


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-01-03 12:09:28 浏览26 评论0




2005年,报名参加湖南卫视选秀娱乐节目《超级女声》杭州唱区的比赛,获得杭州唱区50强 ;同年,参加山东卫视举办的《下一站天后》超级新秀大赛,获得全国总决赛第六名 。
2006年,再度报名参加湖南卫视选秀娱乐节目《超级女声》长沙唱区的比赛,获得长沙唱区第五名并于复活赛成功复活,最终获得全国总决赛第十二名 ;同年9月,推出个人单曲《暴雨纪念日》,收录于《2006超级女声长沙唱区×10强》合辑中 。
2007年,胡灵与海蝶音乐签约,成为林俊杰、阿杜、金莎的同门师妹;同年6月28日,推出首张个人EP专辑《单飞》;同年11月28日,推出第二张个人EP专辑《不爱拉倒》;同年11月29日,推出首张个人音乐专辑《灵灵》 。
2009年,与海蝶音乐解约,并自立门户成立工作室“新鲜音乐” ;同年12月28日,推出第三张个人EP专辑《流言》,并以百万的试听量获得《百度新歌首发推荐榜》的冠军 。
2010年,推出与张信哲合唱的情歌《红尘》 ;同年,担任制作人制作贺岁歌曲《新鲜年糕》 ;同年1月17日,率领其自主音乐厂牌“新鲜音乐”旗下全体艺人,在鸟巢举办“胡灵新鲜音乐首唱会” ;同年8月7日,获得东南卫视《星光大会》全国总决赛季军 ;同年,胡灵与贾宗超、李天龙组成“四分之三”组合,并发行专辑《Beautiful Day》 。
2011年,参加台湾电视歌唱选秀节目《华人星光大道1》的踢馆挑战赛,11月13日播出的《华人星光大道1》“强敌来袭 生死拚搏踢馆赛 Round 1”比赛,演唱《记得》获得24分并击败对手吴盈静。11月20日播出的《华人星光大道1》“全力反击 生死拚搏踢馆赛 Round 2”比赛,演唱《错的人》获得24分,与吴盈静打平,在随后的30秒清唱PK,胡灵演唱《暗示》获得1票,惜败对手。11月27日播出的《华人星光大道1》“杀出重围 生死拚搏踢馆赛 Round 3”比赛,演唱《她说》获得22分并击败对手黄凯欣 。12月4日播出的《华人星光大道1》“绝处逢生 生死拚搏踢馆赛 Round 4”比赛,演唱《哭了》获得22分并击败对手颜慧萍。12月29发行新年贺岁单曲《一家人》 。
2012年7月19日,在台湾举办专辑《致 亲爱的女孩》记者发布会 ;同年7月27日,推出第二张个人音乐专辑《致 亲爱的女孩》 ;同年,推出音乐微电影《他·她》 。
2013年,参加广西卫视《一声所爱·大地飞歌》的比赛,以一首悲情慢歌《流浪记》成功打动大众听审并加入袁惟仁队,成为全国16强 ;7月3日播出的《一声所爱·大地飞歌》组内PK赛中,胡灵与张冬玲被分为一组进行对抗,两人共同演绎一首张惠妹的《站在高岗上》,队长袁惟仁判胡灵和张冬玲同时待定;在随后的PK对决中,胡灵与张冬玲、朱婷婷共同演绎歌曲《征服》,最终张冬玲获胜晋级全国8强,胡灵与朱婷婷遗憾止步于16强 。同年10月18日,发行了个人国语EP《待续》,并与易慧合作拍摄了以专辑歌曲为主题音乐的微电影《蜜》 。
2014年,受邀作为内地同志交友平台(Blued)的封面人物 ;同年,参加东方卫视《中国梦之声第二季》的比赛,她在上海站试音会上演唱了张惠妹的《最后一次》并顺利晋级全国65强。10月26日播出的《中国梦之声第二季》组合之夜65进30比赛,胡灵与阎奕格、朱兴东、文小菲组成“四人游”组合,合作演唱歌曲《爱如潮水》,最终遗憾出局,无缘全国30强 。





例:Six of the 38 people were U.S. citizens.



例:There has been a slight increase in the consumption of meat.



