


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2022-12-18 05:15:11 浏览41 评论0




  Thegovernment should support the scientific research even it has no practical use.
  push our life to make progress. Some people consider that government should not
  support the research that has no practical use because of it will waste a lot
  of money while the others show strong disapproval on this point. However, in my
  stand point, it is necessary for government to support the scientific even it
  has no practical because of the use in the future, the inspiration of science
for children.
  First of all, the scientific research that has no
  practical use in the current time does not stand for it would not have any use
  in the future. If the scientific research may have some practical use in
  the future, then it must requires a lot of basic research before. So it will be
  necessary for us to do some research even it has no practical at the current
  time,so today’s scientific reseasrch
  that seems no practical use may be the foundation of another great contrituion
  someday in the future. For example, Faraday, being a famous scientist in the
  electricity area, did a large amount of research of how to make the magnetism
  into electricity. It had no use at all at that time. But it lights our night today, which make our
  working time much longer and there are a larger quantity of invent base on what
  Faraday he did. So the government should support the scientific research that
has no practical use currently.
  Secondly, the scientific research can inspire the
  people to study the science and contribute to the science, especially some
  young children. If the government support the scientific research that
  is really interesting even it has no use, then it would attract the young
  children to learn what it is. And it may lead the children to fall in love with
  the science, which make then to start to learn the science, and they would be
  the significant people in the future to do some hard scientific research, which
  can make use of in or daily life. For example, my uncle, being a scientists in
  a famous research center in China, has done a lot of research yet. And he told
  me that he read an interesting research in the book, though the research has
  not recognized yet, he fell in love with the science. And he study the science
  very hard, as a result, he achieve his dream and he has done a lot of research
that has realistic use.
  can easily draw the conclusion that government should support the scientific
  research even it has no use because of the use of the research in the future
and the inspiration of science for young children.


官方或者传言并没有在这个北美考试中拒绝模板写法,那么我们就要合理有效地利用这个机会给自己创造高分。有了模板另一个问题就会随之而来,如果千篇一律怎么办?去模板化是唯一方法!我们举例说明”Oncontemporary society,theleadership serves as a catalyst for our future success.” 这本身是一个比较模板化的句子,如果最高级别是5级,这个句子我们也就可以拿到3级,这种句子在市面比较泛滥。那么需要我们去模板化提升句子档次,随便改一下虽然做不是最好,但是可以稍微掩人耳目,对于着急考试的孩子们是一个技巧性方法 “Withthe advent of the technologically advanced society, the leadership which servesas a catalyst for our future success has become an inevitable demand of timesfor several decades.”变化的句子扩充了with,而且让leadership充当了先行词将原有短句转化成为一个定语从句显得丰满。


