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jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-01-09 04:14:41 浏览80 评论0




Wuling source scenery scenic spot position northeast Hunan Province.The scenery scenic spot area scope is the east longitude 110°20“30“ ~ 110°41’ 15“ North latitude 29°16’ 25“~ 29°24’ 25“ Total area 390.8 square kilometers, among,periphery safety-strip area 126.8 square kilometers. Is situated atnorth the central Asia tropics the climatic region, is 山原 thehumid climate. In the area the quartz sand rock pillar peak has 3,103,the kilometer take 上峰 column 243, the high point as the rabbitfull moon peak, the elevation 1264.5 meters; Boundary minister of theinterior 2,000 meter above run-off ditch 32, the total length amountsto 84.6 kilometers, among, is most famous by Jin Bianxi. The peak isthree cliffs canyons place at most, often lives in contentment for themountain person sets up camp place, most famous has the Huang Shihstronghold, the hawk nest stronghold, the percussion instrumentstronghold, hides the official stronghold and so on. The Wuling source is the biological treasure house, in the area theplant vertical climatic zone spectrum obvious, the group falls thestructure integrity, the ecosystem is balanced, is the Chinese - Japan植物区系 Central China plant area, is this plant area core region,is containing the multitudinous ancient precious plant and the Chinaunique plant resources. Forest 覆盖率 reaches 88%. The higher planthas 3,000 kinds, xylophyte has the l07 branch, 250 is, 700 kinds.First batch includes “China Rarely and preciously Is in imminentdanger Protection Plant Name list“ the key protection plant to have 35kinds. The land fresh vertebrate has 50 branches, 116 kinds, is thecountry grade one protected animal 3 kind, the national two levels ofprotections animals 10 kind, the national three levels of protectionsanimals 17 kinds. In 1988 the State Council examined and approved the Wuling source forthe national key scenery scenic spot area, and the authorizedestablishment province governed 张家界 the city, established theWuling source area people’s government, strengthened the sceneryscenic spot area the protection and the management. In December, 1992,the Wuling source is officially included by the United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as the naturalheritage “World Inheritance Name list“. Natural heritage Has the prominent value the geological landform The Wuling source in the areal structure system, is in the newChina third upheaval zone. In the long geologic history time, hasapproximately experienced a Wuling snowy peak, Indo-China, Mt.yanshan, happy Shan Jixin the tectonic movement. The Wuling - snowypeak movement has established the home court basal structure. TheIndo-Chinese movement has molded the home court fundamentalconstruction landform rack, but happy Shan Jixin the tectonic movementforms one of Wuling source unusual silicarenite peak forest landformlandscape most basic intrinsic factors. The constitution sandstone peak forest landform stratum mainly by thefar paleozoic group in, the Upper Devonian 云台 view group and theHuang family pillar group constitutes, stratum demonstration 滨海相clastic rock class characteristic. Crag lithical pure, level thick,the bottom shape is gentle, the vertical festival principle growth,the rock appears to the syncline outline, reflected the sandstone peakforest landform landscape forms special geologic structure environmentand basic condition. But the external force geology mobilizationerosion and the gravity collapse and its the biological biochemistryfunction and the physical weathering function, then molds the Wulingsource landform landscape essential external condition. Therefore, itsformation is in the specific geological environment because inside andoutside the geological gravity mutually affects for a long timeresult. Unusual varied landform landscape * Silicarenite peak forest landform: The Wuling sourcealtogether has pinnacle 3,103, the peak body distributes in theelevation 500 ~ 1,100 meters, is highly different by several dozensmeters to 400 meters. Peak forest modelling scenery 体完 US dollarlacks, if person, if god, if immortal, if birds and beasts, if beast,if the thing, is eternally changing. The Wuling source silicarenitepeak forest landform characteristic is: The nature pure, the stone isthick, the quartz content is 75% ~ 95%, rock layer thick 520 meters.Has the layered measure structure, namely 厚层 the silicareniteclamps the thin layer, extremely the thin layer mica siltstone or theshale, this measure structure is advantageous to the natural modellingsculpture, the enhancement vivid feeling. The rock layer exposes tothe syncline outline produces the shape to be gentle (5° ~ 8°,partially most greatly reaches 20°), increased the rock stability,rose straight from the ground for the peak forest has provided theprecondition. The rock layer vertical festival principle growth,demonstrated 等距 the characteristic, the spacing is ordinary 15 to20 meters, was molds the differ in thousands of ways peak forestlandform shape and the profound canyon has provided the condition. Based on the above factor, adds it in the region new tectonic movementintermittence 抬升, inclines, the erosion cuts, the action ofgravity, the physical weathering function, the biochemistry and theroot divides and so on under the many kinds of 外营力 functions,Shan Tize forms the peak forest according to the complex naturalevolution process, demonstrated Gao Jun, goes against, 壁陡and so onthe characteristic evenly. * Structure 溶蚀 landform: The Wuling source structure 溶蚀landform, mainly appears to the permian is, three packs is thecarbonate distributes the area, the area amounts to 30.6 squarekilometers, may divide is five subgroups, mays be called is “thewestern Hunan“ the karst landscape typical representative. The mainshape has dissolves the grain, dissolves the mark, dissolves the nest,dissolves fights, dissolves the ditch, dissolves the trough, Shi Ya,buries Shi Ya, the hoodoo, goes through a hole, the marsh land, ShiMo, the funnel, falls the water-dunnel, the shaft, the roof louvrewindow, Fu Liu, the buried river, the karst spring and so on. Thelimestone cave mainly concentrates north the rope brook valley rivervalley the side and south emperor Shandong the reason, always amountsto dozens of. Is most typical by the yellow natural tunnel, is called“the speleology research treasure house“, has the tour and theexploration aspect special value in the speleology. * Disintegration structure landform: Distributes to 志留系 thedetritus area, sees and three subgroups: The clastic rock Zhongshan单面山 landform, distributes to silicarenite peak forest landscapeperiphery and faces upwards area the view utmost point from Ma Jingjieto the white tiger hall; The carp keel V valley Zhongshan landform,distributes in places such as lake level ground, Shijia valley, Huangfamily level ground; The clastic rock low mountain landform,distributes in the Zhongshan outflow boundary, the hillsidecomparatively slow, the river valley assumes open V. * The river valley corrosion piles up the landform: This type maydivide into in front of the mountain to flush Hong Shan, the step andthe high tidal flat. Former distributes to shapinging the village,grows Yu Chaqi valley - Shi Jiayu area the valley mouth; Rope brookboth banks grow two 级阶, two levels for the base step place, outdothe river surface 3 - 10 meters; Armed force grounds around a house -Yu Jiazui a high tidal flat growth, the area amounts to 4 ~ 5 squarekilometers. West the complete ecosystem Wuling source is located the plateau Asiaarea with the eastern part knoll plain Asia area edge, northeast meetsHubei, west goes directly to places such as Shennongjia, southwestassociation Yu Qiandong Fanjing. Each place biology mutually seeps,species rich, specially here terrain complex, slope steep ditch deep,in addition climate temperate, rainfall rich, the forest growth isluxuriant, has provided the good environmental condition to themultitudinous species survival and the multiplication. Adds the Wulingsource transportation inconveniently, the sparse population, are been less the jamming, thus has preserved the rich biological resources,becomes the our country multitudinous child to lose the plant and therare and precious zoology and botany centralism distributed area.According to the textual research, does for hundred year Wuling sourcenever to have bigger climatic anomalies, soil erosion, the crag bodyavalanche or the forest plant disease greatly has and so on thephenomenon, proved the Wuling source maintained a structure to bereasonable and the also complete ecosystem, had the extremelyimportant scientific research value. * Wuling source plant resources extremely rich: In multitudinousplant, Wuling pine distribution broadest, quantity most, the shape ismost wonderful, has “in the Wuling source 3,000 peaks, the peak has108,000 pines“ the reputation. 古树 is in the natural heritage “the live cultural relic“. TheWuling source 古树 famous wood has ancient, is big, the treasure,wonderfully, many characteristics. The god hall bay, the black firbrain preservation has the complete virgin forest. 张家界 villagegingko 古树 reaches as high as 44 meters, the tree diameter at chestheight is 1.59 meters, is called in the natural heritage the livefossil. The growth to the kidney stronghold Chinese dove tree, isnational level of protections precious trees. These plant idioplasmresources, have the extremely high scientific research value, theirsurvival environment, 林相 the structure and its the protection, thepreservation and so on all are the significant research topic. * Precious wild rare and precious animal: The Wuling source belongs toJapan in the animal geographic distribution west, the Chinese centralarea, is located the mountainous region plateau Asia area and east thearea department knoll plain Asia area junction demarcation line edge.Here terrain complex, climate temperate, rainfall rich, passes throughthe long-term corroded decency, the silicarenite constitution gianthigh peak different stone, the slope steep ditch is deep, adds theforest cover, for the animal the life, the multiplication has createdthe good environmental condition. After the preliminary examination,the land fresh vertebrate altogether has 50 branches 116 kinds,including “National Key Protection Animal Name list“ center grade oneprotected animal 3 kinds, two levels of protections animals 10 kinds.In what the Wuling source animal world, are more is 猕 the monkey,according to the preliminary observation statistics is above 300. Thenative is called “the baby fish“ big gill, then sees in the brook, thespring, the deep pool. The research animal ecology in the Wulingsource ecosystem function and two relations, has the importantscientific value regarding the protection animal and the maintenanceecological equilibrium. In the precious geological vestige landscape Wuling source Echo Wallin the Devonian system stratum the granulated substance grain andjumps nearby the fish deep pool on the rock painting 波痕, is therare geological vestige, not only may supply the visit, moreover isstudies the ancient environment and the sea land vicissitude evidence.Distributes in the emperor mountain permian is in the stratum coralfossil, the shape like turtle back pattern, therefore called “theturtle grain stone“, is the sculpture each kind of handicraft verygood material. The colorful climate landscape Wuling source spring, the summer, thefall, the winter, cloudy, are clear, the dynasty, evening, the climate11,000. The fog is the meteorological marvelous sight which the Wulingsource most sees, has the fog, the cloud sea, the cloud, the cloudwaterfall and the cloud five kind of shapes. After the rain ceasesraining, first is the fat dim big fog, subsequently changes into thewhite clouds, indistinctly sinks floats, group peak in limitless cloudsea appear and disappear from time to time during, if the Penglaiimmortal island, 玉宇 the fine jade building, places oneself,graceful, sometimes the cloud sea has risen the peak, then blots outthe sky the potential, flies rolls straight flows swiftly, changesinto the cloud waterfall, splendid sight. Rosy cloud date. Whenever the cloudless day early morning, a turn ofred glowing sun in under red cloud accompanying, raises slowly fromwonderful Shan Yifeng; Evening, accompanies the all colors rosy cloudslowly to drop, that stands in great numbers the peak stone, underrosy cloud bathing, reveals the rhyme posture gracefully, particularlyis enchanting. Moonlit night. Same month star thin time, silences reigns, the peakforest under the bright moonlight, puts on layer upon layer the foggauze, brims with 幽 is being wonderful, the mystical feeling. Winter snow. After the winter snow, layer upon layer the mountainrange, the place place pinnacle, 银装素裹, ices the curtain tohang down, jade leaf 琼枝, exquisitely carved, turns in the fairytale the crystal world. Esthetics value The scenery esthetics characteristic Wuling source estheticscharacteristic, may summarize for is wonderful, Austria, Xiu, 幽, thewild five characters. Wuling source peak stone unusual, rises straightfrom the ground, steep is lofty, Feng Feng relies on, layer upon layerfolds. Ascends catwalk place and so on emperor mountain, Huang Shihstronghold, the bird’s eye view thousand peaks ten thousand gullies,like ten thousand 丛珊瑚 stemming from blue sea abyss, immeasurablydeep, infinitely subtle. Wuling source vegetation luxuriant, typemany, especially by Wuling source pine growth unusual, modellingwonderful beautiful, either towers the peak, either is hanging thecliff, either horizontally lies the peak crack, its shape plain, itspotential is vigorous, its god 邈远, for person by esthetic senseand spiritual inspiration. Wuling source varied many condition brooks,spring, lake, waterfall, its nature pure, its taste glycol is fresh,for person feeling of by the good-looking smooth god. Wuling sourcecloud fog sea, 神秘莫测, ever changing, from time to time thetranspiration fills the air, from time to time flows out drops, fromtime to time spreads out all over the condensation, from time to timeextends the volume to be elegant... ... Composes makes the illusionboundary which one is enchanted by. Wuling source undergroundlimestone cave sublime mysterious, the construction scenery isenchanting, full of beauty and significance. The varied and colourfulnatural landscape organically arranges the combination, mutuallyserves as contrast, enhances one another’s beauty, constitutes theempty dharmadhatu to aid, to contain the free scenery happiest extent,has


