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里奥·梅西(Lionel Andrés Messi),生于1987年6月24日,阿根廷著名足球运动员,现为巴塞罗那的前锋球员以及阿根廷的国脚,他被大众称为“新马拉多纳”。2009年12 月22日,梅西凭借着08-09赛季带领巴萨取得西甲、国王杯、欧洲冠军联赛三冠王,击败C罗获得2009年世界足球先生。2010年6月,梅西代表阿根廷国家男子足球队出征2010年南非世界杯。
中文名: 里奥·安德列斯·梅西
外文名: Lionel Andrés Messi
别名: leo、小跳蚤
国籍: 阿根廷
出生地: 阿根廷圣菲省罗萨里奥市
出生日期: 1987年6月24日
身高: 169cm
体重: 64kg
运动项目: 足球

所属运动队: 巴塞罗那
主要奖项: 2009年金球奖
08/09 欧洲冠军联赛金靴奖
位置: 右边锋;前腰;左边锋;影子前锋
女友: 安东内拉
Lionel Andrés Messi (Spanish pronunciation:
Messi began playing football at a young age and his potential was quickly identified by Barcelona. He left Rosario-based Newell’s Old Boys’s youth team in 2000 and moved with his family to Europe, as Barcelona offered treatment for his growth hormone deficiency. Making his debut in the 2004–05 season, he broke his team record for the youngest footballer to score a league goal. Major honours soon followed as Barcelona won La Liga in Messi’s debut season, and won a double of the league and Champions League in 2006. His breakthrough season was in 2006–07; he became a first team regular, scoring a hat-trick in El Clásico and finishing with 14 goals in 26 league games. Perhaps his most successful season was the 2008–09 season, in which Messi scored 38 goals to play an integral part in a treble-winning campaign.
Messi was the top scorer of the 2005 FIFA World Youth Championship with six goals, including two in the final game. Shortly thereafter, he became an established member of Argentina’s senior international team. In 2006, he became the youngest Argentine to play in the FIFA World Cup and he won a runners-up medal at the Copa América tournament the following year. In 2008, in Beijing, he won his first international honour, an Olympic gold medal, with the Argentina Olympic football team.


Lionel Messi
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“Messi“ redirects here. For the biopic, see Messi (film).
This name uses Spanish naming customs: the first or paternal family name is Messi and the second or maternal family name is Cuccittini.
Lionel Messi
Messi playing for Argentina in the 2014 FIFA World Cup Final
Personal information
Full name
Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini
Date of birth
24 June 1987 (age 27)
Place of birth
Rosario, Argentina
1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)
Playing position
Club information
Current team
Youth career
Newell’s Old Boys
Senior career*
Barcelona C
Barcelona B
National team‡
Argentina U20
Argentina U23
* Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 23 May 2015.
† Appearances (Goals).
‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 12 November 2014
Lionel Andrés “Leo“ Messi Cuccittini (Spanish pronunciation: ( listen); born 24 June 1987) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays for Spanish club FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team. He is a forward and serves as captain for Argentina.
By the age of 21, Messi had received Ballon d’Or and FIFA World Player of the Year nominations. The following year, in 2009, he won his first Ballon d’Or and FIFA World Player of the Year awards. He followed this up by winning the inaugural FIFA Ballon d’Or in 2010, and then again in 2011 and 2012. He also won the 2010–11 UEFA Best Player in Europe Award. At the age of 24, Messi became Barcelona’s all-time top scorer
in all official club competitions. In September 2014 he scored his
400th senior career goal for club and country aged just 27. In November
2014, Messi became the all-time top scorer in La Liga, and the all-time leading goalscorer in the UEFA Champions League.
Often considered the best player in the world and rated by some in the sport as the greatest of all time, Messi is the first football player in history to win four FIFA/Ballons d’Or, all of which he won consecutively, and the first to win three European Golden Shoe awards. With Barcelona, Messi has won seven La Ligas, three Copas del Rey, six Supercopas de España, three UEFA Champions Leagues, two UEFA Super Cups and two FIFA Club World Cups.
Messi is the only player to top-score in four consecutive Champions League seasons, and also holds the record for the most hat-tricks scored in the competition
with five. In March 2012, he made Champions League history by becoming
the first player to score five goals in one match. In the 2011–12
season, Messi set the European record for most goals scored in a season with 73 goals, set the goalscoring record in a single La Liga season with 50 goals, and became the second player ever to score in six different official competitions in one season after Pedro.
In February 2013 he scored his 300th Barcelona goal. On 30 March 2013,
Messi scored in his 19th consecutive La Liga game, becoming the first
footballer in history to net in consecutive matches against every team
in a professional football league. He extended his record scoring streak
to 21 consecutive league matches. In March 2014, with a hat-trick
against Real Madrid, Messi became the player with the most goals and most hat-tricks in the history of El Clásico. In October 2014, Messi, aged 27, became the youngest player to score 250 goals in La Liga. In November 2014, Messi scored a hat-trick against Sevilla to reach 253 La Liga goals, becoming the all-time top scorer in La Liga. In May 2015, he scored his 77th Champions League goal to become its all-time leading scorer.
Messi helped Argentina win the 2005 FIFA U-20 World Cup, finishing as both the best player and the top scorer (with six goals). In 2006, he became the youngest Argentine to play and score in the FIFA World Cup, and won a runners-up medal at the Copa América in 2007, in which he was named young player of the tournament. In 2008, he won an Olympic Gold Medal with the Argentina Olympic football team. At the 2014 World Cup, he led Argentina to the final, winning four consecutive Man of the Match awards in the process, and received the Golden Ball award as the best player of the tournament. In 2013, SportsPro rated him the second-most marketable athlete in the world.


