


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2022-11-12 12:56:35 浏览39 评论0






第一场 中国5-6西班牙
第二场 中国1-10俄罗斯
第三场 中国1-7美国
第一场 中国1-2阿根廷
第二场 中国1-5荷兰
第三场 中国1-11俄罗斯
第一场 中国0-5阿根廷
第二场 中国2-6埃及
第三场 中国1-10危地马拉
第四场 中国2-4乌克兰




  (2:2, 0:0) 4:3 PSO
  MARQUINHO (24’15“) VINICIUS (36’23“)
  TORRAS (27’57“) ALVARO (38’28“)
  The match kicks off.
  0’24“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  1’09“ Brazil commit a foul.
  1’10“ Spain strike their free-kick wide.
  1’46“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  1’47“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  1’48“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  1’52“ Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  1’53“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  2’02“ Spain take a corner kick.
  2’05“ Spain sees an effort go off target.
  2’35“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  2’35“ Brazil swing in the corner.
  2’36“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  2’47“ Brazil concede a free-kick following a challenge on Spain.
  3’59“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  3’59“ Brazil take a corner kick.
  3’60“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  4’29“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  4’29“ Brazil swing in the corner.
  4’30“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  4’50“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  5’21“ Spain are penalised following a foul.
  5’51“ Brazil commit a foul.
  6’38“ Spain concede a free-kick following a challenge on Brazil.
  6’44“ Brazil strike their free-kick wide.
  7’24“ Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  7’24“ Spain take a corner kick.
  7’25“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  7’26“ Spain sees an effort go off target.
  7’45“ FRANKLIN (Brazil) is booked by the referee.
  7’47“ Spain sees an effort go off target.
  8’09“ Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  8’10“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  8’38“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  8’51“ Spain sees an effort go off target.
  9’45“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  9’45“ Brazil swing in the corner.
  9’48“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  9’48“ Brazil take a corner kick.
  10’11“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  10’12“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  10’48“ Spain sees an effort go off target.
  11’08“ J.RODRIGUEZ (Spain) is yellow carded.
  11’11“ Spain are penalised following a foul.
  11’12“ Brazil strike their free-kick wide.
  12’05“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  12’05“ Brazil swing in the corner.
  12’06“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  12’15“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  12’16“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  12’56“ Spain requested a Time-Out.
  12’56“ Spain sees an effort go off target.
  12’56“ Spain take a corner kick.
  13’20“ Spain sees an effort go off target.
  15’12“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  15’16“ Brazil commit a foul.
  15’17“ Spain strike their free-kick wide.
  16’02“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  16’02“ Brazil swing in the corner.
  16’30“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  16’44“ Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  16’44“ Spain take a corner kick.
  16’45“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  16’50“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  17’37“ Spain concede a free-kick following a challenge on Brazil.
  17’38“ SCHUMACHER (Brazil) is cautioned.
  17’39“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  17’39“ Brazil swing in the corner.
  17’40“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  17’40“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  18’14“ Spain sees an effort go off target.
  19’09“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  19’10“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  19’26“ Brazil requested a Time-Out.
  19’26“ Spain are penalised following a foul.
  19’35“ Brazil commit a foul.
  20’00“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  20’00“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  The referee brings the first half to an end.
  The second half kicks off.
  20’27“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  21’05“ Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  21’05“ Spain take a corner kick.
  21’06“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  21’07“ Spain sees an effort go off target.
  24’15“ Brazil swing in the corner.
  24’15“ ?(1 - 0) MARQUINHO (Brazil) scores!!
  25’08“ Spain sees an effort go off target.
  26’40“ Spain take a corner kick.
  26’59“ Spain concede a free-kick following a challenge on Brazil.
  27’43“ Brazil are penalised following a foul.
  27’57“ ?(1 - 1) TORRAS (Spain) scores!!
  28’12“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  28’13“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  28’34“ Brazil commit a foul.
  29’00“ Spain concede a free-kick following a challenge on Brazil.
  31’16“ Spain swing in the corner.
  32’37“ Spain commit a foul.
  32’37“ Brazil strike their free-kick wide.
  32’37“ Brazil are penalised following a foul.
  34’32“ Spain concede a free-kick following a challenge on Brazil.
  35’16“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  35’22“ Brazil are penalised following a foul.
  35’26“ Spain take a corner kick.
  36’14“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  36’14“ Brazil swing in the corner.
  36’15“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  36’21“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  36’21“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  36’22“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  36’22“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  36’23“ ?(2 - 1) VINíCIUS (Brazil) scores!!
  36’39“ Spain requested a Time-Out.
  36’46“ Spain commit a foul.
  37’25“ Spain sees an effort go off target.
  38’15“ Brazil concede a free-kick following a challenge on Spain.
  38’28“ ?(2 - 2) ALVARO (Spain) scores!!
  38’49“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  38’49“ Brazil take a corner kick.
  38’50“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  38’50“ Brazil swing in the corner.
  39’28“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  39’28“ Brazil take a corner kick.
  39’29“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  39’41“ Spain swing in the corner.
  39’49“ Spain are penalised following a foul.
  End of regular time - extra time to follow...
  The referee signals the start of the first period of extra time.
  40’46“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  40’51“ Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  40’52“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  41’08“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  41’22“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  41’22“ Brazil take a corner kick.
  42’14“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  42’15“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  43’52“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  43’53“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  44’28“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  44’30“ Spain swing in the corner.
  44’37“ Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  44’38“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  44’45“ Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  44’46“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  The referee blows for the end of the first period of extra time.
  The referee signals the start of the second period of extra time.
  45’42“ Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  45’42“ Brazil take a corner kick.
  45’43“ A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  47’51“ Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  48’40“ Spain sees an effort go off target.
  48’55“ Brazil commit a foul.
  49’43“ Spain swing in the corner.
  49’45“ Spain sees an effort go off target.
  The referee blows for the end of the second period of extra time.
  The penalty shoot-out is about to begin.
  MARQUINHO (Brazil) successfully converts the penalty!
  KIKE (Spain) successfully converts the penalty!
  WILDE (Brazil) successfully converts the penalty!
  ORTIZ (Spain) successfully converts the penalty!
  CI?O (Brazil) successfully converts the penalty!
  TORRAS (Spain) sees his penalty saved by the goalkeeper.
  LENíSIO (Brazil) successfully converts the penalty!
  ALVARO (Spain) successfully converts the penalty!
  ARI (Brazil) sees his penalty saved by the goalkeeper.
  MARCELO (Spain) sees his penalty saved by the goalkeeper.
  The penalty shoot-out is over.







