
amendments 如何 准备


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2022-11-17 16:09:02 浏览96 评论0




1. INZ1104表格

此表格中包含了申请人在递交EOI时填报的信息,如有其它增补或修改的信息,可以在此表的Amendments or New Information部分进行增补。同时,在这份申请表中,申请人和全部副申请人,需要提供符合要求的彩色照片以及本次申请费2710纽币(当年数额)的详细付款方式和信息。

2. INZ1209表


3. 出生证明


4. 护照


5. 体检报告


6. 无犯罪证明


7. 英语成绩


8. 工作合同


9. INZ1235表格


10. 学历


11. 过往工作经验证明材料


12. 配偶关系证明材料



AC=amendments corrigendum A1=amendments 1 其实就是欧盟标准的增补内容!



The following is a step-by-step description of a typical Letter of Credit transaction:

1. An Importer (Buyer) and Exporter (Seller) agree on a purchase and sale of goods where payment is made by Letter of Credit.

2. The Importer completes an application requesting its bank (Issuing Bank) to issue a Letter of Credit in favour of the Exporter. Note that the Importer must have a line of credit with the Issuing Bank in order to request that a Letter of Credit be issued.

3. The Issuing Bank issues the Letter of Credit and sends it to the Advising Bank by telecommunication or registered mail in accordance with the Importer’s instructions. A request may be included for the Advising Bank to add its confirmation The Advising Bank is typically located in the country where the Exporter carries on business and may be the Exporter’s bank but it does not have be.

4. The Advising Bank will verify the Letter of Credit for authenticity and send a copy to the Exporter.

5. The Exporter examines the Letter of Credit to ensure: a) it corresponds to the terms and conditions in the purchase and sale agreement; b) documents stipulated in the Letter of Credit can be produced; and c) the terms and conditions of the Letter of Credit may be fulfilled.

6. If the Exporter is unable to comply with any term or condition of the Letter of Credit or if the Letter of Credit differs from the purchase and sale agreement, the Exporter should immediately notify the Importer and request an amendment to the Letter of Credit.

7. When all parties agree to the amendments, they are incorporated into the terms of the Letter of Credit and advised to the Exporter through the Advising Bank. It is recommended that the Exporter does not make any shipments against the Letter of Credit until the required amendments have been received. 8. The Exporter arranges for shipment of the goods, prepares and/or obtains the documents specified in the Letter of Credit and makes demand under the Letter of Credit by presenting the documents within the stated period and before the expiry date to the “available with” Bank. This may be the Advising/Confirming Bank. That bank checks the documents against the Letter of Credit and forwards them to the Issuing Bank. The drawing is negotiated, paid or accepted as the case may be.

9. The Issuing Bank examines the documents to ensure they comply with the Letter of Credit terms and conditions. The Issuing Bank obtains payment from the Importer for payment already made to the “available with” or the Confirming Bank.

10. Documents are delivered to the Importer to allow them to take possession of the goods from the transport company. The trade cycle is complete as the Importer has received its goods and the Exporter has obtained payment. Note: In the diagram below, the Advising Bank is also acting as the Confirming Bank.




CLIA是Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments的缩写,即临床检验改进修正计划。CLIA实验室主要有三个机构监管,分别是医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心(CMS)、疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)、美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)。


B:CDC负责指导CLIA相关研究,并为CMS提供科学及技术支持和咨询服务。 C:FDA负责对临床实验室检测项目进行分类;管理某些诊断试剂/材料、实验室信息系统使用的某些软件;并监管体外诊断试剂盒上市。

通过CLIA认证,意味着临床实验室试验结果的准确性、可靠性和时效性都将得到CLIA国际标准的认可,从而为其承接更多临床试验项目铺平道路。也意味着CLIA实验室能够根据市场的现实需求,可以快速的开发LDTs(lab developed test)并使之在临床上得到应用以给予临床指导。目前,美国有近80%的实验室通过了CLIA认证,CLIA认证自从1992年实行来,目前全美有23.2万家实验室获得该项资质。 二.什么是CAP认证

常说的CAP(COLLEGE OF AMERICAN PATHOLOGISTS)认证是指由美国病理学会对临检实验室进行的认可活动,认可依据的标准是CAP自己制定的文件,主要参照了美国临检中心(NCCLS)的业务标准和操作指南。

CAP是专由临床检验学家和病理学家组成的联合会,被公认为是医学实验室质量保证的领导者之一。CAP的一个重要内容就是向世界各地的参与实验室开展能力验证活动(Proficiency Testing, PT也称为室间质评)。通过室间质评和实验室实地评审进行CAP认证。CAP认证依据是CAP自己制定的标准,即评审检查要点(CHECKLIST),它主要参照了CLIA-88 的标准和美国的法律法规。CAP的室间质评结果是作为医学实验室执业许可或认证的依据。目前(2009年底) 全球已有200多个国家和地区的公立和私立实验室通过了CAP认证,中国现有11家实验室通过了CAP认证,其中4家为医院检验科,7家为商业实验室。 三.CLIA和CAP认证的区别