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キラキラ aiko
ある日のひまわり aiko
より道 aiko
キラキラ(instrumental) aiko
青い光 aiko
恋人同士 aiko
エナジー aiko
明日もいつも通りに aiko
かばん aiko
恋の涙 aiko
ビードロの夜 aiko
爱のしぐさ aiko
ずっと近くに aiko
Smooch! aiko
花风 aiko
三国駅 aiko
星物语 aiko
三国駅 aiko
ハチミツ aiko
小鸟公园 aiko
三国駅(instrumental) aiko
热 aiko
彼の落书き aiko
アンドロメダ aiko
ふれていたい aiko
梦のダンス aiko
蝶々结び aiko
ライン aiko
帽子と水着と水平线 aiko
すべての夜 aiko
えりあし aiko
白い服黒い服 aiko
风招き aiko
天の川 aiko
4.云は白リンゴは赤(instrumenta aiko
シーソーの海 aiko
まつげ aiko
云は白リンゴは赤 aiko
タイムカプセル as
sky(album version) as
远くまで as
深呼吸 as
Drive as
帰り道 as
仆はずっと as
カケラ as
No matter what you say as
おやすみ as
月灯り as
and song-dear my song- as
F?E?A?R B’z
ギリギリchop (Version 51) B’z
Brotherhood B’z
ながい爱 B’z
梦のような日々 B’z
银の翼で翔べ B’z
その手で触れてごらん B’z
流れゆく日々 B’z
イカせておくれ! B’z
Happy Birthday B’z
OCEAN~2006Mix~ B’z
ケムリの世界 B’z
ネテモサメテモ B’z
ピエロ B’z
ゆるぎないものひとつ B’z
冲动 ~MONSTER Mix~ B’z
恋のサマーセッション B’z
明日また阳が升るなら B’z
无言のPromise B’z
雨だれぶるーず B’z
Dear my lovely pain B’z
なりふりかまわず抱きしめて B’z
いつかのメリークリスマス B’z
今夜月の见える丘に B’z
Calling B’z
消えない虹 B’z
月光 B’z
ハピネス B’z
もう一度キスしたかった B’z
泣いて泣いて泣きやんだら B’z
Everlasting B’z
You Make Me Smile Blue October
She’s My Ride Home Blue October
Into the Ocean Blue October
What if We Could Blue October
Hate Me Blue October
Let it Go Blue October
Congratulations (Feat. Imogen Blue October
Overweight Blue October
X Amount of Words Blue October
Drilled A Wire Through My Chee Blue October
Sound of Pulling Heaven Down Blue October
Everlasting Friend Blue October
18th Floor Balcony Blue October
almost in love CHEMISTRY
almost in love -Instrumental- CHEMISTRY
Intro-lude Chemistry
Us Chemistry
my Rivets Chemistry
This age Chemistry
Bound for Identity~dear friend~ Chemistry
~Street Sounds of Naples, Italy~ Chemistry
meaning of tears Chemistry
Ordinary hero Chemistry
Now or Never Chemistry
So in Vain Chemistry
赤い云 白い星 Chemistry
~Interlude~ Chemistry
アシタヘカエル Chemistry
いとしい人 Chemistry
Good Day The Click Five
Just The Girl The Click Five
Catch Your Wave The Click Five
I’ll Take My Chances The Click Five
Friday Night The Click Five
Angel Yo You (Devil To Me) The Click Five
Resign The Click Five
I Think We’re Alone Now The Click Five
Pop Princess The Click Five
Time Machine The Click Five
Say Goodnight The Click Five
Like A Star Corrine Bailey Rae
Enchantment Corrine Bailey Rae
Put Your Records On Corrine Bailey Rae
Till It Happens To You Corrine Bailey Rae
Trouble Sleeping Corrine Bailey Rae
Call Me When You Get This Corrine Bailey Rae
Choux Pastry Heart Corrine Bailey Rae
Breathless Corrine Bailey Rae
I’d Like To Corrine Bailey Rae
Butterfly Corrine Bailey Rae
Seasons Change Corrine Bailey Rae
Bye My Darling! Crystal Kay
Kiss Crystal Kay
Tears Crystal Kay
LOVE it TAKE it Crystal Kay
&BRAND-NEW Crystal Kay
Flowers Crystal Kay
Magic Crystal Kay
We Gonna Boogie Crystal Kay
Baby Cop feat.Mummy-D Crystal Kay
Home Girls Crystal Kay
SHALL WE nori nori? D-51
あなたへ ~ A SONG FOR YOU D-51
Dreamin’ on D-51
My favorite island D-51
������- D-51
Born singer】2 D-51
�匦���� D-51
����� D-51
Life is music D-51
Another DAY D-51
We are ready ! D-51
Song 6 Daniel Powter
Free Loop Daniel Powter
Bad Day Daniel Powter
Suspect Daniel Powter
Lie to me Daniel Powter
Jimmy gets high Daniel Powter
Styrofoam Daniel Powter
Hollywood Daniel Powter
Lost on the stoop Daniel Powter
Give me life Daniel Powter
Daniel Powter- dp - Bad Day daniel powter
Don’t Wait Dashboard Confessional
Reason To Believe Dashboard Confessional
The Secret’s In The Telling Dashboard Confessional
Stolen Dashboard Confessional
Rooftops and Invitations Dashboard Confessional
So Long, So Long Dashboard Confessional
Currents Dashboard Confessional
Slow Decay Dashboard Confessional
Dusk and Summer Dashboard Confessional
Heaven Here Dashboard Confessional
The One I Love David Gray
Photobooth Death Cab for Cutie
Technicolor Girls Death Cab for Cutie
Song for Kelly Huckaby Death Cab for Cutie
405 (acoustic) Death Cab for Cutie
company calls epilouge (altern Death Cab for Cutie
Marching Bands of Manhattan Death Cab for Cutie
Soul Meets Body Death Cab for Cutie
Summer Skin Death Cab for Cutie
Different Names for the Same T Death Cab for Cutie
I Will Follow You Into the Dar Death Cab for Cutie
Your Heart Is an Empty Room Death Cab for Cutie
Someday You Will Be Loved Death Cab for Cutie
Crooked Teeth Death Cab for Cutie
What Sarah Said Death Cab for Cutie
Brothers on a Hotel Bed Death Cab for Cutie
Stable Song Death Cab for Cutie
Bend to Squares Death Cab for Cutie
Pictures In An Exhibition Death Cab for Cutie
President Of What? Death Cab for Cutie
Champagne From a Paper Cup Death Cab for Cutie
Your Bruise Death Cab for Cutie
Sleep Spent Death Cab for Cutie
Face That Launched 1000 Shits Death Cab for Cutie
Amputations Death Cab for Cutie
Fake Frowns Death Cab for Cutie
Line of Best Fit Death Cab for Cutie
Steadier Footing Death Cab for Cutie
A Movie Script Ending Death Cab for Cutie
We Laugh Indoors Death Cab for Cutie
Information Travels Faster Death Cab for Cutie
Why You’d Want to Live Here Death Cab for Cutie
Blacking Out The Friction Death Cab for Cutie
I Was a Kaleidoscope Death Cab for Cutie
Styrofoam Plates Death Cab for Cutie
Coney Island Death Cab for Cutie
Debate Exposes Doubt Death Cab for Cutie
All is Full of Love Death Cab for Cutie
Stability Death Cab for Cutie
20th Century Towers Death Cab for Cutie
The New Year Death Cab for Cutie
Lightness Death Cab for Cutie
Title and Registration Death Cab for Cutie
Expo ’86 Death Cab for Cutie
The Sound of Settling Death Cab for Cutie
Tiny Vessels Death Cab for Cutie
Transatlanticism Death Cab for Cutie
Passenger Seat Death Cab for Cutie
Death of an Interior Decorator Death Cab for Cutie
We Looked Like Giants Death Cab for Cutie
A Lack of Color Death Cab for Cutie
Title Track Death Cab for Cutie
The Employment Pages Death Cab for Cutie
For What Reason Death Cab for Cutie
Lowell, MA Death Cab for Cutie
405 Death Cab for Cutie
Little Fury Bugs Death Cab for Cutie
Company Calls Death Cab for Cutie
Company Calls Epilogue Death Cab for Cutie
No Joy in Mudville Death Cab for Cutie
Scientist Studies Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 01 - President Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 02 - Champagne Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 03 - Pictures Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 04 - Hindsight Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 05 - That’s In Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 06 - Amputatio Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 07 - Two Cars Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 08 - Line Of B Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 09 - This Char Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 10 - TV Trays Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 11 - New Candl Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 12 - Tomorrow Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 13 - Flustered Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 14 - State Str Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 15 - Wait Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 16 - Prove My Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 17 - Song For Death Cab for Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - 18 - The Army Death Cab for Cutie
