


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2022-11-21 13:48:59 浏览73 评论0








1、Harry James Potter

哈利·波特(Harry James Potter),该作主角,生于1980年7月31日,是巫师夫妇詹姆·波特和莉莉·波特的独生子。

2、Hermione Jean Granger

赫敏·格兰杰(Hermione Jean Granger),生于1979年9月19日,出身一个麻瓜家庭。在书中以一个喜好钻研学术及无所不知的聪明女孩形象出现,有时显得独断专行,她的知识在他们许多的冒险旅程中证明有用。

3、Ronald Bilius “Ron“ Weasley

罗恩·韦斯莱(Ronald Bilius “Ron“ Weasley),生于1980年3月1日,哈利在霍格沃茨最要好的朋友,书中的喜剧角色。韦斯莱家族是古老的纯血统家族,他们都拥有一头火焰般的红发。

4、Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

阿不思·邓布利多(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore),变形术教授兼霍格沃茨魔法学校校长,被公认为是当代最伟大的巫师,哈利最尊敬的人之一。第六卷时为了得到魂器牺牲。

5、Severus Snape

西弗勒斯·斯内普(Severus Snape),魔药课教授,斯莱特林学院院长,哈利六年级黑魔法防御术教授。在莉莉死后就成为凤凰社正式成员,在伏地魔要杀死哈利父母前是食死徒,之后为邓布利多的密探。邓布利多死后升为校长。深爱着莉莉·伊万斯。

6、Minerva McGonagall

米勒娃·麦格(Minerva McGonagall),变形术教授兼霍格沃茨魔法学校副校长和格兰芬多学院院长,并在最后邓布利多和斯内普死后成为校长。

7、Rubeus Hagrid

鲁伯·海格(Rubeus Hagrid),保护神奇生物课教授、猎场看守、钥匙管理员。



9、Gilderoy Lockhart

吉德罗·洛哈特(Gilderoy Lockhart),哈利二年级时的黑魔法防御术课教授。其实是个大骗子,把别的魔法师的成就算在自己身上,然后对对方施用遗忘咒,使对方忘记,后被自己的遗忘咒反弹,住在圣芒戈。

10、Remus John Lupin

莱姆斯·卢平(Remus John Lupin),哈利三年级时的黑魔法防御术课教授,狼人。当年格兰芬多“劫盗者”四人组成员,哈利·波特父亲的好友,第一次凤凰社成员。


When Ginny Kissed Harry很好听哦!哈利波特与魔法石01_Prologue02_Harry’s Wondrous World03_The Arrival Of Baby Harry04_Visit To The Zoo And Letters From Hogwarts05_Diagon Alley And The Gringotts Vault06_Platform Nine-And-Three-Quarters And The Journey To Hogwarts07_Entry Into The Great Hall And The Banquet08_Mr. Longbottom Flies09_Hogwarts Forever! And The Moving Stairs10_The Norwegian Ridgeback And A Change Of Season11_The Quidditch Match12_Christmas At Hogwarts13_The Invisibility Cloak And The Library Scene14_Fluffy’s Harp15_In The Devil’s Snare And The Flying Keys16_The Chess Game17_The Face Of Voldemort18_Leaving Hogwarts19_Hedwig’s Theme哈利波特与密室01. Prologue: Book II And The Escape From The Dursleys02. Fawkes The Phoenix03. The Chamber Of Secrets04. Gilderoy Lockhart05. The Flying Car06. Knockturn Alley07. Introducing Colin08. The Dueling Club09. Dobby The House Elf10. The Spiders11. Moaning Myrtle12. Meeting Aragog13. Fawkes Is Reborn14. Meeting Tom Riddle15. Cornish Pixies16. Polyjuice Potion17. Cakes For Crabbe And Goyle18. Dueling The Basilisk19. Reunion Of Friends20. Harry’s Wondrous World哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒1. Lumos! (Hedwig’s Theme) (1:37)2. Aunt Marge’s Waltz (2:15)3. The Knight Bus (2:52)4. Apparition on the Train (2:15)5. Double Trouble (1:37)6. Buckbeak’s Flight (2:08)7. A Window to the Past (3:54)8. The Whomping Willow and The Snowball Fight (2:22)9. Secrets of the Castle (2:32)10. The Portrait Gallery (2:05)11. Hagrid the Professor (1:59)12. Monster Books and Boggarts! (2:26)13. Quidditch, Third Year (3:47)14. Lupin’s Transformation and Chasing Scabbers (3:01)15. The Patronus Light (1:12)16. The Werewolf Scene (4:25)17. Saving Buckbeak (6:39)18. Forward to Time Past (2:33)19. The Dementors Converge (3:12)20. Finale (3:24)21. Mischief Managed! (12:15)哈利波特与火焰杯1. Story Continues2. Frank Dies3. Quidditch World Cup4. Dark Mark5. Foreign Visitors Arrive6. Goblet of Fire7. Rita Skeeter8. Sirius Fire9. Harry Sees Dragons10. Golden Egg11. Neville’s Waltz12. Harry in Winter13. Potter Waltz14. Underwater Secrets15. Black Lake16. Hogwarts’ March17. Maze18. Voldemort19. Death of Cedric20. Another Year Ends21. Hogwarts Hymn22. Do The Hippogriff23. This Is The Night24. Magic Works哈利·波特与凤凰社01. Fireworks02. Professor Umbridge03. Another Story04. Dementors in the Underpass05. Dumbledore’s Army06. The Hall of Prophecies07. Possession08. The Room of Requirements09. The Kiss10. A Journey to Hogwarts11. The Sirius Deception12. Death of Sirius13. Umbridge Spoils a Beautiful Morning14. Darkness Takes Over15. The Ministry of Magic16. The Sacking of Trelawny17. Flight of the Order of the Phoenix18. Loved Ones and Leaving哈利·波特与混血王子01. Opening (2:54)02. In Noctem (2:01)03. The Story Begins (2:05)04. Ginny (1:31)05. Snape & The Unbreakable Vow (2:51)06. Wizard Wheezes (1:43)07. Dumbledore’s Speech (1:32)08. Living Death (1:55)09. Into The Pensieve (1:46)10. The Book (1:45)11. Ron’s Victory (1:45)12. Harry & Hermione (2:53)13. School (1:05)14. Malfoy’s Mission (2:54)15. The Slug Party (2:11)16. Into The Rushes (2:33)17. Farewell Aragog (2:08)18. Dumbledore’s Foreboding (1:19)19. Of Love & War (1:18)20. When Ginny Kissed Harry (2:38)21. Slughorn’s Confession (3:33)22. Journey To The Cave (3:08)23. The Drink Of Despair (2:45)24. Inferi In The Firestorm (1:53)25. The Killing Of Dumbledore (3:35)26. Dumbledore’s Farewell (2:22)27. The Friends (2:01)28. The Weasley Stomp (2:49)