跨度、有联系、有对应的综合复习,采用形象视图、 逆向思维 等方式,查漏补缺,重点内容仍然作为重点复习。课上现场让学生答题,每节课至少做一道大题。老师巡视,发现学生的问题及时解决,共性的问题统一强调,这样学生就知道自己的问题所在,做到有针对性的弥补和改善。对做过的同类的习题进行整理总结。


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  ( )1. A It is funny. B.It is cloudy. C.It is boring.

  ( )2. A.She’s tall. B.She’s a nurse. C.She likes beef.

  ( )3. A.At seven yesterday. B. On Sunday. C. At seven o’clock.

  ( )4. A.I can play chess. B.I can play basketball in the sports club.

  C.He can play the violin.

  ( )5. A It was windy.. B.It wa s great. C. It was friendly.

  二. 听五段小对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案,读两遍。(每小题1分,计5分)

  ( ) 6. Where are they?

  A. In the museum. B. In the classroom. C. In the hospital.

  ( )7. What does the man think of his vacation?

  A. Terrible.. B. Boring. C. Wonderful.

  ( ) 8. Can Jim answer the phone?

  A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can’t. C. We don’t know.

  ( ) 9. What would the woman like?

  A. She’d like tea. B. She’d like coffee .

  C.She doesn’t mind tea or coffee.

  ( ) 10. Does the man like the weather?

  A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. I don’t know.

  三. 听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案,读两遍。(每小题1分,计5分)

  听第一段长对话,回答第11-12 小题

  ( ) 11. What does the girl want to see?

  A. Pandas. B.Tigers. C. Koalas.

  ( ) 12.Why does the boy like elephants ?

  A. Because they are cute . B. Because they are interesting .

  C.Because they are dangerous.

  听第二段长对话,回答第13-15 小题 。

  ( )13.Where can they listen to music ?

  A. In the classroom. B. In the hallways.

  C. In the music room.

  ( ) 14. Where can they eat in school ?

  A. In the classroom B. In the dining hall.

  C. In the teachers’ office.

  ( )15.What can’t they wear in class?

  A.They can’t wear hats. B. They can’t wear dresses.

  C.They can’t wear shirts.

  四.听短文,完成所缺部分,每空一词。听两遍。( 5分)

  Hi, Jack. I’m Bob. I want to tell you about my trip. It was really great. I went to the 16 with some of my friends. We left early on Saturday morning and drove there. We saw some 17 and villages along the way. We went fishing and swam in the day. We watched the stars at night. They were so beautiful. The weather was warm and the air was 18 We also learned a lot about 19 . Everyone thought it was an 20 day.

  How about you? How was your trip? Write back to me soon.



  ( ) 21. He _____to the zoo yesterday.

  A. goes B. go C. went

  ( ) 22. Jim ______at home last Friday.

  A. am B. is C. was

  ( ) 23. Where did your brother _______last night?

  A. goes B. go C. went

  ( ) 24. We went to the beach _____a rainy morning.

  A. in B. at C. on

  ( ) 25. --______ bowl of noodles _______ you like? – A medium one.

  A.What, does B.What size, would C.What kind, would

  ( ) 26. Mary _________ tall and she _________ short curly hair.

  A. is, has B. is, is C. has, is

  ( )27. The pay phone is _____ the post office.

  A. next B. next to C. across to

  ( ) 28. I often watched them ______soccer at school last year.

  A. play B. plays D. to playx#k#b#1

  ( ) 29. _____they _____tennis after school yesterday?

  A. Do; play B. Did; play C. Do; played

  ( ) 30. It was a fine day. We decided _____volleyball.

  A. playing B. play C. to play

  ( ) 31. Don’t me. I’m OK.

  A. be good with B. be bad to C. be worried about

  ( ) 32.. We had great fun _____English.

  A. learn B. to learn C. learning

  ( )33.. The policeman helped the boy _____the hotel.

