
mistranslation 美国

mistranslation(16.把中国古典文学名著《水浒传》翻译为英语的美国作家是( ))

jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-02-04 18:32:55 浏览39 评论0



16.把中国古典文学名著《水浒传》翻译为英语的美国作家是( )

英文版通常将《水浒传》翻译成Water Margin或Outlaws of the Marsh。在众多译本中,最早的当属赛珍珠女士在1920年代中后期翻译的All Men Are Brothers(四海之内皆兄弟)。书名出自《论语》“四海之内,皆兄弟也”。1933年出版,是《水浒传》的第一个英文全译本,当时在美国颇为畅销。但是译本中有很多错误。比如书名的翻译,就不符合原意,受到过鲁迅先生的批评。对一百零八将的绰号,也往往望文生义,比如将病尉迟的(Yuchi)译作“Weichi“,将花和尚鲁智深译为Priest Hwa(花牧师),更是将母夜叉孙二娘译为“Night Ogre“(夜间的怪物)。
迄今为止《水浒传》被认为比较好的英文版本,应该是中国籍的美国犹太裔学者沙博理先生(Sidney Shapiro)在文革期间受命译的一百回版的“Outlaws of the Marsh“(水泊好汉)。他的译本,被认为更加忠实于原著,而且很贴切地反应了原文的神韵,符合翻译的“信,达,雅”的原则。可惜由于这个译本产生于文革时期,影响不大。
法语版则将其直译为Au bord de l’eau。


学生问能不能用flying girl来译“飞女”?其实,flying girl在西方文化中是“轻浮”的女孩之意,而“飞女”是指飞在天空中的女子,是中华民族古老文化中固有的文化假象。英语文化中没有这样的东西,而汉语文化背景中却有这样文化现象是由于人们认知结构中的文化图式(cultural schema)不同所导致的。当中国人看到“飞女”字样时,占据其文化图式中的空位的是“天仙女,天外飞仙,天女散花”等等。而西方人在看到flying girl时,他们的文化图式中可能就会出现“奇装异服”,“粗言俗语”等。也就是说“飞女”与flying girl在各自的文化中图式是完全不同的。可见,储存在我们记忆中的认知模式在不自觉中影响着我们对周围事物的认知,限制了我们的思维方式及语言表达。如果我们用不同的文化图式的表达方式取而代之就必然会导致文化误读(cultural misreadings),造成误译(mistranslation)。在做翻译中,我们对这类现象,用文外补偿(compensation)的方式比较稳妥。因而,我们可以把“飞女”和flying girl意译并加注作为文化补偿,即women / girls / fairies in the air。根据不同情况进行选择,并在注释中的解释汉文化中有关仙女的传说,因为现实中“女人“是不会长翅膀的,就是天使,那性别上也是有差异的。

adams’ apple典故 要英文的

There are several possibilities on why it’s called the Adam’s Apple. One is derived from a Garden of Eden story, about Adam eating the forbidden apple and part of it getting stuck in his throat.(It does look like a small round apple) It could also be a mistranslation between Hebrew and Latin; in Hebrew “tappuach ha adam“ means male bump. In Latin it’s translated to “pormum adami.“ That’s very likely the real story since there are many mistranslations from Latin to English, or Greek.
原文说了好两种可能 但是确切的来源无从考证。
““Adam’s apple“ is a reference to forbidden fruit in the biblical book of Genesis and in the Qur’an. Though neither text mentions the laryngeal prominence or even an apple specifically, popular tradition traces the origin of the prominence to a piece of the forbidden fruit becoming caught in Adam’s throat.“
“The laryngeal prominence is merely the protrusion one sees of the thyroid cartilage making up the body of the larynx. Some suggest that the reason for the laryngeal prominence usually being more prominent in males is that the two laminae of the thyroid cartilage that form the protrusion meet at an angle of 90° in males but that angle is usually 120° in females. This theory, however, seems more like conjecture when the fact is taken into consideration that with most women with a large laryngeal prominence appear no different from those seen on men.“


