
fathergallo 好听


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2023-01-06 05:02:23 浏览49 评论0




Chris, Jack, Josh, Ivan, Wilson 蛮好听,都不错
ABBOT: “abbey father.“ Variant Abbott exists.
ACKER: “from the oak tree.“ Variant Akker exists.
ACKERLEY: “from the oak-tree meadow.“ Variant Ackley exists.
ACKERMAN: “man of oak“
ADAM: “of the red earth“
ADDIS: “son of Adam.“ Variant Adamson exists.
ADY: “ardent“
ADKINS: “son of Aiken.“ Variants include Atkinson, Atkinsone, and Attkins.
ADNEY: “lives on the noble’s island.“ Variants include Addaneye, Addney, and Adny.
AELDRA: “lives at the elder tree“
AELFDANE: “Danish elf“
AELFDENE: “from the elfin valley“
AETHELHARD: name of a king
AETHELISDUN: “from the noble’s hill.“ Variants include Aetheston, and Athelston.
AFTON: Old English name derived from a Scottish place name. Originally a boy’s name. Now unisex. Variant Affton exists.
AIKEN: “oaken.“ Variants include Adken, Adkyn, Aickin, and Aikin.
AINSWORTH: “from Ann’s estate“
ALBERN: “noble warrior.“ Variants include Aethelbeorn, and Alburn.
ALBERT: “noble, bright.“ Variants include Aethelberht, Aethelbert, and Alburt.
ALCOTT: “from the old cottage“
ALDEN: “wise friend.“ Variants include Aldwin, Aldwine, and Aldwyn.
ALDER: “from the alder tree.“ Variant Aler exists.
ALDO: “ancient“
ALDOUS: “Old“ or “From the old house.“ Variant Aldus exists.
ALDRICH: “wise ruler.“ Variants include Aldric, and Aldrik.
ALFORD: “from the old ford.“ Variants include Avery, and Alvord.
ALFRED: “sage.“ Variants include Alfraed, Alfredo, and Alfrid.
ALL: “handsome“
ALLARD: “brave.“ Variant Alhhard exists.
ALLRED: “wise, red-haired man.“ Variants include Aldred, and Aldrid.
ALMO: “noble, famous.“ Variants include Aethelmaer, Athemar, and Athmarr.
ALSTON: “from the elf’s home.“ Variant Aethelstun exists.
ALTON: “from the old manor.“ Variants include Aldan, Alden, and Aldtun.
AMSDEN: “from Ambrose’s valley“
ANGLESEY: “from Anglesey“
ANN: “merciful.“ Variant Ain exists.
ANNA: name of a king
ANSCOM: “lives in the valley of the majestic one.“ Variants include Aenescumb, and Anscomb.
ANSLEY: “from the awe-inspiring one’s meadow.“ Variants include Aenedleah, Ainsley, and Ansleigh.
ANSON: “Ann’s son; grace.“
ARCHER: “bowman.“ Variant Archere exists.
ARDELL: “from the hare’s dell.“ Variant Ardel exists.
ARDLEY: “from the home-lover’s meadow.“ Variants include Ardaleah, and Ardleigh.
ARDOLF: “home-loving wolf.“ Variants include Ardolph, and Ardwolf.
ARIC: “sacred ruler.“ Variants include Alhric, Alhrick, Alhrik, and Arik.
ARKWRIGHT: “makes chests“
ARLEDGE: “lives at the hare’s lake“
ARLEY: “from the hare’s meadow.“ Variants Arleigh, and Arlie.
ARLO: “fortified hill“
ARMSTRONG: “strong-armed.“ Variant Armstrang exists.
ARNETT: “little eagle.“ Variants include Arnatt, Arnet, and Arnott.
ARTHGALLO: myth name
ARUNDEL: “from the eagle’s dell.“ Variant Arndell exists.
ASCOT: “lives at the east cottage.“ Variant Ascott exists.
ASHBURN: “lives near the ash-tree brook.“ Variant Aesoburne exists.
ASHBY: “from the ash-tree farm.“ Variant Aescby exists.
ASHFORD: “lives by the ash-tree ford.“ Variants include Aescford, and Aisford.
ASHLEY: Old English unisex name meaning “dwells at the ash-tree meadow.“ Taken from a place; first used as a surname. Variants include Aescleah, Aisley, Aisly, Ashely, Ashla, Ashlee, Ashleigh, Ashli, Ashlie, and Ashly.
ASHLIN: “lives at the ash-tree pool.“ Variants include Aesclin, Ashlan, and Ashlen.
ASHLEY: Old English unisex name meaning “dwells at the ash-tree meadow.“ Taken from a place; first used as a surname. Variants include Aescleah, Aisley, Aisly, Ashely, Ashla, Ashlan, Ashlee, Ashleigh, Ashlen, Ashli, Ashlie, and Ashly.
ASHTON: “from the ash-tree farm.“ Variants include Aesctun, and Aiston.
ASHWIN: “spear friend.“ Variants include Aescwine, Aescwyn, and Ashwyn.
ATHERTON: “lives at the spring farm.“ Variant Aethretun exists.
ATHMORE: “from the moor.“ Variants include Atmore, and Attmore.
ATWATER: “from the waterside.“ Variant Attewater exists.
ATWELL: “lives by the spring.“ Variants include Attewell, and Attwell.
ATWOOD: “lives in the forest.“ Variant Attewode exists.
ATWORTH: “lives at the farmstead.“ Variant Atteworthe exists.
AURICK: “noble valor“
AVERIL: “wild boar.“ Variants include Averell, and Averill.
AVERY: “elf ruler.“ Variants include Aelfric, and Aubrey.
AXTON: “swordsman’s stone.“ Variant Aeccestane exists.
AYLMER: “infamous.“ Variants include Aegelmaere, Aethelmaere, and Aylmer.
AYLWARD: “noble protector.“ Variants include Aegelweard, Aethelweard, and Athelward.
BAILEY: Old English unisex name meaning “law enforcer; bailiff. First a surname. Used more often for boys. Variants include Bailee, Bailie, Baily, Bayley, and Bayly.
BAINBRIDGE: “lives near the bridge over the white water.“ Variants include Bainbrydge, and Banbrigge.
BALDER: “bold army.“ Variant Baldhere exists.
BANAING: “son of the slayer.“ Variant Banning exists.
BANCROFT: “from the bean field.“ Variant Benecroft exists.
BARCLAY: “lives at the birch-tree meadow.“ Variants include Bercleah, Berkeley, and Berkley.
BARDEN: “lives near the boar’s den.“ Variant Bardan exists.
BARDOLF: “ax-wolf.“ Bardawulf, Bardalph, Bardolph, Bardulf, and Barwolf.
BARDRICK: “ax-ruler.“ Variants include Bardaric, and Bardarik.
BARLOW: “lives on the bare hill.“ Variants include Baerhloew, and Barhloew.
BARNETT: “leader.“ Variant Beornet exists.
BARNUM: “from the nobleman’s home.“ Variant Beornham exists.
BARON: “warrior.“ Variant Barron exists.
BARR: “gateway.“ Variant Barre exists.
BARTH: “son of the earth“
BARTLEY: “from Bart’s meadow.“ Variants include Bartleah, and Bartleigh.
BARTON: “from the barley farm.“ Variants include Bart, and Beretun.
BARTRAM: “glorious raven.“ Variants include Barthram, and Beorhthramm.
BAXTER: “baker.“ Variants include Backstere, Baker, and Bax.
BAYHARD: “reddish-brown hair.“ Variant Bay exists.
BEACHER: “lives by the beech tree.“ Variants include Beceere, and Beecher.
BEADUTUN: “from the warrior’s estate.“ Variant Beaton exists.
BEAMAN: “beekeeper.“ Variant Beomann exists.
BEAMER: “trumpeter.“ Variant Bemeere exists.
BECK: “brook.“ Variant Bek exists.