  A. found B. find C. finds

  ( ) 34. --_____were the beaches? –They were beautiful but crowded.

  A. How B. What C. Where

  ( ) 35. -- _________?

  -- He is of medium build.

  A. What does he look like B. How is he

  C. How does he look

  Ⅲ、完形填空 (每 小题1分,共10分)


  Johnny is twelve 36 old . He is very tall and he loves 37 basketball . His parents 38 from Anhui . Sally is small and she 39 glasses . She 40 long and curly hair . She likes 41 . She 42 hard . Dave 43 of medium height .He enjoys 44 computer games .He also loves to tell 45 .

  ( ) 36. A. year B. years` C. years

  ( ) 37.A.play B. plays C. playing

  ( ) 38.A .is B. are C. comes

  ( ) 39.A.not wear B. do wear C. doesn`t wear

  ( ) 40.A. has B. have C. is

  ( ) 41.A. sing B. sings C. singing

  ( ) 42.A.works B .working C. to work

  ( ) 43.A.are B. be C. is .

  ( ) 44.A.plays B. playing C. to play .

  ( ) 45.A.jokes B. joke C. to joke



  Today Han Mei’s classmates are having an art lesson in the park. Now they are playing near the lake. The boy in black is flying a kite. He is Li Lei. The girl in red is reading a book. Who is she? Ha, she’s just Han Mei. Lucy and Lily are twins. They look the same(相似的)and they are dancing under a big tree. There is a boat on the lake. Mrs. Green and Mrs. Brown are in the boat. They are their teachers. And now the children are drawing pictures on the grass near the lake. The teachers are teaching how to draw pictures. But what is Joe doing? Oh, he is looking for his pencil case.

  ( ) 46. Why are the children in the park today?

  A. They have no classes today. B. They like playing in the park.

  C. They’re having a class.

  ( ) 47. What is Han Mei doing?

  A. She is drawing a picture. B. She is flying a kite.

  C. She is reading a book.

  ( ) 48.How many children are mentioned(提到) in the passage?

  A. Four B. Five C. Six

  ( ) 49. Where are the girls dancing?

  A. Under the tree B. In a boat C. In the classroom

  ( ) 50. Who is Mrs. Green?

  A. She is their English teacher. B. She is Joe’s mother.

  C. She is their art teacher.


  Li Ming went to Shanghai for her vacation. The first day the weather was terrible! It was cloudy and raining. Li Ming took a bus to the museum. The museum was crowded(拥挤的), but very interesting. It was hot and sunny the next day. Li Ming went to the beach. She played soccer and went skateboarding. It was great! The last day she visited her aunt and uncle. It was boring, but at night they went to the movies. They saw a very funny movie.


  ( ) 51. The weather was rainy on the first day.

  ( ) 52. There were many people in the museum.

  ( ) 53. Li Ming played sports on the beach.

  ( ) 54. Li Ming enjoyed the day with her aunt and uncle.

  ( ) 55. The movie was kind of sad.



  A. Hello, Lucy.56

  B. It was great! I went to China with my family.

  A. Really? Wow! What did you do there?

  B. Well,57.

  A. Oh, how were the museums?

  B. They were really interesting.But58

  A. How were the shops there?

  B. Oh, they were very cheap. 59 And the people were really friendly. My parents have some Chinese friends, and 60 The food was delicious. I love it!

  Ⅵ、任务型阅读 (每小题2分,共10分)

  Li Feng is from Beijing, China. He studies in a middle school. He works hard at his lessons. He is good at English. He likes speaking English.

  Li Feng’s mother is from Japan. She is a good teacher. She teaches Japanese in a different school. She can speak some Chinese, but doesn’t know English.

  His father works in a factory. He is very busy every day, and his job is difficult but interesting.


  61. Where does Li Feng come from?


  62. What does Li Feng like?


  63. Can his mother speak a little English?


  64. Where does his father work?


  65. Does his father like his work?


  66. Joe can sing.( 用dance改为选择疑问句)

  Joe sing dance ?