On the Characteristics of Business English Language and Translation
Abstract: The Business English to convey Information such as business theory and practice, its highly specialized vocabulary, stylistic norms formal statement, a simple and neat, multi-sociability sets of language, there are some metaphors, hyperbole, contrast and other rhetorical devices. Participants should have a strong business cross-cultural awareness, business English translation should abide by ’the faithful, accurate, and unified’ three principles, but the translation should not blindly emphasized that trademark ’faithful’, but should aim to achieve ’communicative function’ right and so on, to reach commodity propaganda purposes.
English for Specific Purposes Business English belongs to a branch, a variant. And there is no fundamental difference between General English, business English, is in a different business scenarios in the use of English, so has its ’business’ features. (P1025) Business English vocabulary not only has the basic meaning of words, with a specific professional connotation, but in different settings have different meanings. For example: (1) Liquidity: Basically, this is the ability of a company to re2pay its short-term debts.It is usually measured by the current ratio (current assetsν current liabilities). For companies with high stocklevels, the so-called quick ratio may be more relevant since thisexcludes stocks from the current assets. solvency: solvency is basically a company’s ability to repay short-term debt, usually with the turnover rate (current assets current liabilities ν ) Table measures. A large proportion of the stock companies, the so-called fast turnover rate (ie: liquid assets do not include money paid for shares) may be more appropriate. (This translation contains several errors) highly specialized business English, this feature has also decided to English translation of the special nature of the business. For business English translation of the standards and principles, both wrote in admiration of the ’letter and Elegance’, Mr. Liu Zhongde’s’ letter, up, cut ’, or Peter Newmark’s communicative translation method, Nida’s’ Functional Equivalence ’and so can not fully applied, but may be an appropriate reference. I believe that Mr. Liu Fagong proposed ’faithful (faithfulness), accurate (exactness), Unity (consistence)’ Business English translation of the principle of fundamentally adapted to the specificity of business English. Faithful, that is correct information in the original language translation language is available out of grammar and sentence Structure are not demanding the same, but requested that the information content on the same weight. Accurate, that is the original language into the target language content conversion process of the contents of selected words accurately, so that the precise expression of concepts, and materials with the name referred to the right, digital and unit precision and accuracy are the core of business English translation. Unity, that is, Chinese-English translation of the translation process, concepts, terminology should remain united at all times, does not allow the same concept or terminology translation of arbitrary change. (Liu method public ’, the Chinese translation’, 2002,1) the translation of example listed in the liquidity, current ratio, current assets, current liabilities, quick ratio of the translation was not accurate, uniform, while the stock was mistranslation, the translator misinterpreted The term of the stock of the meaning in this context, I believe that these translations can be improved example listed as follows: mobility, actually refers to a company’s ability to repay short-term debt, usually with the current ratio (current assets Total current liabilities total ν ) to measured. A large proportion of the stock companies, th3, Business English words in the body language that has standardized, formal nature of Joos (1962) once the language is in use due to the relative position of both communication and social relations arising from changes in the different divided into five classes, called the five kinds of body language (style), namely: cold body (frozen) --- formal style (formal) --- to discuss body (consultative) --- casual style (casual) --- intimate body (intimate). Business English is used in a variety of international business English, business communication between the parties should not only embody the principles of equality and mutual benefit, but also to maintain good relations of cooperation, it is necessary to ensure that the terms used in its international general nature that is acceptable, but also can not be too colloquial, too informal, word style should be between a formal body (for2mal) --- to discuss body (consultative) between. Thus, overly simplistic, colloquial some prepositions and adverbs, such as because, about, if, like, for, such as in Business English will be more formal specification replaced by prepositional phrases, such as on thegrounds that, with reference to, in the event / case of, in the natureof, for the purpose of and so on. Spoken often used in verb phrases, such as the goon, add to be more formal, such as a single verb continue, supplement replaced. Business English style on different occasions has different changes. Such as business letters are written language, more formal specification, but the present trend is the use of concise business letters vivid spoken, so that warm tone, nature, manifested in the usual big words and formal terms have been replaced by short word or phrase, such as the use ’We tryto choose our trading partners carefully.’ alternative ’We endeavor tochoose our trading partners with discretion.’ in the business contracts, frequent use of some very formal, unfamiliar words to display business documents normative and binding. As with the expiry rather than the end, with certify not prove so. Commercial contracts are legal documents, its informality is also reflected in the extensive use of a number of legal jargon or legal characteristics of words, such as the infringement (infringement), NOWTHEREFORE (hereby, wishes), IN WITNESSTH WHERE OF (I certify), etc... From here / there / where the Old English preposition often constitute the contract documents for the English phrases, such as the hereafter Since then, in the future; hereby hereby, it is; herein herein, this; hereinafter below; hereof In this article, on this point; hereto in this (agreement or written material), this; heretobefore date, before; hereupon followed immediately; thereafter thereafter thereafter; thereby result, and therefore; therein, in which; thereinafter below, the following ; thereof in which it; thereon / upon in his last, in this; thereto increases in (agreement) above is included; thereunder, in its next; whereas light; whereby virtue; wherein there; whereof wishes; whereupon a result, So. Translation of such business, when the public style, but also translated into Chinese style of business the public, so that style of functional equivalence. For example: (2) WHEREAS, A desires to export to B the goods as specifiedin Exhibit A thereof (hereinafter called the’Goods’); and whereas, B desires to import the Goods from A. Now, THEREFORE, Aand B hereby agree as follows: ... ... In view of Party A to Party B is willing to export this contract items specified in Annex A (hereinafter referred to as ’goods’); and the light from the Party A Party B is willing to import these goods, therefore, Party A and Party B agree to enter into special the following provisions: ... ... (3) IN WITNESS WHREROF, the parties hereto have causedthis agreement to be executed by their respective representatives on the date first above written. I certify that this Agreement by both parties and signed on behalf of the above-mentioned date of contracting. As noted in the above analysis shows, business English translator on various occasions, we must accurately grasp the source of the stylistic characteristics of body language as much as possible in the target language to find the corresponding words in the body.