BEDE: “prayer“
BELDEN: “lives in the beautiful glen.“ Variants include Beldan, Beldane, Beldene, and Beldon.
BENTLEY: Old English name meaning “from the bent grass meadow.“ First a place name, a surname, then a first name. Unisex name, but more common for boys. Variants include Bentlea, Bentleah, Bentlee, Bentleigh, and Bently.
BENTON: “lives on the moor“
BERESFORD: “from the barley ford.“ Variant Berford exists.
BERT: “glorious.“ Variants include Beorht, and Burt.
BERTON: “from the fortified town.“ Variants include Beorhttun, Burhtun, and Burton.
BERTRAM: “bright raven.“ Variant Beorhthram exists.
BERWICK: “from the barley grange.“ Variant Berwyk exists.
BEVERLY: “from the beaver meadow.“ Variant Beverley exists.
BICKFORD: “from the hewer’s ford.“ Variants include Bick, and Biecaford.
BINK: “lives at the bank“
BIRCH: “birch tree.“ Variants include Beore, and Birk.
BIRD: Old English unisex nature name, meaning “birdlike.“ Also a short form of Old German Bertha, meaning “bright; sparkling.“ Variants include Birde, Birdey, Birdie, Birdy, Byrd, Byrde, Byrdey and Byrdie.
BIRKETT: “lives at the birch headland.“ Variants include Birkhead, and Birkhed.
BIRKEY: “from the birch-tree island“
BIRLEY: “from the cattle shed on the meadow.“ Variant Byreleah exists.
BIRNEY: “lives on the brook island.“ Variants include Burneig, and Burney.
BIRTLE: “from the bird hill.“ Variants include Birdhil, Birdhill, Birtel, and Byrtel.
BISHOP: “overseer“
BITANIG: “from the preserving land“
BLACK: “dark.“ Variant Claec exists.
BLADE: “wealthy glory.“ Variant Blaed exists.
BLAGDON: “from the dark valley.“ Variants include Blagdan, and Blagden.
BLAKE: Old English unisex name meaning either “black“ or “white“ or “pale-skinned,“ or “dark-skinned.“ Variants include Blaec, Blaecleah, Blakelee, Blakeley, Blakely, Blakenee, Blakeney, and Blakeny.
BLAKELEY: “from the dark meadow.“ Variants include Blaecleah, and Blakely.
BLAKEMORE: “from the dark moor“
BLAKEY: “blond.“ Variant Blacey exists.
BLANFORD: “gray-haired.“ Variant Blandford exists.
BLAYNE: “twin“
BLISS: Old English unisex name meaning “joy; happiness.“ Variants include Blisse, and Blyss.
BLYTHE: Old English unisex name meaning “happy; carefree.“ Variants include Blithe, and Blyth.
BOLTON: “from the manor farm“
BOND: “tied to the land“
BOOTH: “lives in a hut.“ Variants include Boothe, and Bothe.
BORDEN: “from the boar valley.“ Variants include Barden, and Bardene.
BORS: myth name
BOSWORTH: “lives at the cattle enclosure“
BOTOLF: “herald wolf.“ Variants include Botewolf, and Botwolf.
BRAD: “large; broad; extended.“ Short for names like Bradley, or Bradburn.
BRADBURN: “from the broad brook.“ Variant Bradbourne exists.
BRADLEY: Old English unisex name meaning “from the broad meadow,“ or “from an extended family.“ Variants include Bradlea, Bradleah, Bradlee, Bradleigh, and Bradly.
BRADEN: “from the broad valley.“ Variants include Brad, Bradan, Bradene, and Bradyn.
BRADFORD: “from the broad ford“
BRADLEY: From surname meaning “from the broad meadow“ or “from an extended family.“ Variants include Bradleah, and Bradly.
BRADWELL: “from the broad spring“
BRADY: “from the broad island.“ Variant Bradig exists.
BRAINARD: “bold raven.“ Variants include Brainerd, and Branhard.
BRAMWELL: “from the bramble bush spring.“ Variant Braemwiella exists.
BRANDON: “from the beacon hill.“ Variant Branddun.
BRANTLEY: “proud.“ Variants include Brand, and Brant.
BRAWLEY: “from the hillslope meadow.“ Variants include Braleah, and Brawleigh.
BRENT: “from the steep hill.“ Variant Brentan exists.
BREWSTER: “brewer.“ Variant Brewstere exists.
BRICE: Unisexual name. Either an Old English name meaning “noble,“ a Celtic name meaning “swift,“ or a French name meaning either “speckled“ or “from Brieuxtown.“ Also a Greek myth name of one of the Danaids. Variant Bryce exists.
BRIDGER: “lives at the bridge.“ Variants include Brydger, Briggere, and Bryggere.
BRIGHAM: “lives by the bridge.“ Variant Briggeham exists.
BRINTON: “from Brinton“
BRITTO: myth name
BROCK: “badger.“ Variants include Broc, and Brok.
BROCKLEY: “from the badger meadow.“ Variants include Brocleah, Brocleigh, and Brocly.
BRODERICK: “from the broad ridge.“ Variants include Broderik, Brodrig, and Brodrik.
BROMLEY: “from the broom-covered meadow.“ Variants include Bromleah, Bromleigh, and Bromly.
BROOKE: Old English unisex name meaning “small stream.“ Variants include Brook, Brookie, and Brooky.
BROOKS: “son of Brooke.“ Variants include Brookson, and Brooksone.
BROUGHER: “lives at the fortress.“ Variant Burghere exists.
BROUGHTON: “from the fortress town.“ Variant Burgton exists.
BROWN: “dark-skinned.“ Variant Brun exists.
BRUTUS: myth name
BUCK: “male deer.“ Variant Boc exists.
BUCKLEY: “lives at the buck meadow.“ Variants include Bocleah, and Bocley.
BUDD: “herald.“ Variants include Boda, and Buddy.
BUNDY: “free.“ Variant Bondig exists.
BURBANK: “lives on the castle’s hill.“ Variant Burhbank exists.
BURCH: “birch.“ Variants include Birch, and Birche.
BURCHARD: “strong as a castle.“ Variant Burghard exists.
BURDON: “lives at the castle.“ Variant Burhdon exists.
BURFORD: “lives at the castle ford.“ Variant Burhford exists.
BURGESS: “lives in town.“ Variant Burgeis exists.
BURL: “cup-bearer.“ Variant Byrle exists.
BURLEY: “lives at the caste’s meadow.“ Variants include Burhleag, Burleigh, and Burly.
BURN: “from the brook.“ Variants include Bourn, Bourne, Burne, and Byrne.
BURNETT: Means either “brave warrior“ or “bold as a bear.“ Variants include Bernard, Bernie, Bunny, and Burnet.
BURNEY: “lives on the brook island.“ Variant Bureig exists.
BURNS: “son of Byrne.“ Variants include Bursone, and Byrnes.
BURTON: “lives in the fortified town.“ Variant Burhtun exists.
BYFORD: “lives at the river crossing.“ Variant Biford exists.
BYRAM: “from the cattle yard“
BYRON: “bear“
CADBY: “from the warrior’s settlement.“ Variant Cadabyr exists.
CAINDALE: “from the clear river valley“
CALDER: “cold brook.“ Variants include Caldre, and Calldwr.
CALDWELL: “from the cold spring.“ Variant Caldwiella exists.
CALE: “bold.“ Variants include Cal, and Cayle.
