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Winston Churchill 简介

Churchill, born to fight,“Never, never, never, never give up.“ Churchill said. Sir Winston Churchill was a British prime minister and statesman who led the country to victory against Nazi Germany and the Axis powers in World War Two.

Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, a historian, a writer, and an artist. He is the only British prime minister to have received the Nobel Prize in Literature, and was the first person to be made an Honorary Citizen of the United States.

During his army career, Churchill saw action in India, in the Sudan and the Second Boer War. He gained fame and notoriety as a war correspondent and through contemporary books he wrote describing the campaigns.

In World War I, although in his younger years Churchill had gained notoriety and fame with his military and journalistic experiences during the small Victorian wars, World War One truly catapulted him to a political center stage. 

In World War Ⅱ,In the face of the Low Countries and France being overrun by Fascist invaders, Churchill’s the main achievement during this trying time was refusing to even consider surrender despite the strong possibility of British defeat.

Churchill was also a prolific writer of books. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature “for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values“.

Churchill, born to fight. In his life, he faced a lot of diffcult questiones. He was beated many times, but he finally stand up and get success.









  温斯顿·伦纳德·斯宾塞·丘吉尔爵士(Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill,1874年11月30日—1965年1月24日),政治家、演说家及作家以及记者,1953年诺贝尔文学奖得主,曾于1940-1945年及1951-1955年期间两度任英国首相,被认为是20世纪最重要的政治领袖之一,带领英国获得第二次世界大战的胜利。被公认为世界上掌握单词词汇量最多的人(5万多)。
  丘吉尔1874年11月30日出生在英格兰牛津郡的一个贵族世家,1965年1月24日卒于伦敦。1894年毕业于桑德赫斯特皇家军事学院。1939年以前的主要政治活动 1895年从军,曾参加英国在印度、苏丹和南非的殖民战争。1906年进入下院。主张自由贸易,反对保护主义的关税政策。后历任殖民部次官、商务大臣、内政大臣、海军大臣和军需大臣、陆军大臣兼空军大臣、殖民大臣等要职。在任海军大臣期间,大力加强海军实力,以回击德国对英国海上霸权的挑战。第一次世界大战爆发后,1915年,英军在黑海海峡的盖利博卢战役中失利,同年11月丘吉尔引咎辞职。1919年1月丘吉尔出任陆军大臣兼空军大臣,积极参与策划武装干涉苏俄。1922年,因不满自由党的政策而脱离该党。1924年任S.鲍德温内阁的财政大臣。1925年在英国恢复金本位制,企图恢复伦敦作为世界金融中心的地位。1931年1月,因对保守党领袖的政策不满退出鲍德温的影子内阁。此后他被排斥在政府公职之外 ,专心从事写作。在此期间,他同保守党右翼一起,反对向印度独立的要求作任何让步。丘吉尔对来自德国的威胁不断发出警告,主张重整军备,反对A.N.张伯伦姑息德国侵略的绥靖政策,主张联合法国和苏联,依靠国际联盟来阻止德国的侵略。
  第二次世界大战中的活动 1939年9月德国入侵波兰后,丘吉尔任张伯伦政府的海军大臣,积极组织援助挪威的战役。1940年5月10日继张伯伦任首相,并兼国防大臣,立即把全国经济纳入战时轨道。丘吉尔政府拒绝德国的诱和,坚持对德作战,同时争取美、苏作为同盟者参战。为了保卫不列颠群岛,亲自视察海防、空防设施。他支持沦陷国家开展抵抗运动,支持沦陷国家的流亡政府。苏德战争爆发当天,丘吉尔庄严声明:“俄国人的危难就是我们的危难,也就是美国的危难。”1941年7月12日签订《英 、苏在对德战争中联合行动的协定》。8月9日,丘吉尔和F.D.罗斯福签署《大西洋宪章》。太平洋战争爆发后,丘吉尔与美国缔结一系列条约,其中包括联合使用两国的军事和经济资源、成立联合参谋部等内容。1942年以时机尚未成熟为借口,推迟开辟第二战场。丘吉尔先后参加德黑兰会议、雅尔塔会议等国际会议。在处置战败的德国、波兰的疆界变动和政府组成等问题上,极力维护英帝国的利益。
  战后的政治生涯 1945 年7月大选中,保守党在选举中失败,丘吉尔辞去首相职务。1946年3月5日,在美国密苏里州富尔顿发表题为《和平砥柱》的演说,这次演说揭开战后冷战时期的序幕。1948年10月9日 ,丘吉尔在英国保守党年会上正式提出一个把英美联盟、联合的欧洲、英联邦和英帝国连接在一起的三环外交的总方针。但由于战后英国的衰落未能实现。1951~1955年,丘吉尔再度出任首相。在执政期间签订1954年《巴黎军事协定》,并缔结《东南亚防务条约》,继续对苏采取强硬态度。1953年,丘吉尔被封为爵士,获嘉德勋章,同年获诺贝尔文学奖。1955年4月5日正式退休,但直到1964年7月一直任下院议员。