The last Emishi prince, Ashitaka, engages in battle with Nago, a giant boar demon attacking his village. During the fight, Ashitaka is wounded on his arm. After the boar is killed, the village wisewoman tells the prince that the wound is cursed and will spread to the rest of his body, eventually killing him. Ashitaka resolves to journey to the boar’s origin, the lands to the west, and find a cure for the curse. He cuts his hair, signifying his permanent departure from his village, and leaves on Yakul, his red elk. Some time later, Ashitaka passes by a village being attacked by samurai. Some of the men attack him, forcing Ashitaka to defend himself. His cursed arm displays supernatural powers, primarily superstrength, causing his arrows to remove limbs and even the head of one man. In a nearby town he meets Jigo, a wandering monk who aids him in buying rice. That evening, the monk tells Ashitaka that the god of the forest in the mountains of the west may be able to help him.
A nearby town in the mountains of the west, called Iron Town, continually clears the nearby forests to make charcoal to smelt ironsand, leading to battles with the giant forest beasts attempting to protect their diminishing forest. In one such battle, three giant wolves, led by the wolf god Moro, attack villagers transporting rice. They are accompanied by San, a human girl adopted by the wolves whom the people of Iron Town call “the Wolf Girl“. In the attack Moro and several villagers are injured. The day following the battle, Ashitaka finds two injured villagers near a river. While rescuing them, he sees San treating Moro’s wounds, and she disappears quickly. He returns the villagers to Iron Town passing through a forest full of bestial gods, including diminutive tree spirits called kodama. Also in the forest is the Forest Spirit (Shishigami in the original Japanese), described as a “god of life and death“, who takes the form of a deer-like kirin during the day and a large shadowy “night-walker“ (Daidarabocchi) at night.
Ashitaka is given a warm welcome when he reaches Iron Town. He learns from the leader of Iron Town, Lady Eboshi, that the giant boar which cursed him was once a forest god called Nago and that Eboshi had shot the boar, driving it to madness. On hearing this, Ashitaka is filled with rage and must restrain his right arm from killing Eboshi. He is dissuaded from doing so by lepers whom Eboshi has taken under her care and employed as gunmakers. She also employs former prostitutes in her famous ironworks in order to free them from brothels. Iron Town is then infiltrated by San, who attacks Eboshi. Ashitaka intervenes to stop the two sides’ fighting and takes San back to the forest, but is severely wounded when he is shot through the chest. With his curse’s power, he manages to open the gate and leave the town, but collapses soon afterward. San presents Ashitaka to the Forest Spirit, who heals his wounds but does not remove the curse.
San soon learns that the boars, under the leadership of the boar god Okkoto, are planning another attack on Iron Town. Eboshi prepares for the assault and sets out to destroy the Forest Spirit. The head of the Forest Spirit is believed to grant immortality. Jigo, who is now revealed to be a mercenary-hunter, plans to give the head to the emperor; in return the emperor promises to give Iron Town legal protection against the envious daimyos coveting the town’s prosperity. Eboshi, however, suspects (rightly) that the emperor’s agents are also assigned to take control of Irontown at the most opportune moment. Meanwhile, Ashitaka recovers and falls in love with San. However, Moro, who is poisoned by the bullet Eboshi shot into her, warns him that he cannot save San.
In the ensuing battle, Iron Town and the Imperial agents set a trap for the boars, devastating their army, while Jigo’s hunters corrupt Okkoto with a poisoned iron ball, the same as Nago. Badly wounded, Moro attacks Okkoto to save San, who was trapped on his snout while trying to stop him from turning into a demon. The Forest Spirit appears and kills both Moro and Okkoto, though San is saved. While Ashitaka cleans the demon worms from San, Eboshi shoots off the Forest Spirit’s head while it is transforming into the night-walker and in turn loses her arm to Moro, who revives long enough for one last strike against her sworn enemy. Jigo collects the head as the Forest Spirit’s body turns into a “mindless god of death“ that begins covering the land in a lethal black ooze that kills everything it touches. The hunters scatter and the population of Iron Town is forced to flee to the surrounding lake as the god destroys the town in search of its head.
Ashitaka and San chase down and take the head from Jigo and return it to the Forest Spirit. It collapses into the lake, and the land becomes green again and all the lepers and accursed, including Ashitaka, are healed. Unable to give up the life each of them is used to, Ashitaka and San part but vow to see each other as much as possible. Ashitaka decides to live at Iron Town, which a reformed Eboshi vows to remake as “a better“, much simpler village. The film ends with a Kodama appearing in the rejuvenated forest, signifying that life begins again.