CALVERT: “shepherd.“ Variants include Calbert, and Calfhierde.
CAMBER: myth name
CARELTON: “from Carl’s farm.“ Variants include Carlatun, and Carlton.
CAREY: English/Irish form of Gaelic Ciardha, meaning “the dark one.“ Unisex name. Variants include Caerau, and Cary.
CARLISLE: “from the walled city.“ Variant Carlyle exists.
CAROL: English unisex name. It is a nickname for French Carolus, the Latin form of French Charles, which itself came from Old German Karl, meaning “man.“ Variants include Carolus, Carly, Carroll, Karel, and Karly.
CARSON: “son of Carr“
CARSWELL: “lives at the watercress spring.“ Variant Caersewiella exists.
CARTER: “drives a cart.“ Variant Cartere exists.
CARTLAND: “from the land between the streams.“
CARVELL: “from the villa by the march.“ Variant Carvel exists.
CARVER: “carves wood or sculpts.“
CASEY: English, and Irish unisex name meaning “vigilant; watchful.“ Variants include Cacey, Cacie, Caisee, Caisey, Caisi, Caisie, Casee, Casi, Casie, Cathasach, Cathasaigh, Caycee, Caycey, Cayci, Caycie, Caysee, Caysey, Caysi, Caysie, Kacey, Kacie, Kacy, Kacyee, Kasey, Kaycee, Kaycey, Kayci, Kaycie, Kaysee, Kaysey, Kaysi, Kaysie, Kaysy, and Kaysyee.
CASSIDY: Irish unisex name meaning “curly-haired.“ Variants include Caiside, and Casidhe.
CASTER: “from the Roman camp.“
CEDRIC: “battle leader.“ Variant include Caddaric, and Caddarik.
CENEHARD: “bold.“ Variant Cynhard exists.
CENEWARD: “bold guardian.“ Variant Cynward exists.
CENEWIG: “bold warrior.“ Variant Cenewyg exists.
CHAD: “warring.“ Variant Cadda exists.
CHADBURN: “from the wildcat brook.“ Variants include Chadburne, and Chadbyrne.
CHADWICK: “from the warrior’s town.“ Variants include Caddawyc, Chadwik, and Chadwyk.
CHAPMAN: “merchant.“ Variant Ceapmann exists.
CHARLETON: “from Charles’s farm.“ Variant Charlton exists.
CHATHAM: “from the soldier’s land.“ Variant Caddaham exists.
CHATWYN: “warring friend.“ Variant Chatwin exists.
CHAUNCEY: “chancellor.“ Variants include Chance, Chanceloor, Chancey, Chaunce, and Chaunceler.
CHESTER: “lives at the camp.“ Variant Ceaster exists.
CHESTON: “camp.“ Variant Ceastun exists.
CHETWYN: “from the cottage on the winding path.“ Variants include Cetewind, and Chetwin.
CHILTON: “from the farm by the spring.“ Variant Celdtun exists.
CHURCHILL: “lives at the church hill.“ Variants include Churchyll, and Circehyll.
CINGESWIELLA: “lives at the king’s spring.“ Variants include Cingeswell, and Cinwell.
CLAY: “mortal.“ Variants include Claeg, Claegtun, and Clayton.
CLAYBORNE: “from the clay brook.“ Variants include Claegborne, Claiborn, Claybourne, and Clayburn.
CLEVELAND: “from the cliffs.“ Variants include Cleon, Clevon, Clifland, and Clyfland.
CLIFFORD: “lives by the ford near the cliff.“ Variant Cliff exists.
CLIFFTON: “from the farm near the cliff.“ Variants include Clifton, Cliftun, Clyffton, and Clyftun.
CLINTON: “from the headland estate.“ Variants include Clint, and Clinttun.
CLIVE: “lives at the cliffs.“ Variants include Cleve, and Clyve.
CODY: Old English unisex name meaning “cushion; pillow.“ Variants include Codee, Codey, Codi, Codie, Kodey, Kodie, and Kody.
COLBERT: “seaman.“ Variants include Ceolbeorht, Colvert, Culbart, and Culbert.
COLBY: “from the black farm“
COLEMAN: “dark-skinned.“ Variant Colemann exists.
COLLIER: “charcoal merchant.“ Variants include Colier, Collyer, and Colyer.
COLLIS: “son of the dark man.“ Variants include Colis, and Colys.
COLTER: “horse herdsman.“ Variant Coltere exists.
COLTON: “from the dark town.“ Variants include Cole, Coletun, and Colt.
COOPER: “makes barrels.“ Variants include Coopersmith, and Cupere.
CORWIN: “friend of the heart.“ Variants include Corwan, Corwine, and Corwyn.
COURTLAND: “lives at the farmstead“
COVELL: “lives at the cave slope.“ Variants include Cofahealh, and Covyll.
CRANDALL: “from the crane valley.“ Variant Crandell exists.
CRANLEY: “from the crane meadow.“ Variants include Cranleah, and Cranly.
CRANSTON: “from the crane estate.“ Variant Cranstun exists.
CRAWFORD: “from the crow’s ford“
CREIGHTON: “lives at the creek town.“ Variant Creketun exists.
CRICHTON: “from the town by the creek“
CROFTEN: “from the enclosed town.“ Variant Crofton exists.
CROMPTON: “from the winding farm“
CROMWELL: “lives by the winding stream.“ Variant Crombwiella exists.
CROSLEY: “from the cross meadow.“ Variants include Crosleah, Crosleigh, and Crosly.
CULVER: “dove.“ Variants include Colfre, Colver, and Colvyr.
CUTHBERT: “noted splendor.“ Variant Cuthbeorht exists.
CUTLER: “makes knives“
CWENTUN: “from the queen’s estate“
CYMBELLINE: myth name
CYNELEAH: “lives in the royal meadow.“ Variant Cyneley exists.
CYNING: “royal.“ Variants include Cyneric, Cynerik, Cynric, and Cynrik.
DAGWOOD: “from the bright one’s forest“
DALBERT: “proud.“ Variants include Dealbeorht, Dealbert, and Delbert.
DALE: Old English unisex name meaning “valley; lives in the valley.“ Variants include Dael, Daile, Daley, and Dayle.
DALTON: “from the farm in the dale.“
DANA: Old English unisex name meaning “from Denmark.“ Sometimes regarded as a variant of Danielle, meaning “God is my judge.“ Variants include Dain, Danay, Dane, Danet, Danna, and Dayna.
DARBY: Old English unisex name, meaning “park with deer,“ or “from the deer estate.“ Derived from the placename Derby. Variants include Darb, Darbee, Darbey, Darbie, Darrbey, Darrbie, and Darrby.
DARCIE: English and Irish unisex name meaning “dark.“ Also a Norman place name, used as a name, meaning “from Arcy.“ Variants include D’Arcy (Fr.), Darcee, Darcey, Darcy, Darice, Darsee, and Darsey.
DARNELL: “from Darnall.“ Variant Darnall exists.
DARRELL: “dearly loved.“ Variant Daryl exists.
DARTON: “from the deer park.“ Variant Deortun exists.
DAVIS: “David’s son.“ Variants include Davidson, and Davidsone.
DEAN: “from the dene.“ Variants include Deanne, Dene, and Dino.
DEARBORN: “from the deer brook.“ Variants include Dearbourne, and Derebourne.
DEEMS: “judge’s son.“ Variants include Demason, and Demasone.
DELANEY: English and Irish unisex name meaning “offspring of the challenger.“ Variants include Delaine, Delainey, Delainy, Delane, Delanie, and Delany.