先自我介绍下: 我sat I 2250(CR680,MA800,W770), toefl IBT 113(口语是26,其余29)这样的分数算是权威的了吧...(你要证明的话,给我你的邮箱,我截图发给你)
一切standardized test,单词绝对的基础. 没有单词,什么都不要碰.
所以, 你每天有1个半小时的话,从现在开始一直到暑假初先狂背单词
书籍: 新东方绿皮单词书(4000高级词汇),共274页.每天背3页,3个月解决. 每天2页, 4个月解决. 根据时间安排,5个月内绝对滚瓜烂熟(请注意:每天把昨天背的复习下,否则忘得飞快.定期来个“大补“,也就是把所有背过的全复习一下, 发现忘记的记在纸上,以后就可以有针对性地复习) 强烈建议别去理托福单词: 你sat全被好了,托福根本不怕(我第一次考托福,什么都没准备,就有101,原因就是sat词汇很牛x,当然我托福后来考113也有方法,我在后面解释)
帮你算下时间,估计你6月份开始,单词就没问题了(请定期“大补“一下.我一共大补了15次,现在还能记住90%以上) 现在开始题海~(先别理托福,而把精力放在sat上;相信我,你sat有了2000+,托福都能到90以上)
书籍: 新东方综合指导,新东方套题,princeton review套题,mcgraw hill套题,kaplan套题(别看我给你的品牌杂. 杂的话,题型多,跟能帮你准备)
加起来大约有40套sat习题左右. 开始做吧(当然,先详细阅读综合指导中的解题技巧,一定看仔细).数学只要熟悉单词,800你是稳的. 阅读靠的是单词,你可以发挥用场了(不懂的单词还是会遇到,所以请记下背之) writing一项,你先别管作文,而集中做语法题目(语法题目重在积累!!务必拿本本子记下你错的,并加之归纳总结其规律.我writing拿了770靠的是2年的积累).作文的话,入门靠综合指导,他会告诉你基本结构,基本的写法套路和时间分配. 要提高作文, 别去那些培训班 - 里面的老师都是草包,只会把书中的大道理重申,而不会专业地批改作文.
我的方法: 我找了家美国机构, essay intitute. sat源于美国,所以他的批改真是相当专业,每次给你打分,并给你详细的分数报告还有建议. 我写了5篇就从原来的8 提高到12了 每篇作文19.99美金,你去办张美金信用卡网上支付即可. 你可以自选题目,然后把作文和题目网上上传给它. 它24小时内批好给你,有很详细的报告.你按照他的思路改,不出几篇就分数提高. 19.99美金,差不多140RMB. 或许你会觉得有点贵. 然而, 你少花了很多无用的培训班的冤枉钱,并且给你批改的是最专业的人士(我以前有个老师,天天捧着本书在那里重复数书中的内容给我上作文课. 培训都是半斤八两,相信我)
40套题目做好(务必每套时间算好,模拟考场环境),你起码有2150(贵在坚持阿,sat2400的大师们都做到60+套题目). 就进度来说,暑假里每2天一套题,可以做30套. 加上寒假和平时一天一套,你今年(高一)12月去考一次吧(1月也行).在这之前千万别抱着试试看的心理去考!!因为你考多少次别人都有记录在案,考多了别人会认为这对其他考得少的人不公平. 所以,你准备充分了再去考(你12月,1月还没准备好的话,那你最好还是延迟考试)请尽早报名,因为香港sat位子抢手
一般说,sat考3次是最多了,多考给被人印象不好. sat成绩2100以上就够了,可以收手了(但是如果你觉得没发挥好,继续吧)
估计到3月左右sat完结. 现在着手弄托福(国内报名要排队,有时要等半年才有位子.提前报名哦),
托福阅读的话,25分绝对有. 听力的话,去买书,里面有cd,戴上耳机做个十几套(你单词好的话,听力就简单了). 至于speaking,这时新东方的培训才有用.找个老师专门帮你speaking强化训练,并帮你打分. 平时呢,把托福给你的cd多听听- 里面有speaking的模范答案,你尽力模仿. 持之以恒地训练. 个人经验: 托福请放慢语速,一个字一个字发音读准,从头到尾一个语速. 加上不断训练和模仿样本, 你25分肯定有. 托福writing不用怕了吧,你satwriting都给解决了,托福算什么. 你会有30分钟时间写托福文章,比sat多5分钟. 所以难度下降,你27分是稳的(当然,你sat文章得有10左右的水平)托福的话,一般100分是好分. 到了100就收手,美国前20大学托福100就够了(sat要2000以上)托福的话,一般100分是好分. 到了100就收手,美国前20大学托福100就够了(sat要2000以上)
还有关于托福准备, 利用你明年(高二暑假)题海. 鉴于托福比较容易, 如果你sat觉得还想再考, 你可以同时复习sat然后在9月拼2200. 托福10,11,12月份都有报名,你自己选个时间,拿个90-100的分数就足矣
你给分的话,我把我邮箱给你. 你遇到什么问题直接找我问吧. 你也可以给我你的邮箱,我把我sat2250分数还有托福113的分数证据发给你,以证明我的方法有成效.
最后,祝你good luck!


刚开始写英语文章还是有困难的,毕竟词汇量和句型储备有限,能用平实的语言把事情讲清楚就好了 。达到可叙述的水平后,再慢慢思考如何写出有文采的文章。


  托福备考的过程中,要想写作取得优势,多阅读一些 范文 是十分有必要的,下面我给大家带来托福写作高分 范文大全 ,快来学习吧!


  Task:It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?.


  We all crave knowledge, especially in this Age of Information, but what is the best source of knowledge? Are we to believe Albert Camus, who stated” The place we are to get knowledge is in books”? Or are we better served by following Albert Einstein’s counsel that “The only source of knowledge is experience”? Although books have their place in one’s learning, there is no substitute for experience; indeed, it is experience that is ultimately the most important source of knowledge.

  First, let us consider the knowledge needed to undertake a profession-for example, that of a physician. Knowledge gained from books provides the foundation of a doctor’s training: study in a medical school begins with a near-overload of reading on anatomy, physiology and maladies both rare and common. However, during this time the medical student is also learning through experience, beginning with dissecting cadavers from almost the first day of medical school. Then, the aspiring physician must complete four years of residency, consisting of actual supervised experience at a hospital in which he or she now must put into practice all of the knowledge he or she has edge of dealing with patients, prescribing medication, and the joy and sadness of saving and losing patients; in other words, it is through experience that these residents finally learn what it means to be a doctor.

  What about knowledge other than professional expertise-for example, knowledge about another culture? In this realm as well, both books and real-life experience enrich and edify us. For example, Paris is perhaps the most talked-about and written-about city in the world. We could read Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast, in which he describes the excitement and intellectual spirit-as well as the restaurants and plentiful red wine-of Paris in the 1920’s. Or, we could travel to Paris and eat at bistros, walk across the Pont Neuf and look at the river Seine, visit the Louvre museum, and have adventures of our own. Clearly, most people would have attained more lasting and vivid knowledge by visiting Paris on their own rather than reading about it secondhand.

  In summary, experience, rather than books, is more central to our quest for learning, especially with regard to professional expertise. With regard to learning about another culture, experience is also irreplaceable. Yet not everyone in the world will have the health or financial resources to carry out a trip to Paris. But many people have access to a local library where they can borrow A Moveable Feast and, at no cost, read Hemingway’s vibrant descriptions of Paris. We cannot forget the complementary and unique knowledge afforded by books, but experience is the most precious source of knowledge.