1 word association with the image of the impact of translation
In the context of a particular word in a different mark just think of different ethnic people to know more about various attributes of things, psychological reflect different meanings in association with the image there is bound to be some differences. For example, in the Oriental culture, “Matchmaker“ refers to bring about a better marriage, people would often think of the Chinese classic, “The West Chamber“ Yahuan; in Western culture, go-between and match-maker In addition to the “matchmaker“ means, there are “intermediaries“, “brokers“. It will be impossible to have a similar culture imagery. We can see, have a word error or lack of appropriate to think of the cultural image, it will cause a translation error in the process of translation, or mistranslation of the phenomenon, see examples:
Case 1: One eye-witness is better than ten hear-says.
This is a proverb. If you think of improper word, literally translated as “ten times better than the first witness heard.“ Yes it did not fully reflect the original meaning. In English, ten said that in addition to specific mathematical term “ten“, but also refers to “more“ meaning, therefore, be translated as “seeing is believing“ is more appropriate, appropriate.
Case 2: She is the boss `s girl Friday.
The key phrase is the word girl Friday, take the words too literally, take it for granted translated as “mistress“, the translation will be wrong. In English, girl Friday is a proverb, which means “right-hand man“ (referring to the Secretary of particular), asked the right is: She is the owner of the private secretary.