  片 名 Pandorum
  年 代 2009
  国 家 美国/德国
  类 别 惊悚/科幻/恐怖
  语 言 英语
  片 长 108 Min
  导 演 克里斯蒂安·阿瓦特 Christian Alvart
  主 演 本·福斯特 Ben Foster ....Bower
  丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid ....Payton
  凯姆·吉甘戴 Cam Gigandet ....Gallo
  安婕·特拉乌 Antje Traue ....Nadia
  黎烈弓 Cung Le ....Manh
  Eddie Rouse ....Leland
  诺曼·瑞杜斯 Norman Reedus ....Shepard
  安德列·汉尼克 André Hennicke ....Hunter Leader
  Friederike Kempter ....Evalon
  尼尔斯-布鲁诺·施密特 Niels-Bruno Schmidt ....Insane Officer ’Eden’
  Jonah Mohmand ....Childhunter
  Delphine Chuillot ....Young Bower’s Mother
  Wotan Wilke M?hring ....Young Bower’s Father
  Julian Rappe ....Young Bower
  Domenico D’Ambrosio ....Wounded Officer ’Eden’
  乔恩·福斯特 Jon Foster ....Big Russian Passenger
  Jeff Burrell ....Trapped Officer ’Eden’
  Neelesha BaVora ....Female Crew Officer
  扬佐姆·布拉文 Yangzom Brauen ....2nd Lieutenant (Team 4)
  Marco Albrecht ....Hunter Weasel
  Dawid Szatarski ....Hunter Shape
  简 介
  无边无际的黑暗蔓延的外太空,一艘飞船徐徐飘来,它看上去没有动力,也没有人驾驶,就像悬浮在宇宙里的陨石一样飘荡着。过了许久,船舱内一个插着各种管子和仪器的身体突然开始扭动,沉睡着的一双眼睛猛地睁开。我是谁?我在哪儿?我睡了多久?我要干什么?我为什么在这里?我为什么呆在太空舱里?这个叫鲍尔(本·福斯特饰)的年轻男子,身无着物,失去了一切记忆,满脑子都是不知身在何处的恐慌。 凭借着脑海里残存的些许记忆,鲍尔带着手电筒开始四处探索。船舱里到处都是废弃的机械和太久无人使用而产生的积灰,还有着很多可疑的痕迹与工具。硕大的宇宙飞船,竟被无故遗弃?原来的船员和乘客,又消失去了哪里?


