My former teammates, my former opponent you are good, thank my family have supported me pursue basketball dream, thank the fans, support for basketball movement is greater than the support of Michael Jordan, thank you for your support. I have to leave you now on the court, there were a lot of basketball superstar and star, like Julius Erving, Magic Johnson, Larry bird, the NBA torch to me, I also want to pass it on, let NBA brilliant continuation. Once again I thank you for the support, but now I can go home and enjoy the fun of basketball.
因为没有乔丹绝对没有NBA的今天. 还可以说更没有NIKE的今天 所以说JARDAN是神..也许你不懂 在80年代来说 NBA并不像足球一样让人疯狂
、JARDAN的激情, 领袖气质.不服输的精神都让很多人佩服。