  67. Tom likes geography and history. (一般疑问句)

  ______Tom _______ geography and history?

  68. They played soccer last weekend. (否定句)

  They ______ _______ soccer last weekend.

  69. They are listening to music at home.(对划线部分进行提问)

  are they at home?

  70. My weekend was very terrible.( 对划线部分进行提问)

  your weekend?



  姓名 Lucy 年龄 15

  外貌 金黄色长卷发,中等身高,有点胖

  最喜爱的食物 西红柿牛肉面条

  喜欢的运动 爬山,游泳

  _______________________ _________________________________



  1. What’s the weather like today.

  2. What does your sister look like?

  3. What time does your sister get up?

  4. What can you do, Alan ?

  5. How was your weekend?


  6. M: Please look at the blackboard. Can you see the words clearly?

  W: Yes, we can.

  7. W: Where did you go on your vacation?

  M: Harbin. I saw the snow. It was so beautiful.

  8. W: Jim, the phone is ringing. Can you answer the phone?

  M: Sorry, Mom. I’m in the bathroom.

  9. M: Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?

  W: Tea, please.

  10. W: How is the weather there?

  M: It’s terribly cold. I can’t go out. It’s boring.

  三. 听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案,读两遍。(每小题1分,计5分)


  W: Let’s see the koalas.

  M: Why do you like koalas?

  W: Because they are very cute.

  M: Well, I like elephants. Because they are very interesting.


  M:What are the school rules,Alex?

  W: Well,we can’t listen to music in the classroom or hallways.But we can listen to it in the music room.

  M :Uh-huh.

  W: And we can’t eat in the classroom,but we can eat in the dining hall.

  M: Oh,and can we wear hats in class?

  W: No,we can’t wear hats.And you can’t fight with anyone. That makes the teachers really unhappy.

  四.听短文,完成所缺部分,每空一词。听两遍。( 10分)

  Hi,Jack.I’m Bob. I want to tell you about my trip. It was really great. I went to the countryside with some of my friends. We left early on Saturday morning and drove there.We saw some farms and villages along the way. We went fishing and swam in the day. We watched the stars at night. They were so beautiful. The weather was warm and the air was clean . We also learned a lot about farming. Everyone thought it was an exciting day.


  1-5 BACAB 6-10 BCBAB 11-15 CBCBA

  16. countryside 17. farms 18.clean 19.farming 20.exciting

  21-25 CCBCB 26-30 ABABC 31-35 CCBAA 36-40 CCBCA 4 1-45 CACBA 46-50 CCBAC 51-55 TTTFF 56-60 FEABG

  61.He is from Beijing,China./ From Beijing,China.

  62.He likes speaking English./ Speaking English.

  63.No, she can’t.

  64.He works in a factory./ In a factory.

  65.Yes, he does.




  (总分:100分 时间:100分钟)

  题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分



  一、单项选择(每空1分,共15 分)

  ( ) 1.----Dad, we can sports in school an hour a day now.

  ---- Really? That sounds great.

  A. to play B. plays C. play D. playing

  ( ) 2.He goes to school after breakfast every morning.

  A. the, the B. \, \ C. the, \ D. \, the

  ( ) 3. We should do more in our lessons.

  A. exercise B. exercises C. exercising D. exercised

  ( ) 4. The fish .

  A. taste well B. tastes well C. taste good D. tastes good

  ( ) 5. --- How many teachers are there in your school?

  --- About four .

  A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of

  ( ) 6. She often a train to school, sometimes she goes to school bus.

  A. takes, takes B. takes, by C. by, takes D. by, by

  ( ) 7. It will you a long time a language well.

  A. spend, learn B. to spend, to learn C. take, to learn D. take, learn

  ( ) 8. Li Tao is from a small village.

  A. a 11 years old boy B. a 11-year-old boy

  C. an 11-year-old boy D. an 11 years old

  ( ) 9.Our teacher is very strict us our homework.