  Task:“When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.


  It is universally acknowledged that hard work is indispensable to success. Scientists toil for years before they make a major discovery. Students study for years before they are accepted by a top university. Self-make people work for a long time, even all their life before they make a fortune. However, less well-known is the essential role that luck plays in achieving one’s goals. It is often luck that turns years of hard work into success: people discover and invent things with the help of luck, and so do they become famous and find jobs.

  First, luck has helped a great number of people invent and discover things. Sir Alexander Fleming experimented with antibacterial substances for nine years before he discovered penicillin. He went through laborious trial and error, but it was on account of luck that he looked at the mold on a piece of cheese and got the idea for penicillin there and then. Benjamin Franklin had been trying to prove his idea that lightning and electricity is the same thing, but it was only in flying a kite that he proved it and the concept of a lightning rod happened to strike him.

  Also, luck helps people become famous. Let us consider young authors. Many work hard to learn to write. For example, they take writing classes. Besides, they work at menial jobs so as to survive and gain experience. Then one day a lucky writer may have piece of writing published and attract public attention. Or the writer meets an editor at the right time and place. Years of continuous writing brings the writer to the door of success, but one lucky chance, like the shot in soccer, eventually helps him or her reap success.

  Finally, luck has helped many people secure jobs. One may spend much time writing and sending resumes, reading recruiting ads, and going to job interviews. One may pond the pavement for a long time before getting a job. However, it is with luck that a job hunter meets the person who will offer a position to him or her, or learns of a vacancy that is not advertised. Being at the right place at the right time often helps one land a job, and this has all to do with luck. One can hardly succeed without hard work, but hard work without luck often leads to nothing. Luck has a great number of people find success. In fact, luck goes hand in hand with hard work.


  Task:Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.


  Some people think that university students should be able to choose whether to go to classes or not. I could not disagree more with this idea. Even though students can have excused absences, for example, when they are sick or have something emergent to attend, generally they should be required to go to classes. In fact, attending classes has many advantages, three of them most important: learning from the teacher, interacting with classmates, and developing responsibility. Attending classes has the benefit of receiving the best that a teacher can offer. Good teachers review the difficult and key pints of the material in the course textbook. The best teachers do more than this. They conduct group discussion of the material, and present alternative points of view on the same issue. This increases students’ real understanding and critical thinking.

  Moreover, teachers supplement the textbook material with information provide by guest speakers, which further enhances students’ understanding. All this implies that, if students are absent from class, it is tantamount to forfeiting their right to full benefits of teacher-guided learning in class. Going to classes also helps students learn how to work with their classmates. In class, students need to put forward their ideas. They have to take questions from their classmates and when their classmates have a different point of view, they have to defend their own. All this is conducted in a friendly manner. Interaction of this kind teaches students about how to work with other people.

  Finally, going to classes enables students to develop responsibility. Having to finish all the assigned readings before class helps prepare them for getting a job. So does the requirement of being punctual for class. Similarly, having to complete assignment on time for class helps them to foster responsibility.

  Admittedly, students can obtain information from books, but they benefit a great deal more when they go to classes. They have the advantage of learning from their teacher, of interacting with other people, and of developing the responsibility required of a good worker as well as a good student. If these skills in life are in no sense optional, how can attending classes in a university be optional?


  托福考试 作文 题目:

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. Use reasons and specific examples to support our answer.




  Some people argue that most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time can later become valuable experiences. I cannot agree with them more. There are numerous reasons why I hold confidence on this opinion, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.

  Difficulties are beneficial to our personal growth. In the course of our life, we will face numerous difficulties, and each difficulty will help us grow up, and become a valuable lesson for the future. A toddler fells off the ground for many times before he knows how to walk, and a child learns how to swim after he drinks water in the swimming pool. In addition, only after we experienced failures, we know the value of success. We will never appreciate anything that comes so easy. Difficulties can make us feel stronger and be more confident for the future obstacles.

  Furthermore, difficulties in our work can help us gain more experience and knowledge. Most of the times we can gain knowledge and experiences faster through experiencing difficulties in our life and trying to find a solutions to the perplexities that we face. There is a famous saying, “no pain no gain.“ For example, when we take on a new job that we do not have much experience in, the first few weeks can be extremely painful and we may feel enormous pressure and difficulties. And we will try our best to adjust, to learn and to think, how to do this job better. The more difficulties we feel, the harder we try to acquire the skills and knowledge to overcome it. Learning and this stage is extremely efficient and our problem solving skills well increase. After we overcome more and more problems, we can become an experienced worker in this field and will be able to take on more challenges. We will never fear that we will face the same kind of problem again. This means that we have accumulated valuable experiences for the future.

  In a word, a difficult experience is a gift that life gives us. We should appreciate it and take it as a precious opportunity to gain knowledge and experience about our study, work and life.

