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米开朗基罗,意大利文艺复兴时期伟大的艺术家,英文名字:Michelangelo Buonarroti,出生于1475年,他一生追求艺术的完美,坚持自己的艺术思路。他于 1564 年在罗马去世,他的独特艺术风格几乎影响了长达三个世纪的艺术家。他还是意大利文艺复兴时期伟大的绘画家、雕塑家、建筑师和诗人,意大利文艺复兴时期雕塑艺术最高峰的代表,与拉斐尔和达芬奇并称为文艺复兴后三杰。米开朗基罗是人类艺术史上极具天才、智慧和勇气的综合结晶,作为文艺复兴时期的巨匠,他的作品和美丽对后世产生了无与伦比的影响。






1498 年,年仅 23 岁的米开朗基罗开始为罗马圣彼得大教堂创作大理石群雕像《哀悼基督》,两年后即告完成。作品取材于圣经故事:耶稣基督被钉死在十字架上后,圣母玛丽亚抱着死去的儿子无比悲痛。



1508 年,教皇朱利奥二世要求米开朗基罗为梵蒂冈西斯廷教堂绘制穹顶画。米开朗基罗本来不愿从命,但他一旦接受就追求完美,决不“亵渎”艺术。历经四年零五个月的时间,完成了传世巨作穹顶画《创世纪》。

《创世纪》取材于《旧约全书・创始纪》,整幅作品 511 平方米,中心画面由《创造亚当》、《创造夏娃》、《逐出伊甸园》等 9 个场面组成,大画面的四周画有先知和其他有关的故事,共绘了 343 个人物,其中有 100 多个比真人大两倍的巨人形象,他们极富立体感和重量感。





米开朗基罗先是以雕刻家的身份逐渐稳定住了自己艺术家的地位。1499 年创时作的《哀悼基督》是即他的成名之作,解剖学科的实践和细致入微的匠心吻合了、而且超出了人们可以理喻的“鬼斧神工“,被誉为 15 世纪最动人的人性拥抱神性,悲剧却掩饰了哀伤的作品。

这一时期的作品是创作于 1501 年的《大卫》神化的人形早就确定。其后的一些雕刻作品是几组陵墓雕像,工作了很长时间,其中很著名的是《垂死的奴隶》、《被缚的奴隶》、《摩西》和《昼》、《夜》以及《晨》、《暮》等。






1498 年,年仅 23 岁的米开朗基罗开始为罗马圣彼得大教堂创作大理石群雕像《哀悼基督》,两年后即告完成。作品取材于圣经故事:耶稣基督被钉死在十字架上后,圣母玛丽亚抱着死去的儿子无比悲痛。






  Michelangelo Buonarroti (March 6, 1475 - February 18, 1864), also translated “Michelangelo“, the Italian Renaissance great painter, sculptor, building Division and poet, Renaissance sculpture art of the highest peak of the representatives, with Raphael and Da Vinci and known as the Renaissance of Sanjie.

  His father was Lodovico di Leonardo Buonarroti di Simoni whose mother’s name was Francesca di Neri Deli Francesca di Neri del Miniato di Siena.

  His life to pursue the perfect art, adhere to their artistic ideas. He died in Rome in 1564, and his style influenced artists for almost three centuries.

  The asteroid 3001 is named after his name to express his respect for his descendants.

  Roman Roland wrote “Michelangelo“, classified as “celebrity biography“. Michelangelo is the author of “David“, “Genesis“.


  On March 6, 1775, Michelangelo Bonarotti was born in the city of Florence, near the Italian city of Capers (Capogez), a city of Florence, a middleman, his father is Caprex and Chiusi two districts of the highest chief executive. Mother died when Michelangelo was six years old. Michelangelo, at the age of 13, entered the studio of the famous painter Dumenico Girlandaio in Florence, where he first touched the divine cause of his life and mastered the painting skills at the magical pace The And then follow the multi-Tuo Luo students Bertold more than a year to learn a sculpture,

  Then he went into the “free art school (the American School of Fine Arts)“, which was run by the Florentine ruler, by Lorenzo Meredith, and because of his superiority and mercy by Lorenzo, the large number of works of art in the court became his study , The object of study, often come in the palace of the humanist poets and scholars gave him a great influence. In just four years, he had a great artist in the Midiqi Palace must have the conditions for his entire artistic creation has laid a solid foundation.

  In the house of Lorenzo, there is a “Platonic Institute“ where scholars gather together to study knowledge, and with the support of Lorenzo, they create a new ideology - humanism, whose idea is to return the world , The people returned to his own. The people of art, literature and science, as well as the individual’s independent thoughts and feelings returned to the people, people must not be like a slave tied to the dogma, in the chain of death decay.