Besides, there exists differences in the logic thinking of western culture and Chinese culture, please read the examples:
3. Nobody could be too foolish today.
The direct translation of the sentence would be, “Today nobody can be too foolish“, but then you’d be making a big mistake. Because this is the double negative construction of the reverse thinking. The correct translation would be, “Today, no matter how foolish you appear, there will always be someone more outrageous than you.“
4. It is impossible to overestimate the value of the invention.
This is another double negative construction which manifests reverse thinking. If it were direct translated, it would be, “To over-estimate this invention would be impossible“, which is far from the original meaning. The correct translation would be, “No matter how high the value of this invention is being estimated, it would never be too high.“
As could be seen, in the process of the translation, only after understanding the differences in perception and thinking process of different cultures would one be able to avoid mistakes in translation, in order to achieve having done half the work and double the results.
3. The influences analogy and habit expression has on translation
Analogy and habit expression is a part of language which is full of cultural characteristics, and is also one of the main reasons during the translating process that could be easily lead to obstacles in perception. Only to go deep into research, comparison, understanding the differences in perception and habit expression in the two languages, in order to avoid the obstacles of perception and really be able to translate precisely. Due to cultural differences, different cultures have different recognition of the same world and different ways of viewing it, thus there exists different objects which are used as metaphors, the phenomenon of having similar metaphors, which is the difference in the figure of speech. Please look at the phrases below, which are in English to Chinese:
Besides, there are also differences in the habit expressions of the two languages, please look at the examples:
as strong as horse 气 壮 如 牛
as blind as a bat 鼠目寸光
for the birds 对 牛 弹 琴
goose flesh 鸡 皮 疙 瘩
something fishy 蛛 丝 马 迹
as wise as an owl 像 猴 子 一 样 聪 明
a lion in the way 拦 路 虎
lick one� s boots 拍马屁
Diamond cuts diamond 棋 逢 对 手
A flash in a pan 昙花 一 现
Have one foot in the grave 风 烛 残 年
To grow like mushrooms 雨 后 春 笋
5. If you ever think he is lazy, think again.
If this were directly translated, it would be, “If you think he’s lazy, then think once more.“ From the surface it looks pretty loyal to the original text, but in truth it neglected the characteristic of habit expression in the English language in specific situations, but technically it didn’t translate the real meaning at all. The correct translation would be, “If you think he’s lazy, then you’re wrong.“