托福写作高分范文大全相关 文章 :

1. 托福备考之独立写作满分范文5篇精选

2. 托福写作常用经典高分例句精选

3. 托福高分作文写作模板精选

4. 托福综合写作考试高分必备

5. 关于托福英语作文,你一定要知道的高分句型!

6. 托福写作如何考高分:20170527托福独立写作解析和范文

7. 关于托福考试高分作文范文

8. 托福独立写作比较模板经典高分

9. 托福作文高分之策略

10. 托福独立作文模板经典高分








事实上,写作并没有那么难。 如果大家的写作分数在28分以下,写作是投入很产出比很高的一科。前提是运用正确的备考方式。营长建议大家把备考过程分为以下几个环节,逐一突破:

  • 形成各个话题的常用思路。

  • 总结积累优秀的例子。

  • 积累强化必备句型。

  • 熟练使用段落逻辑连接词。

  • 大家可能会问,难道不需要准备词汇吗?当然需要,但是不建议大家像背阅读词汇一样去刷单词书,这样背下来的单词掌握程度太浅了。我们应该在完成以上四个写作备考环节的过程中自然积累词汇,因为这些联系着具体上下文的,常常被使用的单词,才有可能被大家用到真实的写作当中去。关于写作词汇,需要强调的另外一点——注意拼写和词性!原因很简单,考试的时候没有拼写纠错;不清楚单词词性,会出语法错误。(比如extinct 是形容词,有太多人当动词用了吧。)



  • 切题

  • 语言凝练

  • 细节丰富

  • 能够支持论点

  • 这四点都很重要。想特别提醒大家的是切题的重要性。跑题的例子,写的再精彩,也是无用功。比如,题目让我们讨论大学生做兼职工作的问题,你的例子不小心写成了自己高中时代的兼职经历,可能写着写着自己都感动了,但是这个例子还是无效的。



    Students could receive a better, more efficient education if they spend 11 months a year studying.


    It is beneficial for students to attend more classes and hence acquire more knowledge.

    例子:History Class


    Take history class as an example. By studying 11 months a year at school, students will have more time studying with the teacher who conveys knowledge and assigns homework. The more history classes students take, the more knowledge they get, such as historical events and figures.


    Take the study of Industrial Revolution in history class as an example. It has taken weeks for our teacher to introduce the historical background, the main process and huge influences on the whole worlds, especially how the invention of steam engine had promoted the development of iron industry by providing more fuels.



    Some people think that it’s an important part of a child’s education to go on field trip (e.g. museums), others think a child’s time is better spent learning in a classroom at school. Which do you prefer?

    无论是支持在课堂跟着老师学习,还是去field trip,参观博物馆,上面的例子2里的内容都可以用得上。




关于托福独立写作,几乎所有老师都会鼓励学生在作文中多举例子。原因很简单,独立写作的题目中明确要求大家use specific reasons and examples to support your answer(用具体的原因和例子来支持自己的观点)。但是,并不是只要举出详细的例子就能够拿到好的分数的。大家先来看看下面的例子来感受一下:

For instance, when I was in high school, I always ate in the restaurant because I didn’t have enough time to cook at home. At that time, I was crazy for hamburger and ice-cream. Unfortunately, I put on weight fast and I became a fat girl. After then, I realized I should change my eating habit, so I began to save time for cooking and no longer went to restaurant. Three months later, I successfully lost weight.

这是一个没有语病,条理清晰,叙事完整的例子,也能够支持自己在家做饭更健康这一论点。那么问题在哪儿呢?大家有没有发现,在这个例子中,所有句子的主语都是“I“。除此之外,作者用到的句型是很单调的,大部分都是带有状语从句的句式结构。而在托福写作的评分标准中,原始分的区间是0-5分,其中3分对应的评语里,有一条“May display accurate but limited range of syntactic structure and vocabulary”即准确、但有限的句型结构和词汇。这也就意味着用上面这个例子就很难拿到20分以上的分值了。那句式结构多样化的例子长什么样呢?我们来看看上面这个例子的一个改写版本:

Take my experience in high school as an instance. Frequently, I dined out with friends in restaurants near school, which helped us save much time from cooking for studies and social activities. However, as the food served in restaurants, such as hamburger and ice-cream, was high in calories, I put on weight fast. The increasing weight warned me off fast food and encouraged me to cook at home. Since then, the homemade food enables me to keep fit.

在这段改写中,增添了“which”引导的定语从句,插入语举例子“such as”,转折副词“however”等,而且以“I”作为主语的句子减少到了两个。这样一来我们就达到了独立写作评分标准中,最高原始分5分的标准之一——demonstrating syntactic variety即句式多样化。既然明确了问题所在和目标,我们再来探讨一下解决方案。

如果你细心读到了这里,是不是想到了一个词——“paraphrase”(同义转述)。没错,句式多样化的重要前提就是有能力用不同的句式来表达同样的意思。平时的练习中,我们可以通过修改自己的文章来练习这个能力。但是在考场上,我们并没有重新改写句子的时间,必须尽量一次写好。也就是在完成段落的过程中,有意识的去变换句式。要做到这一点,我们必须熟练的掌握多个常用的句式。那常见句式有哪些?大家又掌握了几个呢? (我知道大家的回答很可能是“嗯。。。”和“额。。。”)友善而又博爱的营长友情奉送大家一个常见句型列表:

  • 形式主语 ✔

  • There be…✔

  • 定语从句 ✔

  • 各类状语从句 (时间,地点,原因,目的,结果,条件,让步等)✔

  • 强调句 ✔

  • not only, but also ✔

  • 副词和介词短语 ✔

  • 分词做状语 ✔

  • 主语从句 ✔

  • 非谓语 ✔

  • 建议大家如果发现自己在同一段落中,同一句式连续运用两次了,就强迫自己必须变换一下吧。



To be happy, it is more important to maintain a small group of friends over a long period of time than it is to make new friends.