例:It’s always hard to speculate about the future.



例:The doctor’s on his way.



例:“How’s the family?“—“Just fine, thank you.“



例:An area in which the computer has made considerable strides in recent years is in playing chess.



例:Did you play the piano as a child?



例:The Japanese, Americans, and even the French and Germans, judge economic policies by results.



例:Conditions for the poor in Los Angeles have not improved.



例:The Taylors decided that they would employ an architect to do the work.



例:He knows he’s wishing for the impossible.



例:She may not have the money to maintain or restore her property.



例:the Seattle Times.《西雅图时报》。

例:the White House. 白宫。

例:The Great Gatsby.《了不起的盖茨比》。


例:The meeting should take place on the fifth of May.



例:It’s sometimes hard to imagine how bad things were in the thirties.



例:Brisk daily walks are still the best exercise for young and old alike.



例:The longer the therapy goes on, the more successful it will be.


18、(表示速度、价格或计量) 每。

例:...cars that get more miles to the gallon.



例:The circus is the place to be this Saturday or Sunday.






“this+one’s+ n. ”是一种简洁的文体,有强调意味;“this+基数词+时间名词”表示一段时间。this可与of短语连用,后接名词性物主代词或名词所有格。


例:This is, in part, my own mistake.


例:Now don’t laugh when you hear this.





that还常用以代替who, whom, which,但that...which中的that用做关系代词的先行词。


例:What is the difference between this and that?


例:I walked to the gate that opened towards the lake.



adj. 圆形的,弧形的,丰满的,肥胖的,整数的
adv. 到处,在周围,迂回地,朝反方向
prep. 大约,绕过,环绕,(表示位置)在…四周,附近
n. 圆,圆形,循环,圆形物,球状物,(会议的)一回合
vt.& vi. 使成圆形,绕行,拐过,绕过,把…四舍五入
变形:比较级:rounder; 最高级:roundest; 过去式: rounded; 现在分词:rounding; 过去分词:rounded;
He stood there looking all round.他站在那儿环顾四周。
His waist measures forty inches round.他腰围40英寸。
He turned his car round and steered for home.他调转车头把车开回家去。
We rounded the corner at high speed.我们以高速度绕过拐角。
Over millennia ice and water have rounded the stones.在数千年之间冰和水把石头侵蚀成圆形。
The bill should have been $29.54 so I round it up to$30.账单本来应该是92.
1、It was just then that I chanced to look round.
2、I shivered and pulled my scarf more tightly round my neck.
3、He tramped hurriedly round the lake towards the garden.