两任,间隔 丘吉尔 (churchill, sir winston leonard spencer 1874-1965) 英国首相温斯顿·伦纳德·斯潘塞·丘吉尔爵士生于1874年11月30日,1965年1月24日逝世。 丘吉尔,英国著名政治家。贵族家庭出身,其父伦道夫·丘吉尔勋爵曾任财政大臣。生于牛津郡,毕业于哈罗公学和烧斯特军事学院。曾参加英国在印度、苏丹的殖民战争。1899—1902年英布战争期间任《晨邮报》战地记着。1900年当选下院保守党议员。 1904年改入自由党。1906年以自由党候选人资格被选入下院。 1906—1908年任殖民部次官。1908年起历任贸易大臣、内政大臣、海军大臣。一次大战中以海军大臣资格参与决策,后因1915年达达尼尔战役失败而辞职。1916年率第六皇家苏格兰毛瑟枪队在法国对德作战,1917年任军需大臣。1919—1921年任陆军和空军大臣。1921—1922年任殖民大臣。1924年重返保守党,再度被选入下院并任财政大臣。二次大战爆发后任海军大臣,1940—1945年任首相,领导战时联合政府。1945年7月任反对党领袖。1951—1955年再次任首相、第一财政大臣兼国防大臣。 1955年4月因年迈退休。