  • 和熟识的小圈子里的朋友比较玩得来;

  • 遇到困难,熟识的朋友会尽力帮助我们;

  • 不断扩大社交圈,朋友多,热闹;

  • 朋友多,人多力量大,能够获得的帮助也多。

  • 对于这样有具体场景的题目,我们比较容易找到分论点,习惯性思维没有受阻。但是,如果是这样一道题呢:

    The rules today are too strict for young people to follow.


    先来分析一下,针对年轻人,都有哪些rules?交通规则肯定不行,因为交通规则是所有人都必须遵守的;所以,诚实守信,遵纪守法,以及尊老爱幼,这些也都不行。而校服(uniforms),或者说校园着装规范(dress codes),这个规则是针对年轻人的,以及校园内的几乎所有规则,都在这道题的讨论范围内。所以我们可以把这个抽象的题目转化成:学校要求学生只能穿校服的规定是不是过于严格呢?是不是思路好想多了呢?


  • 学生应该有选择自己喜欢衣服的权利;

  • 自己选的衣服,可以让学生更自信,更敢于表达自己;

  • 统一的着装泯灭了学生的创造力;

  • 如果说不是过于严格,我们可想到:

  • 过度的奇装异服或是印有过激言论的T恤衫会破坏校园的氛围

  • 部分同学奢侈服饰会引发攀比

  • 关于这个题目的另外一些具体的例子是:一定年龄以下禁烟,禁酒,不能使用信用卡,不能考驾照,或者美国有些州学生平均成绩达不到C以上,驾照会吊销,等等。这些规则合理吗?是否太过严格?大家可以自己想想思路。


    Modern society has become more complex, so it is essential for the young people to have the ability to plan and organize.

    The advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.



他山之石,可以攻玉。托福对句子的组织和衔接的考察其实贯穿了四个科目,大家在做托福阅读时,句子插入题是如何破解的呢?是不是需要关注每个句子的逻辑连接词,比如because, thus, hence等,然后借助连接词明确句子之间的逻辑关系,才能找到正确答案呢?写作文的时候也一样,每一个主体段落,无论你运用的是因果分析,举例子,并列,转折,还是反证,都离不开一系列的逻辑连接词。如果善用逻辑连接词,能够让你的段落更有说服力,条理更清晰。所以,高分写作四步走的最终回给大家的建议是:按照常用的段落拓展逻辑类型,积累自己的逻辑连接词。

比如,表示原因的逻辑连接词有哪些呢?每当我们要分析原因的时候,第一个想到的词汇一定是because,除此之外,你还可以用到as, since, for, in that/now that,这四个连词作为替换。当然,它们之间,有细微的差别。

Since, in that/now that的语气比较弱,一般指对方已经知道的原因,而且所引导的从句要放在主句之前;



除了连词的替换,thanks to, owing to, because of和due to这四个介词短语也是必备的,但需要注意的是,due to一般不位于句首。


In view of

In view of the increasing uncertainty in the economy, the company has opted for downsizing.

In light of

In light of the economic pressure, graduates have to lower their expectation on salaries.

By virtue of

She succeeded by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent.


Given the mounting pressure at work, he would sacrifice his high-paying job in exchange for more leisure time.

For the sake of (in order to help, improve or bring advantage to)

Many elderly people prefer to live in the countryside for the sake of their health.

所以大家就不要没完没了的用“because”了,它也想歇歇的。大家可能觉得看到这也算是高端玩家了,但是我们还有one more thing——除了连词和介词短语,大家还可以积累一些句型(毕竟我们的目标是做头号玩家):

1) The reason is that …

2) The reason why … is that …

3) The reason is due to …

4) The reason lies in the fact that …



托福考试分为四个主要部分:听力,口语,阅读和写作。每个项目考察考生不同的英语能力。 如果您了解自己的水平,则可以更有效地进行考试准备。 考生在托福写作部分通常很难获得高分,那么托福写作一般多少分算高分? 让我们一起来看看吧!




这是独立 作文 最常见的问题类型。一个话题的两个方面,需要你选择一方并给出支持它的原因和示例。





综合写作难度较大,包含阅读、听力和写作的综合考量。作文没有固定的主题范围,但好在写作要求都很相似。一般会要求考生 总结 讲座中的要点,并与阅读部分进行对比。在这一环节,一定要注意不要讨论自己的观点,而是要从讲座和阅读中获取和转述信息。


1,综合写作需要对阅读要点和听力材料做好笔记。针对记录的要点,对比阅读和听力的关系,组织 文章 的思路。



拿到一个作文题目记得进行头脑风暴:我能写些什么?对这个话题有什么看法?有哪些个人 经验 ?有没有了解的专业知识或者新闻?