2008年11月19号 上海南站到武汉的火车时间

车次 发站-到站 发时-到时 车型 全程时间 参考票价
K123/K122 上海南-武昌 14:29-06:06 空调快速 15小时37分钟 硬座:150元 硬卧下:274元
站次 车次 站名 到达时间 开车时间 停留 运行时间 里程 硬座 硬卧下 软卧下
1 K123/K122 上海南 始发站 14:29 - - 0公里 0元 0元 0元
2 K123/K122 嘉兴 15:15 15:18 3分钟 46分钟 80公里 13元 67元 96元
3 K123/K122 海宁 15:36 15:39 3分钟 1小时7分钟 108公里 17元 71元 103元
4 K123/K122 杭州东 16:20 16:26 6分钟 1小时51分钟 167公里 25元 79元 115元
5 K123/K122 义乌 18:12 18:14 2分钟 3小时43分钟 312公里 47元 101元 147元
6 K123/K122 金华西 18:51 18:59 8分钟 4小时22分钟 360公里 52元 106元 156元
7 K123/K122 衢州 19:57 20:01 4分钟 5小时28分钟 446公里 65元 123元 183元
8 K123/K122 上饶 21:25 21:29 4分钟 6小时56分钟 557公里 79元 149元 224元
9 K123/K122 鹰潭 23:00 23:08 8分钟 8小时31分钟 673公里 94元 175元 264元
10 K123/K122 南昌 01:00 01:11 11分钟 10小时31分钟 817公里 106元 197元 298元
11 K123/K122 阳新 03:50 03:52 2分钟 13小时21分钟 1023公里 137元 249元 379元
12 K123/K122 鄂州 04:43 04:45 2分钟 14小时14分钟 1094公里 140元 257元 390元
13 K123/K122 华容 05:05 05:07 2分钟 14小时36分钟 1116公里 143元 263元 400元
14 K123/K122 武昌 06:06 终点站 - 15小时37分钟 1176公里 150元 274元 417元
区间:1176公里 全程:15小时37分钟
K351/K354 上海南-武昌 18:15-08:20 空调快速 14小时5分钟 硬座:140元 硬卧下:256元
K11/K14 上海南-武昌 19:28-10:44 空调快速 15小时16分钟 硬座:131元 硬卧下:240元
站次 车次 站名 到达时间 开车时间 停留 运行时间 里程 硬座 硬卧下 软卧下
1 K11/K14 上海南 始发站 19:28 - - 0公里 0元 0元 0元
2 K11/K14 松江 19:46 19:58 12分钟 18分钟 26公里 3.5元 109元 70元
3 K11/K14 嘉兴 20:30 20:47 17分钟 1小时2分钟 80公里 13元 67元 96元
4 K11/K14 海宁 21:05 21:08 3分钟 1小时37分钟 108公里 14元 62元 89元
5 K11/K14 杭州东 22:02 22:08 6分钟 2小时34分钟 167公里 23元 71元 102元
6 K11/K14 诸暨 22:57 23:00 3分钟 3小时29分钟 260公里 35元 83元 118元
7 K11/K14 义乌 23:26 23:29 3分钟 3小时58分钟 312公里 40元 88元 128元
8 K11/K14 金华西 00:06 00:12 6分钟 4小时38分钟 360公里 45元 93元 136元
9 K11/K14 衢州 01:39 01:42 3分钟 6小时11分钟 446公里 57元 109元 160元
10 K11/K14 上饶 02:55 02:59 4分钟 7小时27分钟 557公里 68元 130元 196元
11 K11/K14 鹰潭 04:06 04:16 10分钟 8小时38分钟 673公里 80元 151元 228元
12 K11/K14 南昌 05:55 06:03 8分钟 10小时27分钟 817公里 91元 171元 258元
13 K11/K14 庐山 07:21 07:25 4分钟 11小时53分钟 933公里 104元 193元 295元
14 K11/K14 黄石 08:47 08:49 2分钟 13小时19分钟 1067公里 120元 222元 338元
15 K11/K14 鄂州 09:11 09:13 2分钟 13小时43分钟 1094公里 120元 222元 338元
16 K11/K14 武昌 10:44 终点站 - 15小时16分钟 1176公里 131元 240元 363元
区间:1176公里 全程:15小时16分钟
Z27/Z26 上海南-武昌 22:00-07:20 空调特快 9小时20分钟 硬卧下:274元
站次 车次 站名 到达时间 开车时间 停留 运行时间 里程 硬卧下 软卧下
1 Z27/Z26 上海南 始发站 22:00 - - 0公里 0元 0元
2 Z27/Z26 嘉兴 22:38 22:40 2分钟 38分钟 80公里 67元 96元
3 Z27/Z26 黄石 06:07 06:09 2分钟 8小时7分钟 1067公里 257元 390元
4 Z27/Z26 鄂州 06:25 06:27 2分钟 8小时25分钟 1094公里 257元 390元
5 Z27/Z26 武昌 07:20 终点站 - 9小时20分钟 1176公里 274元 417元
区间:1176公里 全程:9小时20分钟