3.西语的字母发音比较单一 西班牙语在语音、词汇、语法体系等方面继承了拉丁语的特点。共有24个音位,其中有a、e、i、o、u,5个单元音 和19个辅音。b和v的发音相同,h不发音。此外还有大量二合元音和三合元音。重音很规则:以元音、n或s结尾的词,重音落在倒数第二个音节上;以其他辅音结尾的词,重音落在最后一个音节上。
b. b和v在词内部、无停顿词群中发音(双唇擦清辅音,相当于汉语中的《w》;音)。
3“c和q”发音及“g ”的比较(重点)
a. “c”在元音“-a、-o、-u”前发音
Buenos días.
¿Cómo estás?
¿Qué hay?
Mucho gusto.
Me da gusto a verte otra vez.
¡Qué sorprendo verte aquí!
Mucho tiempo sin verte.
¿Qué tal?
¿Cómo está usted?
¿Cómo te va?
¿Cómo te va todo?
¿Qué haces por aquí?
Hola,me llamo Martín.
Mi nombre es Roberto.
Puedes llamarme Isabel.
¿Eres Tina?
Sí,soy yo.
Ven a conocer a mi amigo.
Este es mi hermano,Tomás.
Ven a saludar a mis padres.
¿Has visto alguna vez a mi hermana?
¿Nos conocemos?
¿Te conozco?
Acabo de llegar aquí.
Déjame que me presente.
No sé cuál es tu nombre.
Quiero presentarte a mi jefe.
Me has hecho un gran favor.
Le quedo muy agradecido.
Te lo agradezco.
Es imposible expresarme mis agradecimientos.
No sé cómo agradecerle.
¡Qué amable!
Es usted muy amable.
No hay de qué.
De nada.
¿Te gusta el fútbol?
Odio a los yanquis.
我讨厌美国佬。 西班牙语属屈折型语言。经过长期演变,它的词尾屈折已大大简化。除作主语、宾语的代词及其反身形式外,拉丁语的格系统几乎消失。名词分阳性和阴性,但在某些结构中还能见到中性的痕迹。复数在词尾加-s或-es。形容词在语法上与名词有协调关系,词尾变化与名词同。动词仍保留相当多的屈折,但很有规则。由于动词词尾已足以表示人称,主语往往省略。
第一人称单数hablo como vivo
第二人称单数hablas comes vives
第三人称单数(包括第二人称敬称)habla come vive
第一人称复数hablamos comemos vivimos
第二人称复数habláis coméis vivís
第三人称复数(包括第二人称敬称)hablan comen viven
西班牙语是曲折语。西班牙语的陈述语序通常是“主-谓-宾”结构。西班牙语的感叹句、疑问句分别要在前加上倒感叹号、倒问号,後面加上感叹号、问号。例如:¿Qué es esto?(这是什么?)iNo es verdad!(那不是真的!)
例句1:Santiago is the capital of Chile.
Santiago es la capital de Chile.(Spanish)
Santiago éa capital do Chile.(Portuguese)
例句2:He is from Costa Rica,which is in Central America.
Él es de Costa Rica,que está en América Central.(Spanish)
Eleé da Costa Rica,que fica na América Central.(Portuguese)
例句3:I have a ticket to the United States of America.
Tengo un billete a los Estados Unidos de América.(Spanish)Tenho um bilhete para os Estados Unidos da América.(Portuguese)
例句4:It’s nine fifteen.
Son las nueve y quince.(Spanish)
例句1:My father was born three years before my mother.
Mi padre nació tres aoñs antes de mi madre.(Spanish)
例句2:I think their apples are better than their tomatoes.
Pienso que sus manzanas son mejores que sus tomates.(Spanish)
例句3:My house is bigger than theirs.
Mi casa es más grande que la suya.(Spanish)
Aminhacasaémaiorqueasua.(Portuguese) Hola:你好
Buenos días:早上好
Buenas tardes:下午好
Buenas noches:晚上好
Por favor:请
De nada:不客气/不用谢
Lo siento:我很遗憾/对不起
De Nada:没关系
Te amo/Te quiero:我爱你
yo :我
nosotros/nosotras 我们
vosotros/vosotras 你们
ellos/ellas 他们,她们
¿Por qué? 为什么?
¿Qué? 什么?
Adiós. 再见。
Dios mío. 我的天哪。
¡Muchas gracias! 非常感谢!
De nada.不客气。
Gracias por todo. 感谢您所做的一切。
Gracias por su amabilidad. 谢谢您的好心。
Gracias por su ayuda. 感谢您的帮助。
Se lo agradezco mucho. 非常感谢您。
No es nada. 别客气。
Se lo agradezco muy sinceramente. 真心感谢您。
No me lo agradezca,por favor,no es nada. 别谢我,这不算什么。
Le estoy muy agradecido. 我非常感激。
Es una pequeño merece la pena. 小事一桩,不用谢。
Le agradezco que haya venido. 谢谢您能来。
Gracias por la carta,has sido muy amable. 谢谢来信,你对我太好了。
Es muy amable de su parte,no lo olvidaré nunca. 您太好了,我永远不会忘记。
Se lo agradezco de todas formas. 不管怎样,还是要感谢您。
Lo ha hecho Zhenru,agradéceselo a él. 是真如做的,你谢他吧。
Juan,dale las gracias al señor.胡安,谢谢这位先生。
Gracias a usted. 应该谢谢您才对。
Es un placer. 愿为您效劳。
mañana:明天 西班牙语 A a (a) B b (be) C c (ce)Ch ch (che)D d (de) E e (e) F f (efe) G g (ge) H h (ache) I i (i) J j (jota) K k (ka) L l (ele)LL ll (elle,doble ele)M m (eme) N n (ene) Ññ (eñe) O o (o) P p (pe) Q q (cu) R r (erre) S s (ese) T t (te) U u (u) V v (uve) W w (uve doble) X x (equis) Y y (igriega) Z z (zeta) 此外,还有重音标志的字母á、é、í、ó和ú。字母ü用于字母组合güe和güe是表示u是发音的,因为其他的组合。
gue、gui中,u是不发音的。 A a B b C c (Ch ch) D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l (LL ll) M m N n Ñ ñ O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z   根据1994年西班牙皇家学院的决定,“CH”跟“LL”不再做为单独的字母出现在字母表中.但是不受该院管辖的美洲西班牙语则依然将这两个字母列在字母表内.
西班牙语采用拉丁字母,共29个字母;a、b、c、ch、d、e、f、g、h、i、j、k、l、ll、m、n、ñ 、o、p、q、r、s、t、u、v、w、x、y、z。有些外来词和专有名词还使用w。经过几个世纪的演变,拉丁美洲的西班牙语形成了若干地区方言.西班牙语的读写一致,每个字母的读音相对是固定的。