处在这个分数段,大体可以说明你的基本的语法和表达有比较大的问题,比如分不清动词名词、搞不清主谓一致、弄不明白该用过去时还是现在完成时等。这部分同学需要进行基本句法和表达的学习,掌握英文最基本的表述 方法 和表达习惯,达到能表述出基本想法的效果,为后续写出符合题目要求的文字打好基础。


托福写作成绩在20分左右,基本上可以说明你能大体表达出自己对问题的看法,但可能缺乏对托福写作考试题型的了解或者不明白 议论文 的写作要求,导致答题的逻辑和思路出现问题,跑题偏题比较严重。





记笔记是新托福综合写作最基本也是最重要的技能,阅读和听力的内容都要记录,尤其是讲座的内容。而尽管阅读材料隐去后还会再次出现,还是建议在阅读的时候尽量将主要东西记下来。记录的速度取决于考生对于单词简写或速记符号的熟练程度,考生可以参考托福听力笔记符号的相关资料,然后结合自己的习惯选择最适合自己的记忆符号。用两星期左右的时间,完善和熟练自己的速记能力和归纳能力。在这段时间里,考生要将重心集中在记录的内容是否准确,概括性是否全面的练习上,而在此过程中考生自身的“短期 记忆力 ”也会由于这样的高强度训练得到很大的提高。


2. 综合新托福写作模板训练


关于模板获取的方法,建议考生可以先认真读几篇优秀的 范文 ;再用笔划掉其中涉及题目具体内容的部分;最后把余下来的部分抄写下来,再稍加变通和修改,就可以得到一个实用性比较强的模板。在平时也会学习一些综合写作的范文,而且会把范文中的模板记录下来,综合到一起,例如:①In the lecture, the professor is skeptical about the idea of the reading passage that……②The professor instead argues that the reasons in the reading……③the professor disproves the reading’s idea that……像这样的 句子 在托福综合写作中是一定要出现的。因此,考生不用害怕会因为模板而造成失分。但是最好考生结合自己的习惯总结一份属于自己的东西。而且在临近考试之前多进行几次模拟训练,从而更好地巩固使用模板的能力。


















例1. When one have money ,he can do what he want to 。

(人一旦有了钱,他就能想干什么就干什么。)剖析:one是单数第三人称,因而本句的have应改为has ;同理,want应改为wants。本句是典型的主谓不一致。

改为:Once one has money ,he can do what he wants (to do)

修饰语错位(Misplaced Modifiers)

英语与汉语不同,同一个修饰语置于句子不同的位置,句子的含义可能引起变化。对于这一点中国学生往往没有引起足够的重视,因而造成了不必要的误解。例1. I believe I can do it well and I will better know the world outside the campus。


句子不完整(Sentence Fragments)


例1. There are many ways to know the society. For example by TV ,radio ,newspaper and so on 。

剖析:本句后半部分“for example by TV ,radio ,newspaper and so on 。”不是一个完整的句子,仅为一些不连贯的词语,不能独立成句。

改为:There are many ways to know society ,for example ,by TV ,radio ,and newspaper。

悬垂修饰语(Dangling Modifiers)

所谓悬垂修饰语是指句首的 短语 与后面句子的逻辑关系混乱不清。例如:At the age of ten, my grandfather died. 这句中“at the age of ten”只点出十岁时,但没有说明“ 谁”十岁时。按一般推理不可能是my grandfather, 如果我们把这个悬垂修饰语改明确一点,全句就不那么费解了。


When I was ten, my grandfather died。

例1. To do well in college, good grades are essential。

剖析:句中不定式短语 “to do well in college” 的逻辑主语不清楚。


To do well in college, a student needs good grades。

词性误用(Misuse of Parts of Speech)


例1. None can negative the importance of money。

剖析:negative 系形容词,误作动词。


None can deny the importance of money。

指代不清(Ambiguous Reference of Pronouns)


Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted her to be her bridesmaid。


Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted my sister to be her bridesmaid。

例1. And we can also know the society by serving it yourself。

剖析:句中人称代词we 和反身代词yourself指代不一致。


We can also know society by serving it ourselves。

不间断句子(Run-on Sentences)

什么叫run-on sentence?请看下面的例句。

例1. There are many ways we get to know the outside world。

剖析:这个句子包含了两层完整的意思:“There are many ways。” 以及“We get to know the outside world。”。简单地把它们连在一起就不妥当了。


There are many ways for us to learn about the outside world. 或:

There are many ways through which we can become acquainted with the outside world。

措词毛病(Troubles in Diction)

Diction 是指在特定的句子中如何适当地选用词语的问题,囿于教学时间紧迫,教师平时在这方面花的时间往往极其有限,影响了学生在写作中没有养成良好的推敲,斟酌的习惯。他们往往随心所欲,拿来就用。所以托福写作中用词不当的错误比比皆是。

例1. The increasing use of chemical obstacles in agriculture also makes pollution。

(农业方面化学物质使用的不断增加也造成了污染。)剖析:显然,考生把obstacles“障碍”,“障碍物”误作substance“物质”了。另外“the increasing use (不断增加的使用)” 应改为“abusive use (滥用)”。


The abusive use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes/leads to pollution。




大家一定还记得阿迪达斯的那句经典的 广告 词吧? “impossible is nothing!“ 短小精悍的一句话,却给人带来无限的正能量!