Tennis Masters Cup Past Results
2007/Shanghai 11-18 November; Surface: Hard (indoor)
Red Group: Roger Federer, Nikolay Davydenko, Andy Roddick, Fernando Gonzalez. Gold Group: Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, David Ferrer, Richard Gasquet.
Round Robin: (2)R Nadal (ESP) d (8)R Gasquet (FRA) 36 63 64; (6)D Ferrer (FRA) d (3)N Djokovic (SRB) 64 64; (7)F Gonzalez (CHI) d (1)R Federer (SUI) 36 76(1) 75; (5)A Roddick (USA) d (4)N Davydenko (RUS) 63 46 62; (6)D Ferrer (ESP) d (2)R Nadal (ESP) 46 64 63; (8)R Gasquet (FRA) d. (3)N Djokovic (SRB) 64 62; (1)R Federer (SUI) d (4)N Davydenko (RUS) 64 63; (5)A Roddick (USA) d (7)F Gonzalez (CHI) 61 64; (2)R Nadal (ESP) d (3)N Djokovic (SRB) 64 64; (6)D Ferrer (ESP) d (8)R Gasquet (FRA) 61 61; (1)R Federer (SUI) d (5)A Roddick (USA) 64 62; (4)N Davydenko (RUS) d (7)F Gonzalez (CHI) 64 63
Semifinals: (1)R Federer (SUI) d (2)R Nadal (ESP) 64 61; (6)D Ferrer (ESP) d (5)A Roddick (USA) 61 63
Final: (1)R Federer (SUI) d (6)D Ferrer (ESP) 62 63 62
Prize Money: Roger Federer (4-1) $1,200,000; David Ferrer (4-1) $700,000; Rafael Nadal (2-2) $300,000; Andy Roddick (2-2) $300,000; Nikolay Davydenko (1-2) $200,000; Richard Gasquet (1-2) $200,000; Fernando Gonzalez (1-2) $200,000; Novak Djokovic (0-3) $100,000; Tommy Robredo (alt.) $50,000; Juan Ignacio Chela (alt.) $50,000
2006/Shanghai 12-19 November; Surface: Hard (indoor)
Red Group: Roger Federer, Ivan Ljubicic, Andy Roddick, David Nalbandian. Gold Group: Rafael Nadal, Nikolay Davydenko, Tommy Robredo, James Blake.
Round Robin: (1)R Federer d (7)D Nalbandian (ARG) 36 61 61; (5)A Roddick (USA) d (4)I Ljubicic (CRO) 64 67(9) 61; (8)J Blake (USA) d (2)R Nadal (ESP) 64 76(0); (3)N Davydenko (RUS) d (6)T Robredo (ESP) 76(8) 36 61; (1)R Federer (SUI) d (5)A Roddick (USA) 46 76(8) 64; (4)I Ljubicic (CRO) d (7)D Nalbandian (ARG) 57 76(7) 75; (8)J Blake (USA) d (3)N Davydenko (RUS) 26 64 75; (2)R Nadal (ESP) d (6)T Robredo (ESP) 76(2) 62; (7)D Nalbandian (ARG) d (5)A Roddick (USA) 62 76(4); (1)R Federer (SUI) d (4)I Ljubicic (CRO) 76(2) 64; (2)R Nadal (ESP) d (3)N Davydenko (RUS) 57 64 64; (6)T Robredo (ESP) d (8)J Blake (USA) 62 36 75
Semifinals: (1)R Federer (SUI) d (2)R Nadal (ESP) 64 75; (8)J Blake (USA) d (7)D Nalbandian (ARG) 64 61
Final: (1)R Federer (SUI) d (8)J Blake (USA) 60 63 64
Prize Money: Roger Federer (5-0) $1,520,000; James Blake (3-2) $700,000; Rafael Nadal (2-2) $330,000; David Nalbandian (1-3) $210,000; Nikolay Davydenko (1-2) $210,000; Ivan Ljubicic (1-2) $210,000; Tommy Robredo (1-2) $210,000; Andy Roddick (1-2) $210,000; Mario Ancic (alt.) $50,000; Tomas Berdych (alt.) $50,000
2005/Shanghai 13-20 November; Surface: Hard (indoor)
Red Group: Roger Federer, Guillermo Coria, Ivan Ljubicic, David Nalbandian. Blue Group: Andre Agassi, Nikolay Davydenko, Gaston Gaudio, Mariano Puerta.
Round Robin: (1)R Federer (SUI) d (8)D Nalbandian (ARG) 63 26 64; (6)I Ljubicic (CRO) d (4)G Coria (ARG) 62 63; (5)N Davydenko (RUS) d (3)A Agassi (USA) 64 62; (7)G Gaudio (ARG) d Mariano Puerta (ARG) 63 75; (1)R Federer (SUI) d (6)I Ljubicic (CRO) 63 26 76(4); (8)D Nalbandian (ARG) d (4)G Coria (ARG) 75 64; (5)N Davydenko (RUS) d (7)G Gaudio (ARG) 63 64; (alt)F Gonzalez (CHI) d (alt)M Puerta (ARG) 63 46 60; (8)D Nalbandian (ARG) d (6)I Ljubicic (CRO) 62 62; (1)R Federer (SUI) d (4)G Coria (ARG) 60 16 62; (7)G Gaudio (ARG) d (alt)F Gonzalez (CHI) 16 75 75; (5)N Davydenko (RUS) d (alt)M Puerta (ARG) 63 62
Semifinals: (1)R Federer (SUI) d (7)G Gaudio (ARG) 60 60; (8)D Nalbandian (ARG) d (5)N Davydenko (RUS) 60 75
Final: (8)D Nalbandian (ARG) d (1)R Federer (SUI) 67(4) 67(11) 62 61 76(3)