丘吉尔,W.L.S. (Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill,1874~1965)
  1939年以前的主要政治活动1895年从军,曾参加英国在印度、苏丹和南非的殖民战争。1906年作为自由党议员进入下院。主张自由贸易,反对保护主义的关税政策。后历任殖民部次官、商务大臣、内政大臣、海军大臣和军需大臣、陆军大臣兼空军大臣、殖民大臣等要职。在任海军大臣期间,大力加强海军实力,以回击德国对英国海上霸权的挑战。第一次世界大战爆发后,1915年,英军在黑海海峡的盖利博卢战役中失利,同年11月丘吉尔引咎辞职。1919年1月丘吉尔出任陆军大臣兼空军大臣,攻击布尔什维主义,鼓吹把新生的苏维埃政权扼杀在摇篮里,积极参与策划武装干涉苏俄(见苏俄国内战争)。1922年,因不满自由党的政策而脱离该党。同年在议会选举中落选。1924年任S. 鲍德温内阁的财政大臣。1925年在英国恢复金本位制。企图恢复伦敦作为世界金融中心的地位。1926年,主张镇压工人大罢工。1931年1月,因对保守党领袖的政策不满退出鲍德温的影子内阁。此后他被排斥在政府公职之外,专心从事写作。在此期间,他同保守党右翼一起,反对向印度独立的要求作任何让步。丘吉尔对来自德国的威胁不断发出警告,主张重整军备,反对A.N.张伯伦姑息德国侵略的绥靖政策,主张联会法国和苏联,依靠国际联盟来阻止德国的侵略。
  第二次世界大战中的丘吉尔 1939年9月德国入侵波兰后,丘吉尔任张伯伦政府的海军大臣,积极组织援助挪威的战役。1940年5月10日继张伯伦任首相,并兼国防大臣,立即把全国经济纳入战时轨道。丘吉尔政府拒绝德国的诱和,坚持对德作战,同时争取美、苏作为同盟者参战。为了保卫不列颠群岛,亲自视察海防、空防设施。他支持沦陷国家开展抵抗运动,支持沦陷国家的流亡政府。苏德战争爆发当天,丘吉尔庄严声明:“俄国人的危难就是我们的危难,也就是美国的危难。”1941年7月12日签订《英、苏在对德战争中联合行动的协定》。8月9日,丘吉尔和F.D.罗斯福签署大西洋宪章。太平洋战争爆发后,丘吉尔与美国缔结一系列条约,其中包括联合使用两国的军事和经济资源、成立联合参谋部等内容。1942年以时机尚未成熟为借口,推迟开辟第二战场(见第二次世界大战)。丘吉尔先后参加德黑兰会议、雅尔塔会议等国际会议。在处置战败的德国、波兰的疆界变动和政府组成等问题上,极力维护英帝国的利益。
  战后的政治生涯 1945年7月大选中,保守党在选举中失败,丘吉尔辞去首相职务。1946年3月5日,在美国密苏里州富尔顿发表题为《和平砥柱》的演说,鼓吹英、美联合以对抗苏联拉下的纵贯欧洲南北的“铁幕”。这次演说揭开战后“冷战”时期的序幕。1948年10月9日,丘吉尔在英国保守党年会上正式提出一个把英美联盟、联合的欧洲、英联邦和英帝国连接在一起的“三环外交”的总方针。但由于战后英国的衰落未能实现。
  丘吉尔(1874~1965) 英国政治家,首相(1940~1945,1951~1955)。1874年11月30日出生在英格兰牛津郡的一个贵族世家,1965年1月24日卒于伦敦。1894年毕业于桑德赫斯特皇家军事学院。
  1939年以前的主要政治活动 1895年从军,曾参加英国在印度、苏丹和南非的殖民战争。1906年进入下院。主张自由贸易,反对保护主义的关税政策。后历任殖民部次官、商务大臣、内政大臣、海军大臣和军需大臣、陆军大臣兼空军大臣、殖民大臣等要职。在任海军大臣期间,大力加强海军实力,以回击德国对英国海上霸权的挑战。第一次世界大战爆发后,1915年,英军在黑海海峡的盖利博卢战役中失利,同年11月丘吉尔引咎辞职。1919年1月丘吉尔出任陆军大臣兼空军大臣,积极参与策划武装干涉苏俄。1922年,因不满自由党的政策而脱离该党。1924年任S.鲍德温内阁的财政大臣。1925年在英国恢复金本位制,企图恢复伦敦作为世界金融中心的地位。1931年1月,因对保守党领袖的政策不满退出鲍德温的影子内阁。此后他被排斥在政府公职之外 ,专心从事写作。在此期间,他同保守党右翼一起,反对向印度独立的要求作任何让步。丘吉尔对来自德国的威胁不断发出警告,主张重整军备,反对A.N.张伯伦姑息德国侵略的绥靖政策,主张联合法国和苏联,依靠国际联盟来阻止德国的侵略。
  第二次世界大战中的活动 1939年9月德国入侵波兰后,丘吉尔任张伯伦政府的海军大臣,积极组织援助挪威的战役。1940年5月10日继张伯伦任首相,并兼国防大臣,立即把全国经济纳入战时轨道。丘吉尔政府拒绝德国的诱和,坚持对德作战,同时争取美、苏作为同盟者参战。为了保卫不列颠群岛,亲自视察海防、空防设施。他支持沦陷国家开展抵抗运动,支持沦陷国家的流亡政府。苏德战争爆发当天,丘吉尔庄严声明:“俄国人的危难就是我们的危难,也就是美国的危难。”1941年7月12日签订《英、苏在对德战争中联合行动的协定》。8月9日,丘吉尔和F.D.罗斯福签署《大西洋宪章》。太平洋战争爆发后,丘吉尔与美国缔结一系列条约,其中包括联合使用两国的军事和经济资源、成立联合参谋部等内容。1942年以时机尚未成熟为借口,推迟开辟第二战场。丘吉尔先后参加德黑兰会议、雅尔塔会议等国际会议。在处置战败的德国、波兰的疆界变动和政府组成等问题上,极力维护英帝国的利益。
  战后的政治生涯 1945年7月大选中,保守党在选举中失败,丘吉尔辞去首相职务。1946年3月5日,在美国密苏里州富尔顿发表题为《和平砥柱》的演说,这次演说揭开战后冷战时期的序幕。1948年10月9日,丘吉尔在英国保守党年会上正式提出一个把英美联盟、联合的欧洲、英联邦和英帝国连接在一起的三环外交的总方针。但由于战后英国的衰落未能实现。1951~1955年,丘吉尔再度出任首相。在执政期间签订1954年《巴黎军事协定》,并缔结《东南亚防务条约》,继续对苏采取强硬态度。1953年,丘吉尔被封为爵士,获嘉德勋章,同年获诺贝尔文学奖。1955年4月5日正式退休,但直到1964年7月一直任下院议员。




1、As a politician, he modelled himself on Churchill.