首先,同一个景点译名不同,常常会有三四个译名,导致译名紊乱。广西省柳州市风景宜人,市内有许多公园,常常令游客流连忘返,但是这些公园的译名却不统一,不同的地方常常写着不同的译名。例如:“鱼峰公园”有4个译名: Standing Fish Park, Standing-fish Hill Park, Yufeng Park和Yufeng Scenery District;“雀山公园”有3个译名: Que’er Shan Park, Que Shan Park和Que’er Hill Park;“鹅山公园”也有三个译名: E Shan Park, Ershan Hill Park and Ershan Youth Park。同样的问题存在于南京雨花台烈士陵园,同一个景点也具有多个英译名。“雨花石博物馆”在北门导游图译名为Rain Flower Stone Meseum,在群雕前导游图译名为Yuhua Pebbles Museum,在景区功能分布图上译名则为The Museum of Yuhua Stones,而在景点指示牌上则被译为Rain flower Pebbles Museum。其他很多景点如“忠魂亭、梅廊、二忠祠,御碑亭、江南第二泉、烈士群雕像”等等也同样有着两个或两个以上的译名,不太规范。
其次,译者忽略景点名称背后的文化信息而导致误译。译者在翻译的时候如果没有对景点名称的来源或者文化内涵多加推敲,而是想当然地根据字面意思来翻译,常常会导致错误的翻译。在《金佛山》的旅游简介中,有一景点名称“金山烟雨”被译为“Smoking Rain of Jinshan”。实际上,这里的“烟雨”是指“蒙蒙细雨”或“雨雾”,并非 “烟雾”,“Smoking Rain”显然是误译,因此建议改译为 “GoldenMountain inMistyRain”。苏州城景点“寒山寺”被译为“ColdMountain Temple”,这也是由于译者忽略了寺名背后的文化信息而导致错译。事实上,去过苏州的人都知道,寒山寺那里根本没有什么山,寒山寺位于苏州城西5公里外的枫桥镇,始建于梁,因唐代高僧寒山曾在寺内住持,故名“寒山寺”。所以“寒山”实际上是高僧的法号,“cold mountain”显然是一种误译。
再次,译者忽略中英文语言文化差异,导致误译。河南开封著名景点“清明上河园”被译成“Park with up-the-River-on-Chingming Festival views”。在英文里面,“up the river”是一个俚语,意思是“坐监狱”。而清明上河园是一个主题公园,是人们放松、休闲娱乐的地方,上述译名容易让国外游客误解,产生负面联想。开封市内的另一景点 “包公祠”被译为“The Memorial Temple of Lord Bao”,这里 “Lord Bao”虽然保持了语言形式通顺,但并不易懂。包拯是一位历史人物,他的形象代表着清正廉洁,在国内和海外华人的心目中有着很高的声誉,“包大人”是人们对他的尊称。“Lord”并不能反映出这种存在于中华文化中的尊敬与景仰之情,意义上的不对等无法准确传递出景点名称的文化内涵。


Thesis, consult two DuanZhongWen translation, simple, but declined to such powerword machine translation!论文答辩在即,请教两段中文的翻译,力求简单明了,但是谢绝金山词霸等机器翻译!
1. With the development of China and the growing number of overseas visitors open, increased year by year, tourism English translation work more and more importantly, mistranslation may not only lead to misunderstanding and even hamper the effectiveness of communication. Based on the facts, pointed out that our country tourism English translation in error, and analyzes the causes of mistakes, and finally puts forward some countermeasures and Suggestions. For the further development of Chinese tourism industry plays a certain role.
1.随着中国的发展和日益开放,海外游客的数量逐年提高,旅游英语的翻译工作日显重要,误译不仅会导致误解,甚至会阻碍交流的有效性。本文通过摆事实,指出我国目前旅游英语翻译中常出现的错误,并分析这些错误产生的原因,最后提出对策建议。旨在为我国旅游业的进一步发展起到一定的推动作用。2 through analysis, we can see, in English, Chinese and western culture differences is inevitable. In cross-cultural communication in English and Chinese, the different understandings of words could hamper cultural exchanges and integration. Relatively, along with the Chinese culture and tourism exchange in-depth infiltration of the people of Chinese culture background and cultural factors have some understanding of the differences with tolerance and the attitude. The trend of the development of Chinese tourism is extremely advantageous. But as a language learner, should be more accurately grasp the vocabulary of English culture connotation, tourism translation process, grasps the proper use of various translation strategies in China, the characteristics of culture, promote the proper deduction of Chinese culture and foreign visitors, actively disseminates the Chinese culture, and promote the development of China’s tourism industry.2.通过分析,我们可以看出,在旅游英语运用中,中西方文化差异的存在是不可避免的。在跨文化交际中,英汉语中对词汇的不同理解可能会妨碍文化间的交流与融合。相对的,随着中外旅游交流的深入以及文化的渗透,人们对中国文化的背景及文化因素都有一定的了解并对其差异报以宽容的态度。这个趋势对中外旅游的发展是极为有利的。但作为一个语言的学习者,应该更加精准地把握词汇的文化内涵,旅游英语翻译过程中把握好尺度,适当运用各种翻译策略,对中国的特色文化进行恰当演绎,增进外国游客对中国文化的了解,积极传播中国文化,促进我国旅游业的发展。