  Michelangelo also often goes to the religious reformer, the monk Savo Nalala to expose the dark speech of the church, the monk who is not afraid of the fate of the religious court in order to save the fate of mankind to his soul left an indelible mark The After the death of Lorenzo Ricci, Michelangelo lost the protector, Florence was caught in a mess, he felt the hometown of the land, went to Venice and Bologna, after turning Rome to find development opportunities. Rome everywhere ancient statue, as if into a huge treasure house of ancient art.

  In 1496, Michelangelo came to Rome, created the first batch of masterpiece “Bacon Baku“ and so on. The 23-year-old Michelangelo was commissioned by the French Cardinals to make the “Mourning Christ“ statue for St. Peter’s Church. The advent of this statue, so that Michelangelo was covered in Rome, since the Dona Taro after another carved star rises.

  In 1501, 26-year-old Michelangelo returned to his hometown of Florence, spent four years to complete the world-famous “David“, placed in front of the Virginia Palace, as the patron saint of Florence and the democratic government Symbolic.

  In 1505, at the invitation of Julius II, Michelangelo went to Rome to build the tomb for the Pope in St. Peter’s Church. Michelangelo’s construction was so great that the Pope’s artistic director, Brahmant, was so jealous that he instigated the Pope Tempel Kelvin, forced Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel Zenith Mural, Michelangelo spent four years and five months time with extraordinary wisdom and perseverance to complete the world’s largest murals Sistine Church Zenith Mural “Genesis“.

  In 1513, the Pope’s tomb was rebuilt, and Michelangelo worked hard to create the famous “Moses“, “slaves“ and “dying slaves“.

  1519 to 1534, 44-year-old masters and return to Florence, the birth of the Medici family of Pope Leo X and forced Michelangelo for his ancestral statue of St. Lorenzo mausoleum, he created his greatest life The famous statue “day“, “night“, “morning“, “twilight“ is placed on the sarcophagus of the mausoleum.

  In 1536, 61-year-old Michelangelo was recalled to the Roman Sistine Chapel, with nearly six years in 25 years ago to complete the “Genesis“ zenith painting on the altar wall created a great Church fresco “final judgment“.

  1562 by his students, the famous painter, art historian George Vasari invited to become Diano Academy (Florence Academy of Fine Arts) honorary president. After that he has been living in Rome, engaged in sculpture, architecture and a small amount of painting work, until February 18, 1564 died in his studio.

  Michelangelo is the crystallization of human genius, wisdom and courage, his glory and achievements belong to all mankind. As the masterpiece of the Renaissance, with his magnificent masterpiece of time and space, in his lifetime and later generations have created an unparalleled great influence. He is as versatile as Leonardo da Vinci, with sculptors, painters, architects and poets. He was able to live to 89 years old, beyond the seventies years, spent more than 70 years of artistic career, he experienced ups and downs and ups and downs of life, so that his life left works with dramatic effects, majestic momentum and The tragedy of mankind.


  Unparalleled sculpture

  Michelangelo to the human body as the main means of expressing feelings, the carving works of vigorous, bold, fully embodies the Renaissance vigorous humanistic spirit.

  In 1498, only 23 years old Michelangelo began to Rome St. Peter’s Cathedral to create a statue of marble group “mourning Christ“, two years later to complete. Works based on the Bible story: Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, the Virgin Mary holding the dead son extremely sad. Michelangelo portrayed the Virgin as a young, beautiful, quiet, elegant young woman, she silently overlooking the dead son, meditation, mourning, Jesus quietly lying on the knees of the Lord, facial expressions of serenity. The whole statue is immersed in a solemn atmosphere and filled with the greatest maternal love of mankind. It has greatly exceeded the subject matter of the restrictions, life and death, pain and love into one, harmony and unity, praised the lofty ideals and excellent quality. When the work came out, it caused a sensation, and people did not believe it was from the hands of a young man. For this reason, Michelangelo carved his name in the statue of Madonna’s chest, which was the only signature in his life s work.

  150 years, 26-year-old Michelangelo began to create his world-famous masterpiece - “David“. Which lasted three years, he used a whole piece of marble sculpture of the “David“ total up to 5.5 meters. Michelangelo and his predecessors after the victory of the enemy David defeated the enemy’s head at the foot of the scene is different, but chose David to meet the fighting scene. The artist vividly shaped a heroic image of the struggle for the cause: young, handsome, strong, resolute, left hand, holding the ride on the shoulders of the “rubble“, the right hand drooping, like the fist, head micro Overlooking the front, ready to fight.

  Michelangelo molded not only a statue, but the Renaissance humanism in the art of the full expression of the symbol. It praises the human body, Acura justice and strength. This statue is considered to be one of the most beautiful male statues in the history of art, and has become a model for later artists to study sculptures.

  In order to protect the works of art, “David“ was originally placed in the Florence Academy of Fine Arts. Not long ago also carried out a thorough cleaning. Here year after year, day after day, visitors flocked. At the same time, in front of the city hall in front of the city of Florence and Michelangelo Square, respectively, stands a replica for people from all over the world to enjoy.