同样,在2004年的美国大选中,民主党总统候选人约翰·克里在竞选演说中使用了一句让人至今仍津津乐道地话:“I will never fail to get your kids home.”同样是双重否定,使得演讲的语言强劲有力。在托福写作中,我们同样可以使用双重否定来润色我们的 文章 。


如“All of us have made mistakes”,使用双重否定句,我们可以说“None of us has never made mistakes“.如此简单平实的一句话变成了一个语气非常强烈的 句子 ,毫无疑问,考场上能够这样的双重否定句无疑给人一种眼前一亮的感觉。

如果我们想要表达“It’s common for somebody to do something“,我们可以说成“It’s not uncommon for somebody to do something.“将陈述句转化为双重否定句,给人一种高大上的感觉。

在表达”一定...“的时候,我们完全可以学习约翰·克里,使用“never failto“的句型

如我们要表达”我们一定会完成这样工作“,可以说“We will never fail to complete the tough job“.另外,在写作中,我们经常会使用到”越....越好“的句型,这时候我们也可以使用双重否定句,即使用“cannot...too...“的句型。

如”面对这件事情,我们越小心越好“可以说 “Confronted with such an issue, we cannot be too careful“.将陈述句转换成双重否定句是独立写作中的一大的分利器哦!双重否定句也是比较容易的一种句型,同学们一定要掌握这种”低投入,高产出“的句式哦!


Have a look at this example:




This Escrow Account Agreement expires if no money is not credited to the Escrow Account by 30 June.


Although this grammatical construction is correct in many languages, it is not correct in English. It was, however, common usage several centuries ago, and it still exists in colloquial English now. This explains well known examples such as “I can’t get no satisfaction” and “We don’t need no education”. But it is not correct in formal written English.

尽管这种语法结构在很多语言中都是正确的,但在英语中却是错的。然而,在很多个世纪以前,这种用法非常常见,而在今天的 英语口语 中,也依然存在。这解释了一些有名的例子,比如“I can’t get no satisfaction 我能得到满足”以及“We don’t need no education 我们需要 教育 ”。但在正式的书面英语中,这并不是正确的。

The grammatical concept is called “negative concord”. In languages that have negative concord, such as Spanish, Polish and Hungarian, the double negative intensifies the negation. However, in languages that do not have negative concord, such as Standard English and German, a double negative is understood to resolve into a positive.


So the above example technically means:


This Escrow Account Agreement expires if money is credited to the Escrow Account by 30 June.


In reality, of course, it is unlikely anyone would understand it this way, as it wouldn’t make any sense. But the sentence should be corrected as follows:




This Escrow Account Agreement expires if no money is credited to the Escrow Account by 30 June 2013.




针对独立写作的常见话题,大致可归成三类:个人类(关于学习、工作、休闲、做人的选择);古今类(题目中有明显的now… past … 让考生判断现在和过去在某一方面的比较);决策类(题目中通常有government这个词出现,讨论政府的投资或者政策,有些题目虽然没有government这个词出现,但如果涉及的是有社会影响力的话题,也可以划为政府类,比如 A/D Professional athletes such as the football playerand basketball player deserve high salaries that they are paid.)




交朋友、陪伴家人……. (合作、沟通) …….

品质(自信,独立,坚持,乐观 ) / 兴趣 爱好





教育: 先进全面鼓励个性
















1.大众 individuals


是不是我们每个人都需要的?(大多数/ 小众)

2. 相关群体relativegroups

题目中谈论到的比如artists,scientists, athletes 等等

3. 企业companies


4. 社会 Society

Economy(tourism), culture, safety, improvement …












这里说一下三个检验标准:1.支持观点 2. 论点相互不重叠 3. 易于展开


根据ETS的出题,我们知道,题目是千变万化的,为了帮助学生更好的应对,老师们会 总结 出一些实用 方法 ,对学生来说,比死记硬别、生搬硬套更重要的是,在题目的练习中,去运用这些方法,并且灵活的调整。







备考的成功取决于两个要素:个人的努力 + 实用的方法。单纯的背诵方法而不去尝试解题,是不可能熟练掌握的;一味地做题而不调整改善也是比较低效的。此文为大家提供了一些题目和方法,并演示了方法的具体运用。建议读者自己多加尝试和练习。另外,知识注定是要更新的,所以读者若有更好的灵感或者在别的学习资料中遇到更好的方法,也可以加以运用。最后,考试是自己考的,老师和学习资料是个辅助,大家不要忘记相信自己:)


First,请各位3分钟时间默读下面的文段(以下 范文 出自KYLE DeNUCCIO 不同颜色的词请重点关注)

①Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to make effective and informed money management decisions. Gaining the knowledge and developing the skills to become financially literate is a lifelong process that begins with something as simple as putting a few pennies in a piggy bank, and evolves to more advanced subjects such as risk and asset allocation.