Full name Lionel Andrés Messi
Date of birth June 24, 1987 (1987-06-24) (age 20)
Place of birth Rosario, Argentina
Height 1.69 m (5 ft 6+1⁄2 in)
Playing position Winger, Second Striker
Club information
Current club Barcelona
Number 19
Youth clubs
2003–2004 Newell’s Old Boys Youth
Barcelona Youth
FC Barcelona B
Senior clubs1
Years Club App (Gls)*
2004– FC Barcelona 72 (30)
National team2
2005– Argentina 26 0(8)
1 Senior club appearances and goals
counted for the domestic league only and
correct as of March 14, 2008.
2 National team caps and goals correct
as of 26 September 2007.
* Appearances (Goals)
Lionel Andrés Messi (born 24 June 1987 in Rosario) is an Argentine international footballer who currently plays for FC Barcelona in the Primera División, and for the Argentine national team. He has drawn comparisons to Diego Maradona, and indeed Maradona himself named Messi his “successor“.


Messi is a football player who currently plays for FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team as a striker or winger. Considered one of the best football players of his generation. In 2008, in Beijing, he won his first international honour, an Olympic gold medal, with the Argentina Olympic football team.Messi received several Ballon d’Or and FIFA World Player of the Year nominations by the age of 21, and won in 2009 and 2010. His playing style and ability have drawn comparisons to Diego Maradona, who himself declared Messi as his “successor“.
梅西 是一名足球运动员,目前在巴塞罗那和阿根廷国家队队作为前锋和边锋。他被公认为是这一代最好的足球运动员之一。2008年,在北京,他赢得了他的第一个国际荣誉,在阿根廷奥林匹克足球队获得了一枚奥运金牌。在21岁时,梅西取得金球奖和国际足联年度提名球员,并在2009年和2010年赢得了。他的足球风格和能力已经可以和马拉多纳相提并论,马拉多纳也亲自宣布梅西作为他的“接班人”。


