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Module 9 Unit 2 He was in Hong Kong. 教学设计
1. 教材分析
本课He was in Hong Kong.是外语教学与研究出版社出版的《英语(新标准一年级起点)》三年级下册第九模块第二单元。本模块的话题是谈论过去的事情和状态,对比过去与现在的不同。本课的课文是一封Sam写给Lucy的信。在信中,Sam告诉Lucy,假期妈妈和Amy不在北京,她们回伦敦去看外公和外婆了;爸爸也不在北京,他去了香港;自己在北京,昨天在大明家玩得很开心。本课的学习重点是用“was,were”谈论过去的事情和状态。
2. 学情分析
三年级学生在本模块第一次接触一般过去时,他们在这一时态的理解上可能会有一定的困难,可能不能很好地掌握中英文在谈论过去的事情和状态时be动词的变化。在学习中,教师要注意引导学生观察比较、发现be动词在两种时态中的不同,可以采用韵文、游戏活动等多种形式来帮助学生巩固和掌握。教师结合刚刚过去的五一小长假这一真实生活情境设计了假期照片秀Holiday Photo Show的运用任务,请学生们运用be动词的过去式“was,were”来谈论自己与家人的假期(部分学生能使用“wasn’t,weren’t”),使他们能够在真实运用英语的过程中掌握本课的目标语句,从而达到本课的教学目标。
3. 设计理念
本节课我采用的是“以话题为牵动的任务型教学模式”,结合本课话题——谈论过去的事情和状态,创设与学生生活紧密联系的情境,通过假期照片秀Holiday Photo Show的运用任务,让学生带着明确的学习目的主动参与到本课的语言学习中来,让学生在用中学,培养学生运用英语做事情的能力以及综合语言运用能力。
4. 教学目标
1) 语言知识目标:
语法——全体学生能够运用He was in Hong Kong.这一句式。
词汇——全体学生能够理解weren’t, wasn’t, yesterday, 运用yesterday。
2) 语言技能目标:
全体学生能够听懂、能说He was in Hong Kong.并认读yesterday。
3) 运 用:
全体学生能运用“was, were”谈论过去的事情和状态。
4) 学 习 策 略:
5) 文 化 意 识:
6) 情 感 态 度:
7) 任务:
5. 重点难点:
1) 重点:
全体学生能够理解运用He was in Hong Kong.
全体学生能运用“was, were”谈论过去的事情和状态
2) 难点:
理解“wasn’t, weren’t”并尝试运用。
6. 教学过程
I. Warm-up and lead-in
1. Warm-up
Say a chant:Look at the screen, and read the chant with actions. Look at the different forms of be verbs.
The chant:
It was sad. Now it’s happy.
She was fat. Now she’s thin.
He was young. Now he’s old.
We were at home. Now we are at school.
2. Lead-in (Activity 1)
1) Look and say.
Let the kids hear the sound of a message. Then show them a picture of We-chat. It’s the moment of Little Six in London.
T: Oh, it’s Little Six. He’s sharing his moment. Wow! Where is he?
Click and show the big picture of Little Six standing in front of Big Ben.
S1: He is in London.
T: Yeah, that’s right! But where was he yesterday?
2) Learn the new word “yesterday”.
Use a calendar in the PPT file to explain. Point and say. Then teach the word.
T: Do you know “yesterday”? Look. Today is May 15. Yesterday was April 16. Today. Yesterday. Read after me, please. Yes—ter—day, yesterday.
3) Listen and answer.
T: Where was Little Six yesterday? Let’s listen and find the answer. (Play the cartoon of Activity One.)
S2: He was in Beijing.
Get 2 or 3 more answers from the kids.
【设计意图:让学生带着问题听录音,有利于提高学生注意力,提高听的效果。通过回答问题,发现本课目标语句句式:He was in…,让学生对本课的学习目标有了初步的感知和体验。】
4) Start Group Competition.
T: Oh, I like Beijing. I want to go there. Today, let’s go to Beijing together! Let’s divide ourselves into three groups. You are Group 1.You are Group 2. And you are Group 3. Let’s see which group will get to Beijing first, OK?
5) Listen and repeat.
Play the cartoon again, sentence by sentence. Let the kids mime. Then dub.
II. Task Presentation
T: Little Six is talking about his holiday. Let’s learn “Module 9 Unit 2 He was in Hong Kong.”, and talk about our holidays with “was/were” and “wasn’t/weren’t”. Then we’ll have a holiday photo show in our class.
III. Text learning (Activity 2)
1. Listen and get the general ideas.
1) Listen and choose. Then learn the main drills.
T: First let’s come to Sam’s letter. Let’s see how Sam talks about their holidays. Where were Sam and his family? Please listen and choose the correct answers. (Put the pictures of the main characters on the Bb. Play the cartoon for the first time.)
Listen and choose:
1) Ms Smart and Amy were________
2) Mr. Smart was _________
3) Sam was __________
A. in Beijing B. in Hong Kong C. in London
S3: Ms Smart and Amy were in London.
(Read it one by one. Then read it group by group. )
S4: Mr. Smart was in Hong Kong.
(Read it one by one. Then read it in rows or in lines.)
S5: Sam was in Beijing.
(Read it one by one. Then read it in 2, in 4, or in six. While reading, Put the pictures next to the characters)
2) Learn the aporia: wasn’t and weren’t.
(Take out the card of wasn’t. Point to Mr. Smart. Elicit them to understand wasn’t) T: Mr. Smart was in Hong Kong. He wasn’t in Beijing. He wasn’t in London. Read after me, wasn’t, wasn’t.“Wasn’t” means-- “was not”.
(Ss Try to talk about Sam by themselves.)
(Take out the card of weren’t. Point to Ms Smart and Amy. This time talk about these two persons with the kids together.) T&Ss: Ms Smart and Amy were in London. They weren’t in Beijing. They weren’t in Hong Kong


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