Prize Money: David Nalbandian (3-1) $1,400,000; Roger Federer (3-1) $820,000; Nikolay Davydenko (3-1) $450,000; Gaston Gaudio (2-2) $330,000; Ivan Ljubicic (1-2) $210,000; Fernando Gonzalez alt. (1-1) $170,000; Guillermo Coria (0-3) $90,000; Mariano Puerta alt. (0-3) $90,000; Andre Agassi (0-1) $45,000; Thomas Johansson alt. (0-0) $50,000.
2004/Houston 13-21 November; Surface: Hard (outdoor)
Red Group: Roger Federer, Lleyton Hewitt, Carlos Moya, Gaston Gaudio. Blue Group: Andy Roddick, Marat Safin, Guillermo Coria, Tim Henman.
Round Robin (1)R Federer (SUI) d (8)G Gaudio (ARG) 61 76(4); (3)L Hewitt (AUS) d (5)C Moya (ESP) 67(5) 62 64; (4)M Safin (RUS) d (6)G Coria (ARG) 61 64; (2)A Roddick (USA) d (7)T Henman (GBR) 75 76(6); (5)C Moya (ESP) d (8)G Gaudio (ARG) 63 64; (1)R Federer (SUI) d (3)L Hewitt (AUS) 63 64; (7)T Henman (GBR) d (6)G Coria (ARG) 62 62; (2)A Roddick (USA) d (4)M Safin (RUS) 76(7) 76(4); (1)R Federer (SUI) d (5)C Moya (ESP) 63 36 63; (3)L Hewitt (AUS) d (8)G Gaudio (ARG) 62 61; (2)A Roddick (USA) d (6)G Coria (ARG) 76(4) 63; (4)M Safin (RUS) d (7)T Henman 62 76(2)
Semifinals: (3)L Hewitt (AUS) d (2)A Roddick 63 62; (1)R Federer (SUI) d (4)M Safin 63 76(18)
Final: (1)R Federer (SUI) d (3)L Hewitt 63 62
Prize Money: Roger Federer (5-0) $1,520,000; Lleyton Hewitt (3-2) $700,00; Andy Roddick (3-1) $450,000; Marat Safin (2-2) $330,000; Carlos Moya (1-2) $210,000; Tim Henman (1-2) $210,000; Guillermo Coria (0-3) $90,000; Gaston Gaudio (0-3) $90,000; Guillermo Canas alt. (0-0) $50,000.
2003/Houston 8-16 November; Surface: Hard (outdoor)
Red Group: Andy Roddick, Guillermo Coria, Rainer Schuettler, Carlos Moya. Blue Group: Juan Carlos Ferrero, Roger Federer, Andre Agassi, David Nalbandian.
Round Robin: D Nalbandian (ARG) d JC Ferrero (ESP) 63 61; R Federer (SUI) d A Agassi (USA) 67(3) 63 76(7); R. Schuettler (GER) d G Coria (ARG) 63 46 62; A Roddick (USA) d C Moya (ESP) 62 36 63; R Federer (SUI) d D Nalbandian (ARG) 63 60; A Agassi (USA) d JC Ferrero 26 63 64; R Schuettler (GER) d A Roddick (USA) 46 76(4) 76(3); G Coria (ARG) d C Moya (ESP) 62 63; A Agassi (USA) d D Nalbandian (ARG) 76(10) 36 64; R Federer (SUI) d JC Ferrero (ESP) 63 61; C Moya (ESP) d R Schuettler (GER) 75 64; A Roddick (USA) d G Coria (ARG) 63 67(3) 63
Semifinals: A Agassi (USA) d R Schuettler (GER) 57 60 64; R Federer (SUI) d A Roddick (USA) 76(2) 62;
Singles Final: R Federer (SUI) d A Agassi (USA) 63 60 64.
Prize Money: Roger Federer (5-0) $1,520,000; Andre Agassi (3-2) $700,000; Rainer Schuettler (2-2) $330,000; Andy Roddick (2-2) $330,000; Guillermo Coria (1-2) $210,000; Carlos Moya (1-2) $210,000; David Nalbandian (1-2) $210,000; Juan Carlos Ferrero ($90,000); M Philippoussis (alternate) $50,000
2002 / Shanghai, China -- November 11 - Surface: Hard (Indoor)
Red Group: Carlos Moya, Lleyton Hewitt, Albert Costa, Marat Safin. Gold Group: Roger Federer, Juan Carlos Ferrero, Jiri Novak, Andre Agassi, Thomas Johansson (Alt.)
Round Robin: Lleyton Hewitt d. Albert Costa 6-2 4-6 6-3; Roger Federer d. Juan Carlos Ferrero 6-3 6-4; Carlos Moya d. Marat Safin 6-4 7-5; Carlos Moya d. Lleyton Hewitt 6-4 7-5; Jiri Novak d. Andre Agassi 7-5 6-1; Albert Costa d. Marat Safin 3-6 6-4 6-3; Lleyton Hewitt d. Marat Safin 6-4 2-6 6-4; Juan Carlos Ferrero d. Andre Agassi 7-5 2-6 7-6(8); Roger Federer d. Jiri Novak 6-0 4-6 6-2; Juan Carlos Ferrero d. Jiri Novak 7-5 6-3; Roger Federer d. Thomas Johansson 6-3 7-5; Carlos Moya d. Albert Costa 7-6(9) 3-6 6-4.
Semifinals: Lleyton Hewitt d. Roger Federer 7-5 5-7 7-5 Juan Carlos Ferrero d. Carlos Moya 6-7(8) 6-4 6-4.
Final: Lleyton Hewitt d. Juan Carlos Ferrero 7-5 7-5 2-6 2-6 6-4