magic DEEN
Birthday eve~谁よりも早い爱の歌~ DEEN
i... DEEN
空もハレルヤ DEEN
We can change the world DEEN
Call your name DEEN
I say to my love DEEN
Take your hands DEEN
Tears on Earth DEEN
Break it ! DEEN
Bridge ~爱の言叶 爱の力~(Boogie woogie Style) DEEN
もみの木の下で... DEEN
Christmas time(a capella) DEEN
Starting Over DEEN
君がいない夏《acoustic version》 DEEN
Starting Over(off vocal version) DEEN
HEARTBEAT(off vocal version) DEEN
ユートピアは见えてるのに~Twilight style~(A DEEN
someday DEEN
Driving my car DEEN
翼を风に乗せて~fly away~(Al Schmitt m DEEN
Rock my heart DEEN
Lost time DEEN
I could change DEEN
星の雫 DEEN
太阳と花びら(Al Schmitt MIX) DEEN
Shaking the ground DEEN
いくつものありがとう DEEN
All is Forgiven Default
Beautiful Flower Default
Count on Me Default
Found Me Way Out Default
Get Out of this Alive Default
Hiding from the Sun Default
I Cant Win Default
It Only Hurts Default
One Thing Remains Default
The Memory Will Never Die Default
The Way We Were Default
Die Prinzen-Deutschland Die Prinzen
Guten Morgen Die Prinzen
Chronisch Pleite Die Prinzen
Regen Die Prinzen
Ersatz Die Prinzen
Das nervt Die Prinzen
Tiere sind zum Essen da Die Prinzen
Was soll ich tun Die Prinzen
Backstagepass ins Himmelreich Die Prinzen
Sag, dass alles gut ist Die Prinzen
Entschuldigung Die Prinzen
Monarchie in Germany Die Prinzen
Ich schenk dir die Welt Die Prinzen
Wo bin ich, wenn ich schlafe Die Prinzen
Flatsch, der Frosch Die Prinzen
Olli Kahn Die Prinzen
Koerper Die Prinzen
Christina-Marie Die Prinzen
InvisibleKiller Discovery Channel Radio
Gates of heaven Do As Infinity
本日ハ晴天ナリ Do As Infinity
柊 Do As Infinity
アザヤカナハナ Do As Infinity
魔法の言叶 - Would you marry me?- Do As Infinity
ブランコ Do As Infinity
D/N/A Do As Infinity
Weeds Do As Infinity
Field of dreams Do As Infinity
科学の夜 Do As Infinity
Thanksgiving Day Do As Infinity
真実の诗 (Mandarin Version) Do As Infinity
Pearl’s A Singer Elkie Brooks
Sunshine After The Rain Elkie Brooks
Don’t Cry Out Loud Elkie Brooks
Nights In White Satin Elkie Brooks
Gasoline Alley Elkie Brooks
I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues Elkie Brooks
Growing Tired Elkie Brooks
Ain’t Misbehavin’ Elkie Brooks
Goin’ Back Elkie Brooks
Fool If You Think It’s Over Elkie Brooks
Our Love Elkie Brooks
Only Love Can Break Your Heart Elkie Brooks
The Runaway Elkie Brooks
Money Elkie Brooks
If You Leave Me Now Elkie Brooks
Blue Moon Elkie Brooks
Minutes Elkie Brooks
Lilac Wine Elkie Brooks
Eastern Boyz ’N Eastern Girlz EXILE
careless breath EXILE
Happy Birthday EXILE
STAY(Sit Back Mix) EXILE
最后の告白~STAY part. II~ EXILE
Why oh why???? EXILE
ただ…逢いたくて EXILE
Love, Dream & Happiness EXILE
Eternal... EXILE
Eternal...(Acoustic Version) EXILE
Eternal...(Instrumental) EXILE
Beat Pops Exile
Carry On Exile
So Funky Noise Exile
Sand Jackal Exile
例えば・・・ボクが。 Exile
Joy Exile
Emotional Beat Exile
J.S.B. Next Exile
Last of War Exile
Close to You Exile
May Be Tomorrow Exile
Float Exile
Arather Train Exile
Ewig (Warum?) Exile
粋な一日 Exile
イノチの理由 Exile
Heart of Gold Exile
运命のヒト Exile
Your Eyes Only ~暧昧なぼくの轮郭~ Exile
Style Exile
Fly Away Exile
Song For You Exile
Cross ~Never Say Die~ Exile
Kiss you Exile
We Will ~あの场所で~l Exile
Together Exile
Choo Choo Train Exile
Carry On Exile
运命のヒト� Exile
Real World Exile
Heart Of Gold Exile
Hero Exile
YES! (Instrumental) EXILE
ただ...逢いたくて EXILE
ただ...逢いたくて - Acoustic Version EXILE
ただ...逢いたくて - Instrumental - EXILE
Just The Way I’m Feeling Feeder
Come Back Around Feeder
Helium Feeder
Child In You Feeder
Comfort In Sound Feeder
Forget About Tomorrow Feeder
Summers Gone Feeder
Godzilla Feeder
Quick Fade Feeder
Find The Colour Feeder
Love Pollution Feeder
Moonshine Feeder
Standing On The Edge Feeder
Buck Rodgers Feeder
Piece By Piece Feeder
Seven Days In The Sun Feeder
We Can’t Rewind Feeder
Turn Feeder
Choke Feeder
Oxygen Feeder
Tell All Your Friends Feeder
Under The Weather Feeder
Bug Feeder
Just A Day Feeder
Purple Feeder
Heads Feeder
21st Century Meltdown Feeder
01 Feeling A Moment Feeder
02 Bitter Glass Feeder
03 Tumble And Fall Feeder
04 Tender Feeder
Pushing The Senses Feeder
06 Frequency Feeder
07 Morning Life Feeder
08 Pilgrim Soul Feeder
09 Pain On Pain Feeder
10 Dove Grey Sands Feeder
Come Back Around Feeder
Buck Rogers Feeder
Shatter Feeder
Just The Way I’m Feeling Feeder
Lost & Found Feeder
Just A Day Feeder
High Feeder
Comfort In Sound Feeder
Feeling A Moment Feeder
Burn The Bridges Feeder
Tumble & Fall Feeder
Forget About Tomorrow Feeder
Tender Feeder
Pushing The Senses Feeder
Save Us Feeder
Seven Days In The Sun Feeder
Insomnia Feeder
Turn Feeder
Yesterday Went Too Soon Feeder
Suffocate Feeder
She Is The Fray
Over My Head(Cable Car) The Fray
How To Save A Life The Fray
Al At Once The Fray
Fall Away The Fray
Heaven Forbid The Fray
Look After You The Fray
Hundred The Fray
Vienna The Fray
Dead Wrong The Fray
Little House The Fray
Trust Me The Fray
Track 04 Friday Hill
Track 05 Friday Hill
Track 09 Friday Hill
Track 10 Friday Hill
Baby Goodbye Friday Hill
One More Night Alone Friday Hill
One More Night Alone Friday Hill
over blow GARNET CROW
风の音だけをきいて GARNET CROW
籁.来.也 (instrumental) GARNET CROW
Ring Ring a ding GARNET CROW
籁・来・也~mother earth~ GARNET CROW
籁・来・也~mysterious remix~ GARNET CROW
籁・来・也~Orchestra Ver~ GARNET CROW
梦・花火(instrumental) GARNET CROW
たとえば12月の夜に GARNET CROW
晴れ时计(instrumental) GARNET CROW
忘れ咲き Garnet Crow
Flower Garnet Crow
祭りのじかん Garnet Crow
忘れ咲き(Instrumental) Garnet Crow
Go Go Gadget Gospel Gnarls Barkley
Crazy Gnarls Barkley
St Elsewhere Gnarls Barkley
Gone Daddy Gone Gnarls Barkley
Smiley faces Gnarls Barkley
The Boogie Monster Gnarls Barkley
Feng Shui Gnarls Barkley
Just A Thought Gnarls Barkley
Transformer Gnarls Barkley
Who cares Gnarls Barkley
On-Line Gnarls Barkley
Necromancing Gnarls Barkley
Storm Coming Gnarls Barkley
The Last Time Gnarls Barkley
The Rules Hoobastank
Born To Lead Hoobastank
Moving Forward Hoobastank
Inside Of You Hoobastank
The First Of Me Hoobastank
Good Enough Hoobastank
If I Were You Hoobastank
Without A Fight Hoobastank
Don’t Tell Me Hoobastank
Look Where We Are Hoobastank
Say The Same Hoobastank
If Only Hoobastank
More Than A Memory Hoobastank
Finally Awake Hoobastank
Waiting Hoobastank
Crawling In The Dark Hoobastank
Remember Me Hoobastank
Running Away Hoobastank
Pieces Hoobastank
Let You Know Hoobastank
Better Hoobastank
Ready For You Hoobastank
Up And Gone Hoobastank
Too Little Too Late Hoobastank
Hello Again Hoobastank
To Be With You Hoobastank
Give It Back Hoobastank
ふたつ星 i wish
サマーブリーズにのって i wish
Flower i wish
ふたつ星(オリジナル?カラオケ) i wish
「明日への扉」 i wish
もう一度... i wish
帰らぬ日々よ i wish
明日への扉 (instumental) i wish
Precious days i wish
Saigo no Homu i wish
Precious days i wish
キミと仆 i wish
いい日旅立ち i wish
Best Friend i wish
夏の幻 i wish
幸せのうた i wish
约束の日 i wish
15の夏 i wish
SHA-LA-LA i wish
I wish i wish
Precious days i wish
1.キミと仆 I WiSH
2.Tomorrow I WiSH