Steve Buscemi饰演的Mr.Pink
史蒂夫·布斯塞米 Steve Buscemi
演员 cast1 Charlotte’s Web (2006) ..... Templeton (voice)
2 艺校的秘密 Art School Confidential (2006) ..... (uncredited)
3 怪兽小屋 Monster House (2006) ..... Nebbercracker (voice)
4 Delirious (2006) ..... Les Galantine
5 Paris, je t’aime (2006) ..... The tourist (segment “1st arrondissement“)
6 神秘岛 The Island (2005) ..... McCord
7 爱情和香烟 Romance & Cigarettes (2005) ..... Angelo
8 Nobody Wants Your Film (2005) ..... Himself
9 Excavating Taylor Mead (2005) ..... Narrator
10 In Search of Ted Demme (2005) ..... Himself
11 Champion (2005) ..... Himself
12 Who’s the Top? (2005) ..... Cymon
13 101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments (2004) ..... Himself
14 牧场是我家 Home on the Range (2004) ..... Wesley
15 Pulp Fiction on a Dime: A 10th Anniversary Retrospect (2004) ..... (archive footage)
16 Tanner on Tanner (2004) ..... Himself
17 咖啡和香烟 Coffee and Cigarettes (2003) ..... Waiter (segment “Twins“)
18 大鱼老爸 Big Fish (2003) ..... Norther Winslow
19 Rockets Redglare! (2003) ..... Himself
20 非常小特务3 Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) ..... Romero
21 Comedy Central Roast of Denis Leary (2003) ..... (archive footage)
22 Minnesota Nice (2003) ..... Himself
23 Making of ’Ghost World’ (2002) ..... Himself
24 SK-2恶梦岛 Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002) ..... Romero
25 13 Moons (2002) ..... Bananas The Clown
26 Love In the Time of Money (2002) ..... Martin Kunkle
27 Inside the Playboy Mansion (2002) ..... Himself (uncredited)
28 Monsters, Inc. (2002) ..... Randall Boggs (voice)
29 同志少年杀人事件 The Laramie Project (2002) ..... Doc O’Conner
30 迪兹先生 Mr. Deeds (2002) ..... Crazy Eyes
31 纽约:9月11日 9/11 (2002) ..... Himself in TV Broadcast
32 Deadrockstar (2002) ..... Reverend Ely
33 禁入家园 Domestic Disturbance (2001) ..... Ray Coleman
34 Come Together: A Night for John Lennon’s Words and Music (2001) ..... Himself
35 最终幻想 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001) ..... Officer Neil Fleming
36 The Concert for New York City (2001) ..... Himself
37 灰色地带 The Grey Zone (2001) ..... ’Hesch’ Abramowics
38 双重重击 Double Whammy (2001) ..... Jerry Cubbins
39 怪物公司 Monsters, Inc. (2001) ..... Randall Boggs
40 幽灵世界 Ghost World (2001) ..... Seymour
41 Hollywood Goes to Hell (2000) ..... Himself
42 28天 28 Days (2000) ..... Cornell Shaw
43 In Bad Taste (2000) ..... Himself
44 动物工厂 Animal Factory (2000) ..... A.R. Hosspack
45 Road to Sundance (2000) ..... Himself
46 黑道家族 “The Sopranos“ (1999) ..... Tony Blundetto (2004)
47 Franky Goes to Hollywood (1999) ..... Himself
48 老爸向前冲 Big Daddy (1999) ..... Homeless Guy
49 Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary (1999) ..... Himself - Audience Member
50 Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary (1999) ..... Himself - Audience Member
51 婚礼歌手 The Wedding Singer (1998) ..... David ’Dave’ Veltri
52 Louis & Frank (1998) ..... Drexel
53 谋杀绿脚趾 The Big Lebowski (1998) ..... Theodore Donald ’Donny’ Kerabatsos
54 双傻出海 The Impostors (1998) ..... Happy ’Hap’ Franks
55 绝世天劫 Armageddon (1998) ..... Rockhound
56 Divine Trash (1998) ..... Himself
57 空中监狱 Con Air (1997) ..... Garland ’The Marietta Mangler’ Greene
58 金发女郎 The Real Blonde (1997) ..... Nick
59 Black Kites (1996) ..... The Father
60 冰雪暴 Fargo (1996) ..... Carl Showalter
61 逃出洛杉矶 Escape from L.A. (1996) ..... Map to the Stars Eddie
62 堪萨斯情仇 Kansas City (1996) ..... Johnny Flynn
63 Trees Lounge (1996) ..... Tommy
64 开麦拉狂想曲 Living in Oblivion (1995) ..... Nick Reve
65 三步杀人曲 Desperado (1995) ..... Buscemi
66 比利迈迪森 Billy Madison (1995) ..... Danny McGrath (uncredited)
67 你不在后丹佛事 Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead (1995) ..... Mister Shhh
68 电影中的同志 The Celluloid Closet (1995) ..... Nick (archive footage) (uncredited)
69 The Search for One-eye Jimmy (1994) ..... Ed Hoyt
70 危险男女 Somebody to Love (1994) ..... Mickey
71 赫德萨克的代理人 The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) ..... Beatnik Barman at Ann’s 440
72 低俗小说 Pulp Fiction (1994) ..... Buddy Holly
73 异域奇兵 The Last Outlaw (1994) ..... Philo
74 Floundering (1994) ..... Ned
75 摇滚总动员 Airheads (1994) ..... Rex
76 Twenty Bucks (1993) ..... Frank
77 Ed and His Dead Mother (1993) ..... Ed Chilton
78 “The Adventures of Pete & Pete“ (1993) ..... Phil Hickle
79 旭日东升 Rising Sun (1993) ..... Willy ’the Weasel’ Wilhelm
80 Claude (1993) .....
81 In the Soup (1992) ..... Aldolpho Rollo
82 落水狗 Reservoir Dogs (1992) ..... Mr. Pink
83 CrissCross (1992) ..... Louis
84 What Happened to Pete (1992) ..... Stranger
85 Who Do I Gotta Kill? (1992) .....
86 义胆风云 Billy Bathgate (1991) ..... Irving
87 巴顿芬克 Barton Fink (1991) ..... Chet
88 Life Is Nice (1991) ..... Convienent Store Clerk
89 情挑野玫瑰 Zandalee (1991) ..... OPP Man
90 大小精灵 Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1990) ..... Bellingham (segment “Lot 249“)
91 Force of Circumstance (1990) .....
92 黑道皇帝 King of New York (1990) ..... Test Tube
93 黑帮龙虎斗 Miller’s Crossing (1990) ..... Mink
94 纽约故事 New York Stories (1989) ..... Gregory Stark
95 三个蓝月亮 Mystery Train (1989) ..... Charlie the Barber
96 百老汇的最后一夜 Bloodhounds of Broadway (1989) ..... Whining Willie
97 圈圈里的爱 Slaves of New York (1989) ..... Wilfredo
98 寂寞之鸽 “Lonesome Dove“ (1989) ..... Luke
99 Borders (1989) ..... Ted
100 Coffee and Cigarettes II (1989) ..... Waiter
101 午夜心锁 Heart of Midnight (1988) ..... Eddy
102 Arena Brains (1988) .....
103 Vibes (1988) ..... Fred
104 Kiss Daddy Goodnight (1988) ..... Johnny
105 Call Me (1988) ..... Switchblade
106 Heart (1987) ..... Nicky
107 No Picnic (1987) ..... Dead Pimp
108 Parting Glances (1986) ..... Nick
109 Film House Fever (1986) ..... Tony
110 Sleepwalk (1986) ..... Worker
111 Tommy’s (1985) ..... Tommy
112 The Way It Is (1984) .....
导演 director1 Interview (2007) .....
2 孤独的吉姆 Lonesome Jim (2005) .....
3 Baseball Wives (2002) .....
4 动物工厂 Animal Factory (2000) .....
5 黑道家族 “The Sopranos“ (1999) .....
6 监狱风云 “Oz“ (1997) .....
7 Trees Lounge (1996) .....
8 情理法的春天 “Homicide: Life on the Street“ (1993) .....
9 What Happened to Pete (1992) .....
编剧 writer1 Trees Lounge (1996) .....
2 What Happened to Pete (1992) .....
制片 producer1 Interview (2007) ..... producer
2 The 1 Second Film (2006) ..... associate producer
3 孤独的吉姆 Lonesome Jim (2005) ..... producer
4 动物工厂 Animal Factory (2000) ..... producer
全体团队 crewmembers1 吮拇指的人 Thumbsucker (2005) ..... thanks
2 今晚大件事 Big Night (1996) ..... special thanks
3 纽约故事 New York Stories (1989) ..... performance piece by (segment “Life Lessons“)