LionelMessiBiography–YouthCareer-BornintheSantaFeprovinceofArgentinainafamilywheresoccerwasking,LionelMessistartedkickingtheballatanearlyageandwhenhewasjust5yearsold,hejoinedthetrainingsessionsoftheclubhisfatherwascoachingatthattime,Grandoli. AlthoughhewasclosetohisfatheratGrandoli,theybothknewthisclubwouldnotbeonetooffertheyoungboyafutureasasoccerplayer,sohisfatherdecidedtotakehimtooneofthemostprestigiousyouthacademiesinArgentina,thatofNewell’sOldBoys.Thishappenedin1995,whenLeonelMessiwasjust8yearsold. SeasonClubGamesGoals 2004–PresentBarcelona5526 LastUpdate-Sep29,2007 DomesticLeagueOnly LionelMessiBiography–HealthProblems-Threeyearslater,Messiwasalreadyshowingpromiseandhewasconsideredahugefuturetalent,butunfortunatelyhewasdiagnosedwithagrowthhormonedeficiencythatcouldbetreated,butitscostwouldbearound$700permonthandtheMessifamilysimplydidnothavethatkindofmoney. Riverplate,oneoftheotherstrongArgentineanteamswantedtopayforMessi’streatment,buttheycouldn’tafforditeither,withtheArgentineaneconomycollapsing.Fortunatelyfortheyoungplayer,FCBarcelona,whowasalreadyscoutinghim,learnedofhisproblemanddecidedtohelpoutandputthelifeofLeonelMessibackonitsrightfultrack.MessisoonsignedwithBarcelona’syouthteamandmovedtoSpainforhistreatment. YearsNationalTeamGamesGoals 2005-PresentArgentina226 LastUpdate-Sep26,2007 LionelMessiBiography- FCBarcelona Recoveringfromhisgrowthdeficiencyproblem,theArgentineanstartedplayingregularlyforFCBarcelona’syouthsquadandinafewyears,hewastakentotheBsquadofBarcelona,whereLionelMessi’sgoalsstartedplacingthespotlightonhimonceagain. Despitehissmallframe,hemanagedanimpressive35goalsin30matchesandin2004hemadehisofficialdebutfortheseniorsquadoftheCatalanteam,inalocalderbyagainstEspanyolBarcelona.Hewas17yearsand3monthsoldonhisdebut.Hedidn’tplayinalotofothergamesinthatseason,butinMay2005,hemanagedtoscorehisfirstofficialgoal,againstAlbacete,becomingtheyoungestplayertoeverscoreagameforBarcelonainaleaguegame. Gettingmoreandmorematchexperience,heslowlyearnedasolidplaceinthefirstteamandhispace,passingandgoalscoringabilityearnedhimstandingovationswhereverhewouldplay,especiallyamemorableoneinamatchagainstUdineseintheUEFAChampionsLeagueonNouCamp,whereMessisingle-handedlywonthematchandmadethestadium’scapacityrisetotheirfeetasagestureofrespect. Fromthatmoment,hewasalmostindispensableinBarca’sfirstsquadandalthoughseveralthighinjurieskepthimawayfromthepitch,hecamebackinforceinthe2006-2007season.ProbablyhismostmemorablematchandtheonethattrulymadehimthebigstarthatheistodaywastheElClasicoduelonMarch10th3007,whereBarcelonametarch-rivalsRealMadridonNouCamp. Messimanagedtoscoreahat-trick,withhislastgoalbeingacrucialequalizerscoredinthe90thminute.ThatLionelMessigoalwilllivelonginthememoryoftheBarcafansaseveryonetalkedforweeksaboutthe19yearoldkidthatbroughtRealMadridtoitsknees.


Lionel Messi was born in rosario, Santa fe, Argentina on June 24, 1987.

(里奥·梅西(Lionel Messi),1987年6月24日出生于阿根廷圣菲省罗萨里奥市,阿根廷足球运动员,司职前锋,现效力于巴塞罗那足球俱乐部。)

Messi joined Barcelona in 2000.


In 2005, Argentina’s youth team won the world youth championship and messi won the golden boot and the ballon d ’or.


Messi replicates maradona’s five-man World Cup goal against getafe in the semi-final of the copa del rey on April 18, 2007.


At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, messi won gold with Argentina’s Olympic team.


In late 2009, he was voted European footballer of the year and world footballer of the year.






