


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2022-11-18 03:25:33 浏览99 评论0




约翰.威廉斯(1941- ) 著名古典吉他演奏家,作曲家
  随着那首令人陶醉的《卡伐蒂娜》动人旋律在他的指尖流动,从而,众多的吉他爱好者知道了他的名字。他,就是被塞戈维亚称为“吉他王子”的当代最负盛名、最受欢迎的吉他大师——约翰·威廉斯。5岁能弹和弦,1l岁拜塞戈维亚为师,约翰·威廉斯,1941年6月出生于澳大利亚的墨尔本。父亲是位爵士吉他演奏家,威廉斯3岁时就跟父亲学弹吉他,5岁时,会在吉他上弹出简单的和弦.1952年,全家迁居英国伦敦。年仅11岁的威廉斯,巧遇西班牙吉他大师塞戈维亚在伦敦演出,这位少年吉他天才有幸被引荐给塞戈维亚,大师听了他的演奏后高兴地收他为学生。1959年11月,18岁的威廉斯在伦敦威格摩尔音乐厅举行了首场音乐会,大获成功。他的老师塞戈维亚在音乐会后撰写的一将音乐评论中兴奋地惊呼:“一位吉他王子已降临世界!”“他的手指真是上帝的杰作,要不了多久,他的名字将伴随六弦琴传遍英国和世界各地!” 约翰·威廉斯深知,要成为一个一流的吉他演奏家不仅要掌握高深的吉他技巧,还要有全面的音乐修养。于是,他在1956年至1959年,用了四年时间就读于英国皇家音乐学院。当他从音乐学院毕业时,已有众多的演奏团体与他签订了演出合同. 威廉斯的演奏节目极为丰富,从早期的钢琴移植过来的乐曲,到中期的维萨(17-18世纪法国吉他演奏家、作曲家)和索尔的作品,直到当代英国的斯蒂芬·道奇森等作曲家的作品均选来演奏。
  作为当今已经是世界最受人尊敬的古典吉他大师,约翰·威廉斯无疑对20世纪古典吉他音乐的普及和发展立下了一个里程碑,在Classic CD对20世纪百年100位最伟大的演奏家评选中,威廉斯排在布里姆、塞戈维亚之后,成为榜上为数不多的古典吉他演奏家之一。干净利落、行云流水、闲庭信步般的演奏风格,清晰有力、朝气蓬勃、优美浪漫的音色使他无愧于吉他皇帝塞戈维亚授予的“吉他王子”的称号。






Seville city’s cathedral was built from 1401–1519 after the Reconquista on the former site of the city’s mosque. It is amongst the largest of all medieval and Gothic cathedrals, in terms of both area and volume. The interior is the longest nave in Spain, and is lavishly decorated, with a large quantity of gold evident. The Cathedral reused some columns and elements from the mosque, and, most famously, the Giralda, originally a minaret, was converted into a bell tower. It is topped with a statue, known locally as El Giraldillo, representing Faith. The tower’s interior was built with ramps rather than stairs, to allow the Muezzin and others to ride on horseback to the top.
Torre del OroThe Alcázar facing the cathedral has developed from the city’s old Moorish Palace; construction was begun in 1181 and continued for over 500 years, mainly in Mudéjar style, but also in Renaissance. Its gardens are a blend of Moorish, Andalusian, and Christian traditions.
The Torre del Oro was built by the Almohad dynasty as watchtower and defensive barrier on the river. A chain was strung through the water from the base of the tower to prevent boats from traveling into the river port.
The Town Hall, built in the 16th century in Plateresque Style by Diego de Riaño. The Façade to Plaza Nueva was built in the 19th century in Neoclassical style.
The University of Seville is housed in the original site of the first tobacco factory in Europe, La Antigua Fabrica de Tabacos, a vast 18th century building in Baroque style.
The Plaza de España was built by the architect Aníbal González for the 1929 Exposición Ibero-Americana, and is an outstanding example of Regionalist Architecture, a bizarre and lofty mixture of diverse historic styles and lavishly ornated with typical glazed tiles.
The Fine Arts Museum of Seville is considerated the second museum of spanish art of Spain, it was established as a “Museum to display paintings“, in 1835, with objects from convents and monasteries. It is located in the Plaza del Museo.
Parks and gardens
Parque Maria Luisa was built for the 1929 Exposición Ibero-Americana World’s Fair, and remains landscaped with attractive monuments and museums.
The Alcázar Gardens, arranged to the back of the palace. They were planted and developed alongside the Alcázar throughout the centuries. Sheltered within the walls of the palace, they are laid out in terraces, and present variations of influences, styles and plants in each sector.
The Gardens of Murillo and the Gardens of Catalina de Ribera: alongside the wall of the Alcázar and next to the district of Santa Cruz.
La Isla Magica, Cartuja Island, a theme park built on the site of the 1992 Universal Exposition of Seville
Other prominent parks and gardens include:
Parque de los Príncipes
Parque del Alamillo
Parque Amate
Parque Metropolitano de la Cartuja
Jardines de las Delicias
Jardín Americano
Jardín Este
Jardines de Cristina
Jardines Chapina
Jardines de la Buhaira
Jardines de San Telmo
Jardines del Guadalquivir
Jardines del Valle