  A. in, in B. with, with C. in, with D. with, in

  ( ) 10. The movie is , and we are really very when we see it.

  A. relaxing, relaxing B. relaxed, relaxed

  C. relaxing, relaxed D. relaxed, relaxing

  ( )11. There are many animals in the zoo. But some animal are scary.

  A. kinds of, kind of B. kinds of, kinds of

  C. kind of, kind of D. kind of, kinds of

  ( )12. There are a lot of in our school.

  A. woman teachers B. women teachers

  C. woman teacher D. women teacher

  ( ) 13. –Is the woman your teacher?

  -- Yes, she teaches Chinese.

  A. us B. our C. ours D. we

  ( ) 14. – Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?

  -- .

  A. Yes, it is. B. No, this isn’t. C. Yes, there is. D. No, there aren’t.

  ( ) 15. – Have a nice weekend.

  -- .

  A. That’s OK. B. No problem. C. You’re welcome. D. Thank you.

  二、完形填空(每空1分,共10 分)

  People in different 16 like to eat different foods. 17 kind of food people in the UK 18 to

  eat? Fish and fried 19 chips are very 20 in the UK. Sometimes people 21 them at home, but they usually go to a fast food 22 to buy them. They can have them 23 the restaurant or 24 them away home. Sometimes, they 25 like to eat them in a park.

  ( )16. A. country B. countries C. city D. town

  ( ) 17. A. Who B. When C. What D. How

  ( ) 18. A. would like B. like C. likes D. enjoys

  ( ) 19 A. potato B. potatoes C. potatos D. tomatoes

  ( ) 20. A. cheap B. large C. popular D. dear

  ( ) 21. A. cooking B. cook C. cooks D. to cook

  ( ) 22. A. restaurant B. library C. supermarket D. mall

  ( ) 23. A. in B. on C. under D. from

  ( ) 24. A. get B. bring C. take D. to take

  ( ) 25. A. and B. also C. too D. either

  三、阅读理解(每空2 分,共30分)


  We had a terrible school trip last week. Some students were late. Then we waited half an hour for the school bus, but it didn’t arrive. Finally, our teacher took us to take the subway. It took over an hour. When we arrived at the zoo, we were all tired and hungry. We wanted to see dolphins, but there weren’t any. There were some really smart seals(海豹), but we didn’t see the show because we arrived too late. We forgot our cameras, so we didn’t take any photos. Then it started to rain, and no one had an umbrella. We didn’t see many animals because of the rain. So we went for lunch. So we ate hamburgers. My friends also had some ice—cream. But I didn’t have any, because I don’t like it. I wanted French fries, but there weren’t any in the shop. They were sold out! Finally we went back to school. We were wet, tired and stressed out. I didn’t enjoy my school trip at all.

  ( ) 26.Why did the teacher take the students to take the subway?

  A. Because the students didn’t want to have the trip.

  B. Because the school bus didn’t arrive.

  C. Because the students didn’t like taking the school bus.

  D. Because the students didn’t take cameras.

  ( ) 27. The students were when they arrived at the zoo.

  A. excited B. happy C. tired D. lucky

  ( )28. What animal show was there at the zoo?

  A. Dolphin show. B. Seal show. C. Monkey show. D. Panda show.

  ( )29. How was the weather after they arrived at the zoo?

  A. Sunny. B. Cloudy C. Windy D. Rainy

  ( )30. What did the writer think of the school trip?

  A. Terrible. B. Great. C. Not bad. D. Fun.


  It’s easy to get lost(迷路) in strange city. Here are some tips(方法) to help you find the way and get to your destination(目的地).

  Take a map with you when you go to a new place. If you lose your way, look at the map, you’ll find the place where you want to go.

  If you still can’t find the place on the map, ask the police for help. They will tell you the right way to go.

  Remember the name of your hotel and the street where it is. If you can’t find the way back, take a taxi.

  I hope these tips can help you.

  ( ) 31. What does the underlined word “strange” mean?