Prize Money: Lleyton Hewitt (4-1) $1,400,000; Juan Carlos Ferrero (3-2) $700,000; Roger Federer (3-1) $450,000; Carlos Moya (3-1) $450,000; Albert Costa (1-2) $210,000; Jiri Novak (1-2) $210,000; Marat Safin (0-3) $90,000; Andre Agassi (0-2) $70,000; Thomas Johansson (0-1) $50,000.
2001/Sydney, Australia -- November 11-17 2001 -- Surface: Hard(Indoor)
Rosewall Group: Gustavo Kuerten, Juan Carlos Ferrero, Yevgeny Kafelnikov, Goran Ivanisevic. Newcombe Group:: Lleyton Hewitt, Andre Agassi, Patrick Rafter, Sebastien Grosjean.
Round Robin: Hewitt d. Grosjean 3-6, 6-2, 6-3; Agassi d. Rafter 6-2, 6-4; Kafelnikov d Ferrero 4-6, 6-1, 7-6(5); Ivanisevic d. Kuerten 6-2, 6-7(2), 6-4; Hewitt d. Agassi 6-3, 6-4; Grosjean d. Rafter 6-2, 6-4; Ferrero d. Kuerten 7-6(3) 6-2; Kafelnikov d. Ivanisevic 6-3, 6-4; Grosjean d. Agassi 6-3, 6-4; Kafelnikov d. Kuerten 6-2, 4-6, 6-3; Ferrero d. Ivanisevic 7-6(4), 7-6(5); Hewitt d. Rafter 7-5, 6-2.
Semifinals: Grosjean d. Kafelnikov 6-4, 6-2; Hewitt d. Ferrero 6-4, 6-3. Final: Hewitt d. Grosjean 6-3, 6-3, 6-4.
Prize Money: Hewitt 5-0 ($1,520,000); Grosjean 3-2 ($700,000); Kafelnikov 3-1 ($450,000); Ferrero 2-2 ($330,000); Agassi 1-2 ($210,000); Ivanisevic 1-2 ($210,000); Kuerten 0-3 ($90,000); Rafter 0-3 ($90,000)
2000/Lisbon, Portugal -- 23 November - 3 December 2000 -- Surface: Hard(Indoor)
Red Group: Pete Sampras, Marat Safin, Lleyton Hewitt, Alex Corretja. Green Group: Andre Agassi, Gustavo Kuerten, Yevgeny Kafelnikov, Magnus Norman.
Round Robin: Marat Safin d. Alex Corretja 6-7(6), 7-5, 6-3; Lleyton Hewitt d. Pete Sampras 7-5, 6-0; Andre Agassi d. Gustavo Kuerten 4-6, 6-4, 6-3; Yevgeny Kafelnikov d. Magnus Norman 4-6, 7-5, 6-1
Pete Sampras d. Alex Corretja 7-6(2), 7-5; Marat Safin d. Lleyton Hewitt 6-4, 6-4; Andre Agassi d. Yevgeny Kafelnikov 6-1, 6-4; Alex Corretja d. Lleyton Hewitt 3-6, 7-6(3), 6-3; Gustavo Kuerten d. Magnus Norman 7-5, 6-3; Pete Sampras d. Marat Safin 6-3, 6-2; Andre Agassi d. Magnus Norman 6-3, 6-2; Gustavo Kuerten d. Yevgeny Kafelnikov 6-3, 6-4.
Semifinals: Andre Agassi d. Marat Safin 6-3, 6-3; Gustavo Kuerten d. Pete Sampras 6-7(5), 6-3, 6-4.
Final: Gustavo Kuerten d. Andre Agassi 6-4, 6-4, 6-4.
Prize Money: Gustavo Kuerten (4-1) $1,400,000; Andre Agassi (4-1) $820,000; Marat Safin (2-2) $330,000; Pete Sampras (2-2) $330,000; Alex Corretja (1-2) $210,000; Lleyton Hewitt (1-2) $210,000; Yevgeny Kafelnikov (1-2) $210,000; Magnus Norman (0-3) $90,000; Thomas Enqvist (alt.), $50,000
Formula One, abbreviated to F1, is the highest class of open wheeled auto racing defined by the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), motorsport’s world governing body. The “formula“ in the name refers to a set of rules to which all participants and cars must conform. The F1 world championship season consists of a series of races, known as Grands Prix, held usually on purpose-built circuits, and in a few cases on closed city streets, the most famous of which is the Monaco Grand Prix in Monte Carlo. The results of each race are combined to determine two annual World Championships, one for drivers and one for constructors.
Formula One cars race at high speeds, up to 360 km/h (225 mph) with the engine revving up to 19000 RPM. The cars are capable of pulling 5g’s in some corners. The performance of the cars is highly dependent on electronics, aerodynamics, suspension and tyres. The engine and transmission of a modern Formula One car are some of the most highly stressed pieces of machinery on the planet. The formula has seen many evolutions and changes through the history of the sport.