导演乔·舒马赫 Joel Schumacher
演员杰拉德·巴特勒 Gerard Butler The Phantom
艾美·罗萨姆 Emmy Rossum Christine
Patrick Wilson Raoul
米兰达·理查森 Miranda Richardson Madame Giry
明妮·德瑞弗 Minnie Driver Carlotta
斯安·海恩斯 Ciarán Hinds Firmin
西蒙·卡洛 Simon Callow Andre
Victor McGuire Piangi
Jennifer Ellison Meg Giry
Murray Melvin Reyer
凯文·麦克纳利 Kevin McNally Buquet
詹姆斯·弗雷特 James Fleet Lefevre
Imogen Bain Carlotta’s Maid
Miles Western Carlotta’s Wigmaker
Judith Paris Carlotta’s Seamstress
Halcro Johnston Passirino
保罗·布鲁克 Paul Brooke Auctioneer
Oliver Chopping Porter
Alison Skilbeck Nun/Nurse
Lee Sellers Chauffeur
Ramin Karimloo Christine’s Father
Chris Overton Young Phantom
Jesika Cannon Young Christine
Annabel Porter Young Meg
Laura Lounsom Young Madame Giry
Max Thomas Young Raoul
Lorraine Stewart Ballet Tart
Lucy Casson Ballet Tart
Jose Tirado Lead Male Dancer/Flamenco Dancer/Masquerade Dancer
David Langham Fop #1/Male Ensemble
Sebastien Torkia Ballet Boy
Chris Jarvis Ballet Boy/Flamenco Dancer/Masquerade Dancer
Liesl Dowsett Ballet Girl/Masquerade Dancer
Greet Botterman Ballet Girl/Masquerade Dancer
Kirsty Tapp Ballet Girl/Masquerade Dancer
Amy Lawson Ballet Girl/Masquerade Dancer
Tess Cunningham Ballet Girl/Masquerade Dancer
Kathryn Dunn Ballet Girl/Flamenco Dancer
Pia Driver Ballet Girl/Flamenco Dancer/Masquerade Dancer
Sophia Hurdley Ballet Girl
Elena Buda Ballet Girl
Mark Carroll Male Ensemble
Terry Kelly Male Ensemble
大卫·阿尔内尔 David Arneil Male Ensemble
John Griffiths Male Ensemble
Graham McDuff Male Ensemble
Tricia Deighton Female Ensemble
Mandy Holliday Female Ensemble
Jackie Marks Female Ensemble
Sophie Louise Dann Female Ensemble
Valerie Cutko Female Ensemble
Julia Worsley Female Ensemble
Margaret Preece Female Ensemble
Annalene Beechey Female Ensemble
Remy Martyn Flamenco Dancer/Male Masquerade Dancer
Andrew Charles Corbett Flamenco Dancer/Male Masquerade Dancer
Damien Lee Stirk Flamenco Dancer/Male Masquerade Dancer
Pascal Langdale Flamenco Dancer
Carlos Otera Flamenco Dancer
Annika Strandberg Flamenco Dancer
Beth Scheader Flamenco Dancer
Isabel Lestor Flamenco Dancer
Sarah Frasca Flamenco Dancer
Sandra Ramirez Flamenco Dancer
Ruben Halse Candelabra Holder
Damian Jones Candelabra Holder
Vanessa Perroncel Candelabra Holder
Lee Jerova Candelabra Holder
Rebekah Dobbins Candelabra Holder
Lee Chapman Candelabra Holder
Gavin Lee Male Masquerade Dancer
Rod Buchanan Male Masquerade Dancer
Ashley Wallen Male Masquerade Dancer
Adam Pudney Male Masquerade Dancer
Ben Garner Male Masquerade Dancer
Blake Clayfield Male Masquerade Dancer
Damien Delaney Male Masquerade Dancer
Marcus Tosch Male Masquerade Dancer
Michael Small Male Masquerade Dancer
Miles Elkington Male Masquerade Dancer
Nathan Clark Male Masquerade Dancer
Stephen B. White Male Masquerade Dancer
Kasper Cornish Male Masquerade Dancer
Philip Catchpole Male Masquerade Dancer
Ryan Jenkins Male Masquerade Dancer
Gavin Wilkinson Male Masquerade Dancer
Alec Mann Male Masquerade Dancer
Scott Wire Male Masquerade Dancer
Paul Micha Male Masquerade Dancer
Clinton Goldsmith Male Masquerade Dancer
Luis Gallo Mudarra Male Masquerade Dancer
Damien Jackson Male Masquerade Dancer
Tom Tanscy Male Masquerade Dancer
Luke Jackson Male Masquerade Dancer
Aaron Sillis Male Masquerade Dancer
Melanie Perks Female Masquerade Dancer
Lorena Randi Female Masquerade Dancer
Lisa Stevens Female Masquerade Dancer
Rachel Crocker Female Masquerade Dancer
Giulia Florimo Female Masquerade Dancer
Caroline Lynn Female Masquerade Dancer
Joanna Woodliffe Female Masquerade Dancer
Marilena Nicolaou Female Masquerade Dancer
Joanna Ernest Female Masquerade Dancer
Georgina Haggerty Female Masquerade Dancer
Simone De La Rue Female Masquerade Dancer
Claire Goodman Female Masquerade Dancer
Gem Collingwood Female Masquerade Dancer
Maddy G. Harris Female Masquerade Dancer
Juliet Gough Female Masquerade Dancer
Deborah Bundy Female Masquerade Dancer
Pippa Raine Female Masquerade Dancer
Leigh Daniels Female Masquerade Dancer
Gabriel Noble Female Masquerade Dancer
Maryam Pourian Female Masquerade Dancer
Candice Evans Female Masquerade Dancer
Janine Davis Female Masquerade Dancer
Bethany Elliot Female Masquerade Dancer
Dawn Collins Female Masquerade Dancer
Don Rockall Audience
Lisa Stevens Female Masquerade Dancer
编剧乔·舒马赫 Joel Schumacher (screenplay)
Gaston Leroux (novel Le Fantôme de L’Opéra)
安德鲁·L·韦伯 Andrew Lloyd Webber (screenplay) &
Richard Stilgoe musical libretto
制片人Jeff Abberley executive producer
Julia Blackman executive producer
Keith Cousins executive producer
Louise Goodsill executive producer
Paul Hitchcock executive producer
Ralph Kamp executive producer
安德鲁·L·韦伯 Andrew Lloyd Webber producer
Eli Richbourg co-producer
Austin Shaw executive producer
原创音乐改编音乐安德鲁·L·韦伯 Andrew Lloyd Webber (musical)
摄像师John Mathieson
电影剪辑Terry Rawlings
协调剧组人员David Grindrod
造型设计Anthony Pratt
艺术指导John Fenner
布景师Celia Bobak
服装设计Alexandra Byrne
化妆师Tricia Cameron hair stylist
Mandy Gold makeup artist
Joe Hopker makeup artist
Suzanne Jansen makeup artist
Waldo Mason special makeup effects artist
Loulia Sheppard hair stylist
Jenny Shircore makeup supervisor
Matthew Smith makeup designer: Phantom prosthetic
Aaron Sherman prosthetic ageing makeup
制片主管Lorraine Fennell production manager
Dusty Symonds unit production manager
Fraser Fennell-Ball unit manager
Ben Broadbridge assistant unit manager
助理导演David Cain second assistant director: second unit
Chloe Chesterton third assistant director
David Decio co-third assistant director: second unit
William Dodds co-second assistant director
Tommy Gormley first assistant director
Jon Jennings third assistant director
Janine Law co-second assistant director
Mark Layton second assistant director
Terry Bamber first assistant director
美术Nicola Barnes production buyer
Guy Bradley draughtsman
Neal Callow stand-by draughtsman
Anthony Caron-Delion assistant art director
Graham Caulfield drapesmaster
Iain McFadyen assistant art director
Martin Smeaton head sculptor
Arthur Wicks property master
Helen Xenopoulos set designer
音效Rebecca Anastasi sound assistant
Paul Apted assistant sound editor
Anna Behlmer sound re-recording mixer
Jaya Bishop boom operator
Tim Clark music playback engineer
Colin Cooper adr mixer
Tony Dawe production sound mixer
Tim Hand dialog & adr editor
Craig Heath recordist
John Mooney sound recordist: second unit
Andy Nelson sound re-recording mixer
Robin Quinn supervising foley editor
Robert Renga sound recordist
Jack Whittaker foley editor
Martin Evans supervising sound editor
John Hayward sound effects pre-mixer
Yann McCullough music editor
John Rodd sound recordist
特技师Jody Eltham special effects technician
Alexander Gunn special effects floor supervisor: second unit
Clive R. Kay special effects contact lenses
David McGeary special effects technician
Gareth Wingrove special effects technician
Benjamin M. Esterson special effects technician (uncredited)
Peter Norcliffe costume props: Robert Allsopp and Associates
视觉特效师Blondel Aidoo executive visual effects producer
Laurent Ben-Mimoun lead matte painter
Peter Godden matchmover: Cinesite
Grant Hewlett matchmove supervisor: Cinesite
Allan Torp Jensen matchmover: Cinesite
David Jones visual effects supervisor
Nathan McGuinness senior visual effects supervisor
Jamie Stevenson visual effects producer
Nigel Stone director of photography: model unit
Jeff Werner visual effects producer
Kim Jorgensen visual effects coordinator
Mark P. Renton digital artist
Steve Muangman digital compositor: Asylum Visual Effects
Michael Porterfield Inferno artist: Asylum
Greg Stuhl lead modeller
特技演员Tony Christian stunts
Levan Doran stunt performer
Bradley Farmer stunts
Rowley Irlam stunt double
Paul Kennington stunt double
Theo Kypri stunts
Nina Almond stunts
Greg Powell stunt coordinator
Diz Sharpe stunts
其他职员Samantha Black production coordinator: second unit
Lee Clayton costume cutter
Richard Cooke assistant costume designer
Peter Darling choreographer
Paul Edwards steadicam operator
Charles Hart lyricist
Brian Hathaway transportation coordinator
Lewis Hume camera loader
Martin Hume camera operator: second unit
Simon Hume focus puller
Ed Jones assistant camera
Claire L. Kenny assistant accountant
Iain Lawrence additional production assistant
安德鲁·L·韦伯 Andrew Lloyd Webber stage producer
Cameron Mackintosh stage producer
Debbie Moseley assistant accountant
Zoe Mylchreest unit publicist
Leigh Nicol wardrobe assistant
Shaun O’Dell director of photography: second unit
Mark Packman electrician
Harold Prince stage director
Sam Renton second assistant camera: “a“ camera
Richard Stilgoe additional lyricist
Michael Weldon set costumer
Terry Wilde driver
Nigel Wright music producer
David Zealey production runner
David Zippel lyricist
David Cullen orchestrator: stage
Yvonne Eastmond production accountant
Simon Lee conductor
Keith McNamara focus puller
Thomas Sjolander embroidery
Cate Arbeid assistant to executive producer
Anna-Maria D’Amato wardrobe assistant
Sally Jones script supervisor
Nick Moss assistant: Minnie Driver
Maija Ross wardrobe assistant