  In addition, in the large number of carved works of Michelangelo, “Moses“ and “day“, “night“, “morning“, “twilight“ and “dying slaves“, “tied slaves“ Masterpieces.

  Shaky painting

  Michelangelo is so young and prestigious, often jealous, has also been broken nose, so that he lifelong self-esteem on their own appearance. However, his name also spread to the Pope’s ears.

  In 1508, Pope Giulio II asked Michelangelo to draw dome paintings for the Vatican Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo did not want to live, but once he accepted the pursuit of perfection, never “profane“ art. After four years and five months time, completed the handed down giant duo painting “Genesis“.

  “Genesis“ is based on the “Old Testament Founding Date“, the whole works of 511 square meters, the center of the screen by the “create Adam“, “create Eve“, “out of Eden“ and other 9 scenes, large screen There are prophets and other related stories, painted a total of 343 characters, of which there are more than 100 times larger than the reality of the giant image, they are very three-dimensional and sense of weight. The whole picture through people and people and the relationship between man and nature, to sing the human creativity and human beauty and spiritual beauty.

  Michelangelo was lying on a shelf under the 18-meter-high ceiling, working with Superman’s perseverance, and when the whole work was done, the 37-year-old Michelangelo was tired. As long-term look up, head and eyes can not be low, even read the letter should be held to the head. He is the cost of health and life to complete the “Genesis“ for future generations to leave not only immortal works of art, but also his kind of dedication for the art of the spirit.

  24 years later, Michelangelo and Pope Clement VII of the Covenant, in the Sistine Chapel altar on the front wall painted another shocking huge murals “Doomsday trial.“ Michelangelo worked alone for ten years alone, drawing about four hundred characters on a 220-square-meter screen. In the middle of the painting, Christ’s righteousness, his right hand, is about to issue a final judgment. Michelangelo also painted a pope to be convicted to accept the hell of a group of people suffering. Christ’s left foot A saint’s right hand with a knife, his left hand carrying a human skin, and this skin is the face of the painter’s own face, his face pain, anger, the performance of Michelangelo is experiencing the spirit and The torture of the crisis and the dissatisfaction with the real world, and by the “doomsday trial“ painful dripping to the human ugly whipping.

  “Doomsday trial“ caused by the sensation can be imagined. However, the nude figure in the masterpiece is controversial, some people think that obscene gods. Soon after the death of Michelangelo, the new Pope Pius IV ordered all nude figures painted fig leaf or clothing. Later, people will be ordered by the painter jokingly called “underwear manufacturers“.

  Magnificent architectural design

  Michelangelo in his later years with great enthusiasm into the architectural art, and has profound knowledge, so he has become the Italian Renaissance one of the most famous architects.

  Michelangelo made a great contribution to the construction of the St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, where he was involved in the design and hosting of the project. He designed the church for the diameter of 42.34 meters of the huge circular dome is not only magnificent, but also from the local to the whole are masterpieces of fine art. The building of St. Peter’s Cathedral was vast until it was completed in 1626. It is regrettable that Michelangelo was unable to see his own work. For centuries, it was difficult for countless visitors to board the big dome when all the wonder: Michelangelo was great!

  On the Roman Camposio hill, which is connected to the Roman ruins, Michelangelo designed the Roman city hall complex, which is the perfect representative of the Renaissance palace architecture.


  米开朗基罗是意大利文艺复兴时期最著名的艺术家之一,那么米开朗基罗什么时候成名的?下面是我为你 收集 整理的米开朗基罗什么时候成名的,希望对你有帮助!
  25岁对于现在的很多人来说,可能从大学校园走出来时间不长,也可能刚参加工作不久。但米开朗基罗25岁的时候已经在罗马名声大噪了,势不可挡地成为 雕刻 界一颗冉冉升起的巨星。

  哀悼基督》的问世让25岁的米开朗基罗风光无限、衣锦还乡,这一切与他多彩的童年是密不可分的。他很小的时候就被寄养在一个石匠的家里,周围所处的环境不是山里就是采石场。所以他渐渐熟悉了雕刻所需的工具并掌握了高超的石刻技术,他对石头非常敏感。13岁那年他又被送到画坊学画,同样以很快的速度掌握了 绘画 技巧,很多人都觉得他是天才。几年后,他开始了雕塑的创作。由于他天赋异禀加上备受器重,他的雕塑水平得到了突飞猛进的发展。



  米开朗基罗艺术成就二:再者米开朗基罗在绘画方面也有着不俗的成就。作为一位画家,米开朗基罗无论从他传世作品的质量,还是对历代画家的影响来看,都是无与伦比的。他为装饰罗马西斯廷教堂天花板那套巨型 壁画 《创世纪》和《最后的审判》被真正地誉为是历代最伟大的艺术成就之一。




猜你感 兴趣 :

1. 画家米开朗基罗是哪个时期的

2. 拉斐尔的死因是什么




