摘要 食虫有袋类是捕食多种昆虫的泛食性动物.同域的不同食虫有袋类同样选择鞘翅目、蜚蠊目、直翅目和膜翅目昆虫作为主要猎物但对同种昆虫猎物的捕食频率明显不同.食虫有袋类的食性具有季节转变现象.不同猎物昆虫质量之间的差异大多不显著但猎物昆虫的质量具有季节变化.食虫有袋类的食性选择与猎物质量、食性季节转变与猎物质量季节变化之间不存在显著相关关系.根据该结果以及最佳摄食理论,食性选择有可能受猎物可获得量或猎物体形大小的影响,值得今后进一步加以研究.
关键词 食虫动物,食性选择,猎物质量,摄食对策
中国图书分类号 Q 959.8, Q 958.12
The Dietary Selections of Insectivorous Marsupials and Their Relations to Prey Quality
Chen Xiaolin
(Dept. of Biol., Xiamen Univ., Xiamen 361005)
Abstract Insectivorous marsupials were generalists which consumed many different kinds of insects. Different sympatric insectivorous marsupials selected similarly Coleoptera, Blattodea, Orthoptera and Hymenoptera as their main prey, but their predatory frequencies on the same prey insect were significantly different. There were seasonal dietary shifts in the insectivorous marsupials. The differences among the most of the different prey qualities were not significant but there were seasonal variations in prey quality. The correlation between dietary selections and prey quality, and between seasonal dietary shifts and seasonal variations of prey quality was not significant. On the basis of these results and the optimal foraging theory, the dietary selections and seasonal dietary shifts of insectivorous marsupials should result from prey availability or prey size which thus is worth being further researched.
Key words Insectivores, Dietary selection, Prey quality, Foraging strategy
1 材料与方法
本研究在澳大利亚悉尼大学生命科学院完成.食性分析以袋鼬科的两种有袋类为研究动物.其中,球尾袋小鼠(Dasycercus cristicauda)的平均体重为100±22.5 g,小毛足袋小鼠(Sminthopsis youngsoni)的平均体重为10.3±1.7 g.两种袋小鼠分布于澳大利亚中部的辛普森沙漠(23°46′S, 138°25′E).该地区为沙质土壤,并形成沙丘.主要植被为三齿稃属(Triodia spp.)和金合欢属(Acacia spp.)植物〔7〕.采用粪便分析方法检测猎物的种类和相对数量〔3〕.研究共检测球尾袋小鼠52只,小毛足袋小鼠42只.
在同一栖息地内,分别在不同季节采用网捕和手捕方法采集各种小环境中的昆虫种类.采集时,除鳞翅目昆虫仅采集幼虫外,其余各目昆虫均以成虫为采集对象.采集到的昆虫按照Zborowski等所提出的方法保活、运回实验室〔8〕.实验昆虫低温处死后在60℃条件下干燥至重量不变,再次称重以计算出含水量和干重〔9,10〕 .昆虫鉴定到目和科级分类水平〔11,12〕.用Phillipson微型氧弹热量计(Gentry Instrument, Inc.)连接SP-G3C Speedex记录仪(John Morris Scientific Pty Limited)及其相关测定方法测定昆虫样品的含能值.
表1 不同类型猎物昆虫的被捕食频率�
Tab. 1 Dietary occurrences of prey insect

