
gregsmith 回答


jnlyseo998998 jnlyseo998998 发表于2022-09-05 13:39:38 浏览79 评论0







If the university is going to make somechanges to improve students’ life, which do you think universityshould change and why?

a. Cafeteria

b. Swimming pool

c. Student dorm



NewLibrary Workspaces

Saygood-bye to the big, multi person study tables in Turner library.This summer, the tables will be exchanged for new personal studycubicles—small, one-person desks enclosed by walls. These new unitswill allow students to have privacy and work in isolation and willtherefore eliminate noise in the library so students can concentrate.Additionally, the cubicles will enable the library to accommodate therecent increase in the number of students attending our university.Although the current tables seat six students each, they make pooruse of available floor space. The cubicles, on the other hand, aredesigned for maximum space efficiency, and the library can thereforeadd 50 new seats.

(man) They’re making a mistake.

(woman) What do you mean?

(man) Look, They’re trying to do away with distractions so that we can study better. But withthis change, we won’t have anywhere in the library to get together to work on group projects.

(woman) True. Group project work is common these days.

(man) So, instead of buying these new units. They should use the money to build meetingrooms, and that would reduce any noise in the main library areas.

(woman) Yeah, that’s what we could really use. There’s just not as much need to work inisolation.

(man) Exactly. And the other thing is, what’s this about overcrowding? Well, sure we have morestudents enrolled in the university this year, but do we really have a problem withovercrowding?

(woman) I don’t think so. I always get a whole tableto myself.

(man) Right. I see empty tables there all the time. It’ll just be a waste of money to replacewhat we have. Since what we have now is sufficient for the amount of students that use thelibrary.





Thesenew units will allow students to have privacy and work in isolationand will therefore eliminate noise in the library so students canconcentrate.


thecubicles will enable the library to accommodate the recent increasein the number of students attending our university.



Withthis change, we won’t have anywhere in the library to get together to work on group projects.And that would reduce any noise in the main library areas.


what we have now is sufficient for the amount of students that use thelibrary.

Close the CampusCoffee house

Ipropose that the university close the campus coffeehouse.Coffeehouses are great, if people actually use them, like tosocialize with friends, while enjoying a cup of coffee and a snack.But students are not using our campus coffeehouse. There are usuallylots of empty tables when I p ass by the place. It’s just a wasteof space that could be used for other things. Also, the food at thecoffeehouse is not very good. The last time I was there, the cakesand muffins my friends and I ordered were dry and didn’t have muchflavor. Sincerely,Greg Smith

(woman) I don’t like his proposal.

(man) Why not? There are never many studentsthere.

(woman) But that’s why I like about it, that it’s nevercrowded.

(man) Really?

(woman) Yeah, so it’s a great place to study. I go there a lot. I’ll read a book or bring my laptopcomputer and work on a paper for class. It’s never very noisy.

(man) You’re able to get work done there?

(woman) Absolutely! In fact, I actually prefer it to the library as a place to study, and a lot ofother students do, too. We even study for our final exams there, and you can eat there whileyou work, something you can’t do with the library.

(man) OK, but you don’t actually like the food there, do you? I mean, he said.

(woman) Well, I don’t think he’s been there recently, I mean, it’s true that it wasn’t that greatin the past, but I think it’s a lot better now.

(man) What’s changed?

(woman) They have a new manager and I guess she’s made some improvements in the qualityof the food. I was there last week and the food was delicious.

(man) Really?

(woman) Yeah, really! And the new manager has also added a lot of really healthful foods andsnacks, so the food doesn’t just taste good now. It’s good for you, too.

(man) Hmm, I’ll have to try the place.





studentsare not using our campus coffeehouse. It’s just a waste of spacethat could be used for other things


thefood at the coffeehouse is not very good.



it’s a great place to study. I go there a lot. I’ll read a book or bring my laptopcomputer and work on a paper for class. We even study for our final exams there, and you can eat there whileyou work.


she’s made some improvements in the qualityof the food.the new manager has also added a lot of really healthful foods andsnacks,so the food doesn’t just taste good now. It’s good for you, too.




Ithink the university should make some changes on the campuscafeteria, especially the food there,because itwill be good for students’health. For example, the foodin my university’s cafeteria is actually not very good. We havecomplaint many times that the meat is often dry and there are too fewvegetables served for students. I think they do needto add healthful foods andsnacks.

Inaddition, many students like to come to the university’s cafeteria,to read books,work on their projects, or get togetherand chat with their friends,so the place should be large enough to hold as many students aspossible. Atleast, we hopenot to have trouble finding a seat in there.

波音是否会重新命名737 Max客机

在波音737 Max客机发生两起导致数百人丧生的坠机事故之后,该机型遭到全球停飞。现在,波音公司表示它可能有一个计划来处理737 Max客机引发的信任危机问题。正如彭博社报道的那样,波音首席财务官格雷格·史密斯(Greg Smith)在本周的巴黎航空展期间接受采访时表示可能会对737 Max客机进行更名。


波音公司在接受采访后发表了一份官方声明,重申其希望让737 Max安全返回飞行服务岗位。该公司还表示目前“没有计划”改变737 Max的名称,但同样值得注意的是该机型仍遭到停飞,因此更名可能不会对他们造成任何好处。

波音公司的第一项业务显然是修复其737 Max客机的任何问题。第二次致命事故发生后的报告显示,“机动特性增强系统”(MCAS)的意外加速俯冲,可能是导致两起致命坠机事故的“非技术原因”,但自从这些报告发布以来的几个月里,细节很难获得。


报导,在波音建议737 MAX飞行员接受模拟器训练后,几十家国际航空公司紧急预订进行737 MAX模拟器训练的时机,而训练地点或许远在斐济、冰岛和巴拿马等地。

1月7日,波音建议737 MAX飞行员使用飞行模拟器受到训练,而不是只是使用电脑应用。

波音临时性首席执行官格雷格•史密斯(Greg Smith)在周二的一份声明中表示,“公众、客户和利益相关者对737 Max的信心对我们来说至关重要。基于这一点,波音决定,在让Max飞机安全复飞前,建议所有飞行员结合使用Max飞行模拟器以及计算机进行训练”。





据了解,全世界仅有34台737 MAX飞行模拟器,但来源于54家国际航空公司的飞行员都期望能尽快使用它们。

斐济航空首席运营经理保罗·多尔蒂(Paul Doherty)说,斐济航空公司要花费超过1000万美元购买了737 MAX模拟器,以节省将飞行员送到新加坡、澳大利亚和美国接纳培圳的成本,提升训练效率。

据美国《纽约时报》引述内部人士称,美国波音公司计划建议波音737 Max 飞行员在飞行前报名参加模拟飞行训练,并会迅速将此决定告知每家国际航空公司。

自波音737 Max机型多次空难导致346人死于非命后,该型号已经被全世界监管机构航班取消,美国波音公司已经改善其飞行控制软件,以便让飞机尽早再次交付使用。

虽然设计相似,但737 Max飞控制系统与前一代飞机有了明显不同,其中包含了不完善的“机动特性增强系统”(MCAS),这也是导致两起空难发生的原因。