
紫砂壶poweredby祥云平台 英语作文


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-02-06 05:13:57 浏览33 评论0




Yixing Teapots Clay teapots from the town in Yixing, near Wuxi, are an indispensable accessory for tea drinkers throughout China. Usually small, squat, and brown, fine craftsmanship and special materials make them an ideal vessel for making tea. The fired clay is uniquely able to bring out the flavors of tea leaves during brewing. Since the clay is absorbent, unlike porcelain or metal, some of the flavor is absorbed into the pot during each brewing. This gives the tea a richer and more mellow flavor - after using a pot many times, the pot itself can flavor boiling water without adding any fresh tea leaves! Much of the unique quality of Yixing teapots comes from the special dark brown clay they are fashioned from. The clay is not simply dug from the ground, but is actually made from rocks unique to the area, ground into powder and mixed with water. Craftsmen use choose several different types of rock and combine them in different proportions in light of what they are planning to make. The different colors of the best Yixing pottery come from different colored clays, not from paint or glazes, so pieces with several colors actually use several different clays. As a result, Yixing pottery is less brightly colored than Chinese porcelain, and uses more muted earth tones. Yixing pottery is not made on a potter’s wheel or with thin coils of clay. Instead, artisans use a complex array of hand tools to shape the parts of a teapot, then put them together before firing. All the parts of a single teapot must come from the same lump of clay and must be worked at the same time - otherwise differences in the consistency of the clay or changes in air temperature or humidity of the environment where it is worked could cause cracks and breaks when the pot is fired. Each pot is made of five parts - base, lid, walls, spout, and handle. After “tenderizing“ a suitable lump of clay with a heavy wooden mallet, the artisan slices it up and rolls out a thin sheet to use as a base, making it a perfect circle with a small compass. He then rolls out and pounds clay for the walls and shapes them around the base to form the curved sides of the pot. He then forms the handle and spout, attaches them, and then creates the lid, perhaps the most challenging part of the pot. The pot then dries in the air for two days before being fired in a kiln. Since the clay can crack easily, it is slowly moved deeper and deeper into the oven to prevent it from heating too fast. After being fired for 18-24 hours, depending on the clay and the item, the pot is finished and ready for some tea leaves! The workbench of a Yixing artisan is crowded with a bewildering array of tools, whose specialized uses have evolved over the centuries. There are separate compasses for measuring lid, bases, and walls of the pots, different mallets for pots with different shapes of walls, a plethora of knives and tiny awls, and tools uses to create the countors of everything from aged wood to the wrinkly skin of a gourd. A good set of tools and a thorough familiarity with their use is perhaps the key to the teapot craftsman’s art. This seemingly simple process is actually quite demanding, especially for the simplest and least decorated pots. For while small imperfections can be hidden underneath decorations or carving, even the smallest flaws or imbalances in the shape of an undecorated pot are obvious even to an untrained eye. While round, unadorned teapots, differing in shape and curve, are a classic favorite, Yixing teapots are also decorated in all sorts of beautiful designs. At one extreme are pots shaped to look like fruits and vegetables, or pieces of wood or bamboo, with amazingly lifelike textures and artful imperfections. Others are decorated with Chinese calligraphy or poems. One of the most traditional and beautiful styles combines the simplicity of plain teapots with touches drawn from nature - such as crafting the handle to look like a plum branch, with a small spray of flowers spreading over a section of the pot. Since the clay absorbs flavor, you should keep the pot clean by washing it with warm water once you’ve finished drinking. But never clean it with soap - the soap can seep into the clay and give a soapy aftertaste to the next pots of tea! If you forget to clean it and the old leaves turn foul, adding boiling water, immediately pouring it out, and placing the pot in cold water will freshen the flavor again.


Zi Shahu China is unique and practical appreciation of both the traditional tea sets, but also the Mid-Autumn seekers can explore the historical objects.
Yixing purple sand was founded in Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties on the rise, the Kangxi and Qianlong period, the production of Zi Shahu, appreciation and collection reached its peak.


