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切尔西·维多利亚·克林顿(ChelseaVictoria Clinton 1980年1月27日~)美国前总统威廉·杰斐逊·克林顿和希拉里·克林顿的独生女儿。2001年6月获得了斯坦福大学历史学学士学位,2010年7月31日,时年30岁的切尔西与32岁的马克·梅兹文斯基在纽约市以北大约145公里的小城莱茵贝克举行了婚礼1。

切尔西 克林顿 身高


致切尔西的父亲美国总统克林顿的信 作者写这封信的目的是什么

  • 控诉美国的野蛮暴行,伸张正义,呼唤良知,企盼和平。

  • 原文:













切尔西 克林顿的学业生涯她在大学有何成就,以及求学过程,即她学了什么

Stanford University
Clinton entered Stanford in the fall of 1997 and majored in history.The week before she arrived on campus, her mother published an open letter in her syndicated column asking journalists to leave her daughter alone. Chelsea arrived at Stanford in a motorcade with her parents, Secret Service men, and almost 250 journalists. For her security, bullet-proof glass was installed in her dorm windows and cameras were placed in hallways. In addition, Secret Service men dressed as students lived in her dorm.With the exception of an occasional tabloid story written about her, Chelsea’s four years at Stanford remained out of public view.
Clinton graduated in 2001 with highest honors and a B.A. in History.The topic of her 150-page senior thesis was the 1998 Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland.At the time of Chelsea’s graduation, President Clinton issued a statement saying, “Hillary and I are grateful for the friendships and great learning experiences Chelsea had at Stanford, and we are very proud of her on this special day.“
University of Oxford
In July 2001, President Clinton revealed that Chelsea would be pursuing a Masters degree at University College of the University of Oxford later that year – the same college where he studied politics between 1968 and 1970 on a Rhodes Scholarship;Chelsea did not apply for a Rhodes Scholarship. Lord Butler of Brockwell, the Master of University College, said: “Her record at Stanford shows that she is a very well-qualified and able student. The college is also pleased to extend its link with the Clinton family.“ Upon the recommendation of British and American advisors, the university implemented security measures, and fellow students were asked not to discuss her with the press.
Arriving at Oxford just after the September 11 attacks on the United States, Clinton was drawn to other American students who were also feeling the emotional after-effects of the trauma. She told Talk magazine:
Every day I encounter some sort of anti-American feeling. Over the summer, I thought I would seek out non-Americans as friends, just for diversity’s sake. Now I find that I want to be around Americans – people who I know are thinking about our country as much as I am.
Clinton was criticized for those remarks in the London press and by the newspaper Oxford Student, which angered the university by directly attacking her in an editorial.However, people who met Clinton at that time described her as charming, poised and unaffected, and she seemed to be adjusting successfully to life abroad. During her time at Oxford, Chelsea adopted a more sophisticated look, reportedly assisted by a family friend, Donatella Versace, whose couture shows she attended in early 2002. Geordie Greig, the editor of Tatler, ranked her number five on the magazine’s 2002 “Top 10 Girls“ list.
In 2003, Clinton completed an MPhil in international relations. Following her graduation, she returned to the United States.In 2011, Clinton began pursuing a DPhilin International Relations from Oxford, doing her doctoral work from New York City where she resides;she was awarded the degree in May 2014.
Columbia University and New York University
In the spring of 2010, Clinton completed a Master of Public Health degree at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health and she began teaching graduate classes there in 2012.
Starting in 2010, Clinton began serving as Assistant Vice-Provost for the Global Network University of New York University, working on international recruitment strategies. She is the co-founder of the Of Many Institute for Multifaith Leadership at NYU and serves as its co-chair. In 2012, Clinton received an award from theTemple of Understanding for her “work in advancing a new model of integrating interfaith and cross-cultural education into campus life,“ together with Imam Khalid Latifand Rabbi Yehuda Sarna.