目 被捕食频率/(%)
小鼠 小毛足袋
鞘翅目(Coleoptera) 31.68a 16.00ab
膜翅目(Hymenoptera) 16.83ab 8.00b
蜚蠊目(Blattodea) 12.87ab 32.00a
直翅目(Orthoptera) 10.89ab 16.00ab
鳞翅目(Lepidoptera) 7.92b 4 .00b
等翅目(Isoptera) 4.95b 4.00b
双翅目(Diptera) 2.97b 8.00b
缨尾目(Thysanura) 2.97b 0.00
弹尾目(Collembola) 1.98b 4.00b
半翅目(Hemiptera) 1.98b 8.00b
虱 目(Phthiraptera) 1.98b 0.00
脉翅目(Neuroptera) 0.99b 0.00
竹节虫目(Phasmatodea) 0.99b 0.00
未能鉴别(Unidentified) 0.99b 0.00
(P《0.05)食性的定量分析结果采用以下两种方式表示:猎物的被捕食频率(某种猎物的被捕食数量/所有被捕食猎物的总数量;猎物的出现频率(检出某种猎物的样本数/样本总数〔1,3〕.昆虫含能值用J/mg无灰干重(ash-free dry weight, AFDW)表示.方差分析时,百分率数据作反正弦数据转换〔3,13〕.相关系数的检验采用t检验法.采用SIGMASTAT计算机软件(Jandel Scientific for Windows, version 1.0)进行统计分析.
2 结 果
2.1 食虫有袋类对昆虫猎物的选择
2.2 食性选择与猎物昆虫质量的关系
表2显示球尾袋小鼠和小毛足袋小鼠所捕食的主要猎物昆虫的含能值和含水量的全年平均值,以及这些猎物昆虫在两种袋小鼠各季节食性当中的总出现频率.值得注意的是,表2猎物出现频率的总和并非等于100%,这是因为在1个样本当中经常是多种猎物同时存在;例如,本实验共检测球尾袋小鼠的52个样本,其中32个样本含有鞘翅目、17个样本含有膜翅目、13个样本含有蜚蠊目,根据计算公式,鞘翅目、膜翅目和蜚蠊目猎物的出现频率则相应为61.51%、32.69%和25%,显然它们的总和不可能等于100%.在表2当中,除了鳞翅目昆虫幼体的含能值较膜翅目昆虫高以外(P《0.05),大部分不同目昆虫之间的含能值差异不大(P《0.05),含能值的平均值为20.63 J/mg无灰干重.在含水量方面,只有鳞翅目昆虫的幼体显著地高于鞘翅目昆虫(P《0.05).除了等翅目昆虫以外,其它不同目昆虫之间的灰分含量差异不显著.从表2可以看出,即使是同一类猎物昆虫,它在两种袋小鼠食性当中的出现频率并不平行.而且,猎物昆虫含能值、含水量或灰分含量的高低与其在球尾袋小鼠、小毛足袋小鼠食性当中出现频率的高低之间也不存在一定的关系(P《0.05).
表2 主要猎物昆虫的质量及其在食虫有袋类食性当中的出现频率*
Tab.2 Food value of major prey insects and their occurrences in the diet of insectivorous marsupials