时间(年)  1989年  1992年  1996年  2000年  2004年  2008年  举办国/地区  荷兰  中国香港  西班牙  危地马拉  中国台北  巴西  冠军  巴西  巴西  巴西  西班牙  西班牙  巴西  亚军  荷兰  美国  西班牙  巴西  意大利  西班牙  参赛队数  16  16  16  16  16  20  比赛场次  40  40  40  40  40  56  观众总数  86500  50300  116400  224038  50923  292161  场均观众数216312572910560112735217最佳球员维克特·赫尔曼斯 Victor Hermans (荷兰)约津霍 Jorginho (巴西)曼努埃尔·托比亚斯 Manoel Tobias (巴西)曼努埃尔·托比亚斯 Manoel Tobias (巴西)法尔考 Falcão (巴西)法尔考 Falcão (巴西)最佳射手  扎萨达伊(匈牙利) 7球  施拉兹 (伊朗) 16球  托比亚斯Tobias (巴西) 14球托比亚斯Tobias (巴西) 19球法尔考 Falcão (巴西) 13球普拉 Pula (俄罗斯) 16球  总进球数221307290302237387场均进球数  5.5  7.7  7.3  7.6  5.9  6.9  预选赛队数  本届比赛队为应邀参赛23  49  64  86  97


第一届 1930年 乌拉圭世界杯 阿根廷的斯塔比尔8球 乌拉圭冠军
第二届 1934年 意大利世界杯 意大利队的舒维奥、捷克斯洛伐克队的尼昂德利、法国队的科宁各攻入4球荣获本届杯赛的最佳射手 意大利冠军
第三届 1938年 法国世界杯 巴西的里奥尼达斯8球 意大利冠军
第四届 1950年 巴西世界杯 巴西的阿德米尔9球 乌拉圭冠军
第五届 1954年 瑞士世界杯 匈牙利的柯奇士11球 西德冠军
第六届 1958年 瑞典世界杯 法国的方丹13球 巴西冠军
第七届 1962年 智利世界杯 苏联的伊凡诺夫、南斯拉夫的叶尔科维奇、匈牙利阿尔贝特同进4球并列最佳射手 巴西冠军
第八届 1966年 英格兰世界杯 葡萄牙的尤西比奥9球 英格兰冠军
第九届 1970年 墨西哥世界杯 西德的穆勒10球 巴西冠军
第十届 1974年 西德世界杯 波兰队的格·拉托7球 西德冠军
第十一届 1978年 阿根廷世界杯 阿根廷的肯佩斯6球 阿根廷冠军
第十二届 1982年 西班牙世界杯 意大利的罗西6球 意大利冠军
第十三届 1986年 墨西哥世界杯 英格兰的莱茵克尔6球 阿干挺冠军
第十四届 1990年 意大利世界杯 意大利队的斯基拉奇6球 西德冠军
第十五届 1994年 美国世界杯 保加利亚的斯托伊切科夫与俄罗斯萨连科同坐射手榜头把交椅6球 巴西冠军
第十六届 1998年 法国世界杯 克罗地亚队的苏克6球 法国冠军
第十七届 2002年 韩日世界杯 罗纳尔多8球 巴西冠军
第十八届 2006年 德国世界杯 意大利冠军