  1. Social services also have responsibility for the regulation of nurseries.


  2. A word of caution must be mentioned to the incumbent program manager.


  3. Don’t admit liability for the accident.


  4. I felt impelled to investigate the matter further.


  5. During these quarterly meetings, it’s the boss’s responsibility to respond to each manager’s plan.

  在这些季度会议上, 上司有责任对每一个经理人员的计划表示意见.

  6. The defence secretary has responsibility for the upkeep of the armed forces.


  7. The driver did not admit liability for the accident.


  8. He as well as I is responsible for it.


  9. Human beings are morally liable for their actions because of God’s sovereignty.


  10. Litigants are obliged to present evidence for their assertions.


  11. Make it your responsibility to set up briefing for all departments on the total business situation.


  12. By the article establishing the executive department it is made the duty of the President.


  13. All those who God decides are responsible to Him will be raised and judged.


  14. Jean Cassou’s message on the ethics of individual responsibility has not lost relevance.


  15. It is incumbent upon justice to give some warnings of their doubt about a case.




  Jesus will return to judge those who God decides are responsible to him.


  As a teacher, you are so responsible for your students. I have extraodinary admiration to those people who are responsible.

  一年以后,公开辩论开始了,美国政府宣布他们的科学家, 罗伯特·加洛博士分离出了一种逆转录酶病毒第三型白血球病毒,他也声称该病毒对AIDS有责任。

  Controversy arises a year later when the US government announces their scientist, Dr. RobertGallo isolates a retrovirus HTLV-III, that he too claims is responsible for AIDS.


  He said anyone responsible for the blaze would be punished.


  If God created the world, and set nature into motion, and in what way is God responsible orirresponsible.


  In both countries, kids who felt connected to their parents, who felt an obligation to their parentsand who wanted to please them tended to do better academically.


  Well, for people with heavy liability we stress more on protection, that is, the death benefit.


  And I think anyone who has a sense of responsibility for his country should have deep thinkingabout this topic and put what he believes into action.


  We are obliged to them because some of these languages have since vanished, as the peopleswho spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages.


  Now is the citizen. You owe responsibility to your local community, to your city, to yourprofession, to your country, to the world.


  The father is responsible for his son, not merely until the latter attains to “years of discretion, “ but as long as life lasts, and the son is responsible for his father’s debts.


  Do the rich have a responsibility to the poor?


  How important is this distinction to Kant’s argument?Can you have duties to yourself, or is the phrase just a colorful manner of speaking?


  As the shipping company is liable for the damage, your claim for compensation should, in ouropinion, be referred to them for settlement.


  I want to find a safe and peaceful harbor for have a good rest. I hope you are humor, romatic, serious.



  A man who can tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares abouthome, has responsibility of home…


  Like you, I was asked to work for an annual salary of $1, and I agreed out of a sense of duty to the company and to the public officials who have come to its aid.


  Enterprising, talented, considerate, easy communication, no great man’s doctrine, thesentiment is single-minded, have sense of responsibility to family.


  We have obligations for the society.


  You can’t. We have obligations for the society. We have had too many teenage moms.


  Jean: You can’t. We have obligations for the society. We have had too many teenage moms.


  The national audit office has the consultation responsibility to it the demand.


  On fast break passes, following the play quickly to assist the new LEAD with his responsibilityfor ball coverage.


  For example, I think my wife feels more responsible about our daughter than I do. 今天的经文是神给以色列人的命令﹕要以色列人注意照顾他们中间的贫穷人,神提醒富足的人对贫穷人有责任。

  The passage we have today is a commandment God gave to the Israelis on their responsibilityto the poor and the needy among them.


  The business management level has the guarantee responsibility to it the demand;


  People, today we need a new concept of duty: The right of the individual to demand fromsociety is just as much as he gives to society.


  Public service advertisements can strengthen the public responsibility for the society thatpeople have to be responsible for each other, and as a consequence they create a good socialatmosphere.


  Public service advertisements can strengthen the public responsibility for the society thatpeople have to be responsible for each other, and as a consequence they create a good socialatmosphere.