猎物昆虫类型 猎 物 质 量 出现频率/(%)
样本数 含能值
/(J/mgAFDW) 含水量
/(%) 灰分含量
/(%) 球尾袋
小 鼠 小毛足
鞘翅目(Coleoptera) 134 21.3ab±2.32 62.6a±8.87 0.64a±2.30 61.54a 28.57ab
膜翅目(Hymenoptera) 26 18.4a±2.02 67.2ab±8.00 0.91a±1.61 32.69ab 14.29b
蜚蠊目(Blattodea) 46 20.1ab±1.67 71.1ab±5.2 1.77a±2.15 25.00ab 57.14a
直翅目(Orthoptera) 44 20.5ab±1.38 69.3ab±3.61 1.13a±1.44 21.15ab 28.57ab
鳞翅目(Lepidoptera) 12 21.9b±1.86 77.5b±5.7 2.55a±3.42 15.38b 7.14b
等翅目(Isoptera) 14 21.6ab±1.77 72.1ab±4.35 9.97b±6.2 9.62b 7.14b
2.3 食性转变与猎物质量变化的关系
图1 食虫动物食性转变与猎物质量季节变化的关系
Fig.1 The dietary shifts of insectivores and their relationsto the seasonal variations of prey quality
3 讨 论
本研究得到澳大利亚悉尼大学Dr.Dickman C R和Dr. Thompson M B的多方支持,谨此致谢!
作者单位:厦门大学生物学系 厦门 361005
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Dickman C R. Diets and habitat preferences of three species of crocidurine shrews in arid southern Africa. J. Zool., 1995, 237: 499~514
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Dickman C R, Downey F J, Predavec M. The hairy-footed dunnart Sminthopsis hirtipes (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) in Queensland. Australian Mammalogy, 1993, 16: 69~72
Zborowski P, Storey R. A field guild to insects in Australia. Australia: Reed Books, 1995: 3~22
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一个钢琴生产者的儿子,Elwyn Brooks White 出生在位于。。什么山的一个富裕的家庭。他被抚养得很好,他对于文章打分有着普遍的感觉,并且经验丰富。在纽约,White作为报纸报道者有一年的时间,那时他决定和朋友游遍整个国家。这次旅行给了White一生的轶事。“当他们花光了所有的钱,”White的朋友。James Thurber记录到,“他们为晚餐和汽油奔波,汽油用于一个有趣的音乐器械,那是White用一些金属丝和一只破鞋子制造的。”在中世纪1920年的时候,White回到了纽约,他荒废了几年的时间徘徊在找工作和失业的之中,之后他重新开始写作。开始不是很艰难,他发了一些文章给名叫纽约人的新杂志。这个杂志成立于1925年,并且一直在努力被读者发现,White的作品帮助纽约人这个杂志被读者所注意。他的文章曲折有趣,文章公平的讲述了社会名流和出租车司机,专家和修理工。通过这篇他写后将近五十年的文章,White给予了纽约人这本杂志声音和灵魂。


Country music is a blend of popular musical forms originally found in the Southern United States and the Appalachian Mountains. It has roots in traditional folk music, Celtic music, blues, gospel music, hokum, and old-time music and evolved rapidly in the 1920s.
In the Southwestern United States a different mix of ethnic groups created the music that became the Western music of the term country and western.
Country music has produced two of the top selling solo artists of all time. Elvis Presley, who was known early on as “The Hillbilly Cat” and was a regular on the radio program Louisiana Hayride, went on to become a defining figure in the emerging genre of rock ’n roll. Garth Brooks is one of the top-selling country artists of all time, and except for a short foray into non-country in the late 1990s, has remained in that genre.
While album sales of most musical genres have declined, country music experienced one of its best years in 2006, when, during the first six months of the year, U.S. sales of country albums increased by 17.7 percent to 36 million. Moreover, country music listening nationwide has remained steady for almost a decade, reaching 77.3 million adults every week according to the radio-ratings agency Arbitron Inc.
The term “country music“ is used to describe many styles, genres, or subgenres.
Early history
Immigrants to the Southern Appalachian Mountains of North America brought the music and instruments of the Old World along with them for nearly 300 years. The Irish fiddle, the German derived dulcimer, the Italian mandolin, the Spanish guitar, and the African banjo This early country music along with early recorded country music is often referred to as Old-time music.
Throughout the nineteenth century, several immigrant groups from Europe, most notably from Ireland, The United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, and Italy moved to Texas. These groups interacted with the Spanish, Mexican, Native American, and U.S. communities that were already established in Texas. As a result of this cohabitation and extended contact, Texas has developed unique cultural traits that are rooted in the culture of all of its founding communities. The settlers from the areas now known as Germany and the Czech Republic established large dance halls in Texas where farmers and townspeople from neighboring communities could gather, dance, and spend a night enjoying each other’s company. The music at these halls, brought from Europe, included the waltz and the polka, played on an accordion, an instrument invented in Italy, which was loud enough to fill the entire dance hall.
Early recorded history
Columbia Records began issuing records with “hillbilly“ music (series 15000D “Old Familiar Tunes“) as early as 1924.
The origins of modern country music can be traced to two seminal influences and a remarkable coincidence. Jimmie Rodgers and the Carter Family are widely considered to be the founders of country music, and their songs were first captured at a historic recording session in Bristol, Tennessee/Bristol, Virginia on August 1, 1927, where Ralph Peer was the talent scout and sound recordist.
Rodgers fused hillbilly country, gospel, jazz, blues, pop, cowboy, and folk; and many of his best songs were his compositions, including “Blue Yodel” (Victor 21142
Beginning in 1927, and for the next 17 years the Carters recorded some 300 old-time ballads, traditional tunes, country songs, and Gospel hymns, all representative of America’s southeastern folklore and heritage.
One effect of the Great Depression was to reduce the number of records that could be sold. Radio, and broadcasting, became a popular source of entertainment, and “barn dance“ shows featuring country music were started all over the South, as far north as Chicago, and as far west as California. One of the most important of these shows was the Grand Ole Opry from 650 WSM in Nashville, TN. Some of the early stars on the Opry were Uncle Dave Macon, Roy Acuff, and African American harmonica player DeFord Bailey. WSM’s 50,000 watt signal (1934) could often be heard across the country.
Singing Cowboys, Western Swing, and Hillbilly Boogie
During the 1930s and 1940s Cowboy songs, or “Western music“, which had been recorded since the 1920s, were popularized by films made in Hollywood. Some of the popular singing cowboys from the era were, Gene Autry, the Sons of the Pioneers, and Roy Rogers.
Another “country“ musician from the Lower Great Plains who had become very popular as the leader of a “hot string band”, and who also appeared in Hollywood Westerns was Bob Wills. His mix of “country“ and jazz, which started out as dance hall music, would become known as Western Swing. Spade Cooley and Tex Williams also had very popular bands and appeared in films. At the height of its popularity, Western Swing rivaled the popularity of other big band jazz.
Country musicians began recording boogie in 1939, shortly after it had been played at Carnegie Hall, when Johnny Barfield recorded “Boogie Woogie“. The trickle of what was initially called Hillbilly Boogie, or Okie Boogie (later to be renamed Country Boogie), became a flood beginning around late 1945. One notable country boogie from this period was the Delmore Brothers’ “Freight Train Boogie“, considered to be part of the combined evolution of country music and blues towards rockabilly. In 1948 Arthur “Guitar Boogie“ Smith achieved Top 10 US country chart success with his MGM Records recordings of “Guitar Boogie“ and “Banjo Boogie“, with the former crossing over to the US pop charts. Other country boogie artists include Merrill Moore, and Tennessee Ernie Ford. The Hillbilly Boogie period lasted into the 1950s, and remains as one of many subgenres of country into the twenty first century.
By the end of World War II “mountaineer“ string band music known as Bluegrass had emerged when Bill Monroe joined with Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs, led by Roy Acuff at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee. Gospel music, too, remained a popular component of country music.
Another type of sripped down and raw music with a variety of moods and a basic ensemble of guitar, bass, dobro or steel guitar and sometimes drums became popular, especially among poverty striken white southerners. It became known as Honky Tonk and had its roots in Texas. East Texan Al Dexter had a hit with “Honky Tonk Blues“, and seven years later “Pistol Packin’ Mama“. These “honky tonk“ songs associated barrooms, were performed by the likes of Ernest Tubb, Ted Daffin, Floyd Tillman, and the Maddox Brothers and Rose, and Hank Williams, would later be called “traditional“ country.
In this post WWII period “country“ music was called “folk“ in the trades, and “hillbilly“ within the industry.
Many musicians performed and recorded songs in any number of styles. Moon Mullican played Western Swing, but also recorded songs that can be called rockabilly. Bill Haley sang cowboy songs, and was at one time a cowboy yodeler. Haley became most famous as an early player of rock n roll. Lefty Frizzell played in honky tonks Jimmie Rodgers-stylings to his environment, thus creating a sound that was very much his own.
The 1950s and 1960s
By the late 1940s, Nashville began to slowly integrate the popular big band jazz and swing sounds of top 40 radio with the honky tonk storytelling of country pioneers. Between 1947 and 1949, country crooner Eddy Arnold placed a total of 8 songs in the top 10.
The countrypolitan sound of Nashville
Beginning in the mid 50’s, and reaching its peak during the early 1960s, the “Nashville Sound“ turned country music into a multimillion-dollar industry centered on Nashville, Tennessee. Under the direction of producers such as Chet Atkins, Owen Bradley, and later Billy Sherrill, the “Nashville sound“ brought country music to a diverse audience and helped revive country as it emerged from a commercially fallow period. This sound was notable for borrowing from 1950s pop stylings: a prominent and “smooth“ vocal, backed by a string section and vocal chorus. Instrumental soloing was de-emphasized in favor of trademark “licks“. Leading artists in this genre included Patsy Cline, Jim Reeves, and later Tammy Wynette and Charlie Rich. The “slip note“ piano style of session musician Floyd Cramer was an important component of this style. Peter Dempsey was also active during this period.
1956 could be called the year of rockabilly in country music. The number 2, 3, and 4 songs on Billboard’s charts for that year are: Elvis Presley “Heartbreak Hotel“, Johnny Cash “I Walk the Line“, and Carl Perkins “Blue Suede Shoes“.
What is now most commonly referred to as rockabilly was most popular with country music fans in the 1950s, and was recorded and performed by country musicians. Within a few years many rockabilly musicians returned to a more mainstrean style, or had defined their own unique style.
By the end of the decade, backlash as well as traditional artists such as Ray Price, Marty Robbins, and Johnny Horton began to shift the industry away from the Rock n’ Roll influences of the mid-50’s.
Bakersfield Sound
Located 112 miles (180 km) north north west of Los Angeles, Bakersfield, California gave rise to one of the next genres of country music. This sound grew out of hardcore honky tonk with elements of Western swing, and was influenced by one time West Coast residents Bob Wills and Lefty Frizzell. By 1966 it was known as the Bakersfield Sound. The Bakersfield Sound relied on electric instruments and amplification, in particular the Telecaster electric guitar, more than other subgenres of country of the era, and can be described as having a sharp, hard, driving, no-frills, edgy flavor. Leading practitioners of this style were Buck Owens, Merle Haggard, Tommy Collins, and Wynn Stewart, each of whom had his own style.
Changing instrumentation in the mid twentieth century
Drums were scorned by early country musicians as being “too loud“ and “not pure“, but by 1935 Western Swing big band leader Bob Wills had added drums to the Texas Playboys. In the mid 1940s, The Grand Ole Opry did not want the Playboys’ drummer to appear on stage. Although drums were commonly used by rockabilly groups by 1955, the less-conservative-than-the-Grand Ole Opry Louisiana Hayride kept their infrequently-used drummer back stage as late as 1956. By the early 1960s, however, it was rare that a country band didn’t have a drummer.
Electric guitar
Bob Wills was one of the first country musicians known to have added an electric guitar to his band, in 1938.
Not Nashville
In 1962 Ray Charles surprised the pop world by turning his attention to country & western music, topping the charts and rating # 3 for the year on BillBoard’s pop chart with the “I Can’t Stop Loving You“ single, and recording the hugely popular album Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music.
Outlaw Country
Derived from the traditional and Honky tonk sounds of the late 50’s and 60’s, including Ray Price (whose band, the “Cherokee Cowboys“, included Willie Nelson and Roger Miller) and mixed with the anger of an alienated subculture of the nation during the period, outlaw country revolutionized the genre of Country music.
“After I left Nashville (the early 70s), I wanted to relax and play the music that I wanted to play, and just stay around Texas, maybe Oklahoma. Waylon and I had that outlaw image going, and when it caught on at colleges and we started selling records, we were O.K. The whole outlaw thing, it had nothing to do with the music, it was something that got written in an article, and the young people said, ’Well, that’s pretty cool.’ And started listening.“ (Willie Nelson)
The term “Outlaw Country“ is traditionally associated with Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, and Billy Joe Shaver, and was encapsulated in the 1976 record Wanted! The Outlaws.
Country Rock
The late 1960s in American music produced a unique blend as a result of traditionalist backlash within separate genres. In the aftermath of the British Invasion, many desired a return to the “old values“ of Rock n’ Roll. At the same time there was a lack of enthusiasm in the Country sector for Nashville-produced music. What resulted was a crossbred genre known as Country Rock.
Early innovators in this new style of music included Rock n’ Roll icon band The Byrds (while Gram Parsons was the front man) and its spin-off The Flying Burrito Brothers, Commander Cody, and The Eagles.
Subsequent to the initial blending of the two polar opposite genres, other offspring soon resulted, including Southern Rock and Heartland Rock.
In the decades that followed, artists such as Alabama and Linda Ronstadt moved Country farther towards rock influence.
Country Pop or soft pop, with roots in both the countrypolitan sound and in soft rock, is a subgenre of country music that first emerged in the 1970s. Although the term first referred to country music songs and artists that crossed over to top 40 radio, country pop acts are now more likely to cross over to adult contemporary.
Country pop found its first widespread acceptance during the 1970s. It started with Pop music singers, like Glen Campbell, John Denver, Olivia Newton-John, and Anne Murray having hits on the Country charts. Campbell’s “Rhinestone Cowboy“ was among one of the biggest crossover hits in Country music history. These Pop-oriented singers thought that they could gain higher record sales and a larger audience if they crossed over into the Country world.
In 1974 Olivia Newton-John, an Australian pop singer, won the “Best Female Country Vocal Performance“ as well as the Country Music Association’s most coveted award for females, “Female Vocalist of the Year“. In the same year, a group of artists, troubled by this trend, formed the short-lived Association of Country Entertainers. The debate raged into 1975, and reached its apex at that year’s Country Music Association Awards when reigning Entertainer of the Year, Charlie Rich (who himself had a series of crossover hits), presented the award to his successor, John Denver. As he read Denver’s name, Rich set fire to the envelope with a cigarette lighter. The action was taken as a protest against the increasing pop style in country music.
In 1980 country music was popularized by the film Urban Cowboy starring John Travolta and spurred on by Dolly Parton’s movie 9 to 5. Among other songs “Urban Cowboy“ featured “The Devil Went Down to Georgia“ by the Charlie Daniels Band.
Willie Nelson had three songs in the Billboard top 5 in the early eighties: Always On My Mind (1982), To All The Girls I’ve Loved Before with Julio Iglesias; (1984) both at #1, and Highwayman with Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, and Kris Kristofferson at #5 in 1985. The #1 hit in 1953 was Shelly West’s barn burning Jose Cuervo.
Other developments
In the mid 1990s country western music was influenced by the popularity of line dancing. This influence was so great that Chet Atkins was quoted as saying “The music has gotten pretty bad, I think. It’s all that damn line dancing.“ By the end of the decade, however, at least one line dance choreographer complained that good country line dance music was no longer being released.
One infrequent, but consistent theme in country music is that of proud, stubborn independence. “Country Boy Can Survive“ are more light-hearted variations on the theme.
There are at least four U.S. cable networks at least partly devoted to the genre: CMT (owned by Viacom), CMT Pure Country (also owned by Viacom), Rural Free Delivery TV (owned by Rural Media Group) and GAC (owned by The E. W. Scripps Company). The original American country music video cable channel was TNN (The Nashville Network). The channel was launched in the early 1980s. In 2000, the channel was renamed and reformatted to TNN (The National Network), which was a general-interest network to compete with USA Network, TNT, and Superstations, such as TBS and WGN. Subsequently, The National Network became Spike TV, the first network for men.




  Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强身。

  Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强身。

  Life lies in movement.生命在于运动。

  Success belongs to the persevering.坚持就是胜利。

  Still water run deep.静水常深。

  Strike the iron while it is hot.趁热打铁。

  Wealth is nothing without health.失去健康,钱再多也没用。

  There is no medicine against death.没有长生不老药。

  Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强身

  Soon learn, soon forgotten.学得快,忘得快。

  Soon ripe, soon rotten.熟得快,烂得快。

  Speech is silver, silence is gold.能言是银,沉默是金。

  water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away.滴水穿石。


  Cleanliness is next to godliness. 清净近乎神圣。

  Clothes make the man. 人要衣装,佛要金装。

  Come what may, heaven won’’t fall. 船到桥头自会直。

  Comfort is better than pride. 安慰胜过傲慢。

  Coming events cast their shadows before them. 山雨欲来风满楼。

  Compare your grievs with other men’’s and they will seem less. 你的悲痛与人比,悲痛就会轻一些。

  Comparisons are odious. 人比人,气死人。

  Confession is the first step to repentance. 悔罪先须认罪。

  Confidence of success is almost success. 对成功抱有信心,就近乎成功。

  Conquer of fear of death and you are put into possession of your life. 不怕死,然后才能生。

  Constant dropping wears away a stone. 滴水穿石。

  Content is better than riches. 知足常乐。

  Content is happiness. 知足常乐。

  Conversation makes one what he is. 言如其人。

  Councils of war never fight. 主战者不打仗。

  Counsel after action is like rain after harvest. 放马后炮。

  Counsel must be followed, not praised. 忠告必须照办,而不是赞美。

  Count not your chickens before they are hatched. 不要过早乐观。

  Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue. 勇敢和决心是美德的灵魂。

  Courtesy costs nothing. 谦虚恭敬,不用分文。

  Cowards are cruel. 懦夫不仁。

  Credit, like a looking-glass, broken once, is gone, alas! 信誉像镜子,破碎无法补。

  Creditors have better memories than debtors. 放债人的记性比借债人好。

  Crows do not pick crow’’s eyes. 同室不操戈。

  Cry up wine and sell vinegar. 挂羊头,卖狗肉。

  Cry with one eye and laugh with the other. 口不应心。


  Danger is next neighbour to security. 危险是安全的近邻。

  Danger itself is the best remedy for danger. 危险本身就是对付危险的最好办法。

  Dead men tell no tales. 死人不会搬弄是非。

  Death is the grand leveller. 凡人都要死,大家都一样。

  Death meets us everywhere. 死亡到处和我门相遇。

  Death pays all debts. 人死百债了。

  Death when it comes will have no denial. 死亡来临时,无可抗拒之。

  Deeds, no words. 不要光说不练。

  Debt is better than death. 负债总比死亡强。

  Deeds are fruits; words are but leaves. 行动是果实,言语只是树叶而已。

  Deeds are males, and words are females. 言柔弱无能,行刚强有力。

  Deep rivers move in silence, shallow brooks are noisy. 深水静静流,浅溪潺潺流。

  Delays are dangerous. 坐失良机必有忧患。

  Deliberate before you begin, then execute with vigour. 著手前要深思熟虑,执行要果断有力。

  Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action. 考虑要仔细,行动要迅速。

  Deliberating is not delaying. 慎思不是拖延。

  Deliver not your words by number but by weight. 言不在多,而在有物。

  Depend on others and you always repent. 依靠别人总要后悔。

  Despair gives courage to a coward. 人急造反,狗急跳墙。

  Destruction pursues the great. 树大招风。

  Devil must be driven out with devils. 以毒攻毒。

  Dexterity comes by experience. 熟练来自经验。

  Diamond cut diamond. 强中更有强中手。


  Call no man happy until he dies. 盖棺才能定论。

  Can the leopard change his spots? 江山易改,本性难移。

  Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋,带来好运气。

  Care brings grey hair. 忧虑催人老。

  Care killed the cat. 忧虑伤身。

  Cast not out the foul water till you bring in the clean. 清水未来,莫泼赃水。

  Cast not your pearls before swine. 明珠莫投暗。

  Catch the bear before you sell his skin. 大事未成时,莫开庆功宴。

  Cats hide their paws. 大智若愚,大巧若拙。

  Caution is the parent of safety. 谨慎小心是安全之源。

  Chains of gold are stronger than chains of iron. 金链锁人比铁炼更牢靠。

  Change lays not her hand upon truth. 真理不变。

  Charity begins at home, but should not end there. 仁爱须由近及远。

  Cheat’’s never proper. 欺骗决非正当事。

  Cheek brings success. 和气生财。

  Cheerful company shortens the miles. 旅有好旅伴,不觉行程远。

  Cheerfulness and goodwill make labour light. 欢快与好意,劳动不觉累。

  Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. 看人看年少,看天看破晓。

  Children and fools cannot lie. 孩子和傻子,不会说谎话。

  Children and fools speak the truth. 孩子和傻子,说的是真话。

  Children are the parents’’s riches. 子女是父母之财富。

  Choice of the end covers choice of the means. 选择目的包含著选择手段。

  Choose an author as you choose a friend. 选书如择友。

  Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye. 选妻,最好用耳莫用眼。

  Christmas comes but once a year. 佳节良辰,机会难得。

  Circumstances are therulers of the weak, instrument of the wise. 弱者困于环境,智者利用环境。


  【文章导读】 谚语是短小,广为人知的俗语,表达一种普遍真理或信仰。 以下关于英语谚语 ,希望你会喜欢。

  A common danger causes common action. 同仇敌忾。

  A constant guest is never welcome. 久住非佳宾,常来不欢迎。

  A contented mind is perpetual feast. 知足常乐。

  A covetous man is good to none but worse to himself. 贪婪的人对别人毫无好处,对自己却坏处更大。

  A crafty knave needs no broker. 狡猾的流氓,不需居间人。

  A creaking door hangs long on its hinges. 户枢不蠹。

  Action is the proper fruit of knowledge. 行动是知识的巧果。

  Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

  A discontented man knows not where to sit easy. 不满足者坐无宁时。

  A disease known is half cured. 病情确诊断,治病好一半。

  Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public. 在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。

  A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone. 骨头打狗狗不叫。

  Adversity is a good discipline. 苦难是磨练人的好机会。

  Adversity leads to prosperity. 逆境迎向昌盛。

  Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. 患难使人聪明,但不能致富。

  Be honest rather clever. 诚实比聪明更要紧。

  Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle. 随遇而安。

  Be just to all, but trust not all. 要公正对待所有的人,但不要轻信所有的人。

  Believe no tales from the enemy. 切莫轻信敌人。

  Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. 前程虽远大,现实尤可贵。

  Better an empty purse than an empty head. 宁可钱袋瘪,不要脑袋空。

  Better an open enemy than a false friend. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

  Better are small fish than an empty dish. 有胜于无。

  Better be alone than in bad company. 交损友不如无友。

  Better be out of the world than out of fashion. 不合潮流不如脱离尘世。

  Better be poor than wicked. 宁可做穷人,不要做坏人。

  Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为犬首,不作狮尾。

  Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. 宁为驴头,不为马尾。

  Better deny at once than promise long. 轻诺必寡信。

  Circumstances are therulers of the weak, instrument of the wise. 弱者困于环境,智者利用环境。

  Civility costs nothing. 礼貌不须什么代价。

  Cleanliness is next to godliness. 清净近乎神圣。

  Clothes make the man. 人要衣装,佛要金装。

  Come what may, heaven won’’t fall. 船到桥头自会直。

  Comfort is better than pride. 安慰胜过傲慢。

  Coming events cast their shadows before them. 山雨欲来风满楼。

  Compare your grievs with other men’’s and they will seem less. 你的悲痛与人比,悲痛就会轻一些。

  Comparisons are odious. 人比人,气死人。

  Confession is the first step to repentance. 悔罪先须认罪。

  Confidence of success is almost success. 对成功抱有信心,就近乎成功。

  Conquer of fear of death and you are put into possession of your life. 不怕死,然后才能生。

  Constant dropping wears away a stone. 滴水穿石。

  Content is better than riches. 知足常乐。

  Content is happiness. 知足常乐。

  Conversation makes one what he is. 言如其人。

  Councils of war never fight. 主战者不打仗。

  Counsel after action is like rain after harvest. 放马后炮。

  Counsel must be followed, not praised. 忠告必须照办,而不是赞美。

  Count not your chickens before they are hatched. 不要过早乐观。

  Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue. 勇敢和决心是美德的灵魂。

  Depend on others and you always repent. 依靠别人总要后悔。

  Despair gives courage to a coward. 人急造反,狗急跳墙。

  Destruction pursues the great. 树大招风。

  Devil must be driven out with devils. 以毒攻毒。

  Dexterity comes by experience. 熟练来自经验。

  Courtesy costs nothing. 谦虚恭敬,不用分文。

  Cowards are cruel. 懦夫不仁。

  Danger is next neighbour to security. 危险是安全的近邻。

  Danger itself is the best remedy for danger. 危险本身就是对付危险的最好办法。

  Dead men tell no tales. 死人不会搬弄是非。

  Death is the grand leveller. 凡人都要死,大家都一样。

  Death meets us everywhere. 死亡到处和我门相遇。

  Death pays all debts. 人死百债了。

  Death when it comes will have no denial. 死亡来临时,无可抗拒之。

  Deeds, no words. 不要光说不练。

  Debt is better than death. 负债总比死亡强。

  Deeds are fruits; words are but leaves. 行动是果实,言语只是树叶而已。

  Deeds are males, and words are females. 言柔弱无能,行刚强有力。

  Deep rivers move in silence, shallow brooks are noisy. 深水静静流,浅溪潺潺流。

  Delays are dangerous. 坐失良机必有忧患。

  Deliberate before you begin, then execute with vigour. 著手前要深思熟虑,执行要果断有力。

  Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action. 考虑要仔细,行动要迅速。

  Deliberating is not delaying. 慎思不是拖延。

  Deliver not your words by number but by weight. 言不在多,而在有物。

  Diamond cut diamond. 强中更有强中手。

  Diet cures more than the doctor. 药补不如食补。

  Diligence is near success. 勤奋近乎成功。

  Diligence is the mother of good luck. 刻苦是成功之母。

  A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. 链条的坚固程度取决于它最薄弱的.环节。

  A change of work is as good as a rest. 调换一下工作是很好的休息。

  A cheerful wife is the joy of life. 快乐的妻子是生活的乐事。

  A clean hand wants no washing. 身正不怕影子斜。

  A clear conscience is a soft pillow. 问心无愧,高枕无忧。

  A clear conscience is a sure card. 光明磊落,胜券在握。

  A clear conscience laughs at false accusations. 白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。

  A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast. 宁为清贫,不为浊富。

  A close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入,祸从口出。

  A cock is valiant on his own dunghill. 夜郎自大。

  Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear. 眼见的不能全信,耳闻的也不能半信。

  Believe somebody on his bare word. 人言无据,切勿轻信。

  Benefits please like flowers, while they are fresh. 恩泽让人欣喜,犹如鲜花使人心醉。

  Be prepared to put one’’s hand in one’’s pocket. 准备慷慨解囊。

  Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing. 选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。