2、Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon were both controversial figures


3、The United States bestowed honorary citizenship upon England’s World War ll prime minister Sir Winston Churchill.


4、So did Winston Churchill who almost failed out of Harrow an elite British school.


5、One could therefore present Napoleon in terms of his desire to impress or Churchill in terms of his lonely gloom.



Essential facts:
Born: 30 November 1874 (Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire)
Died: 24 January 1965 (28 Hyde Park Gate, London)
Nickname: “Winnie“
Education: Harrow and Royal Military College, Sandhurst
Family: Churchill was the elder of 2 sons. He was married to Clementine Hozier, and had 1 son and 4 daughters
Age at appointment: 65 years, 163 days; 76 years, 331 days
First entered Parliament: 3 October 1900
Maiden Speech: 18 February 1901 in the debate on the King’s Speech on the Boer War
Total time as PM: 8 years, 240 days
“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind“
“I am prepared to meet my maker. Whether my maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter“
On Attlee: “a modest man who has much to be modest about“
“Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years men will still say ’This was their finest hour’“
On the RAF following victory in the Battle of Britain: “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few“
Winston Churchill was a politician, a soldier, an artist, and the 20th century’s most famous and celebrated Prime Minister. His father was Lord Randolph Churchill, a Nineteenth Century Tory politician. He was educated at Harrow and at Sandhurst Royal Military College, after which he saw service in India and the Sudan, and acted off-duty as a war correspondent.
Churchill left the army in 1899 to take up politics, but first travelled to South Africa as a journalist. Although taken prisoner by the Boers, he made a daring escape and returned to safety despite the price on his head. His consequent fame no doubt aided his success as the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Oldham in 1900.
Churchill was instinctively independent, willing to work with any side agreeing with his goals. Thus his stand against protectionism led him to join the Liberals in 1904. As President of the Board of Trade in Asquith’s Liberal government he set up labour exchanges and unemployment insurance. As Home Secretary in 1910 he improved safety in the mines and prevented the employment of child miners, though disappointed radicals by deploying troops in Wales during a miners strike.
In 1911 he was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty, and ensured the Navy was ready for the outbreak of war in 1914. However, he was blamed for failed Dardanelles Campaign in 1915, and was demoted in the coalition government. He resigned his post and went to the Front.
In 1916 Lloyd George appointed him Minister for Munitions, in which post he developed the use of the tank in warfare. In 1918 he took responsibility for demobilisation.
He returned to the Conservative Party in the 1920s and spent 5 years as Stanley Baldwin’s Chancellor, but again fell out with his party. Unpopular and ostracised for a decade, his warnings from the backbenches of Fascist imperialism went unheeded. His influence, it was said, had fallen to zero. However, Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement failed, leading to his resignation and to the vindication of Churchill’s position. George VI then asked Churchill to form a government in 1940 at the age of 65.
Asking the House of Commons for its confidence in his small War Cabinet, he said “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.“ His evocative and stirring rhetoric, employed in many famed speeches, is seen as representing the spirit of wartime Britain, and was essential to raising national morale. He was renowned as a great character and a great leader but was a paradoxical man. Possessed of astonishing vision, he also made disastrous mistakes. Nevertheless, he brought Britain to victory against Germany on the 8th of May, 1945.
Following the Labour landslide in the post-war 1945 election, a surprised Churchill found himself leading the Conservative Opposition. He then served four years as a peacetime Prime Minister. The second Churchill administration did not realise his hopes of ending the Cold War. In contrast to the stark choices of the second world war, he found the problems facing post-war Britain elusive and intangible.
Frustrated and in poor health, he resigned in 1955, aged 81. Following his death in 1965, Churchill’s body lay in state for 3 days at Westminster Hall before his state funeral.