Europe is Formula One’s traditional centre; all of the teams are based there and around half the races take place there. In particular the United Kingdom has produced the most Drivers’ Champions (12), and the vast majority of Constructors’ Champions (32). However, the sport’s scope has expanded significantly in recent years and Grands Prix are now held all over the world. Events in Europe and the Americas have been dropped in favour of races in Bahrain, China, Malaysia and Turkey, with Singapore having held the first night race in 2008 and India being added to the schedule starting in 2011. Of the eighteen races in 2008, nine are outside Europe.
Formula One is a massive television event, with millions of people watching each race worldwide. As the world’s most expensive sport, its economic effect is significant, and its financial and political battles are widely observed. On average about 55 million people all over the world watch Formula One races live. Its high profile and popularity makes it an obvious merchandising environment, which leads to very high investments from sponsors, translating into extremely high budgets for the constructor teams. Several teams have gone bankrupt or been bought out by other companies since 2000. The most recent example of this was the Super Aguri team being denied entry to the Spanish Grand Prix and then folding due to lack of funds after an attempt at gaining sponsorship collapsed.
McLaren’s Lewis Hamilton did everything but win the title in Shanghai on Sunday, as he scored his fifth victory of the season in a pluperfect style that left championship rival Felipe Massa floundering in his wake.
The Brazilian ran third for much of the race, astern of Ferrari team mate Kimi Raikkonen as they struggled vainly to keep the McLaren in sight. Then on lap 49 the Finn conceded second place, so that Massa left China with 87 points to Hamilton’s 94 - and with his admittedly fading championship aspirations still alive.
Raikkonen stayed clear of a closing Fernando Alonso, who pushed hard all the way through for Renault, and Nick Heidfeld led BMW Sauber team mate Robert Kubica home as the Pole saw his own title hopes die. His three points leave him on 75, too far behind Hamilton.
The race started with a bang. Hamilton easily beat the Ferraris into the first corner and Alonso finally got the better of McLaren’s Heikki Kovalainen as they duelled over fourth. Further back, however, Toro Rosso’s Sebastien Bourdais tipped Jarno Trulli’s Toyota into a spin. The Frenchman was badly delayed; the Italian made one pit stop at the end of the lap and another a lap later, to retire.
Adrian Sutil and Kovalainen were the only other non-finishers. The Force India stopped on the entry to the pits on lap 13, and Kovalainen, whose McLaren had been smoking on the grid, fell from fifth place to the tail of the field on lap 35 when its right front Bridgestone tyre failed. Later he parked the car in the garage with a mechanical problem.
A one-stop strategy worked well for Timo Glock as he brought the second Toyota home seventh ahead of Nelson Piquet, who had a strong run in the other Renault. There were no points for Sebastian Vettel and Toro Rosso as they finished ninth, ahead of Red Bull’s David Coulthard and an aggressive Rubens Barrichello who was on good form for Honda. Kazuki Nakajima was another one-stopper, finishing 12th ahead of Bourdais, Red Bull’s Mark Webber, Williams team mate Nico Rosberg, Honda’s Jenson Button and Giancarlo Fisichella in the second Force India.
The race did not, in the end, clinch the title for Hamilton, but it did exorcise the ghost of Fuji and it leaves him needing only four points in Brazil. That means he can let the Ferraris and Alonso do what they like, as fifth place will do the job whatever Massa achieves.