  Be slow to promise and quick to perform. 不轻诺,诺必果。

  Be swift to hear, slow to speak. 多听少说。

  Better a bachelor’’s life than a slovenly wife. 过光棍生活,胜过有一个邋遢老婆。

  Better ask twice than lose you way once. 宁愿问路两次胜过迷路一次。

  Better a glorious death than a shameful life. 忍辱贪生不如死得光荣。

  Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us. 适量的火好取暖,熊熊烈火能焚身。

简单介绍 Country / Folk 流派

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Country music, the first half of Billboard’s country and western music category, is a blend of popular musical forms originally found in the Southern United States. It has roots in traditional folk music, Celtic music, blues, gospel music, hokum, and old-time music and evolved rapidly in the 1920s. The term country music began to be used in the 1940s when the earlier term hillbilly music was deemed to be degrading, and the term was widely embraced in the 1970s, while country and western has declined in use since that time.
In the Southwestern United States a different mix of ethnic groups from Mexico, the British Isles, Germany, and the Czech Republic created the music that became the Western music of the term Country Western.
Country music has produced two of the top selling solo artists of all time. Elvis Presley, “The Hillbilly Cat”, appeared on the Louisiana Hayride for three years, went on to help define rock ‘n’ roll, and became known as “The King.” Garth Brooks, except for a short foray into non-country near the end of his recording career, recorded and performed country music and is one top selling solo artist.
As of 2007, country is the most popular radio format in America, reaching 77.3 million adults--almost 40 percent of the adult population--every week.
Country music is a catch-all category that embraces several different music genres. Each style is unique in its execution, use of rhythms, and its chord structures. Country music subgenres include:
• Nashville sound (the pop-like music very popular in the 1960s);
• bluegrass, a fast mandolin, banjo, and fiddle-based music popularized by Bill Monroe and by Flatt and Scruggs;
• Western, which encompasses traditional Western cowboy campfire ballads and Hollywood cowboy music made famous by Roy Rogers, The Sons of the Pioneers, and Gene Autry;
• Western swing, a sophisticated dance music popularized by Bob Wills;
• the Bakersfield sound which used the new Fender Telecaster guitars, a big drum beat, and dance style music that would catch your attention like “a freight train running“ (Buck Owens) (popularized by Buck Owens and Merle Haggard);
• outlaw country made famous in the 1970s by Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Billy Joe Shaver, David Allan Coe, Jerry Jeff Walker, Mickey Newbury, Kris Kristofferson and Hank Williams, Jr.;
• Cajun and zydeco;
• honky tonk;
• Old-time music;
• rockabilly;
• neotraditional country.
Early history
Immigrants to the Southern Appalachian Mountains of North America brought the music and instruments of the Old World along with them for nearly 300 years. The Irish fiddle, the German derived dulcimer, the Italian mandolin, the Spanish guitar, and the African banjo were the most common musical instruments. The interactions among musicians from different ethnic groups produced music unique to this region of North America. Appalachian string bands of the early 20th century primarliy consisted of the fiddle, guitar, and banjo. This early country music along with early recorded country music is often referred to as Old-time music.
Throughout the nineteenth century, several immigrant groups from Central Europe and the British Isles moved to Texas. These groups interacted with the Spanish, Mexican, Native American, and U.S. communities that were already established in Texas. As a result of this cohabitation and extended contact, Texas has developed unique cultural traits that are rooted in the culture of all of its founding communities. The settlers from the area now known as Germany and the Czech Republic established large dance halls in Texas where farmers and townspeople from neighboring communities could gather, dance, and spend a night enjoying each other’s company. The music at these halls, brought from Europe, included the waltz and the polka, played on an accordion, an instrument invented in Italy, which was loud enough to fill the entire dance hall.
Early recorded history
Columbia Records began issuing records with “hillbilly“ music (series 15000D “Old Familiar Tunes“) as early as 1924. A year earlier on June 14, 1923 Fiddlin’ John Carson recorded “Little Log Cabin in the Lane“ for Okeh Records. Vernon Dalhart was the first country singer to have a nationwide hit in May of that same year with “The Wreck of Old ’97“. Other important early recording artists were Riley Puckett, Don Richardson, Fiddlin’ John Carson, Al Hopkins, Charlie Poole and the North Carolina Ramblers and The Skillet Lickers. The steel guitar entered country music as early as 1922, when Jimmie Tarlton met famed Hawaiian guitarist Frank Ferera on the West Coast.
The origins of modern country music can be traced to two seminal influences and a remarkable coincidence. Jimmie Rodgers and the Carter Family are widely considered to be the founders of country music, and their songs were first captured at a historic recording session in Bristol, Tennessee/Bristol, Virginia on August 1, 1927, where Ralph Peer was the talent scout and sound recordist.
Rodgers fused hillbilly country, gospel, jazz, blues, pop, cowboy, and folk; and many of his best songs were his compositions, including “Blue Yodel”, which sold over a million records and established Rodgers as the premier singer of early country music.
Beginning in 1927, and for the next 17 years the Carters recorded some 300 old-time ballads, traditional tunes, country songs, and Gospel hymns, all representative of America’s southeastern folklore and heritage.
Singing Cowboys, Western Swing, and Hillbilly Boogie
During the 1930s and 1940s Cowboy songs, or “Western music”, which had been recorded since the 1920s, were popularized by films made in Hollywood. Some of the popular singing cowboys from the era were, Gene Autry, the Sons of the Pioneers, and Roy Rogers.
Another “country” musician from the Lower Great Plains had become very popular as the leader of a “hot string band”, and who also appeared in Hollywood Westerns was Bob Wills. His mix of “country” and jazz, which started out as dance hall music, would become known as Western Swing. Spade Cooley and Tex Williams also had very popluar bands and appeared in films. At the height of its popularity, Western Swing rivaled the popularity of other big band jazz.
Country musicians began playing boogie in 1939, shortly after it had been played at Carnegie Hall, when Johnny Barfield recorded “Boogie Woogie“. The trickle of what was initially called Hillbilly Boogie, or Okie Boogie (later to be renamed Country Boogie), became a flood beginning around late 1945. One notable country boogie from this period was the Delmore Brothers’ “Freight Train Boogie“, considered to be part of the combined evolution of country music and blues towards rockabilly. In 1948 Arthur Smith achieved Top 10 US country chart success with his MGM Records recordings of “Guitar Boogie“ and “Banjo Boogie“, with the former crossing over to the US pop charts. The Hillbilly Boogie period lasted into the 1950s, and remains as one of many subgenres of country into the 21st century.
Honky Tonk
Perhaps no other style of country music has had a greater influence on today’s artists than the style known as Honky Tonk. Honky Tonk music embodied the spirit of dancing and drinking, and of loving and then losing the one you love. Its greatest practitioners owe their singing style to Jimmie Rodgers and much of the music to the steel guitar and drums of Bob Wills and Western Swing.
Hank Williams
Jimmie Rodgers is a major foundation stone in the structure of country music, but the most influential artist who was influenced by Rogers is undoubtedly Hank Williams, Sr. During the years 1949 through 1953, Williams had 7 songs in Billboard’s annual Top 5 Country singles, and of the 66 songs recorded under his own name, an astonishing 37 were hits. His songs have been not only been covered by many country artists, they have also been recorded by jazz, pop, and rhythm and blues. Examples of those who reintrepreted his songs are: Tony Bennett (1951), Bob Dylan, jazz diva Norah Jones, crooner Perry Como, R&B star Dinah Washington, and British punk band, The The. Songs such as “Cold, Cold Heart“ and “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry“ have long been pop standards.
Williams had two personas: as Hank Williams he was a singer-songwriter and entertainer; as Luke the Drifter, he was a songwriting crusader. The complexity of his character was reflected in the introspective songs he wrote about heartbreak, happiness and love such as I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry and Your Cheating Heart; and more upbeat numbers about Cajun life (“Jambalaya“) or cigar store Indians (“Kaw-Liga“).
Lefty Frizzell
Acquiring the nickname ’Lefty’ after disposing of several opponents with his left hand during an unsuccessful attempt to become a Golden Gloves boxing champion, the Corsicana, Texas-born (1928) singer-songwriter-guitarist began life as William Orville Frizzell.
A childhood performer, at 17 he could be found playing the honky-tonks and dives of Dallas and Waco, molding his early, Jimmie Rodgers-stylings to his environment, thus creating a sound that was very much his own. In 1950, Frizzell exploded onto the charts with, “If You’ve Got the Money, I’ve Got the Time“, claiming a chart position for some 20 weeks..
In the history of Country Music, a direct line can be drawn from Jimmie Rodgers to Lefty Frizzell to Merle Haggard to George Strait. Their styles and themes are similar but each has added something new to the genre.
The 1950s and 1960s
By the late 1940’s, Nashville began to slowly integrate the popular big band jazz and swing sounds of top 40 radio with the honky tonk storytelling of country pioneers. Between 1947 and 1949, country crooner Eddy Arnold placed a total of 8 songs in the top 10.
The countrypolitan sound of Nashville
Beginning in the mid 50’s, and reaching its peak during the early 1960s, the “Nashville Sound“ turned country music into a multimillion-dollar industry centered on Nashville, Tennessee. Under the direction of producers such as Chet Atkins, Owen Bradley, and later Billy Sherrill, the “Nashville sound“ brought country music to a diverse audience and helped revive country as it emerged from a commercially fallow period. This sound was notable for borrowing from 1950s pop stylings: a prominent and ’smooth’ vocal, backed by a string section and vocal chorus. Instrumental soloing was de-emphasised in favor of trademark ’licks’. Leading artists in this genre included Patsy Cline, Jim Reeves, and later Tammy Wynette and Charlie Rich. The “slip note“ piano style of session musician Floyd Cramer was an important component of this style.
1956 could be called the year of rockabilly in country music. The number 2, 3, and 4 songs on Billboard’s charts for that year are: Elvis Presley “Heartbreak Hotel“, Johnny Cash “I Walk the Line“, and Carl Perkins “Blue Suede Shoes“. Cash and Presley would place songs in the top 5 in 1958 with #3 Guess Things Happen That Way/Come In, Stranger by Cash, and #5 by Presley Don’t/I Beg Of You.
What is now most commonly referred to as rockabilly was most popular with country music fans in the 1950s, and was recorded and performed by country musicians. Within a few years many rockabilly musicians returned to a more mainstrean style, or had defined their own unique style.
By the end of the decade, backlash as well as traditional artists such as Ray Price, Marty Robbins, and Johnny Horton began to shift the industry away from the Rock n’ Roll influences of the mid-50’s.