94年开始,用刀娴熟多变,讲究书画韵味,大胆提出新主张------“刀随笔意”,并注意陶刻内容的开拓。其时,山水、花鸟、人物等陶刻已颇具面貌,陶刻动物小品壶在业内已有“一绝”的赞誉。陶刻“动物”也填补了宜兴紫砂陶刻内容的一项空白。 此时,更注意与制壶、陶刻名家交流、探讨制壶及陶刻技艺,丰富自己对紫砂传统博大精深技艺的认知、掌握、积累,为以后的事业奠定了基础,也使自己很快成为陶都新一代知名的陶刻艺人。
95年冬,与爱人范国英结婚。范家制壶历史悠久,世代相传,范国英也是深得祖传的制壶能手,于是,夫妻开始了壶艺制作与书画结合的“文人壶” 的创作,作品畅销一时。96年冬,由于小孩的出生,合作的“文人壶”暂停了两年。
2009年4月,汪成琼、范国英夫妇在陶都丁蜀镇,成立“国礼紫砂艺术馆”和“国礼紫砂艺术研究所”,并举行了隆重的开馆和揭牌仪式。全国人大培训中心陈庆立主任、广西自治区中国--东盟博览局局长杨京凯、中国人民解放军国防大学教授汪江淮将军、宜兴市市委常委副市长李秋峰、中国人民解放军总参谋部某部汪承兴政委、江苏省人力和社会资源保障厅祁秀高处长、 赵勇处长、 李森处长、武警某部师部巴小学政委、中国工艺美术学会杨利民主任、中国工艺美术大师鲍志强、顾绍培、中国陶瓷艺术大师师邱玉林、吴鸣等到贺。
2011年3月,国礼紫砂艺术馆与上海F1国际赛事公司达成战略合作伙伴协议,成为其唯一一家贵宾礼品供应商。作为世界三大顶级体育赛事之一的F1世界锦标赛,在世界各地拥有几十亿观众,他们严格控制赛事赞助商、合作伙伴进入资格,充分体现它的唯一性。因此,只有国内外极少一部分知名企业能在竞争中脱颖而出,成为其合作伙伴。在礼品行业,宜兴国礼紫砂艺术馆的入选,标志着国礼紫砂艺术馆在紫砂界乃至礼品行业中的重要地位,意义深远。 赛事期间,法中协会主席助理兼中国区秘书长CHAM Taitom,以色列驻上海领事馆副总领事 OrenRozenblat,美中企业家协会会长 袁天祜, 以色列驻上海领事馆副总领事Kfir Goldhammer,比利时驻上海总领事ByunoGeorges等应艺术馆之邀,前往参观F1世界汽车锦标赛。


比较容易被外国人理解的说法是 --- Purple Clay Teapots --- 顾名思义。
也有其他说法 --- Zisha Teapots, Yixing Teapots, Yixing Zisha Teapots.
不能用 ceramic --- 这是“瓷”的意思。Ceramic Teapots 是清代时专门为欧洲作的瓷器的一种。
也不能用 kettle --- 这是专门烧开水用的容器。
enameled pottery 会被理解为 “以珐琅装饰的陶器”所以也不能用。
In China, Purple Clay Teapots are believed to have their own spirits.
Purple Clay Teapots from Yixing are considered as the work of art.
The body of traditional Purple Clay Teapots is beautifully shaped and has unique simple color. That is why Purple Clay Teapots are so popular among Chinese.
比较常用的说法 --- Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is ***. Today I would like to introduce to you Purple Clay Teapots from Yixing.


Crab pots:
The crab pots crafts unique shape, Hushen oval was at yellow, to form part of Teng. Zichengyijia style, rare for the market. Huzui, bamboo from the end of the pot to form, the top pot for the cage. Balance before and after its appearance, appropriate uniform, simple and natural way,尽显master of style. Hushen also echoed bamboo map, from small crabs, which Bullacta exarata embellishment, the crabs attached to the Hushen, it may live crabs at the Hi-Ju, vivid and lifelike the Huzhiyuchu.堪称Zishataoyi in the Po-kui. Process works is lively and make the Road idle peaceful means static.
The crab pot works best-selling overseas, have a good market reputation. With a certificate by authoritative departments of the Prestige, a very high artistic value and the value of collections for many pottery products favored by collectors.


Zisha pot is a unique handmade clay handicraft in China. It was made in zhengde period of Ming dynasty. The raw material is zisha clay.


Zisha teapot is a collection of value “antique“, masters of the works are often difficult to find a pot.


The raw material is zisha clay, which originated in dingshu town of yixing, jiangsu province, also known as yixing zisha pot.


It is said that the founder of zisha teapot was spring offering in Ming dynasty.