丘吉尔简介 英文

British biographer, historian, politician of the · Churchill( the Winston Churchill,1874-1965) of WEN SI DUN4.Was born in the oxford nearby cloth temple.Grandfather, MA3 BO2,, Luo, the general has the military merit of neutrally in the war.The father pulls a man lord to once allow the English Chancellor of the Exchequer.He was then differ to send into the boarding school to study since the childhood, once studying in the of of hello school, but the born nature pertinacity, study the result not good, like the history, literature and the military games only.Tested into the virtuous of mulberry unwillingly in 1893 especially the army officer school after, because of share common interest, graduating the result to come out in front, getting the military officer qualifications.In 1895, with the second lieutenant the soldier title plait went into the Royal fourth to ride the large unit.Empress because of the combat life that hope earnestly to take a risk, the body that to volunteer the soldier and war correspondent attends Spain successively to Cuba of colony war and the British troops war in India, Sudan, South Africa, with the battle brave, presume the to risk danger to be known for nearly.In the interval, in two years that India garrison, he still read history, philosophy, religion and the work of the economies extensively, to make up the oneself in the lack on the education.At the same time, announced the reportage 《 the virtuous expedition of MA3 LA KAN3 record 》 (1898), 《 the war on the river 》 (1899), 《 South Africa joins the army to record 》 (1908) and novel 《 the sand Luo pull 》 (1899) etc., widely popular.
In 1899, the Churchill retired from the army to participate in politics, winning an election for the lower chamber councilman in 1900.Went into the 阁 to serve as to colonize the vice- big minister with a first time of the liberal party body in 1906, served as the big minister of big minister, domestic affairs of business behind, the first world war night before last served as the First Lord of the Admiralty, war the period served as the big minister of army supplies.In October after the revolution victory, he plans anti- Su once and actively.In 1924, served as the Chancellor of the Exchequer with the conservative party body again, keep go to 1929 the conservative party is in the election fiasco but leave the government, long unemployed decade.He published this period five originally memoirs 《 crisis of world 》 (1923-1931), the biography work 《 my early years life 》 (1930), four originally 《 MA3 BO2’s Luo spread 》 .(1933-1938)
30’s, because of the method west influence of rising, the European situation is increasingly nervous, the Churchill
resolute objection the English method etc. the appeasement policy of the country, become hard-liner’s leader.He makes a speech everywhere, making public the danger of the war.He delivers a speech the surging eloquence of speech, a of , drive generally accepted is an outstanding declamation house.In 1939, the World War II break out, the Churchill
appointed the First Lord of the Admiralty of ZHANG BO2 LUN2’s cabinet.In 1940, he accepted order in hour of danger, serving as the prime minister, lead the British people to protect three islands of England, and the all levels launched the diplomacy activity actively, forming alliance with beautiful Su, becoming the international anti- method west united front, doing a major contribution for the end victory of the anti- method west war.
In 1945, at the anti- method west victory night before last, failed in the election because of the conservative party, the Churchill lost prime minister’s post.Afterward, he completed with six years six originally 《 memoirs of World War II 》 .(1948-1954)In 1951, the conservative party elected to win to win in all aspects, the Churchill served as the prime minister again with 77 years old advanced age.1955 retires because of the high resignation of age, composing with concentration four originally 《 English race history 》 .(1956-1958)January of 1965 dies because of the apoplexy.
Although the whole life of the Churchill mainly is engaged in the political activity, his history say to achieve the famous with the biography literature writing also.1946 start, he then is nominate for the candidate of the Nobel literature prize, and finally in 1953,“ because he is describing the scholastic attainment of the history and biography, at the same time because of him that defends the lofty person of value of glorious speech“, acquire the Nobel literature prize.Sweden college compare he make“ have the west fills Luo literary talent of big emperor of Caesar“.



Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England in 1874. He served as British Prime Minister twice from 1940 to 1945 and from 1951 to 1955. 

He is regarded as one of the most important political leaders in the 20th century. He led the British people to win the Second World War. 

He is one of the “three giants of the Yalta Conference“. After the war, he issued the iron curtain speech, which officially opened the prelude to the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union. 

His unnecessary war won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1953. He wrote 16 volumes of Memoirs of the Second World War and 24 volumes of English national history.