南京Free-out,成立于2016年,团队成员有MC光光、KC左元杰、Trouble.Z高天佐、Round_2(早安和贰万)、zun哥、Ice-Paper、Joannne、Lil Howcy、Big Year、九万姐姐、G.G张思源等。

根据他们接受采访时自己对厂牌“Free-out”的解释,“Free-Out本身是水运贸易里卸货的一个术语。Hip Hop源自美国,我们就像船员一样把大洋彼岸的黑人文化带过来。”就像国内某知名矿泉水的广告一般。



2、KC左元杰,被光光在节目里称为是Free-out的“大小王”之一。KC通过自己的努力成为了“Iron Mic”上海站的四冠王,至今无人超越,是真正的低调。



2005年代表A1中国队在英国Silverstone和Paulricard赛道试车 。
2007年8月在英国银石赛道进行A1试赛 。
2008年7月参加多灵顿赛道F3试车 。
2008年7月以唯一的一个中国选手的身分代表中国御车银石俱乐部参加了西班牙F3锦标赛,并在法国站取得第三名。赫雷兹站第一回合取得第三名,第二回合第二名的好成绩。虽然只完成了全年9场比赛中的6场,但最终年度积分在29位车手中排名第6位,三次登上领奖台 。
2008年7月进入英国拉夫堡大学机械工程系进行系统学习深造 。
2008年10月在上海GP2试车 。
2010年秋季代表中国国家队(Team China)参加超级联盟方程式(Superleague Formula)大奖赛,在鄂尔多斯站和北京站均获得积分。
2014年,WTCC 2014 Round6 俄罗斯站 Race2获得第一名
HRT首席执行官Saul Ruiz de Marcos在2013年10月4日发给中汽联的发布会邀请函,de Marcos在信中写道,“尊敬的汽联官员们:我们诚挚的邀请你们出席中国第一位F1车手马青骅的新闻发布会。他将作为HRT F1车队2013赛季的其中一名官方车手,参加在上海国际赛车场举行的2013年F1中国大奖赛。”


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