②Because financial literacy is not emphasized in the education system - less than half the states have any financial literacy requirements for grades K-12, and only four states require high school students to take personal finance classes - most kids lack the necessary knowledge and skills to become financially responsible adults. The President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy wrote in its 2008 Annual Report to the President: “By almost any measure, today’s school children are ill-equipped to understand personal finance and make their way in the modern financial world. Their rising debt and debt problems, along with their poor inclination to save, substantiate what the test scores show. Meanwhile, most students still graduate from high school without any formal classroom education in personal finance.“

③There is now - especially following the global financial crisis that began in 2008 - a growing interest in requiring more personal finance classes in the K-12 setting. Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve System has stated that, “One of the key lessons of the recent financial crisis is the importance of personal financial literacy. Besides improving their personal financial decision making, teaching students economic principles will help them as citizens understand and make choices about many of the critical issues confronting our nation.“

④Despite this recognition, most things money are still taught at home, where the role of financial educator falls primarily on parents, guardians and other adults in the home. For many adults, however, talking about money is akin to talking about other provocative subjects. Unsure of where to begin and worried about saying the wrong thing, many adults simply avoid conversations about money. This is often made worse by adults’ lack of confidence in their own handling of finances. It is important for adults to remember that, even if they are not financial rock stars themselves, they have experience and perspective on their sides, and can draw both from their financial mistakes and successes to share essential knowledge and skills to their children. It starts with a conversation.

⑤In our first guide, Teaching Financial Literacy To Kids, we introduced concepts that are appropriate for the youngest learners, such as the difference between needs and wants.(细节!!) / In part two of the series, Teaching Financial Literacy To Tweens, we covered intermediate topics, including income and expenses, saving for long-term goals and entrepreneurship. / In this tutorial, designed especially for teaching teens, we introduce the more advanced topics suitable for teenagers, including budgeting, credit and debt, money management and investing.(细节!!)(473words)

读完了是不是有一种“好高大上啊” 我写不出来啊,没关系哈来下面BOMB老师帮你“庖丁解牛” 请动笔“记” 光看没用,快拿笔!

1.Financial literacy :翻译成中文的话就类似“理财的能力”

e.g.:Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to make effective money management decisions, so children are obliged to get informed about.


literate:有 文化 的,会读写的


2.informed decisions: 明智的决定 类似表达比如 smart move/sound decision

e.g.:School authorities might make an informed decision to put in a vast majority of money to hire famous teachers after researching hundreds of students’s needs.


3.lifelong process:一辈子的事儿

e.g.: Marriage is a lifelong process that we have to think twice to make an informed decision.


4.putting a few pennies in a piggy bank:把零钱装进存钱罐

“piggy bank”表示零钱罐,penny 一便士

5.asset allocation :资产分配

e.g.:Confronting financial crisis, government has to implement a proper asset allocation policy to avoid repeat financial depression.


6.be emphasized in: 被重视

e.g.:The mindset of “problem-solving“ and “thinking-critically “ should be emphasized in the construction of teenagers teaching curricular.


7.require sb to do:要求某人做某事(一般与学生搭配在一起使用更佳)

e.g.:School should require students to attend to some extracurricular activities to strengthen their social abilities.


8.financially responsible adults:经济上有责任感的成年人

e.g.:In order to become financially responsible adults, children are supposed to engage in different finance-related activities to acquire more practical skills on issues of money autonomy.


9.be ill-equipped to:表示”做某事没有准备好“ ”缺乏某种能力“

e.g.:Parents are ill-equipped to understand their children and put in less faith in them such as restricting their money spent on entertainment; limiting their time spent on watching TV, and even prohibiting their freedom to choose majors.


10.have poor inclination to :表示有做不好的事情的不良倾向

e.g.:Children, especially for those rebellious adolescents, tend to have poor inclination to crime, so they should be guided in a right way by their parents.


11.show a growing interest in:表示在某方面展现兴趣

e.g.:Talent kids tend to show a growing interest in tackling difficult problems.


12.fall primarily on:主要属于某人/主要落在谁身上

e.g.:To address environmental problems, the duties will fall primarily on three aspects : governments ;individuals and small businesses.


13.is akin to: 与某事某物相似

e.g.: Friendship is akin to love.


14.provocative subjects:刺激的话题/争议的话题

e.g.:How to achieve a sense of happiness has long been the provocative subjects which are often discussed among scholars.


15.on one’s sides:就某人而言/支持某人/站在某人那边

e.g.:On my side, finance-related issues should be emphasized in the education of kids.


16.share essential knowledge and skills to :分享重要的知识技能给某人

e.g.:Teachers should share essential knowledge and skills to teenagers who are eager to learn and improve their abilities.