

jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2022-07-02 05:00:04 浏览75 评论0



To be continued


In the previous article, we introduced the 8 CEE countries inthe 17+1 program. This time, let's take a look at what makes the other 9 CEEcountries unique.



Although Montenegro is very small, it encapsulates the mostbeautiful scenery in Europe. Here you can see the European culture and customsfully reflected here.


Montenegro is still a cool and nice, while China is in the hotsummer. It is a perfect place to travel, not afraid of losing the mood oftraveling by the hot weather.


There is a city in Montenegro called Lovcen Cetinje, which sounds veryromantic, but is actually named after Lovcen mountain, the top of Montenegro. Walking on the path of thehighest peak of mt. Lovcen, with no guardrails on either side and no obstructions oneither side of the cliffs, the scenery is really shocking and makes me feelsmall. In the distance, the capital Podgorica can be seen here.

小径也长城有些相似,也是每隔一段就有一个停留点,或是一个圆形露台,或是一个观景台。据说,黑山民族英雄和哲学家佩塔尔 • 佩特罗维奇 • 涅戈什的陵墓就在这山峰之上。不过,如果你畏高,恐怕不适合来这里哦~

The trail is similar to the Great Wall in that it has a stoppoint every once in a while, either a circular terrace or an observation deck.The mausoleum of Montenegrin national hero and philosopher Petar Petrovich Nigosh is said tolie on the mountain. However, if you are afraid of heights, I am afraid it isnot suitable for you to come here.


The must-see in Montenegro is not Podgoria, the capital, but theancient city of Cotor. This city is very famous. It is one of the most intact ancient medieval cities on theAdriatic coast which is listed on the UNESCO world heritage list. There are a lot of places ofinterest. For example, The Ancient City Wall,4.5 kilometers long, was built around the city and connected with mountains andrivers, was 4.5 kilometers long, which took centuries to complete.


There are plenty of churches in the ancient city of Cotor whichare able to feast your eyes, if you are interested in European churches. Cotor has a strong belief on European humanistic connotations, so the paceof people’s life is very slow, as if nothing could make them anxious.


The city is located in the Balkans, surrounded by mountains and sea. The buildings are all single-family villas made of stone andbrick, with a strong sense of history and romance.


If you sign up for a tour, you can also enter the country visa-free.

罗 马尼 亚


In the 1960s and 1970s, a popular folk joke went like this:"China film are all news bulletin; NorthKorean movies make you laugh and cry;Vietnam movies are all about aircraft andcannon; Romanian movies are aboutpeople cuddling; Albanian movies are baffling."


The reason why it is called "Romanian movies are all about people cuddling" is mainly because there isan uncut "open" scene -- the hero and the heroine kiss in the movie"The Wave Of The Danube". Of course, it is ridiculous to young people today.



In that particularera, what “The Wave Of The Danube” brought Chineseaudiences was the heroine Anna and her love story, which probably engraved onthe audiences' hearts instead of the film itself only. The film givespeople an insight into the resilience of the Romanianpeople and also carries an unforgettable history of the lives of ordinarypeople in our country.


The capital isBucharest.It lacks some unique highlights,and urban maintenance and landscape construction are not perfect, but it still has thecharm of old European city. It is wonderfulto hang out in the bar street and taste the most famous local German pork inthe evening.


It is advised to visit theuniversity of Bucharest, which has a history of more than 250 years and enjoysa great reputation in Europe. Many famous scholars, experts and politiciansgraduated from the university in modern times. If you are lucky enough to meeta tour guide who used to be a student here, you can hear many interestingstories about the school.


There are many places to visit in Bucharest. If you areinterested, you can visit the famous Athena concert hall in Romania. Despitethe city's poor economic condition and its failure to maintain these monuments,Athena hall is grand and luxurious in addition to its dilapidated exterior.


Those who like Count Dracula can not miss this castle whenthey come to Romania. Castle Brown is located in Brasov, Romania. It is famous for Dracula, the story of Dracula written by Irish writerBram Stoker. This novel has beenadapted to the screen many times, and it is because of its popularity thatpeople call it "vampire castle"


The castle is perched on a cliff, surrounded by mountains and forests, which has the atmosphereof a vampire movie. Castle is not big. There are vampire props can be bought inside, and you can secretly scare fellow friends lol..

阿 尔 巴 尼 亚


Albania is said to be a small and poor country, but only when you go there, can you understand how amazing itis. The best place to go is Tirana, the capital, with Scandpe square,Tirana pyramids, the national museum of history, even a huge undergroundshelter that shocked the world. It is the dictator's largest cold war bunker, a secret bunkerbuilt by Hoxha in the 1970s to withstand a nuclear attack by the United Statesor Russia. There are five floors in total, including 100 guest rooms and 200seats.


What I am looking forward to mostis Tirana pyramid, which is not the same pyramid in Egypt, but an abandoned building.The shape of the building is sospecial that people can climb up to the roof along the sloping walls outside,which sounds very interesting.


There is a spectacle in another Albanian city, Perat. The river is surrounded by mountains, and the houses are builtalong the mountains, forming a row of neat "walls" with slopingsides. The architecture is surprisinglyuniform, with identical square Windows lined up in rows, so Perat is called “The City Of A Thousand Windows”.