  A. 熟悉的 B. 美丽的 C. 现代的 D. 陌生的

  ( ) 32. How many tips are there in the passage?

  A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

  ( ) 33. What should you take with you when you go to a strange city?

  A. A taxi. B. A map. C. A watch. D. A dictionary.

  ( ) 34. You should ask for help if you lose your way.

  A. a man B. a woman C. the police D. your teacher

  ( ) 35. Which is the best title(标题) of the passage?

  A. Get lost in a large city B. Some useful tips

  C. Never go to a strange city D. A map is useful


  Hi, I’m a middle school student. I’m Judy. In my class there are thirty-eight students. How do they go to school every day? Seventeen of them take buses because they live far from the school. Six students walk. They think walking is good exercise. Fifteen students ride their bikes to school because they like riding bikes very much and their homes aren’t far from the school. No one goes to school by car. How do I go to school? Ha, I’m one of the fifteen.

  ( ) 36. There are students in Judy’s class.

  A. 29 B. 30 C. 38 D. 45

  ( ) 37. Six students think is good exercise.

  A. running B. walking C. swimming D. riding

  ( ) 38. students ride their bikes to school.

  A. 17 B. 6 C. 10 D. 15

  ( ) 39. Judy goes to school .

  A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus D. by car

  ( ) 40. No one gets to school .

  A. by car B. by bike C. on foot D. by bus


  A: Hi, excuse me.

  ( ) B: Yes. 41 .

  ( ) A: Well, I’m new in town. 42

  ( ) B: Yes, there is. It’s on Bridge Street. 43

  ( ) A: Oh••• 44

  B: It’s not too far from here. I can walk with you.

  A: Oh, that’s great! Thanks so much.

  ( ) B: 45


  46. You can’t wear sunglasses in the classroom.(改为祈使句)

  sunglasses in the classroom!

  47. My weekend was boring.(对划线部分提问)

  your weekend?

  48. Li Ming did his homework last night. (改为否定句)

  Li Ming his homework last night.

  49. How’s the weather? (同义句转换)

  the weather ?

  50. Joe sits on my left. Lucy sits on my right. (合并为一句)

  I sit Joe Lucy.



  51. N and ten is one hundred.

  52. Everyone must follow the school r .

  53. If you want to borrow(借) a book, you can go to the l .

  54. The house is too e . We can’t buy it.

  55. Liu Huan is a famous m . I love his songs.


  56. I enjoy (skate)on the ice in winter.

  57. Many children like to eat (candy).

  58. At the zoo, Jane (take) many photos along the way.

  59. Look! Mike (use) a computer .

  60. It took me an hour (do) my homework.

  七、 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)

  61. 我们必须准时到达学校。

  We must get to school .

  62. 我的父亲很喜欢写故事。

  My father likes to very much.

  63. 请把这些肉切碎。

  Please the meat!

  64. 如果你来,我会和你一起去。

  If you , I go with you.

  65. 你想要多大碗的?

  would you like?



  1. 上周末和父母一起去了厦门,住在叔叔家。

  2. 星期六叔叔带我到厦门大学(university)参观。

  3. 星期天参观了鼓浪屿(Gulangyu)和南普陀庙(South Putuo Temple).

  4. 周末玩的很愉快。




  1-5. CBBDA 6-10.BCCDC 11-15.ABACD

  二、完形填空 (10分)


  16-20. BCBAC 21-25. BAACB



  26-30. BCBDA 31-35. DCBCB 36-40 CBDBA



  41-45 DCEBA

  五、句型转换:( 10分)


  46、Don’t wear 47、How was 48、didn’t do

  49、What’s like 50、between and

  六、词语运用: (10分)



  51、Ninety 52、rules 53、library 54、expensive 55、musician



  56、skating 57、candies 58、took 59、is using 60、to do

  七、 完成句子(10分)


  61、on time 62、write stories 63. cut up

  64、come, will 65、What size

  八、 书面表达:(10分)



