请问在美式拳击比赛中, “ring 8”,和“fight card”是什么意思
fight card 是“比赛名单的意思,也就是对阵名单”(其中也会有实力分析,比赛预测等信息)。ring 8 是“Ring 8 was created by the Veterans Boxers Association to help former boxers down on their luck.ring 8是由退役拳手协会创建来帮助过气拳手维持生计(luck应该在这翻译生计吧)。 The organization also has strong ties to the Daily News Golden Gloves.该组织还与每日新闻金手套有牢固的关系。For more than a dozen years now, Ring 8 has played host to Golden Gloves shows at the Elks Lodge on Queens Blvd.在过去十几年来,在皇后大道埃尔克斯洛奇ring 8已举办过(一些)金手套表演赛。 in Elmhurst.在艾姆赫斯特。 The events have also benefited USA Boxing-Metro, the sanctioning body for amateurs.该事件也得益于美国拳击新城,为业余爱好者制裁的身体。 ”翻译水平有限,反正就是这么个意思,你问的还真专业。
1 描述“一群”
一群人 a crowd / group / team of people;an army of people
一群牛、象、马、天鹅 a herd of cattle / elephants / horses / swans
一群鸟、鹅、母鸡、羊、燕子 a flock of birds / geese / hens / goats / swallows
一群猎狗、狼 a pack of hounds / wolves
2 描述“一丝”、“一缕”或“一层“
一丝怀疑 a shadow of doubt
一丝微笑 a wisp of a smile
一缕月光 a streak of moonlight
一缕烟 a wisp of smoke
一层霜/雪/奶油 a layer of frost / snow / cream
3 描述“一阵”
一阵哭泣 a burst of tears
一阵笑声 a burst of laughter
一阵喝彩 a burst of cheers
一阵炮击 a burst of gunfire
一阵雷声 a burst of thunder
一阵瓢泼大雨 a flood of rain
一阵夸夸其谈 a flood of boasts
4 神奇的piece
a piece of bread / paper / wood / furniture / land / advice / news / meat / cloth / music
5 a pair of
在英语中,成双成对的物品一般需要用a pair of:
一副眼镜 a pair of glasses
一把剪刀 a pair of scissors
一条裤子 a pair of trousers / pants
一把剪钳 a pair of pliers
一双筷子 a pair of chopsticks
a drop of water 一滴水
a flood of moonlight 一片月光
a flood of people 人潮如涌
a flood of words 口若悬河
a flood of tears 泪如泉涌
a cube of sugar 一块方糖
a layer of rock 一层岩石
a cloud of smoke 一团烟雾
a beam of light 一束光线
a blade of grass 一片草叶
a block of wood 一块木头
a cone of ice cream 一个蛋卷冰淇淋
a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力
a stack of hay 一堆干草
a loaf of bread 一个面包
a grain of rice 一粒米
a cake of soap 一块肥皂
a dash of salt 一撮盐
a coil of wire 一卷电线
a roll of tobacco 一卷烟草
a ball of wool 一个毛线球
a glimmer of hope 一线希望
a thread of courage 一点勇气
a handful of corn 一把玉米
a handful of people 少数几个人
a group of houses 一片房子
a batch of dogs 一群狗
a brood of chicks 一窝小鸡
a school of fish 一群鱼
a gang of elks 一群驼鹿
a gust of wind 一股风
a train of thoughts 一连串的想法