The old city still retains its original architectural style. Thehouses and roads are made of stone, and the roof tiles are the most common redtiles. In an instant, I felt like I was in Tibet.

北 马 其 顿

北马其顿非常小,人口只有200多万。首都斯科普里四面有高山环绕,瓦尔达尔湖贯穿整个城市。这座城市的特色就是大量的新古典主义建筑、雅典/罗马/奥斯曼时代的清真寺、阿尔巴尼亚风格的集市、不计其数的铜像,还能看到巴黎风格凯旋门(Arc DeTriomph)、红色的伦敦双层巴士、66米高的十字架等。

Northern Macedonia is very small, with a population of just over2 million. Skopje, the capital, is surrounded by mountains, and lake Vardar runs through the city. This city is characterized by a large number of neoclassical architecture, Athens/Roman stylemarket/Ottoman mosques, Albania, countless statue, and you also can see the Arc DE Triomphe in Paris style, red double-decker buses inLondon, the cross of 66 meters high, etc.


Interestingly, Skopje is a small city with an extraordinarynumber of statues, as many as 300, and all of them are huge. The most striking is a 22-meter-tall statue called “the knight warrior”, based on the national heroAlexander the great. Macedonia is said to be in competition with Greece to seewho has the largest statue in the world.


Ohrid is the border between Albania and Macedonia. The same lakeis divided into two countries, with Macedoniaaccounting for two thirds, making it the most popular tourist destination. Its namesake city, ohrid, offers a stunning view of the lakefrom the top of a hill.


The sparkling lake water is from the mountain spring, and is asclear as the mirror. It is one of thefew fresh water lakes in Europe that has not been polluted.

爱 沙 尼 亚


The name of Estonia (Eesti) may be derived from a group ofpeople known as "Aestii" described in Roman historian Tacitus's “Germania”. "Estonia" means "water dweller" in Baltic.Estonia also has the best air quality in the world. Tallinn, the capital, isknown as a "lung-cleansing mecca".


With numerous lakes and forests on the eastern Europeancontinent and thousands of islands scattered around, isn't this the paradise we have beenlonging for?


There are many places worth going such as Tallinn's old citywalls, fat Margaret's fort and churches of all sizes. You don’t have to visitevery scenic spot in a hurry. Just walking on the road is an impeccablejourney.

近期火爆的说唱界的 Gosha是那个爱沙尼亚的 Kanye

The Gosha of rapping very hot one is the Estonian Kanye


There are alsoeight model countries recognized by the modeling industry, leading the industryof small eastern European countries. Estonia is the clear leader.


Infinite imagination

立 陶 宛


Lithuania, a small independent country from the Soviet Union, is now a member of thethree Baltic states.


In Lithuania, there are Vilnius, the city of churches, Kaunas,the city of museums, paradise Trakai, kulonia mouth, cross hill, grutto parkand other classic landscape.


Economically and culturally developed, Lithuania is a goodchoice if you want to travel in niche European countries but don't like old cities.

拉 脱 维 亚


The name of Latvia means "armor" in their nationallanguage. They are low-key, and the people are simple and enthusiastic.


Historically, Latvia has been ruled by Germany, Sweden, Russiaand Poland. Latvia has been a multi-ethnic country for centuries. Latvia, whichjoined the European Union in 2004, is second only to Estonia in economicgrowth.


Riga, the capital of the city, is also fascinating, with astrong western European culture. Housing color is different but similar style. There are buskersplaying cello in the municipal government square, and the sound of theinstrument wafts to the unknown church not far away. Leisure time so quietly flowing away.



This country, known as the kingdom of roses, is very plain. With a history of 330years of making rose oil, it owns the largest rose plantation in the world, and nearly three quarters of the world's rose varieties.


Sophia, the capital, is a charming tourist destination and aworld-famous garden city. Other than that, you are not supposed to miss the national palace of culture, the museum of humor and satire,the rose valley, the lira mountains and the mandencisco lake.

希 腊


On April 12th Croatia welcomed a new member, Greece, from"16+1" to "17+1".


Speaking of Greece, myths, letters... This is one of the oldestancient countries in the world. The decades-long civilization precipitation hasendowed it irreplaceable cultural charm.


If you haven't been to Santorini, the blue and white island offthe Aegean sea, you won't even mention that you've been to Greece. Here you can see the Aegean sea in front of you as blue as thesky. How many people from all over the world come here just for this beautifulview.


The acropolis is also a very, very famous scenic spot, one ofthe seven wonders of the world. Going to Athens without going to the acropolisis like going to Beijing without going to climb the Great Wall. Founded in 580BC, the acropolis is located on the hill of the acropolis in the center ofAthens, which is the outstanding ancient architectural complex of Greeceand also the center of religious politics.


All the places of interest that have appeared in history booksare gathered here. The Parthenon, the acropolis gate, the temple of Athena, thetemple of Zeus, the adikus theater, You can'tfinish the fairy tales here for three days and nights Walking in the city, those magnificent fairy tales come to mind,making people marvel at the wonders of ancient culture.


Are you ready to go tothese ancient, mysterious, cultural and historical places ?




I heard there's a country in Europe that people can take about 150days of paid leave... Benefits are fantastic! But travelers prefer work to vacation. Work makes me happy(applause?) A common European joke goes: "Chinese people go on holiday towork better, Europeans work for better holidays. Feeling my purse, I am goingto work hard...