
barge an ou

求lay with you歌词~ Faith Evans El Debarge唱得~?其它星球的深海热液喷口,有无孕育出生命的可能

jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2022-11-10 08:57:01 浏览65 评论0



求lay with you歌词~ Faith Evans El Debarge唱得~

Lay With You (躺在你身边) - El Debarge

Oh baby

Just wanna lay right here with you

Baby I just wanna lay with you

I know you have work

But I would love for you to stay with me

For a little while longer

I'm asking a lot but I don't want you to go away

Cause I can't get you out of my mind girl

I could just look at you

All day long

Your beautiful smile I just

Can't go wrong

And only if you didn't have to leave

You could relax and chill with me

Let's not leave the house today

I just wanna lay with you with your body close to mine

Room service will be on their way

I just wanna lay with you

I can't get enough of you girl

Oh baby

You're making it hard for me to leave

Wish I wouldn't have to go

So next time I'm around let's hope it will rain

So we could just stay in

Cause I just wanna lay with you

If I could just look at you

All day long

Your beautiful smile I just

Can't go wrong

And only if you didn't have to leave

We could relax and just chill in these sheets

Let's not leave the house today

I just wanna lay with you with your body close to mine

Room service will be on the way

I just wanna lay with you

I can't get enough of you girl

Uhhhhh one night with you is like Heaven

Like Heaven

I don't wanna go from here

Oh baby

Kissing your neck while you're sleeping


Laying with me

Let's not leave the house today

I just wanna lay with you with your body close to mine

Room service will be on their way

I just wanna lay with you

I can't get enough of you girl

Let's not leave the house today

I just wanna lay with you I just wanna lay with ya baby

Ad-lib as song fades out


如果生命能够在地球最深处的海洋中茁壮成长, 那么在宇宙的其它地方,是否也有着同样的可能。


虽然他们还在努力解决如何在实验室中重现深海状况的想法,但大约 40 亿年前的发现,已经证实了海底是形成生命的基石。

【土卫二深处或拥有孕育生命的热液海洋,图自:NASA JPL-Caltech】



未参与这项研究的新西兰 GNS Science 海洋微生物学家 Lucy Stewart 表示 —— 从专业角度来看,热液喷口确实符合生命形成的最佳假设。

由 Laurie Barge 带领的 JPL 天体生物学家,也在思考同样的问题。为此,他们在标准的实验室烧杯中,重现了深海的各种条件。

该团队希望,实验能够有助于了解地球早期的生命是如何缓慢融合到一起的,于是研究人员们生产了自己的 Young-Earth-Ocean-A-Glass(杯中的年轻地球海洋)。


随后,他们将混合物加热至 158℉(70℃)、降低氧含量,为它们营造出了条件类似‘原始海洋’的实验室模型。

有关这项研究的详情,已经发表在 2 月 25 日的《美国国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)上。其表明,实验室中的模拟热液喷口,确实可以形成生命积木的重要一环 —— 氨基酸。

在早期的地球‘水族馆’中,产生了一种值得留意的氨基酸 —— 丙氨酸 —— 该分子被认为在蛋白质的合成中至关重要。



Barge 表示:我们已经证明了类似于早期地球的地质条件,所以在其它行星上,也可能在温度等条件适宜的海底,存在着形成氨基酸和α-羟基酸的简单反应。

需要指出的是,NASA 研究团队并未在实验室中创造出‘生命’本身,只是展示了深海热液喷口有孕育出最终生命形态的可能。Stewart 表示:

研究生命起源的科学家们,仍在研究简单的有机化合物和生命体之间的联系。但在了解了海底热液喷口的情况之后,我们或对 40 亿年前的生命起源,有了更深入的了解。




Barge 解释到:“理解生命起源所需的条件,可以帮助我们在宇宙中缩小搜寻潜在生命的范围。

原标题为《Redox and pH gradients drive amino acid synthesis in iron oxyhydroxide mineral systems》